The [_CLEARCOLOR (function)](_CLEARCOLOR-(function)) function returns the current transparent color of an image or page. ## Syntax > *result&* = [_CLEARCOLOR (function)](_CLEARCOLOR-(function)) [Source_Handle&] ## Description * If Source_Handle& is omitted, it is assumed to be the current [_DEST](_DEST) write page. * If Source_Handle& is an invalid handle value(-1), then an [ERROR Codes](ERROR-Codes) is returned. * In color modes using a palette, the index of the current transparent color value is returned, or -1 if no transparent color is set. * In 32-bit color modes, zero is returned. * Returns the color that currently is transparent, or if no color is transparent -1 without error. * A [_CLEARCOLOR](_CLEARCOLOR) statement can set the transparent color of an image or screen. * **NOTE: Default 32 bit backgrounds are clear black or [_RGBA](_RGBA)(0, 0, 0, 0). Use [CLS](CLS) to make the black opaque.** ## See Also * [_CLEARCOLOR](_CLEARCOLOR) (sets a clear color) * [_SETALPHA](_SETALPHA) (sets color transparency) * [Images](Images)