The [_MAPUNICODE](_MAPUNICODE) function returns the [Unicode](Unicode) (UTF-32) code point value of a mapped [ASCII](ASCII) character code. ## Syntax > utfValue& = [_MAPUNICODE](_MAPUNICODE)(asciiCode%) ## Description * UTF-32 values have 4-byte encoding so the return variable should be [LONG](LONG). * The asciiCode% can be any [INTEGER](INTEGER) value from 0 to 255. * Returns can be used to verify or catalog the present Unicode mapping. * The function returns Unicode values for the control characters, CHR$(127) and extended characters without mapping them first. ## Example(s) Store function return values in an array for ASCII codes 0 to 255 to restore them later. ```vb DIM Unicode&(255) SCREEN 0 _FONT _LOADFONT("C:\Windows\Fonts\Cour.ttf", 20, "MONOSPACE") 'select monospace font FOR ascii = 0 TO 255 Unicode&(ascii) = _MAPUNICODE(ascii) 'read Unicode values PRINT Unicode&(ascii); 'display values in demo NEXT 'rest of program END ``` ## See Also * [_MAPUNICODE](_MAPUNICODE) (statement) * [Unicode](Unicode), [Code Pages](Code-Pages) (by region) * [ASCII](ASCII), [CHR$](CHR$), [ASC](ASC) * [Text Using Graphics](Text-Using-Graphics)