The [_SHR](_SHR) function is used to shift the bits of a numerical value to the right. ## Syntax > result = [_SHR](_SHR)(numericalVariable, numericalValue) ## Parameter(s) * numericalVariable is the variable to shift the bits of and can be of the following types: [INTEGER](INTEGER), [LONG](LONG), [_INTEGER64](_INTEGER64), or [_BYTE](_BYTE). * Integer values can be signed or [_UNSIGNED](_UNSIGNED). * numericalValue the number of places to shift the bits. * While 0 is a valid value it will have no affect on the variable being shifted. ## Description * Allows for division of a value by 2 faster than normal division (see example 2 below). * Bits that reach the end of a variables bit count are dropped. * The type of variable used to store the results should match the type of the variable being shifted. * NOTE: When dealing with SIGNED variables, shifting the bits right will leave the sign bit set. This is due to how C++ deals with bit shifting under the hood. ## Availability * Version 1.3 and up. ## Example(s) ```vb A~%% = 128 'set left most bit of an_UNSIGNED _BYTE PRINT A~%% PRINT _SHR(A~%%,7) PRINT _SHR(A~%%,8) 'shift the bit off the right 'edge' ``` ```text 128 1 0 ``` ```vb A~%% = 128 FOR I%% = 0 TO 8 PRINT _SHR(A~%%, I%%) NEXT I%% ``` ```text 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0 ``` ## See Also * [_SHL](_SHL), [INTEGER](INTEGER), [LONG](LONG) * [_BYTE](_BYTE), [_INTEGER64](_INTEGER64)