The [_TOGGLEBIT](_TOGGLEBIT) function is used to toggle a specified bit of a numerical value. ## Syntax > result = [_TOGGLEBIT](_TOGGLEBIT)(numericalVariable, numericalValue) ## Parameter(s) * numericalVariable is the variable to toggle the bit of and can be of the following types: [_BYTE](_BYTE), [INTEGER](INTEGER), [LONG](LONG), or [_INTEGER64](_INTEGER64). * Integer values can be signed or [_UNSIGNED](_UNSIGNED). * numericalValue the number of the bit to be set. ## Description * Can be used to manually manipulate individual bits of an integer value by toggling their state. * A bit set to 1 is changed to 0 and a bit set to 0 is changed to 1. * Bits start at 0 (so a [_BYTE](_BYTE) has bits 0 to 7, [INTEGER](INTEGER) 0 to 15, and so on) ## Availability * Version 1.4 and up. ## Example(s) *Example 1:* ```vb A~%% = 0 '_UNSIGNED _BYTE PRINT A~%% A~%% = _TOGGLEBIT(A~%%,4) 'toggle the fourth bit of A~%% PRINT A~%% A~%% = _TOGGLEBIT(A~%%,4) 'toggle the fourth bit of A~%% PRINT A~%% ``` ```text 0 16 0 ``` ## See Also * [_SHL](_SHL), [_SHR](_SHR), [INTEGER](INTEGER), [LONG](LONG) * [_SETBIT](_SETBIT), [_BYTE](_BYTE), [_INTEGER64](_INTEGER64) * [_RESETBIT](_RESETBIT), [_READBIT](_READBIT)