The [^](^) operation raises a numerical value to an exponential value expressing how many times the value is multiplied by itself. ## Syntax > return_value = number [^](^) {whole_exponent|(fractional_exponent)} ## Description * The number value can be any type literal or variable numerical value. * Exponents can be any positive or negative integer or fractional numerical value inside of parenthesis brackets. * If the exponent is zero, the value returned is 1. * Fractional(or decimal point) exponents MUST be enclosed in **() brackets** and will return the fractional exponential root of a value. * Exponential operations are done first in the QBasic order of operations. * The square root of a number can be returned by the [SQR](SQR) function or by using an exponent of (1 [/](/) 2). Brackets required. * Values returned may be expressed using exponential or [Scientific notation](Scientific-notation) using **E** for SINGLE or **D** for DOUBLE precision. * WARNING: Exponential returns may exceed numerical type limitations and create an [ERROR Codes](ERROR-Codes)! ## Example(s) Getting the cube root of a number. ```vb INPUT "Enter a number to calculate it's cube root: ", num$ number! = VAL(num$) 'gets single number value cuberoot# = number! ^ (1 / 3) PRINT cuberoot# 'double type variable for accuracy ``` *Details:* The value returned will most likely be a [SINGLE](SINGLE) or [DOUBLE](DOUBLE) value. Make sure that the return variable type matches the likely program operations! ```text Enter a number to calculate it's cube root: 144 5.241482788417793 ``` ## See Also * [SQR](SQR), [Mathematical Operations](Mathematical-Operations)