The **_FREEIMAGE** statement releases the designated file image created by the [_LOADIMAGE](_LOADIMAGE), [_NEWIMAGE](_NEWIMAGE) or [_COPYIMAGE](_COPYIMAGE) functions from memory when they are no longer needed. ## Syntax > [_FREEIMAGE](_FREEIMAGE) [handle&] ## Description * If handle& is omitted, the current destination image is freed from memory. * Freeing the destination image or source image will result in the display page being selected instead. * **Invalid image handle values of -1 or 0 cannot be freed or an [ERROR Codes](ERROR-Codes) will occur.** Check the handle value first. * **[SCREEN](SCREEN) modes in use cannot be freed or an [ERROR Codes](ERROR-Codes) will occur.** Change SCREEN modes before freeing. * Once a specific image handle is no longer used or referenced by your program, it can be freed with [_FREEIMAGE](_FREEIMAGE). * **Images are not deallocated when the [SUB](SUB) or [FUNCTION](FUNCTION) they are created in ends. Free them with [_FREEIMAGE](_FREEIMAGE).** * **It is important to free unused or unneeded images with [_FREEIMAGE](_FREEIMAGE) to prevent memory overflow errors.** * **Do not try to free image handles currently being used as the active [SCREEN](SCREEN). Change screen modes first.** ## Example(s) Loading a program splash screen and freeing image when no longer necessary: ```vb s& = _LOADIMAGE("SPLASH.BMP",32) 'load 32 bit(24 BPP) image IF s& < -1 THEN SCREEN s& 'use image as a 32 bit SCREEN _DELAY 6 'display splash screen for 6 seconds SCREEN 0 'MUST change screen mode before freeing a SCREEN image! IF s& < -1 THEN _FREEIMAGE s& 'handle value MUST be less than -1 or error! CLS ``` > *Note:* A valid image file name must be used by [_LOADIMAGE](_LOADIMAGE) or the invalid handle memory value will not need to be freed. ## See Also * [_NEWIMAGE](_NEWIMAGE) * [_LOADIMAGE](_LOADIMAGE) * [_SCREENIMAGE](_SCREENIMAGE) * [_COPYIMAGE](_COPYIMAGE)