The [_SNDLOOP](_SNDLOOP) statement is like [_SNDPLAY](_SNDPLAY) but the sound is looped. Uses a handle from the [_SNDOPEN](_SNDOPEN) function. ## Syntax > [_SNDLOOP](_SNDLOOP) handle& ## Description * Plays the sound identified by handle& in a loop. ## Example(s) Loading a sound or music file and playing it in a loop until a key is pressed. ```vb bg = _SNDOPEN("back.ogg") '<<<<<<<<<< change to your sound file name _SNDLOOP bg DO _LIMIT 10 'keep CPU resources used low LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" 'key press program exit _SNDSTOP bg _SNDCLOSE bg ``` ## See Also * [_SNDOPEN](_SNDOPEN), [_SNDSTOP](_SNDSTOP)