@rem This batch script has been updated to download and get the latest copy of mingw binaries from: @rem https://github.com/niXman/mingw-builds-binaries/releases @rem So the filenames in 'url' variable should be updated to the latest stable builds as and when they are available @rem @rem This also grabs a copy of 7-Zip command line extraction utility from https://www.7-zip.org/a/7zr.exe @rem to extact the 7z mingw binary archive @rem @rem Both files are downloaded using 'curl'. Once downloaded, the archive is extracted to the correct location @rem and then both the archive and 7zr.exe are deleted @rem @rem Copyright (c) 2022, Samuel Gomes @rem https://github.com/a740g @rem @echo off rem Enable cmd extensions and exit if not present setlocal enableextensions if errorlevel 1 ( echo Error: Command Prompt extensions not available! goto end ) echo QB64 Setup echo. rem Change to the correct drive letter %~d0 rem Change to the correct path cd %~dp0 del /q /s internal\c\libqb\*.o >nul 2>nul del /q /s internal\c\libqb\*.a >nul 2>nul del /q /s internal\c\parts\*.o >nul 2>nul del /q /s internal\c\parts\*.a >nul 2>nul del /q /s internal\temp\*.* >nul 2>nul rem Check if the C++ compiler is there and skip downloading if it exists if exist internal\c\c_compiler\bin\c++.exe goto skipccompsetup rem Create the c_compiler directory that should contain the mingw binaries mkdir internal\c\c_compiler rem Check the processor type and then set the MINGW variable to correct mingw filename reg Query "HKLM\Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0" | find /i "x86" > NUL && set MINGW=mingw32 || set MINGW=mingw64 rem Set the correct file to download based on processor type if "%MINGW%"=="mingw64" ( set url="https://github.com/niXman/mingw-builds-binaries/releases/download/12.1.0-rt_v10-rev3/x86_64-12.1.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v10-rev3.7z" ) else ( set url="https://github.com/niXman/mingw-builds-binaries/releases/download/12.1.0-rt_v10-rev3/i686-12.1.0-release-win32-sjlj-rt_v10-rev3.7z" ) echo Downloading %url%... curl -L %url% -o temp.7z echo Downloading 7zr.exe... curl -L https://www.7-zip.org/a/7zr.exe -o 7zr.exe echo Extracting C++ Compiler... 7zr.exe x temp.7z -y echo Moving C++ compiler... for /f %%a in ('dir %MINGW% /b') do move /y "%MINGW%\%%a" internal\c\c_compiler\ echo Cleaning up.. rd %MINGW% del 7zr.exe del temp.7z :skipccompsetup echo Building library 'LibQB' cd internal/c/libqb/os/win if exist libqb_setup.o del libqb_setup.o call setup_build.bat cd ../../../../.. echo Building library 'FreeType' cd internal/c/parts/video/font/ttf/os/win if exist src.o del src.o call setup_build.bat cd ../../../../../../../.. echo Building library 'Core:FreeGLUT' cd internal/c/parts/core/os/win if exist src.a del src.a call setup_build.bat cd ../../../../../.. echo Building 'QB64' copy internal\source\*.* internal\temp\ >nul copy source\qb64.ico internal\temp\ >nul copy source\icon.rc internal\temp\ >nul cd internal\c c_compiler\bin\windres.exe -i ..\temp\icon.rc -o ..\temp\icon.o c_compiler\bin\g++ -mconsole -s -Wfatal-errors -w -Wall qbx.cpp libqb\os\win\libqb_setup.o ..\temp\icon.o -D DEPENDENCY_LOADFONT parts\video\font\ttf\os\win\src.o -D DEPENDENCY_SOCKETS -D DEPENDENCY_NO_PRINTER -D DEPENDENCY_ICON -D DEPENDENCY_NO_SCREENIMAGE parts\core\os\win\src.a -lopengl32 -lglu32 -mwindows -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -D GLEW_STATIC -D FREEGLUT_STATIC -lws2_32 -lwinmm -lgdi32 -o "..\..\qb64.exe" cd ..\.. echo. echo Launching 'QB64' qb64 echo. pause