@echo off echo This batch is an admin tool to return QB64 to its pre-setup state pause echo Purging temp folders rmdir /s /q temp,temp2,temp3,temp4,temp5,temp6,temp7,temp8,temp9 2>nul echo Replacing main temp folder md temp echo Pruning source folder del source\undo2.bin 2>nul del source\recompile.bat 2>nul del source\debug.bat 2>nul del source\files.txt 2>nul del source\paths.txt 2>nul del source\root.txt 2>nul del source\bookmarks.bin 2>nul del source\recent.bin 2>nul echo Culling precompiled libraries del /s c\libqb\*.o 2>nul del /s c\parts\*.a 2>nul echo Culling temporary copies of qbx.cpp, such as qbx2.cpp del c\qbx2.cpp,c\qbx3.cpp,c\qbx4.cpp,c\qbx5.cpp,c\qbx6.cpp,c\qbx7.cpp,c\qbx8.cpp,c\qbx9.cpp 2>nul echo Culling Windows executable files from root folder del ..\*.exe 2>nul pause