The [CLEAR](CLEAR) statement clears all variable and array element values in a program. ## Syntax > [CLEAR](CLEAR) [, ignored& , ignored&] ## Description * All parameters are optional and ignored by **QB64**. * Normally used to clear all program variable and [Arrays](Arrays) values where numerical values become zero and string values become empty (""). * It does not clear [CONST](CONST) values. * Closes all opened files. * [$DYNAMIC]($DYNAMIC) or [REDIM](REDIM) arrays will need to be [REDIM](REDIM) or an [ERROR Codes](ERROR-Codes) will occur when referenced because they are removed. ## Example(s) Using CLEAR to clear array elements from [STATIC](STATIC) arrays or arrays created using [DIM](DIM). ```vb CLS DIM array(10) 'create a $STATIC array array(5) = 23 PRINT array(5) CLEAR PRINT array(5) ``` > *Note:* If you change DIM to REDIM a "Subscript out of range" error will occur because a [$DYNAMIC]($DYNAMIC) array is removed by CLEAR. ## See Also * [ERASE](ERASE) * [REDIM](REDIM), [_PRESERVE](_PRESERVE) * [Arrays](Arrays), [&B](&B)