**Parenthesis** are used to enclose [SUB](SUB) and [FUNCTION](FUNCTION) parameters or to set the operation order in [Mathematical Operations](Mathematical-Operations). ## Usage > COLOR 14: PRINT [TAB](TAB)(30); "Hello World" ```text Hello World ``` * [SUB](SUB) parameters MUST be enclosed in parenthesis when the [CALL](CALL) statement is used. Do **not** use parenthesis without CALL. * Parenthesis can be used in calculations to determine the order in which math operations are performed when the normal order would not work correctly. Normal operation order is: **1)** exponential, **2)** multiplication or division **3)** addition or subtraction. * Parenthesis can also denote the array index or the dimension size(s) in a [DIM](DIM) statement. * Instead of [BYVAL](BYVAL), use extra parenthesis around sub-procedure call parameters to pass them by value instead of by reference. * Extra pairs of brackets have no effect on the code! If one is missing the IDE should tell you. ## Example(s) Using too many brackets does not harm the code execution as long as they are paired up. ```vb nmb$ = STR$(100) nmb$ = LTRIM$(((RTRIM$(nmb$)))) 'extra bracket pairs do not affect the code PRINT nmb$ ``` ## See Also * [DIM](DIM), DECLARE * [SUB](SUB), [FUNCTION](FUNCTION) * [Arrays](Arrays)