**SOUND** sets frequency and duration of sounds from the internal PC speaker if the computer has one or the sound card in QB64. ## Syntax > SOUND *frequency*, *duration* ## Description * *Frequency* is any literal or variable value from 37 to 32767, but 0 is allowed for delays. * *Duration* is any literal or variable number of [TIMER](TIMER) ticks with a duration of 1/18th second. 18 = one second. * In **QB64** the sound comes from the soundcard and the volume can be adjusted through the OS. ## Error(s) * Low *frequency* values between 0 and 37 will create an [ERROR Codes](ERROR-Codes). * **Warning:** SOUND may not work when the program is not in focus. Use SOUND 0, 0 at sound procedure start to set focus. * **Note:** SOUND 0, 0 will not stop previous **QB64** sounds like it did in QBasic! * SOUND may have clicks or pauses between the sounds generated. [PLAY](PLAY) can be used for musical sounds. ```text ** The Seven Music Octaves ** ** Note Frequency Note Frequency Note Frequency** **1*** D#1 ...... 39 G3 ....... 196 A#5 ...... 932 E1 ....... 41 G#3 ...... 208 B5 ....... 988 F1 ....... 44 A3 ....... 220 **6*** C6 ....... 1047 F#1 ...... 46 A#3 ...... 233 C#6 ...... 1109 G1 ....... 49 B3 ....... 247 D6 ....... 1175 G#1 ...... 51 **4*** C4 ....... 262 D#6 ...... 1245 A1 ....... 55 C#4 ...... 277 E6 ....... 1318 A#1 ...... 58 D4 ....... 294 F6 ....... 1397 B1 ....... 62 D#4 ...... 311 F#6 ...... 1480 **2*** C2 ....... 65 E4 ....... 330 G6 ....... 1568 C#2 ...... 69 F4 ....... 349 G# ....... 1661 D2 ....... 73 F#4 ...... 370 A6 ....... 1760 D#2 ...... 78 G4 ....... 392 A#6 ...... 1865 E2 ....... 82 G#4 ...... 415 B6 ....... 1976 F2 ....... 87 A4 ....... 440 **7*** C7 ....... 2093 F#2 ...... 92 A# ....... 466 C#7 ...... 2217 G2 ....... 98 B4 ....... 494 D7 ....... 2349 G#2 ...... 104 **5*** C5 ....... 523 D#7 ...... 2489 A2 ....... 110 C#5 ...... 554 E7 ....... 2637 A#2 ...... 117 D5 ....... 587 F7 ....... 2794 B2 ....... 123 D#5 ...... 622 F#7 ...... 2960 **3*** C3 ....... 131 E5 ....... 659 G7 ....... 3136 C#3 ...... 139 F5 ....... 698 G#7 ...... 3322 D3 ....... 147 F#5 ...... 740 A7 ....... 3520 D#3 ...... 156 G5 ....... 784 A#7 ...... 3729 E3 ....... 165 G#5 ...... 831 B7 ....... 3951 F3 ....... 175 A5 ....... 880 **8*** C8 ....... 4186 F#3 ...... 185 **# denotes sharp** ``` ## Example(s) Playing the seven octaves based on the base note DATA * 2 ^ (octave - 1). ```vb notes$ = "C C#D D#E F F#G G#A A#B " COLOR 9:LOCATE 5, 20: PRINT "Select an octave (1 - 7) to play (8 quits):" DO DO: octa$ = INKEY$ IF octa$ <> "" THEN IF ASC(octa$) > 48 AND ASC(octa$) < 58 THEN octave% = VAL(octa$): EXIT DO END IF LOOP UNTIL octave% > 7 IF octave% > 0 AND octave% < 8 THEN LOCATE 15, 6: PRINT SPACE$(70) LOCATE 16, 6: PRINT SPACE$(70) COLOR 14: LOCATE 15, 6: PRINT "Octave"; octave%; ":"; RESTORE Octaves FOR i = 1 TO 12 READ note! snd% = CINT(note! * (2 ^ (octave% - 1))) 'calculate note frequency COLOR 14: PRINT STR$(snd%); c0l = POS(0) COLOR 11: LOCATE 16, c0l - 2: PRINT MID$(notes$, 1 + (2 * (i - 1)), 2) LOCATE 15, c0l IF snd% > 36 THEN SOUND snd%, 12 'error if sound value is < 36 _DELAY .8 NEXT END IF LOOP UNTIL octave% > 7 END Octaves: DATA 32.7,34.65,36.71,38.9,41.2,43.65,46.25,49,51.91,55,58.27,61.74 ``` Playing a song called "Bonnie" with [SOUND](SOUND) frequencies. ```vb SCREEN 13 _FULLSCREEN OUT &H3C8, 0: OUT &H3C9, 0: OUT &H3C9, 0: OUT &H3C9, 20 COLOR 1 FOR i% = 1 TO 21 LOCATE 2 + i%, 2: PRINT CHR$(178) LOCATE 2 + i%, 39: PRINT CHR$(178) NEXT i% FOR i% = 2 TO 39 LOCATE 2, i%: PRINT CHR$(223) LOCATE 23, i%: PRINT CHR$(220) NEXT i% COLOR 9 LOCATE 3, 16: PRINT CHR$(34); "MY BONNIE"; CHR$(34) SLEEP 3 FOR i% = 1 TO 34 SELECT CASE i% CASE 1: LOCATE 5, 5 CASE 10: LOCATE 10, 5 CASE 18: LOCATE 15, 5 CASE 27: LOCATE 20, 5 END SELECT READ note%, duration%, word$ SOUND note%, duration%: PRINT word$; NEXT i% SLEEP 2 LOCATE 23, 16: PRINT "Thank You!" SLEEP 4 SYSTEM DATA 392,8,"My ",659,8,"Bon-",587,8,"nie ",523,8,"lies ",587,8,"O-",523,8,"Ver ",440,8,"the " DATA 392,8,"O-",330,32,"cean ",392,8,"My ",659,8,"Bon-",587,8,"nie ",523,8,"lies " DATA 523,8,"O-",494,8,"ver ",523,8,"the ",587,40,"sea ",392,8,"My ",659,8,"Bon-",587,8,"nie" DATA 523,8," lies ",587,8,"O-",523,8,"ver ",440,8,"the ",392,8,"O-",330,32,"cean ",392,8,"Oh " DATA 440,8,"bring ",587,8,"back ",523,8,"my ",494,8,"Bon-",440,8,"nie ",494,8,"to ",523,32,"me..!" ``` ## See Also * [PLAY](PLAY), [BEEP](BEEP) * [_SNDOPEN](_SNDOPEN) (play sound files) * [_SNDRAW](_SNDRAW) (play frequency waves)