** ThirtyTwoBit Screen Shot SUB for QB64 Screen and Image Handles** ## Syntax > ThirtyTwoBit left_column%, top_row%, right_column%, bottom_row%, handle&, new_filename$ * Copies portions or all of a Screen or image using the handle value to a new bitmap. [SAVEIMAGE](SAVEIMAGE) does full screen only! * Make sure the maximum coordinates used are one less than the **screen** image's size or an [ERROR Codes](ERROR-Codes) will occur! * A handle value of 0 will copy the present portion of the main program screen while the screen's handle may hold a previous image. * Can be used with 4, 8 or 24/32 bit colors. 4 BPP = 16 colors, 8 BPP = 256 colors and 24/32 BPP has 16 million colors. ```vb ' ************************************** DEMO CODE ********************************** ' _TITLE "Demo of ThirtyTwoBit SUB by Ted Weissgerber 2010" dst& = _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 32) 'for console bitmap SCREEN dst& PAINT (799, 599), _RGB(180, 180, 180) LINE (7, 15)-(648, 496), _RGB(0, 0, 80), BF INPUT "Enter an image filename: ", filename$ bmp& = _LOADIMAGE(filename$, 256) IF bmp& = -1 THEN BEEP: SYSTEM bitmap& = _NEWIMAGE(_WIDTH(bmp&), _HEIGHT(bmp&), 256) _COPYPALETTE bmp&, bitmap& 'adopt image color settings _PUTIMAGE , bmp&, bitmap& 'place bitmap in screen page _DEST 0: _PUTIMAGE (8, 16), bitmap& 'place screen page in console 'SAVEIMAGE 0, "Savedimage.bmp" ' get full screen image with Galleon's SAVEIMAGE SUB x2% = (_WIDTH(bmp&) - 1) y2% = (_HEIGHT(bmp&) - 1) ThirtyTwoBit 0, 0, x2%, y2%, bmp&, "BobSave.bmp" ' save actual image as BMP ' ********************** END DEMO ********************************* ``` ```text '****************************** Freeware by Bob Seguin ******************************* ' Adapted for QB64 by Ted Weissgerber in 2010 '************************************************************************************* SUB ThirtyTwoBit (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, image&, Filename$) DIM Colors8%(255) IF x1% > x2% THEN SWAP x1%, x2% IF y1% > y2% THEN SWAP y1%, y2% _SOURCE image& pixelbytes& = _PIXELSIZE(image&) IF pixelbytes& = 0 THEN BEEP: EXIT SUB 'no text screens FileType$ = "BM" QB64$ = "QB64" 'free advertiising in reserved bytes IF pixelbytes& = 1 THEN OffsetBITS& = 1078 ELSE OffsetBITS& = 54 'no palette in 24/32 bit InfoHEADER& = 40 PictureWidth& = (x2% - x1%) + 1 PictureDepth& = (y2% - y1%) + 1 NumPLANES% = 1 IF pixelbytes& = 1 THEN BPP% = 8 ELSE BPP% = 24 Compression& = 0 WidthPELS& = 3780 DepthPELS& = 3780 IF pixelbytes& = 1 THEN 'byte padder prevents image skewing NumColors& = 256 'set 256 colors even if they are not used by the screen mode IF (PictureWidth& MOD 4) THEN ZeroPad$ = SPACE$(4 - (PictureWidth& MOD 4)) ELSE '24/32 bit images use 3 bytes for RGB pixel values NumColors& = 0 '24/32 bit say zero IF ((PictureWidth& * 3) MOD 4) THEN ZeroPad$ = SPACE$((4 - ((PictureWidth& * 3) MOD 4))) END IF ImageSize& = (PictureWidth& + LEN(ZeroPad$)) * PictureDepth& FileSize& = ImageSize& + OffsetBITS& f = FREEFILE OPEN Filename$ FOR BINARY AS #f PUT #f, , FileType$ PUT #f, , FileSize& PUT #f, , QB64$ PUT #f, , OffsetBITS& PUT #f, , InfoHEADER& PUT #f, , PictureWidth& PUT #f, , PictureDepth& PUT #f, , NumPLANES% PUT #f, , BPP% PUT #f, , Compression& PUT #f, , ImageSize& PUT #f, , WidthPELS& PUT #f, , DepthPELS& PUT #f, , NumColors& PUT #f, , SigColors& '51 offset IF pixelbytes& = 1 THEN '4 or 8 BPP use 256 color Palette u$ = CHR$(0) FOR c& = 0 TO 255 'PUT as BGR order colors cv& = _PALETTECOLOR(c&, image&) Colr$ = CHR$(_BLUE32(cv&)) PUT #f, , Colr$ Colr$ = CHR$(_GREEN32(cv&)) PUT #f, , Colr$ Colr$ = CHR$(_RED32(cv&)) PUT #f, , Colr$ PUT #f, , u$ 'Unused byte NEXT END IF FOR y% = y2% TO y1% STEP -1 'place bottom up FOR x% = x1% TO x2% c& = POINT(x%, y%) IF pixelbytes& = 1 THEN a$ = CHR$(c&) Colors8%(c&) = 1 ELSE: a$ = LEFT$(MKL$(c&), 3) END IF PUT #f, , a$ NEXT PUT #f, , ZeroPad$ NEXT FOR n = 0 TO 255 IF Colors8%(n) = 1 THEN SigColors& = SigColors& + 1 NEXT n PUT #f, 51, SigColors& CLOSE #f END SUB ``` **This SUB procedure can also be [$INCLUDE]($INCLUDE) in a program!** ## See Also * [_LOADIMAGE](_LOADIMAGE) * [SAVEIMAGE](SAVEIMAGE) (Full image bitmaps) * [Program ScreenShots](Program-ScreenShots) * [ThirtyTwoBit MEM SUB](ThirtyTwoBit-MEM-SUB) * [Bitmaps](Bitmaps)