The [_DISPLAY](_DISPLAY) function returns the handle of the current image that is displayed on the screen. ## Syntax > currentImage& = [_DISPLAY](_DISPLAY) ## Description * Returns the current image handle value that is being displayed. Returns 0 if in the default [SCREEN](SCREEN) image. * Not to be confused with the [_DISPLAY](_DISPLAY) statement that displays the screen when not using [_AUTODISPLAY](_AUTODISPLAY). ## Example(s) Creating a mouse cursor using a page number that **you create** in memory without setting up page flipping. ```vb SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32) 'any graphics mode should work without setting up pages _MOUSEHIDE SetupCursor PRINT "Hello World!" DO: _LIMIT 30 DO WHILE _MOUSEINPUT: LOOP 'main loop must contain _MOUSEINPUT ' other program code LOOP SUB SetupCursor ON TIMER(0.02) UpdateCursor TIMER ON END SUB SUB UpdateCursor PCOPY _DISPLAY, 100 'any page number as desination with the _DISPLAY function as source PSET (_MOUSEX, _MOUSEY), _RGB(0, 255, 0) DRAW "ND10F10L3F5L4H5L3" _DISPLAY 'statement shows image PCOPY 100, _DISPLAY 'with the function return as destination page END SUB ``` *Note:* Works with the **_DISPLAY function** return as the other page. If mouse reads are not crucial, put the [_MOUSEINPUT](_MOUSEINPUT) loop inside of the UpdateCursor SUB. ## See Also * [SCREEN](SCREEN) * [PCOPY](PCOPY) * [_DISPLAY](_DISPLAY) (statement) * [_AUTODISPLAY](_AUTODISPLAY) (default mode) * [_DISPLAYORDER](_DISPLAYORDER) (statement)