The **_KEYDOWN** function returns whether modifying keys like CTRL, ALT, SHIFT, and any other keys are pressed. ## Syntax > return% = **_KEYDOWN(***code&***)** * The *return* value is -1 if a specified key is pressed or 0 if it was not pressed. It can be used to monitor key combinations. * The POSITIVE [LONG](LONG) *code* value can be from any function key that needs to be monitored in a key press combination. * Unicode references: * 1) What is the glyph represented by that UNICODE value: [Unicode Format Info]( * 2) Which fonts support the characters I want to use: [Unicode Fonts]( * 3) What was the format again?: [Unicode Formats]( * A UTF32 value is usually(but by no means always!) the same as a UTF16 value just with the top 2 bytes set to 0. * An important difference between [INKEY$](INKEY$) and [_KEYHIT](_KEYHIT) is how they work when **CTRL, ALT** or **SHIFT** are used. [INKEY$](INKEY$) returns a different code if you hold down CTRL, ALT or SHIFT before pressing F1 (for example). [_KEYHIT](_KEYHIT) will return the same code regardless of which modifiers were used but you can check _KEYDOWN to see which modifying keys are being used. * **Keyboards with Alt Gr key:** [_KEYHIT](_KEYHIT) may return both Alt(100307) and Ctrl(100306) codes when key is pressed or released. * **Linux with foreign keyboards:** [SHELL](SHELL) [_HIDE](_HIDE) "setxkbmap us" will setup a keyboard to read US [Scancodes](Scancodes). ```text **The QB64 Virtual Key constant values used: ** **0-255**: [ASCII](ASCII) values (Refer to [ CP437]) **256-65535**: [ASCII](ASCII) character codes (unaffected by SHIFT/ALT/CTRL modifiers) Use [CVI](CVI) to convert ASCII 2-byte codes to _KEYDOWN values. ' **_KEYDOWN Keyboard Values** ' **'Esc F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 Sys ScL Pause** ' 27 15104 15360 15616 15872 16128 16384 16640 16896 17152 17408 34048 34304 +316 +302 +019 **'`~ 1! 2@ 3# 4$ 5% 6^ 7& 8* 9( 0) -_ =+ BkSp Ins Hme PUp NumL / * -** '126 33 64 35 36 37 94 38 42 40 41 95 43 8 20992 18176 18688 +300 47 42 45 ** 96 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 48 45 61* **'Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P [{ ]} \| Del End PDn 7Hme 8/▲ 9PU + ** ' 9 81 87 69 82 84 89 85 73 79 80 123 125 124 21248 20224 20736 18176 18432 18688 43 ** 113 119 101 114 116 121 117 105 111 112 91 93 92 55 56 57 * **'CapL A S D F G H J K L ;: '" Enter 4/◄- 5 6/-► '+301 65 83 68 70 71 72 74 75 76 58 34 13 19200 19456 19712 **E** ** 97 115 100 102 103 104 106 107 108 59 39 52 53 54 * **n** **'Shift Z X C V B N M ,< .> /? Shift ▲ 1End 2/▼ 3PD t** '+304 90 88 67 86 66 78 77 60 62 63 +303 18432 20224 20480 20736 **e** ** 122 120 99 118 98 110 109 44 46 47 49 50 51 * **r** **'Ctrl Win Alt Spacebar Alt Win Menu Ctrl ◄- ▼ -► 0Ins .Del ** '+306 +311 +308 32 +307 +312 +319 +305 19200 20480 19712 20992 21248 13 ' * 48 46* ' ' ** Lower value = LCase/NumLock On __________________ + = add 100000 ** ``` ```text **65536-&H40000000: QB64-specific Virtual Key codes:** CONST KEY_PAUSE& = 100019 CONST KEY_NUMLOCK& = 100300 CONST KEY_CAPSLOCK& = 100301 CONST KEY_SCROLLOCK& = 100302 CONST KEY_RSHIFT& = 100303 CONST KEY_LSHIFT& = 100304 CONST KEY_RCTRL& = 100305 CONST KEY_LCTRL& = 100306 CONST KEY_RALT& = 100307 CONST KEY_LALT& = 100308 CONST KEY_RMETA& = 100309 'Left 'Apple' key (MacOSX) CONST KEY_LMETA& = 100310 'Right 'Apple' key (MacOSX) CONST KEY_LSUPER& = 100311 'Left "Windows" key CONST KEY_RSUPER& = 100312 'Right "Windows"key CONST KEY_MODE& = 100313 '"AltGr" key CONST KEY_COMPOSE& = 100314 CONST KEY_HELP& = 100315 CONST KEY_PRINT& = 100316 CONST KEY_SYSREQ& = 100317 CONST KEY_BREAK& = 100318 CONST KEY_MENU& = 100319 CONST KEY_POWER& = 100320 CONST KEY_EURO& = 100321 CONST KEY_UNDO& = 100322 CONST KEY_KP0& = 100256 CONST KEY_KP1& = 100257 CONST KEY_KP2& = 100258 CONST KEY_KP3& = 100259 CONST KEY_KP4& = 100260 CONST KEY_KP5& = 100261 CONST KEY_KP6& = 100262 CONST KEY_KP7& = 100263 CONST KEY_KP8& = 100264 CONST KEY_KP9& = 100265 CONST KEY_KP_PERIOD& = 100266 CONST KEY_KP_DIVIDE& = 100267 CONST KEY_KP_MULTIPLY& = 100268 CONST KEY_KP_MINUS& = 100269 CONST KEY_KP_PLUS& = 100270 CONST KEY_KP_ENTER& = 100271 CONST KEY_KP_INSERT& = 200000 CONST KEY_KP_END& = 200001 CONST KEY_KP_DOWN& = 200002 CONST KEY_KP_PAGE_DOWN& = 200003 CONST KEY_KP_LEFT& = 200004 CONST KEY_KP_MIDDLE& = 200005 CONST KEY_KP_RIGHT& = 200006 CONST KEY_KP_HOME& = 200007 CONST KEY_KP_UP& = 200008 CONST KEY_KP_PAGE_UP& = 200009 CONST KEY_KP_DELETE& = 200010 CONST KEY_SCROLL_LOCK_MODE& = 200011 CONST KEY_INSERT_MODE& = 200012 **&H40000000 up**: [Unicode](Unicode) using the **cyberbit.ttf** font when available. **Use [_KEYHIT](_KEYHIT) to find the key codes to be monitored by _KEYDOWN! ** ``` Comparing the _KEYDOWN returns using [CONST](CONST) values with 2 byte [INKEY$](INKEY$) returns. ```vb CONST RSHIFT& = 100303 CONST LSHIFT& = 100304 DO x = _KEYHIT IF x = CVI(CHR$(0) + CHR$(59)) THEN IF _KEYDOWN(LSHIFT&) OR _KEYDOWN(RSHIFT&) THEN PRINT "KEYHIT: SHIFT + F1" ELSE PRINT "KEYHIT: F1" END IF END IF k$ = INKEY$ 'compare key press return values IF k$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(59) THEN PRINT "INKEY$: F1" IF k$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(84) THEN PRINT "INKEY$: SHIFT+F1" LOOP UNTIL k$ = CHR$(27) 'escape key exit ``` How to calculate the _KEYDOWN codes of the 2 byte INKEY$ arrow key codes using [CVI](CVI). ```vb SCREEN 12 x = 320: y = 240 col = _RGB(255, 0, 0) radius = 20 DO CLS LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT "Use the arrow keys to move the circle." CIRCLE (x, y), radius, col PAINT (x, y), col IF _KEYDOWN(CVI(CHR$(0) + "P")) THEN y = y + 1 '_KEYDOWN(20480) IF _KEYDOWN(CVI(CHR$(0) + "H")) THEN y = y - 1 '_KEYDOWN(18432) IF _KEYDOWN(CVI(CHR$(0) + "K")) THEN x = x - 1 '_KEYDOWN(19200) IF _KEYDOWN(CVI(CHR$(0) + "M")) THEN x = x + 1 '_KEYDOWN(19712) _DISPLAY _LIMIT 100 'limit to 100 frames per second LOOP ``` > *Explanation:* When [CVI](CVI) is used with a 2 byte code, the code of the first character(0) is added to the second character code which is multiplied by 256. In the example, code zero is added to the [ASCII](ASCII) code of "P" which is 80. CVI multiplies 80 * 256 = 20480. ## See Also * [_KEYHIT](_KEYHIT), [Unicode](Unicode), [Code Pages](Code-Pages) (by region) * [_MAPUNICODE](_MAPUNICODE), [_MAPUNICODE (function)](_MAPUNICODE-(function)) * [INKEY$](INKEY$), [ASCII](ASCII), [CVI](CVI) * [INP](INP)(&H60), [Scancodes](Scancodes) * [ON KEY(n)](ON-KEY(n)), [KEY(n)](KEY(n)), [KEY n](KEY-n) * [Windows Libraries](Windows-Libraries)