The [_SNDGETPOS](_SNDGETPOS) function returns the current playing position in seconds using a handle from [_SNDOPEN](_SNDOPEN). ## Syntax > position = [_SNDGETPOS](_SNDGETPOS)(handle&) ## Description * Returns the current playing position in seconds from an open sound file. * If a sound isn't playing, it returns 0. * If a sound is paused, it returns the paused position. * For a looping sound, the value returned continues to increment and does not reset to 0 when the sound loops. * In versions **prior to build 20170811/60**, the sound identified by handle& must have been opened using the [_SNDOPEN](_SNDOPEN) to use this function. ## Example(s) To check the current playing position in an MP3 file, use [_SNDPLAY](_SNDPLAY) with [_SNDGETPOS](_SNDGETPOS) printed in a loop: ```vb SoundFile& = _SNDOPEN("YourSoundFile.mp3") '<<< your MP3 sound file here! _SNDSETPOS SoundFile&, 5.5 'set to play sound 5 1/2 seconds into music _SNDPLAY SoundFile& 'play sound Do: _LIMIT 60 LOCATE 5, 2: PRINT "Current play position> "; _SNDGETPOS(SoundFile&) LOOP UNTIL _KEYDOWN(27) OR NOT _SNDPLAYING(SoundFile&) 'ESC or end of sound exit ``` ## See Also * [_SNDSETPOS](_SNDSETPOS) * [_SNDOPEN](_SNDOPEN)