The [_TRIM$](_TRIM$) function removes both leading and trailing space characters from a [STRING](STRING) value. ## Syntax > return$ = [_TRIM$](_TRIM$)(text$) ## Description * Shorthand to using [LTRIM$](LTRIM$)([RTRIM$](RTRIM$)("text")) * text$ is the [STRING](STRING) value to trim. * If text$ contains no leading or trailing space characters, it is returned unchanged. * Convert fixed length [STRING](STRING) values by using a different return$ variable. ## Example(s) Demonstrating how _TRIM$(text$) can replace LTRIM$(RTRIM$(text$)): ```vb text$ = SPACE$(10) + "some text" + SPACE$(10) PRINT "[" + text$ + "]" PRINT "[" + RTRIM$(text$) + "]" PRINT "[" + LTRIM$(text$) + "]" PRINT "[" + LTRIM$(RTRIM$(text$)) + "]" PRINT "[" + _TRIM$(text$) + "]" ``` ```text [ some text ] [ some text] [some text ] [some text] [some text] ``` ## See Also * [RTRIM$](RTRIM$), [LTRIM$](LTRIM$)