FUNCTION ide (ignore) 'Note: ide is a function which optimizes the interaction between the IDE and compiler (ide2) ' by avoiding unnecessary bloat associated with entering the main IDE function 'ide2' IF ASC(idecommand$) = 3 THEN 'request next line (compiler->ide) IF idecompiledline < iden THEN IF idecompiledline < idesy OR idecompiledline > idesy + (idewy - 9) THEN 'off screen? IF _EXIT AND 1 THEN ideexit = 1 IF ideexit = 0 THEN GetInput 'check for new input IF iCHANGED = 0 AND mB = 0 THEN '-------------------- layout considerations -------------------- 'previous line was OK, so use layout if available IF ideautolayout <> 0 OR ideautoindent <> 0 THEN IF LEN(layout$) THEN 'calculate recommended indent level l = LEN(layout$) FOR i = 1 TO l IF ASC(layout$, i) <> 32 OR i = l THEN IF ASC(layout$, i) = 32 THEN layout$ = "": indent = i ELSE indent = i - 1 layout$ = RIGHT$(layout$, LEN(layout$) - i + 1) END IF EXIT FOR END IF NEXT IF ideautolayout THEN layout2$ = layout$: i2 = 1 ignoresp = 0 FOR i = 1 TO LEN(layout$) a = ASC(layout$, i) IF a = 34 THEN ignoresp = ignoresp + 1: IF ignoresp = 2 THEN ignoresp = 0 END IF IF ignoresp = 0 THEN IF a = sp_asc THEN ASC(layout2$, i2) = 32: i2 = i2 + 1: GOTO skipchar IF a = sp2_asc THEN GOTO skipchar END IF ASC(layout2$, i2) = a: i2 = i2 + 1 skipchar: NEXT layout$ = LEFT$(layout2$, i2 - 1) END IF IF ideautoindent = 0 THEN 'note: can assume auto-format 'calculate old indent (if any) indent = 0 l = LEN(idecompiledline$) FOR i = 1 TO l IF ASC(idecompiledline$, i) <> 32 OR i = l THEN indent = i - 1 EXIT FOR END IF NEXT indent$ = SPACE$(indent) ELSE indent$ = SPACE$(indent * ideautoindentsize) END IF IF ideautolayout = 0 THEN 'note: can assume auto-indent l = LEN(idecompiledline$) layout$ = "" FOR i = 1 TO l IF ASC(idecompiledline$, i) <> 32 OR i = l THEN layout$ = RIGHT$(idecompiledline$, l - i + 1) EXIT FOR END IF NEXT END IF IF LEN(layout$) THEN layout$ = indent$ + layout$ IF idecompiledline$ <> layout$ THEN idesetline idecompiledline, layout$ END IF END IF 'len(layout$) after modification END IF 'len(layout$) END IF 'using layout/indent '--------------------------------------------------------------- idecompiledline = idecompiledline + 1 idecompiledline$ = idegetline(idecompiledline) ide = 4 idereturn$ = idecompiledline$ 'Update compilation progress on the status bar IF ideautorun <> 0 THEN IF prepass THEN status.progress$ = str2$(INT((idecompiledline * 100) / (iden * 2))) status.progress$ = STRING$(3 - LEN(status.progress$), 32) + status.progress$ + "%" ELSE status.progress$ = str2$(INT(((iden + idecompiledline) * 100) / (iden * 2))) status.progress$ = STRING$(3 - LEN(status.progress$), 32) + status.progress$ + "%" END IF IdeInfo = CHR$(0) + status.progress$ END IF UpdateIdeInfo EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF iCHANGED THEN iCHECKLATER = 1 END IF 'ideexit END IF 'not on screen ELSE IF IdeSystem <> 3 THEN IdeInfo = "" UpdateIdeInfo END IF 'idecompiledline 1 THEN 'no file restored (takes priority over loading file from command line) IF LEFT$(c$, 1) = CHR$(1) THEN 'load file f$ = RIGHT$(c$, LEN(c$) - 1) IF FileHasExtension(f$) = 0 THEN f$ = f$ + ".bas" path$ = idezgetfilepath$(ideroot$, f$) '(copied from ideopen) ideerror = 2 OPEN path$ + idepathsep$ + f$ FOR INPUT AS #150: CLOSE #150 ideerror = 3 idepath$ = path$ lineinput3load path$ + idepathsep$ + f$ idet$ = SPACE$(LEN(lineinput3buffer) * 8) i2 = 1 n = 0 chrtab$ = CHR$(9) space1$ = " ": space2$ = " ": space3$ = " ": space4$ = " " chr7$ = CHR$(7): chr11$ = CHR$(11): chr12$ = CHR$(12): chr28$ = CHR$(28): chr29$ = CHR$(29): chr30$ = CHR$(30): chr31$ = CHR$(31) DO a$ = lineinput3$ l = LEN(a$) IF l THEN asca = ASC(a$) ELSE asca = -1 IF asca <> 13 THEN IF asca <> -1 THEN 'fix tabs ideopenfixtabsx: x = INSTR(a$, chrtab$) IF x THEN x2 = (x - 1) MOD 4 IF x2 = 0 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, x - 1) + space4$ + RIGHT$(a$, l - x): l = l + 3: GOTO ideopenfixtabsx IF x2 = 1 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, x - 1) + space3$ + RIGHT$(a$, l - x): l = l + 2: GOTO ideopenfixtabsx IF x2 = 2 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, x - 1) + space2$ + RIGHT$(a$, l - x): l = l + 1: GOTO ideopenfixtabsx IF x2 = 3 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, x - 1) + space1$ + RIGHT$(a$, l - x): GOTO ideopenfixtabsx END IF END IF 'asca<>-1 MID$(idet$, i2, l + 8) = MKL$(l) + a$ + MKL$(l): i2 = i2 + l + 8: n = n + 1 END IF LOOP UNTIL asca = 13 lineinput3buffer = "" iden = n: IF n = 0 THEN idet$ = MKL$(0) + MKL$(0): iden = 1 ELSE idet$ = LEFT$(idet$, i2 - 1) IdeBmkN = 0 ideerror = 1 ideprogname = f$: _TITLE ideprogname + " - QB64" IdeImportBookmarks idepath$ + idepathsep$ + ideprogname$ IdeAddRecent idepath$ + idepathsep$ + ideprogname$ END IF 'message 1 END IF 'no restore skipload: END IF 'idelaunched IF c$ = CHR$(3) THEN skipdisplay = 1 'assume .../starting already displayed sendnextline = 1 'previous line was OK, so use layout if available IF ideautolayout = 0 AND ideautoindent = 0 THEN layout$ = "" idelayoutallow = 0 ELSE IF LEN(layout$) THEN 'calculate recommended indent level FOR i = 1 TO LEN(layout$) IF ASC(layout$, i) <> 32 OR i = LEN(layout$) THEN indent = i - 1 layout$ = RIGHT$(layout$, LEN(layout$) - i + 1) EXIT FOR END IF NEXT IF ideautolayout THEN spacelayout: ignoresp = 0 FOR i = 1 TO LEN(layout$) IF ASC(layout$, i) = 34 THEN ignoresp = ignoresp + 1: IF ignoresp = 2 THEN ignoresp = 0 END IF IF ignoresp = 0 THEN IF MID$(layout$, i, 1) = sp THEN MID$(layout$, i, 1) = " " IF MID$(layout$, i, 1) = sp2 THEN layout$ = LEFT$(layout$, i - 1) + RIGHT$(layout$, LEN(layout$) - i): GOTO spacelayout END IF NEXT END IF IF ideautoindent = 0 THEN 'note: can assume auto-format 'calculate old indent (if any) a$ = idecompiledline$ indent = 0 FOR i = 1 TO LEN(a$) IF ASC(a$, i) <> 32 OR i = LEN(a$) THEN indent = i - 1 EXIT FOR END IF NEXT indent$ = SPACE$(indent) ELSE indent$ = SPACE$(indent * ideautoindentsize) END IF IF ideautolayout = 0 THEN 'note: can assume auto-indent a$ = idecompiledline$ layout$ = "" FOR i = 1 TO LEN(a$) IF ASC(a$, i) <> 32 OR i = LEN(a$) THEN layout$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - i + 1) EXIT FOR END IF NEXT END IF layout$ = indent$ + layout$ IF idecy <> idecompiledline OR idelayoutallow <> 0 THEN idelayoutallow = 0 IF idecompiledline$ <> layout$ THEN idesetline idecompiledline, layout$ IF idecompiledline >= idesy AND idecompiledline <= (idesy + 16) THEN skipdisplay = 0 END IF ELSE IF idecompiledline$ <> layout$ THEN idecurrentlinelayout = layout$ idecurrentlinelayouti = idecy END IF END IF END IF 'len(layout$) END IF 'using layout/indent END IF '3 IF c$ = CHR$(6) THEN idecompiling = 0 ready = 1 IF ideautorun THEN ideautorun = 0: GOTO idemrunspecial END IF IF c$ = CHR$(11) THEN idecompiling = 0 ready = 1 ideautorun = 0 showexecreated = 1 END IF IF c$ = CHR$(7) THEN skipdisplay = 1 'assume .../starting already displayed idecompiledline = 0 sendnextline = 1 END IF IF LEFT$(c$, 1) = CHR$(8) THEN idecompiling = 0 failed = 1 ideautorun = 0 END IF passback = 0 IF LEFT$(c$, 1) = CHR$(10) THEN 'passback skipdisplay = 1 'assume .../starting already displayed sendnextline = 1 idecompiledline = idecompiledline - 1 passback = 1 passback$ = RIGHT$(c$, LEN(c$) - 1) END IF IF mustdisplay THEN skipdisplay = 0 IF skipdisplay = 0 THEN LOCATE , , 0 'note: menu bar shouldn't need repairing! 'COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT menubar$; 'repair menu bar IF c$ <> CHR$(3) THEN COLOR 7, 1: LOCATE idewy - 3, 2: PRINT SPACE$(idewx - 2);: LOCATE idewy - 2, 2: PRINT SPACE$(idewx - 2);: LOCATE idewy - 1, 2: PRINT SPACE$(idewx - 2); 'clear status window IF ready THEN LOCATE idewy - 3, 2: PRINT "OK"; 'report OK status IF showexecreated THEN showexecreated = 0 LOCATE idewy - 3, 2 IF MakeAndroid THEN PRINT "Project [programs\android\" + file$ + "] created"; ELSE IF os$ = "LNX" THEN PRINT "Executable file created"; ELSE PRINT ".EXE file created"; END IF END IF END IF END IF END IF 'skipdisplay idefocusline = 0 'main loop DO ideloop: idecontextualmenu = 0 idedeltxt 'removes temporary strings (typically created by guibox commands) by setting an index to 0 STATIC ForceResize if IDE_AutoPosition then 'if _SCreenhide = 0 then 'Screenhide currently does not work in Linux, so we need a different check IF IDE_TopPosition <> _SCREENY OR IDE_LeftPosition <> _SCREENX THEN IF _SCREENY => -_height * _fontheight AND _SCREENX => -_width * _fontwidth THEN 'Don't record the position if it's off the screen, past the point where we can drag it back into a different position. WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_TopPosition" , str$(_SCREENY) WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_LeftPosition" , str$(_SCREENX) IDE_TopPosition = _SCREENY: IDE_LeftPosition = _SCREENX END IF END IF 'end if end if IF _RESIZE or ForceResize THEN IF idesubwindow <> 0 THEN 'If there's a subwindow up, don't resize as it screws all sorts of things up. ForceResize = -1 ELSE ForceResize = 0 v% = _RESIZEWIDTH \ _FONTWIDTH: IF v% < 80 OR v% > 1000 THEN v% = 80 IF v% <> idewx THEN retval = 1: idewx = v% v% = _RESIZEHEIGHT \ _FONTHEIGHT: IF v% < 25 OR v% > 1000 THEN v% = 25 IF v% <> idewy THEN retval = 1: idewy = v% IF retval = 1 THEN 'screen dimensions have changed and everything must be redrawn/reapplied WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_Width", str$(idewx) WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_Height", str$(idewy) tempf& = _font WIDTH idewx, idewy + idesubwindow _font tempf& GOTO redraweverything END IF END IF END IF IF skipdisplay = 0 THEN LOCATE , , 0 'Get the currently being edited SUB/FUNCTION name to show after the main window title '(standard QB4.5 behavior). The FOR...NEXT loop was taken and adapted from FUNCTION 'idesubs$, but it goes backwards from the current line to the start of the program 'to see if we're inside a SUB/FUNCTION. EXITs FOR once that is figured. sfname$ = "" FOR currSF_CHECK = idecy to 1 STEP -1 thisline$ = idegetline(currSF_CHECK) thisline$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(thisline$)) isSF = 0 ncthisline$ = UCASE$(thisline$) IF LEFT$(ncthisline$, 4) = "SUB " THEN isSF = 1 IF LEFT$(ncthisline$, 9) = "FUNCTION " THEN isSF = 2 IF LEFT$(ncthisline$, 7) = "END SUB" and currSF_CHECK < idecy THEN EXIT FOR IF LEFT$(ncthisline$, 12) = "END FUNCTION" and currSF_CHECK < idecy THEN EXIT FOR IF isSF THEN IF RIGHT$(ncthisline$, 7) = " STATIC" THEN thisline$ = RTRIM$(LEFT$(thisline$, LEN(thisline$) - 7)) END IF IF isSF = 1 THEN thisline$ = RIGHT$(thisline$, LEN(thisline$) - 4) ELSE thisline$ = RIGHT$(thisline$, LEN(thisline$) - 9) END IF thisline$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(thisline$)) checkargs = INSTR(thisline$, "(") IF checkargs THEN sfname$ = RTRIM$(LEFT$(thisline$, checkargs - 1)) ELSE sfname$ = thisline$ END IF 'It could be that SUB or FUNCTION is inside a DECLARE LIBRARY. 'In such case, it must be ignored: InsideDECLARE = 0 for declib_CHECK = currSF_CHECK to 1 step -1 thisline$ = idegetline(declib_CHECK) thisline$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(thisline$)) ncthisline$ = UCASE$(thisline$) IF LEFT$(ncthisline$, 8) = "DECLARE " and INSTR(ncthisline$, " LIBRARY") > 0 THEN InsideDECLARE = -1: EXIT FOR IF LEFT$(ncthisline$, 11) = "END DECLARE" THEN EXIT FOR next if InsideDECLARE = -1 then sfname$ = "" else 'Ok, we're not inside a DECLARE LIBRARY. 'But what if we're past the end of this module's SUBs and FUNCTIONs, 'and all that's left is a bunch of comments or $INCLUDES? 'We'll also check for that: endedSF = 0 for endSF_CHECK = idecy to iden thisline$ = idegetline(endSF_CHECK) thisline$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(thisline$)) ncthisline$ = UCASE$(thisline$) IF LEFT$(ncthisline$, 7) = "END SUB" THEN endedSF = 1: EXIT FOR IF LEFT$(ncthisline$, 12) = "END FUNCTION" THEN endedSF = 2: EXIT FOR IF LEFT$(ncthisline$, 4) = "SUB " AND endSF_CHECK = idecy THEN endedSF = 1: EXIT FOR IF LEFT$(ncthisline$, 9) = "FUNCTION " AND endSF_CHECK = idecy THEN endedSF = 2: EXIT FOR IF LEFT$(ncthisline$, 4) = "SUB " AND InsideDECLARE = 0 THEN EXIT FOR IF LEFT$(ncthisline$, 9) = "FUNCTION " AND InsideDECLARE = 0 THEN EXIT FOR IF LEFT$(ncthisline$, 8) = "DECLARE " and INSTR(ncthisline$, " LIBRARY") > 0 THEN InsideDECLARE = -1 IF LEFT$(ncthisline$, 11) = "END DECLARE" THEN InsideDECLARE = 0 next if endedSF = 0 then sfname$ = "" else exit for end if END IF NEXT 'attempt to cleanse sfname$, just in case there are any comments or other unwanted stuff for CleanseSFNAME = 1 to len(sfname$) select case mid$(sfname$, CleanseSFNAME, 1) case " ", "'", ":" sfname$ = left$(sfname$, CleanseSFNAME - 1) exit for end select next 'update title of main window COLOR 7, 1: LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT STRING$(idewx - 2, chr$(196)); IF LEN(ideprogname) THEN a$ = ideprogname ELSE a$ = "Untitled" + tempfolderindexstr$ a$ = " " + a$ if LEN(sfname$) > 0 then a$ = a$ + ":" + sfname$ a$ = a$ + " " if len(a$) > idewx - 5 then a$ = left$(a$, idewx - 11) + string$(3, 250) + " " COLOR 1, 7: LOCATE 2, ((idewx / 2) - 1) - (LEN(a$) - 1) \ 2: PRINT a$; 'Draw navigation buttons (QuickNav) GOSUB DrawQuickNav 'update search bar GOSUB UpdateSearchBar 'alter cursor style to match insert mode IF ideinsert THEN LOCATE , , , 0, 31 ELSE LOCATE , , , 8, 8 'display error message (if necessary) IF failed THEN IdeInfo = "" UpdateIdeInfo COLOR 7, 1: LOCATE idewy - 3, 2: PRINT SPACE$(idewx - 2);: LOCATE idewy - 2, 2: PRINT SPACE$(idewx - 2);: LOCATE idewy - 1, 2: PRINT SPACE$(idewx - 2); 'clear status window 'scrolling unavailable, but may span multiple lines a$ = MID$(c$, 2, LEN(c$) - 5) l = CVL(RIGHT$(c$, 4)): IF l <> 0 THEN idefocusline = l x = 1 y = idewy - 3 IF l <> 0 AND idecy = l THEN a$ = a$ + " on current line" FOR i = 1 TO LEN(a$) x = x + 1: IF x = idewx THEN x = 2: y = y + 1 IF y > idewy - 1 THEN EXIT FOR LOCATE y, x PRINT CHR$(ASC(a$, i)); NEXT IF l <> 0 AND idecy <> l THEN a$ = " on line" + STR$(l) COLOR 11, 1 FOR i = 1 TO LEN(a$) x = x + 1: IF x = idewx THEN x = 2: y = y + 1 IF y > idewy - 1 THEN EXIT FOR LOCATE y, x PRINT CHR$(ASC(a$, i)); NEXT END IF END IF IF idechangemade THEN COLOR 7, 1: LOCATE idewy - 3, 2: PRINT SPACE$(idewx - 2);: LOCATE idewy - 2, 2: PRINT SPACE$(idewx - 2);: LOCATE idewy - 1, 2: PRINT SPACE$(idewx - 2); 'clear status window IdeInfo = "" LOCATE idewy - 3, 2: PRINT "..."; 'assume new compilation will begin END IF ideshowtext IF idehelp THEN Help_ShowText q = idehbar(2, idewy + idesubwindow - 1, idewx - 2, Help_cx, help_w + 1) q = idevbar(idewx, idewy + 1, idesubwindow - 2, Help_cy, help_h + 1) 'COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE idewy, (idewx - 6) / 2: PRINT " Help " 'create and draw back string Back_Str$ = STRING$(1000, 0) Back_Str_I$ = STRING$(4000, 0) top = UBOUND(back$) FOR x = 1 TO top n$ = Back_Name$(x) IF x = Help_Back_Pos THEN p = LEN(Back_Str$) Back_Str$ = Back_Str$ + " " Back_Str_I$ = Back_Str_I$ + MKL$(x) FOR x2 = 1 TO LEN(n$) Back_Str$ = Back_Str$ + CHR$(ASC(n$, x2)) Back_Str_I$ = Back_Str_I$ + MKL$(x) NEXT Back_Str$ = Back_Str$ + " " Back_Str_I$ = Back_Str_I$ + MKL$(x) IF x <> top THEN Back_Str$ = Back_Str$ + CHR$(0) Back_Str_I$ = Back_Str_I$ + MKL$(0) END IF NEXT Back_Str$ = Back_Str$ + STRING$(1000, 0) Back_Str_I$ = Back_Str_I$ + STRING$(4000, 0) Back_Str_Pos = p - idewx \ 2 + (LEN(Back_Name$(Help_Back_Pos)) + 2) \ 2 + 3 'COLOR 1, 2 'LOCATE idewy, 2: PRINT MID$(Back_Str$, Back_Str_Pos, idewx - 5) LOCATE idewy, 2 FOR x = Back_Str_Pos TO Back_Str_Pos + idewx - 6 i = CVL(MID$(Back_Str_I$, (x - 1) * 4 + 1, 4)) a = ASC(Back_Str$, x) IF a THEN COLOR 0, 7 IF i < Help_Back_Pos THEN COLOR 9, 7 IF i > Help_Back_Pos THEN COLOR 9, 7 PRINT CHR$(a); ELSE COLOR 7, 0 PRINT chr$(196); END IF NEXT 'Help_Search_Str IF IdeSystem = 3 AND LEFT$(IdeInfo, 1) <> CHR$(0) THEN a$ = "" IF LEN(Help_Search_Str) THEN a$ = Help_Search_Str IF LEN(a$) > 20 THEN a$ = string$(3, 250) + RIGHT$(a$, 17) a$ = "[" + a$ + "](DELETE=next)" IdeInfo = a$ ELSE IdeInfo = "Start typing to search for text in this help page" END IF UpdateIdeInfo END IF ELSE Help_Search_Str = "" END IF IF IdeSystem = 2 THEN 'override cursor position SCREEN , , 0, 0 tx = idesystem2.v1 IF LEN(idefindtext) > idesystem2.w THEN IF idesystem2.v1 > idesystem2.w THEN tx = idesystem2.w ELSE tx = idesystem2.v1 END IF END IF LOCATE idewy - 4, idewx - (idesystem2.w + 8) + 4 + tx SCREEN , , 3, 0 END IF IF IdeSystem = 3 THEN 'override cursor position SCREEN , , 0, 0 _PALETTECOLOR 2, _RGB32(24, 24, 24) LOCATE Help_cy - Help_sy + Help_wy1, Help_cx - Help_sx + Help_wx1 SCREEN , , 3, 0 END IF LOCATE , , 1 PCOPY 3, 0 END IF 'skipdisplay IF idechangemade THEN IF idelayoutallow THEN idelayoutallow = idelayoutallow - 1 idecurrentlinelayouti = 0 'invalidate idechangemade = 0 IF ideunsaved = -1 THEN ideunsaved = 0 ELSE ideunsaved = 1 IF idenoundo = 0 THEN 'undo/redo 'build data so it can be written in a single write (a backup requirement) a$ = "" a$ = a$ + MKL$(idesx) + MKL$(idesy) 'screen position a$ = a$ + MKL$(idecx) + MKL$(idecy) 'cursor position a$ = a$ + MKL$(ideselect) + MKL$(ideselectx1) + MKL$(ideselecty1) 'selection state & position a$ = a$ + MKL$(iden) 'number of lines a$ = a$ + MKL$(idel) 'selected line in buffer a$ = a$ + MKL$(ideli) 'selected line offset in buffer 'bookmark info [v2] a$ = a$ + MKL$(IdeBmkN) FOR bi = 1 TO IdeBmkN: a$ = a$ + MKL$(IdeBmk(bi).y) + MKL$(IdeBmk(bi).x): NEXT l& = LEN(idet$) a$ = a$ + MKL$(l&) 'data size a$ = MKL$(l& + LEN(a$)) + a$ + idet$ + MKL$(l& + LEN(a$)) 'header, data & encapsulation (reverse navigatable list) 'add undo event OPEN tmpdir$ + "undo2.bin" FOR BINARY AS #150 '[oldest state entry][newest state entry][top-most entry(ignore if no wrapping required)] h$ = SPACE$(12): GET #150, , h$: p1 = CVL(MID$(h$, 1, 4)): p2 = CVL(MID$(h$, 5, 4)): plast = CVL(MID$(h$, 9, 4)) IF idemergeundo THEN idemergeundo = 0 IF p2 <> p1 THEN 'can it be moved back? IF p2 = 13 THEN p2 = plast ELSE 'get offset of previous message GET #150, p2 - 4, pp2l p2 = p2 - 4 - pp2l - 4 END IF END IF END IF IF p1 = 0 THEN 'not init p1 = 13: p2 = 13 ELSE IF p2 >= p1 THEN 'no wrap 'should we extend? IF p2 >= idebackupsize * 1000000 THEN 'can't extend 'set p2 as top-most plast = p2 p2 = 13 'can new state (a$) fit before p1? DO WHILE (p2 + LEN(a$) - 1) >= p1 IF p1 = ideundobase THEN ideundobase = -1 'no, so move p1 to next entry 'note: it can be assumed that p1, being near/at beginning, won't have to wrap when being moved forward GET #150, p1, p1l p1 = p1 + 4 + p1l + 4 LOOP 'p1 & p2 ready ELSE 'extend 'find size of p2 event GET #150, p2, p2l p2 = p2 + 4 + p2l + 4 'p1 & p2 ready END IF ELSE 'wrap 'find size of p2 event GET #150, p2, p2l op2 = p2 p2 = p2 + 4 + p2l + 4 'can new state (a$) fit before p1? DO WHILE (p2 + LEN(a$) - 1) >= p1 IF p1 = ideundobase THEN ideundobase = -1 'no, so move p1 to next entry IF p1 = plast THEN p1 = 13 EXIT DO ELSE GET #150, p1, p1l p1 = p1 + 4 + p1l + 4 END IF LOOP 'should we extend? IF p2 >= idebackupsize * 1000000 THEN 'can't extend 'set op2 as top-most plast = op2 p2 = 13 'can new state (a$) fit before p1? DO WHILE (p2 + LEN(a$) - 1) >= p1 IF p1 = ideundobase THEN ideundobase = -1 'no, so move p1 to next entry 'note: it can be assumed that p1, being near/at beginning, won't have to wrap when being moved forward GET #150, p1, p1l p1 = p1 + 4 + p1l + 4 LOOP END IF 'p1 & p2 ready END IF END IF 'update p1,p2,plast h$ = MKL$(p1) + MKL$(p2) + MKL$(plast) PUT #150, 1, h$ 'add new state PUT #150, p2, a$ CLOSE #150 ideundopos = p2 IF ideundobase = 0 THEN ideundobase = ideundopos 'set undo flag once IF ideundoflag = 0 THEN ideundoflag = 1 OPEN tmpdir$ + "autosave.bin" FOR BINARY AS #150: a$ = CHR$(1): PUT #150, , a$: CLOSE #150 'set flag END IF ELSE idenoundo = 0 END IF 'begin new compilation IF IDEBuildModeChanged = 0 THEN ideautorun = 0 END IF IDEBuildModeChanged = 0 IF MakeAndroid THEN 'Cleanup excess files in temp folder SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c del /q " + tmpdir$ + "ret*.txt " + tmpdir$ + "data*.txt " + tmpdir$ + "free*.txt" END IF idecompiling = 1 ide2 = 2 idecompiledline$ = idegetline(1) idereturn$ = idecompiledline$ idecompiledline = 1 EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'idechangemade change = 0 waitforinput: IF idecurrentlinelayouti THEN IF idecy <> idecurrentlinelayouti THEN idesetline idecurrentlinelayouti, idecurrentlinelayout$ idecurrentlinelayouti = 0 change = 1 'simulate a change to force a screen update END IF END IF exitvalue = _EXIT IF (exitvalue AND 1) <> 0 OR ideexit <> 0 THEN ideexit = 0: GOTO quickexit GetInput IF iCHANGED THEN IF (mX <> mox OR mY <> moy) AND mB <> 0 THEN change = 1 'dragging mouse IF mB <> mOB THEN change = 1 'button changed IF mB2 <> mOB2 THEN change = 1 'button changed IF mCLICK <> 0 OR mCLICK2 <> 0 THEN change = 1 IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF KSTATECHANGED THEN change = 1 END IF IF mB <> 0 AND idembmonitor = 1 THEN change = 1 IF mB = 0 THEN idemouseselect = 0: idembmonitor = 0 'Hover/click (QuickNav) IF IdeSystem = 1 AND QuickNavTotal > 0 THEN IF mY = 2 THEN IF mX >= 4 AND mX <= 6 THEN QuickNavHover = -1 LOCATE 2, 4 COLOR 15, 3 PRINT " " + CHR$(17) + " "; PCOPY 3, 0 IF mB THEN ideselect = 0 idecy = QuickNavHistory(QuickNavTotal) QuickNavTotal = QuickNavTotal - 1 _DELAY .2 GOTO waitforinput END IF ELSE IF QuickNavHover = -1 THEN QuickNavHover = 0: GOSUB DrawQuickNav: PCOPY 3, 0 END IF ELSE IF QuickNavHover = -1 THEN QuickNavHover = 0: GOSUB DrawQuickNav: PCOPY 3, 0 END IF END IF IF KALT THEN 'alt held IF idealthighlight = 0 AND KALTPRESS = -1 THEN 'highlist first letter of each menu item idealthighlight = 1 LOCATE , , 0: COLOR 15, 7: x = 4 FOR i = 1 TO menus LOCATE 1, x: PRINT LEFT$(menu$(i, 0), 1); x = x + LEN(menu$(i, 0)) + 2 IF i = menus - 1 THEN x = idewx - LEN(menu$(menus, 0)) - 1 NEXT ideentermenu = 1 'alt has just been pressed, so any next keystroke could enter a menu) 'IF change = 0 THEN skipdisplay = 0: GOTO ideloop 'force update so cursor will be restored to correct position END IF ELSE 'alt not held IF idealthighlight = 1 THEN 'remove highlight idealthighlight = 0 LOCATE , , 0: COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT menubar$; IF ideentermenu = 1 AND KCONTROL = 0 THEN 'alt was pressed then released LOCATE , , , 8, 8: skipdisplay = 0: ideentermenu = 0: GOTO startmenu END IF END IF END IF 'alt not held IF change = 0 THEN 'continue compilation? IF idecompiling THEN IF sendnextline THEN IF idecompiledline < iden THEN idecompiledline = idecompiledline + 1 ide2 = 4 IF passback THEN idecompiledline$ = passback$ idereturn$ = idecompiledline$ ELSE idecompiledline$ = idegetline(idecompiledline) idereturn$ = idecompiledline$ END IF EXIT FUNCTION ELSE 'finished compilation ide2 = 5 'end of program reached, what next? 'could return: 'i) 6 code ready for export/run 'ii) 7 repass required (if so send data from the beginning again) EXIT FUNCTION END IF END IF END IF _LIMIT 16 GOTO waitforinput END IF 'change=0 ideentermenu = 0 ideundocombo = ideundocombo - 1 IF ideundocombo < 0 THEN ideundocombo = 0 skipdisplay = 0 'IdeSystem independent routines IF mCLICK THEN IF mX >= 2 AND mX <= idewx AND mY >= idewy - 3 AND mY <= idewy - 1 THEN IF SCREEN(mY, mX, 1) = 11 + 1 * 16 THEN IF idefocusline THEN idecx = 1: AddQuickNavHistory idecy: idecy = idefocusline: ideselect = 0: GOTO specialchar END IF END IF END IF IF KB = KEY_F5 AND KCTRL THEN 'run detached UseAndroid 0 idemdetached: iderunmode = 1 GOTO idemrunspecial END IF IF KB = KEY_F11 THEN 'make exe only UseAndroid 0 idemexe: iderunmode = 2 GOTO idemrunspecial END IF IF KB = KEY_F5 THEN 'Note: F5 or SHIFT+F5 accepted UseAndroid 0 idemrun: iderunmode = 0 'standard run idemrunspecial: 'run program IF ready <> 0 AND idechangemade = 0 THEN LOCATE , , 0 COLOR 7, 1: LOCATE idewy - 3, 2: PRINT SPACE$(idewx - 2);: LOCATE idewy - 2, 2: PRINT SPACE$(idewx - 2);: LOCATE idewy - 1, 2: PRINT SPACE$(idewx - 2); 'clear status window IF idecompiled THEN IF iderunmode = 2 THEN LOCATE idewy - 3, 2 IF os$ = "LNX" THEN PRINT "Already created executable file!"; ELSE PRINT "Already created .EXE file!"; END IF GOTO specialchar END IF LOCATE idewy - 3, 2: PRINT "Starting program..."; ELSE IF os$ = "LNX" THEN LOCATE idewy - 3, 2: PRINT "Creating executable file..."; ELSE LOCATE idewy - 3, 2: PRINT "Creating .EXE file..."; END IF END IF PCOPY 3, 0 'send run request 'prepare name IF ideprogname$ = "" THEN f$ = "untitled" + tempfolderindexstr$ ELSE f$ = ideprogname$ f$ = RemoveFileExtension$(f$) END IF ide2 = 9: idereturn$ = f$ EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'not ready! IF failed = 1 THEN GOTO specialchar 'assume still compiling ... ideautorun = 1 'correct status message LOCATE , , 0 COLOR 7, 1: LOCATE idewy - 3, 2: PRINT SPACE$(idewx - 2);: LOCATE idewy - 2, 2: PRINT SPACE$(idewx - 2);: LOCATE idewy - 1, 2: PRINT SPACE$(idewx - 2); 'clear status window LOCATE idewy - 3, 2: PRINT "Checking program... (editing program will cancel request)"; 'must move the cursor back to its correct location ideshowtext LOCATE , , 1 PCOPY 3, 0 GOTO specialchar END IF LOCATE , , 0 LOCATE , , , 8, 8 IF (mCLICK OR mCLICK2) AND idemouseselect = 0 THEN IF mY = 1 THEN x = 3 FOR i = 1 TO menus x2 = LEN(menu$(i, 0)) + 2 IF mX >= x AND mX < x + x2 THEN m = i GOTO showmenu END IF x = x + x2 IF i = menus - 1 THEN x = idewx - LEN(menu$(menus, 0)) - 2 NEXT END IF END IF FOR i = 1 TO menus a$ = UCASE$(LEFT$(menu$(i, 0), 1)) IF KALT AND UCASE$(K$) = a$ THEN m = i LOCATE 1, 1: COLOR 0, 7: PRINT menubar$; PCOPY 3, 0 GOTO showmenu END IF NEXT IF KCTRL AND UCASE$(K$) = "F" THEN K$ = "" IdeSystem = 2 if len(idefindtext) then idesystem2.issel = -1: idesystem2.sx1 = 0: idesystem2.v1 = len(idefindtext) END IF IF KCTRL AND KB = KEY_F3 THEN IF IdeSystem = 3 THEN IdeSystem = 1 GOTO idefindjmp END IF IF KB = KEY_F3 THEN IF IdeSystem = 3 THEN IdeSystem = 1 idemf3: IF idefindtext <> "" THEN if IdeSystem = 2 then idesystem2.sx1 = 0 idesystem2.v1 = len(idefindtext) idesystem2.issel = -1 end if GOSUB UpdateSearchBar IF KSHIFT THEN idefindinvert = 1 IdeAddSearched idefindtext idefindagain ELSE GOTO idefindjmp END IF GOTO specialchar END IF IF KSHIFT AND KB = KEY_F1 THEN IF idehelp = 0 THEN idesubwindow = idewy \ 2: idewy = idewy - idesubwindow Help_wx1 = 2: Help_wy1 = idewy + 1: Help_wx2 = idewx - 1: Help_wy2 = idewy + idesubwindow - 2: Help_ww = Help_wx2 - Help_wx1 + 1: Help_wh = Help_wy2 - Help_wy1 + 1 idehelp = 1 skipdisplay = 0 IdeSystem = 3 retval = 1: GOTO redraweverything2 END IF IdeSystem = 3 GOTO specialchar END IF 'Scroll bar code goes here STATIC Help_Scrollbar, Help_Scrollbar_Method '1=arrow less, 2=arrow more, 3=dragging 'bit', 4=clicking in space IF mB = 0 THEN Help_Scrollbar = 0 IF idehelp THEN IF IdeSystem = 3 THEN 'q = idehbar(2, idewy + idesubwindow - 1, idewx - 2, Help_cx, help_w + 1) 'q = idevbar(idewx, idewy + 1, idesubwindow - 2, Help_cy, help_h + 1) IF mCLICK THEN IF mX >= 2 AND mX <= idewx - 1 AND mY = idewy + idesubwindow - 1 THEN Help_Scrollbar = 1 v = idehbar(2, idewy + idesubwindow - 1, idewx - 2, Help_cx, help_w + 1) IF v <> mX THEN Help_Scrollbar_Method = 3 ELSE Help_Scrollbar_Method = 4 IF mX = 2 THEN Help_Scrollbar_Method = 1 IF mX = idewx - 1 THEN Help_Scrollbar_Method = 2 END IF IF mY >= idewy + 1 AND mY <= idewy + idesubwindow - 2 AND mX = idewx THEN Help_Scrollbar = 2 v = idevbar(idewx, idewy + 1, idesubwindow - 2, Help_cy, help_h + 1) IF v <> mY THEN Help_Scrollbar_Method = 3 ELSE Help_Scrollbar_Method = 4 IF mY = idewy + 1 THEN Help_Scrollbar_Method = 1 IF mY = idewy + idesubwindow - 2 THEN Help_Scrollbar_Method = 2 END IF END IF 'mclick IF Help_Scrollbar THEN idembmonitor = 1 IF Help_Scrollbar_Method = 1 THEN IF Help_Scrollbar = 1 THEN KB = KEY_LEFT: idewait 'fall through... IF Help_Scrollbar = 2 THEN KB = KEY_UP: idewait 'fall through... END IF IF Help_Scrollbar_Method = 2 THEN IF Help_Scrollbar = 1 THEN KB = KEY_RIGHT: idewait 'fall through... IF Help_Scrollbar = 2 THEN KB = KEY_DOWN: idewait 'fall through... END IF IF Help_Scrollbar_Method = 3 THEN IF Help_Scrollbar = 1 THEN v = idehbar(2, idewy + idesubwindow - 1, idewx - 2, Help_cx, help_w + 1) IF mX < v THEN Help_cx = Help_cx - 8 IF Help_cx < 1 THEN Help_cx = 1 IF Help_sx > Help_cx THEN Help_sx = Help_cx idewait END IF IF mX > v THEN Help_cx = Help_cx + 8 IF Help_cx > help_w + 1 THEN Help_cx = help_w + 1 idewait END IF END IF IF Help_Scrollbar = 2 THEN v = idevbar(idewx, idewy + 1, idesubwindow - 2, Help_cy, help_h + 1) IF mY < v THEN KB = KEY_PAGEUP: idewait 'fall through... IF mY > v THEN KB = KEY_PAGEDOWN: idewait 'fall through... END IF END IF IF Help_Scrollbar_Method = 4 THEN IF Help_Scrollbar = 1 THEN IF help_w > 1 THEN IF mX <= 3 THEN Help_sx = 1: Help_cx = 1 ELSEIF mX >= idewx - 2 THEN Help_sx = help_w + 1: Help_cx = help_w + 1 ELSE x = mX p! = x - 4 + .5 '4 (the min pos) becomes .5 p! = p! / (idewx - 3 - 3) i = p! * (help_w) + 1 Help_sx = i: Help_cx = i END IF END IF END IF IF Help_Scrollbar = 2 THEN IF help_h > 1 THEN IF mY <= idewy + 2 THEN Help_cy = 1 ELSEIF mY >= idewy + idesubwindow - 3 THEN Help_cy = help_h + 1 ELSE y = mY p! = y - idewy - 3 + .5 p! = p! / (idesubwindow - 3 - 3) i = p! * (help_h) + 1 Help_cy = i END IF 'fix cursor IF Help_cx < 1 THEN Help_cx = 1 IF Help_cx > help_w + 1 THEN Help_cx = help_w + 1 IF Help_cy < 1 THEN Help_cy = 1 IF Help_cy > help_h + 1 THEN Help_cy = help_h + 1 'screen follows cursor IF Help_cx < Help_sx THEN Help_sx = Help_cx IF Help_cx >= Help_sx + Help_ww THEN Help_sx = Help_cx - Help_ww + 1 IF Help_cy < Help_sy THEN Help_sy = Help_cy IF Help_cy >= Help_sy + Help_wh THEN Help_sy = Help_cy - Help_wh + 1 'fix screen IF Help_sx < 1 THEN Help_sx = 1 IF Help_sy < 1 THEN Help_sy = 1 END IF END IF END IF 'IF mB AND idemouseselect = 2 THEN ' 'move vbar scroller (idecy) to appropriate position ' IF iden > 1 THEN ' IF mY <= 4 THEN idecy = 1 ' IF mY >= idewy - 7 THEN idecy = iden ' IF mY > 4 AND mY < idewy - 7 THEN ' y = mY ' p! = y - 3 - 2 + .5 ' p! = p! / ((idewy - 8) - 4) ' i = p! * (iden - 1) + 1 ' idecy = i ' END IF ' END IF 'END IF IF mCLICK THEN mCLICK = 0 END IF END IF 'system=3 END IF 'idehelp 'IdeSystem specific code goes here IF mCLICK THEN 'Find [...] search field (IdeSystem = 2) IF mY = idewy - 4 AND mX > idewx - (idesystem2.w + 10) AND mX < idewx - 1 THEN 'inside text box IF mX <= idewx - (idesystem2.w + 8) + 2 THEN IF LEN(idefindtext) = 0 THEN IdeSystem = 2 'no search string, so begin editing idesystem2.issel = 0: idesystem2.v1 = 0 ELSE IdeAddSearched idefindtext IdeSystem = 1: GOTO idemf3 'F3 functionality END IF ELSE IF mX = idewx - 3 THEN showrecentlysearchedbox: PCOPY 0, 3 GOSUB UpdateSearchBar f$ = idesearchedbox IF LEN(f$) THEN idefindtext = f$ PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt idealthighlight = 0 LOCATE , , 0: COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT menubar$; IdeSystem = 1 IF LEN(f$) THEN GOTO idemf3 'F3 functionality GOTO ideloop ELSE IF IdeSystem = 2 THEN if idesystem2.issel then idesystem2.issel = 0 if len(idefindtext) <= idesystem2.w THEN idesystem2.v1 = mX - (idewx - (idesystem2.w + 4)) else if idesystem2.v1 > idesystem2.w then idesystem2.v1 = (mX - (idewx - (idesystem2.w + 4))) + (idesystem2.v1 - idesystem2.w) else idesystem2.v1 = mX - (idewx - (idesystem2.w + 4)) end if END IF ELSE IdeSystem = 2 if len(idefindtext) then idesystem2.issel = -1: idesystem2.sx1 = 0: idesystem2.v1 = len(idefindtext) END IF END IF END IF END IF END IF 'IdeSystem IF KB = KEY_F6 THEN 'switch windows IF idehelp = 1 THEN IF IdeSystem = 3 THEN IdeSystem = 1 ELSE IdeSystem = 3 END IF END IF END IF IF idehelp = 1 THEN 'switch windows? IF mCLICK OR mCLICK2 THEN IF IdeSystem = 3 THEN IF mY >= 2 AND mY < idewy THEN IdeSystem = 1 END IF ELSE IF mY >= idewy AND mY < idewy + idesubwindow THEN IdeSystem = 3 END IF END IF END IF END IF IF IdeSystem = 2 THEN 'certain keys transfer control z = 0 IF (KALT AND KB = KEY_UP) OR (KALT AND KB = KEY_DOWN) THEN GOTO showrecentlysearchedbox IF KB = KEY_UP THEN z = 1 IF KB = KEY_DOWN THEN z = 1 IF KB = KEY_PAGEUP THEN z = 1 IF KB = KEY_PAGEDOWN THEN z = 1 IF mWHEEL THEN z = 1 IF z = 1 THEN IdeSystem = 1 END IF IF IdeSystem = 2 THEN a$ = idefindtext IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(K$) IF (KSHIFT AND KB = KEY_INSERT) OR (KCONTROL AND UCASE$(K$) = "V") THEN 'paste from clipboard clip$ = _CLIPBOARD$ 'read clipboard x = INSTR(clip$, CHR$(13)) IF x THEN clip$ = LEFT$(clip$, x - 1) x = INSTR(clip$, CHR$(10)) IF x THEN clip$ = LEFT$(clip$, x - 1) IF LEN(clip$) THEN IF idesystem2.issel THEN sx1 = idesystem2.sx1: sx2 = idesystem2.v1 IF sx1 > sx2 THEN SWAP sx1, sx2 IF sx2 - sx1 > 0 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, sx1) + clip$ + RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - sx2) idesystem2.v1 = sx1 IF PasteCursorAtEnd THEN idesystem2.v1 = sx1 + LEN(clip$) END IF idesystem2.issel = 0 END IF ELSE a$ = LEFT$(a$, idesystem2.v1) + clip$ + RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - idesystem2.v1) IF PasteCursorAtEnd THEN idesystem2.v1 = idesystem2.v1 + LEN(clip$) END IF END IF k = 255 END IF IF (KCONTROL AND UCASE$(K$) = "A") THEN 'select all IF LEN(a$) > 0 THEN idesystem2.issel = -1 idesystem2.sx1 = 0 idesystem2.v1 = LEN(a$) END IF k = 255 END IF IF ((KCTRL AND KB = KEY_INSERT) OR (KCONTROL AND UCASE$(K$) = "C")) THEN 'copy to clipboard IF idesystem2.issel THEN sx1 = idesystem2.sx1: sx2 = idesystem2.v1 IF sx1 > sx2 THEN SWAP sx1, sx2 IF sx2 - sx1 > 0 THEN _CLIPBOARD$ = MID$(a$, sx1 + 1, sx2 - sx1) END IF k = 255 END IF IF ((KSHIFT AND KB = KEY_DELETE) OR (KCONTROL AND UCASE$(K$) = "X")) THEN 'cut to clipboard IF idesystem2.issel THEN sx1 = idesystem2.sx1: sx2 = idesystem2.v1 IF sx1 > sx2 THEN SWAP sx1, sx2 IF sx2 - sx1 > 0 THEN _CLIPBOARD$ = MID$(a$, sx1 + 1, sx2 - sx1) 'delete selection a$ = LEFT$(a$, sx1) + RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - sx2) idesystem2.v1 = sx1 idesystem2.issel = 0 END IF END IF k = 255 END IF IF k = 8 THEN IF idesystem2.issel THEN sx1 = idesystem2.sx1: sx2 = idesystem2.v1 IF sx1 > sx2 THEN SWAP sx1, sx2 IF sx2 - sx1 > 0 THEN 'delete selection a$ = LEFT$(a$, sx1) + RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - sx2) idefindtext = a$ idesystem2.v1 = sx1 idesystem2.issel = 0 END IF ELSEIF idesystem2.v1 > 0 THEN a1$ = LEFT$(a$, idesystem2.v1 - 1) IF idesystem2.v1 <= LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - idesystem2.v1) ELSE a2$ = "" a$ = a1$ + a2$: idesystem2.v1 = idesystem2.v1 - 1 idefindtext = a$ END IF END IF IF k = 27 THEN IdeSystem = 1 GOTO specialchar END IF IF k = 9 THEN IdeSystem = 1 GOTO specialchar END IF IF k = 13 THEN IF LEN(idefindtext) THEN IdeAddSearched idefindtext GOTO idemf3 'F3 functionality END IF GOTO specialchar END IF IF k <> 8 AND k <> 9 AND k <> 0 AND k <> 10 AND k <> 13 AND k <> 26 AND k <> 255 THEN IF idesystem2.issel THEN sx1 = idesystem2.sx1: sx2 = idesystem2.v1 IF sx1 > sx2 THEN SWAP sx1, sx2 IF sx2 - sx1 > 0 THEN 'replace selection a$ = LEFT$(a$, sx1) + RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - sx2) idefindtext = a$ idesystem2.issel = 0 idesystem2.v1 = sx1 end if end if IF idesystem2.v1 > 0 THEN a1$ = LEFT$(a$, idesystem2.v1) ELSE a1$ = "" IF idesystem2.v1 <= LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - idesystem2.v1) ELSE a2$ = "" a$ = a1$ + K$ + a2$: idesystem2.v1 = idesystem2.v1 + 1 END IF idefindtext = a$ END IF IF K$ = CHR$(0) + "S" THEN 'DEL if idesystem2.issel THEN sx1 = idesystem2.sx1: sx2 = idesystem2.v1 if sx1 > sx2 then SWAP sx1, sx2 if sx2 - sx1 > 0 then 'delete selection a$ = left$(a$, sx1) + right$(a$, len(a$) - sx2) idefindtext = a$ idesystem2.v1 = sx1 idesystem2.issel = 0 end if else IF idesystem2.v1 > 0 THEN a1$ = LEFT$(a$, idesystem2.v1) ELSE a1$ = "" IF idesystem2.v1 < LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - idesystem2.v1 - 1) ELSE a2$ = "" a$ = a1$ + a2$ idefindtext = a$ end if END IF 'cursor control if K$ = CHR$(0) + "K" THEN GOSUB selectcheck: idesystem2.v1 = idesystem2.v1 - 1 IF K$ = CHR$(0) + "M" THEN GOSUB selectcheck: idesystem2.v1 = idesystem2.v1 + 1 IF K$ = CHR$(0) + "G" THEN GOSUB selectcheck: idesystem2.v1 = 0 IF K$ = CHR$(0) + "O" THEN GOSUB selectcheck: idesystem2.v1 = LEN(a$) IF idesystem2.v1 < 0 THEN idesystem2.v1 = 0 IF idesystem2.v1 > LEN(a$) THEN idesystem2.v1 = LEN(a$) IF idesystem2.v1 = idesystem2.sx1 then idesystem2.issel = 0 IF mCLICK or mCLICK2 THEN IF mX > 1 AND mX < idewx AND mY > 2 AND mY < (idewy - 5) THEN 'inside text box IdeSystem = 1 if mCLICK2 THEN goto invokecontextualmenu ELSE goto ideloop END IF END IF GOTO specialchar END IF IF IdeSystem = 3 THEN IF mCLICK OR K$ = CHR$(27) THEN IF (mY = idewy AND mX = idewx - 2) OR K$ = CHR$(27) THEN 'close help 'IF idesubwindow THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt: GOTO ideloop 'idesubwindow = idewy \ 2: idewy = idewy - idesubwindow idewy = idewy + idesubwindow idehelp = 0 idesubwindow = 0 skipdisplay = 0 IdeSystem = 1 retval = 1: GOTO redraweverything2 END IF END IF IF mCLICK THEN IF mY = idewy THEN sx = 2 FOR x = Back_Str_Pos TO Back_Str_Pos + idewx - 6 IF mX = sx THEN i = CVL(MID$(Back_Str_I$, (x - 1) * 4 + 1, 4)) a = ASC(Back_Str$, x) IF a <> 0 AND i <> Help_Back_Pos THEN Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).sx = Help_sx 'update position Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).sy = Help_sy Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).cx = Help_cx Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).cy = Help_cy Help_Back_Pos = i Help_Select = 0: Help_MSelect = 0 Help_sx = Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).sx Help_sy = Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).sy Help_cx = Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).cx Help_cy = Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).cy a$ = Wiki(Back$(Help_Back_Pos)) WikiParse a$ GOTO newpageparsed END IF END IF sx = sx + 1 NEXT 'LOCATE idewy, 2 'FOR x = Back_Str_Pos TO Back_Str_Pos + idewx - 5 ' i = CVL(MID$(Back_Str_I$, (x - 1) * 4 + 1, 4)) ' a = ASC(Back_Str$, x) ' IF a THEN ' COLOR 0, 7 ' IF i < Help_Back_Pos THEN COLOR 9, 7 ' IF i > Help_Back_Pos THEN COLOR 9, 7 ' PRINT CHR$(a); ' ELSE ' COLOR 7, 0 ' PRINT chr$(196); ' END IF 'NEXT END IF END IF IF KCONTROL AND UCASE$(K$) = "A" THEN 'select all IF help_h THEN Help_Select = 2 Help_SelX1 = 1 Help_SelY1 = 1 Help_SelX2 = 10000000 Help_SelY2 = help_h Help_cx = 1: Help_cy = help_h + 1 GOTO keep_select END IF END IF IF ((KCTRL AND KB = KEY_INSERT) OR (KCONTROL AND UCASE$(K$) = "C")) AND Help_Select = 2 THEN 'copy to clipboard clip$ = "" FOR y = Help_SelY1 TO Help_SelY2 IF y <> Help_SelY1 THEN clip$ = clip$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) a$ = "" IF y <= help_h THEN l = CVL(MID$(Help_Line$, (y - 1) * 4 + 1, 4)) x = l x3 = 1 c = ASC(Help_Txt$, x) DO UNTIL c = 13 IF Help_Select = 2 THEN IF y >= Help_SelY1 AND y <= Help_SelY2 THEN IF x3 >= Help_SelX1 AND x3 <= Help_SelX2 THEN a$ = a$ + CHR$(c) END IF END IF END IF x3 = x3 + 1: x = x + 4: c = ASC(Help_Txt$, x) LOOP END IF clip$ = clip$ + a$ NEXT IF Help_SelY1 = Help_SelY2 AND Help_cy > Help_cy1 THEN clip$ = clip$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) IF clip$ <> "" THEN _CLIPBOARD$ = clip$ GOTO keep_select END IF IF mX >= Help_wx1 AND mY >= Help_wy1 AND mX <= Help_wx2 AND mY <= Help_wy2 THEN IF mCLICK THEN Help_cx = Help_sx + (mX - Help_wx1) Help_cy = Help_sy + (mY - Help_wy1) Help_Select = 1 Help_MSelect = 1 Help_cx1 = Help_cx: Help_cy1 = Help_cy GOTO keep_select END IF IF (mB AND Help_Scrollbar = 0) THEN Help_cx = Help_sx + (mX - Help_wx1) Help_cy = Help_sy + (mY - Help_wy1) IF Help_Select THEN GOTO keep_select END IF ELSE 'outside field IF (mB AND Help_Scrollbar = 0) AND Help_MSelect = 1 AND Help_Select = 2 THEN IF mX < Help_wx1 THEN Help_cx = Help_cx - 1 IF mX > Help_wx2 THEN Help_cx = Help_cx + 1 IF mY < Help_wy1 THEN Help_cy = Help_cy - 1 IF mY > Help_wy2 THEN Help_cy = Help_cy + 1 GOTO keep_select END IF END IF IF KSHIFT THEN IF Help_Select = 0 THEN Help_Select = 1 Help_MSelect = 0 Help_cx1 = Help_cx: Help_cy1 = Help_cy END IF ELSE IF (KB > 0 OR mWHEEL <> 0) AND KSTATECHANGED = 0 THEN Help_Select = 0 END IF keep_select: IF KB = KEY_DELETE THEN IF LEN(Help_Search_Str) THEN norep = 1: GOTO delsrchagain END IF IF LEN(K$) = 1 AND KCONTROL = 0 THEN k = ASC(K$) IF alphanumeric(k) OR k = 36 OR k = 32 THEN norep = 0 t# = TIMER(0.001) oldk = 0: IF LEN(Help_Search_Str) THEN oldk = ASC(Help_Search_Str, LEN(Help_Search_Str)) IF t# > Help_Search_Time + 1 OR t# < Help_Search_Time OR (k = oldk AND LEN(Help_Search_Str) = 1) THEN IF k = oldk THEN norep = 1 Help_Search_Str = K$ ELSE Help_Search_Str = Help_Search_Str + K$ END IF Help_Search_Time = t# 'search for next appropriate link delsrchagain: ox = Help_cx oy = Help_cy IF oy > help_h THEN oy = 1 cy = oy cx = ox IF norep = 1 THEN cx = cx + 1 looped = 0 DO 'build the line l = CVL(MID$(Help_Line$, (cy - 1) * 4 + 1, 4)) x = l a$ = "" c = ASC(Help_Txt$, x) DO UNTIL c = 13 lnk = CVI(MID$(Help_Txt$, x + 2, 2)) IF lnk THEN a$ = a$ + CHR$(c) ELSE a$ = a$ + CHR$(0) 'only add text with links x = x + 4: c = ASC(Help_Txt$, x) LOOP helpscanrow: px = INSTR(cx, UCASE$(a$), UCASE$(Help_Search_Str)) px2 = INSTR(cx, UCASE$(a$), UCASE$("_" + Help_Search_Str)) IF px2 < px AND px2 <> 0 AND LEFT$(Help_Search_Str, 1) <> "_" THEN px = px2 IF looped = 1 AND cy = oy AND px = 0 THEN GOTO strnotfound IF px THEN 'isolate and REVERSE select link l = CVL(MID$(Help_Line$, (cy - 1) * 4 + 1, 4)) x = l x2 = 1 a$ = "" c = ASC(Help_Txt$, x) oldlnk = 0 lnkx1 = 0: lnkx2 = 0 DO UNTIL c = 13 lnk = CVI(MID$(Help_Txt$, x + 2, 2)) IF lnkx1 = 0 AND lnk <> 0 AND oldlnk = 0 AND px = x2 THEN lnkx1 = x2 IF lnkx1 <> 0 AND lnk = 0 AND lnkx2 = 0 THEN lnkx2 = x2 - 1 x = x + 4: c = ASC(Help_Txt$, x) x2 = x2 + 1 oldlnk = lnk LOOP IF Back_Name$(Help_Back_Pos) = "Alphabetical" OR Back_Name$(Help_Back_Pos) = "By Usage" THEN IF lnkx1 <> 3 THEN cx = px + 1 GOTO helpscanrow END IF END IF IF lnkx1 THEN IF lnkx2 = 0 THEN lnkx2 = x2 - 1 Help_Select = 2 Help_cx1 = lnkx2 + 1 Help_cx = lnkx1 Help_cy = cy Help_cy1 = cy GOTO foundsstr END IF cx = px + 1 GOTO helpscanrow END IF cx = 1 cy = cy + 1 IF cy > help_h THEN cy = 1: looped = 1 LOOP END IF END IF foundsstr: strnotfound: IF KB = KEY_HOME AND KCONTROL THEN Help_cx = 1: Help_cy = 1 END IF IF KB = KEY_END AND KCONTROL THEN Help_cx = 1: Help_cy = help_h + 1 END IF IF KB = KEY_HOME AND KCONTROL = 0 THEN Help_cx = 1 IF KB = KEY_END AND KCONTROL = 0 THEN Help_cx = Help_LineLen(Help_cy - Help_sy) + 1 END IF IF KB = KEY_PAGEUP THEN Help_cy = Help_cy - (Help_wh - 1) END IF IF KB = KEY_PAGEDOWN THEN Help_cy = Help_cy + (Help_wh - 1) END IF IF KB = KEY_DOWN THEN Help_cy = Help_cy + 1 IF KB = KEY_UP THEN Help_cy = Help_cy - 1 IF KB = KEY_LEFT THEN Help_cx = Help_cx - 1 IF KB = KEY_RIGHT THEN Help_cx = Help_cx + 1 'move relative to top/bottom IF mWHEEL < 0 THEN Help_cy = Help_sy IF mWHEEL > 0 THEN Help_cy = Help_sy + (Help_wh - 1) Help_cy = Help_cy + mWHEEL * 3 'fix cursor IF Help_cx < 1 THEN Help_cx = 1 IF Help_cx > help_w + 1 THEN Help_cx = help_w + 1 IF Help_cy < 1 THEN Help_cy = 1 IF Help_cy > help_h + 1 THEN Help_cy = help_h + 1 'screen follows cursor IF Help_cx < Help_sx THEN Help_sx = Help_cx IF Help_cx >= Help_sx + Help_ww THEN Help_sx = Help_cx - Help_ww + 1 IF Help_cy < Help_sy THEN Help_sy = Help_cy IF Help_cy >= Help_sy + Help_wh THEN Help_sy = Help_cy - Help_wh + 1 'fix screen IF Help_sx < 1 THEN Help_sx = 1 IF Help_sy < 1 THEN Help_sy = 1 IF K$ = CHR$(8) THEN IF Help_Back_Pos > 1 THEN Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).sx = Help_sx 'update position Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).sy = Help_sy Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).cx = Help_cx Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).cy = Help_cy Help_Back_Pos = Help_Back_Pos - 1 Help_Select = 0: Help_MSelect = 0 Help_sx = Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).sx Help_sy = Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).sy Help_cx = Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).cx Help_cy = Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).cy a$ = Wiki(Back$(Help_Back_Pos)) WikiParse a$ GOTO newpageparsed END IF END IF IF Help_cy >= 1 AND Help_cy <= help_h THEN l = CVL(MID$(Help_Line$, (Help_cy - 1) * 4 + 1, 4)) x = l x2 = 1 c = ASC(Help_Txt$, x) DO UNTIL c = 13 IF x2 = Help_cx THEN lnk = CVI(MID$(Help_Txt$, x + 2, 2)) IF lnk THEN 'retrieve lnk info l1 = 1 FOR lx = 1 TO lnk - 1 l1 = INSTR(l1, Help_Link$, Help_Link_Sep$) + 1 NEXT l2 = INSTR(l1, Help_Link$, Help_Link_Sep$) - 1 l$ = MID$(Help_Link$, l1, l2 - l1 + 1) 'assume PAGE l$ = RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - 5) IF mCLICK OR K$ = CHR$(13) THEN mCLICK = 0 IF Back$(Help_Back_Pos) <> l$ THEN Help_Select = 0: Help_MSelect = 0 'COLOR 7, 0 Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).sx = Help_sx 'update position Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).sy = Help_sy Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).cx = Help_cx Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).cy = Help_cy top = UBOUND(back$) IF Help_Back_Pos < top THEN IF Back$(Help_Back_Pos + 1) = l$ THEN GOTO usenextentry END IF END IF top = top + 1 REDIM _PRESERVE Back(top) AS STRING REDIM _PRESERVE Help_Back(top) AS Help_Back_Type REDIM _PRESERVE Back_Name(top) AS STRING 'Shuffle array upwards after current pos FOR x = top - 1 TO Help_Back_Pos + 1 STEP -1 Back_Name$(x + 1) = Back_Name$(x) Back$(x + 1) = Back$(x) Help_Back(x + 1).sx = Help_Back(x).sx Help_Back(x + 1).sy = Help_Back(x).sy Help_Back(x + 1).cx = Help_Back(x).cx Help_Back(x + 1).cy = Help_Back(x).cy NEXT usenextentry: Help_Back_Pos = Help_Back_Pos + 1 Back$(Help_Back_Pos) = l$ Back_Name$(Help_Back_Pos) = Back2BackName$(l$) Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).sx = 1 Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).sy = 1 Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).cx = 1 Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).cy = 1 Help_sx = 1: Help_sy = 1: Help_cx = 1: Help_cy = 1 a$ = Wiki(l$) WikiParse a$ GOTO newpageparsed END IF END IF END IF END IF x = x + 4: c = ASC(Help_Txt$, x) x2 = x2 + 1 LOOP END IF IF Help_Select THEN Help_Select = 1 'revert to non-selected if cursor moved to neutral pos IF Help_cx <> Help_cx1 OR Help_cy <> Help_cy1 THEN Help_Select = 2 END IF 'Determine the exact region selected IF Help_Select = 2 THEN IF Help_cy = Help_cy1 THEN Help_SelY1 = Help_cy: Help_SelY2 = Help_cy IF Help_cx > Help_cx1 THEN Help_SelX1 = Help_cx1: Help_SelX2 = Help_cx - 1 ELSE Help_SelX1 = Help_cx: Help_SelX2 = Help_cx1 - 1 END IF ELSE Help_SelX1 = 1: Help_SelX2 = 10000000 IF Help_cy > Help_cy1 THEN Help_SelY1 = Help_cy1: Help_SelY2 = Help_cy IF Help_cx = 1 THEN Help_SelY2 = Help_cy - 1 ELSE Help_SelY1 = Help_cy: Help_SelY2 = Help_cy1 END IF END IF END IF newpageparsed: GOTO specialchar END IF IF KB = KEY_F1 THEN contextualhelp: 'identify word or character at current cursor position a$ = idegetline(idecy) x = idecx IF x <= LEN(a$) THEN IF alphanumeric(ASC(a$, x)) THEN x1 = x DO WHILE x1 > 1 IF alphanumeric(ASC(a$, x1 - 1)) OR ASC(a$, x1 - 1) = 36 THEN x1 = x1 - 1 ELSE EXIT DO LOOP x2 = x DO WHILE x2 < LEN(a$) IF alphanumeric(ASC(a$, x2 + 1)) OR ASC(a$, x2 + 1) = 36 THEN x2 = x2 + 1 ELSE EXIT DO LOOP a2$ = MID$(a$, x1, x2 - x1 + 1) ELSE a2$ = CHR$(ASC(a$, x)) END IF a2$ = UCASE$(a2$) 'check if F1 is in help links fh = FREEFILE OPEN "internal\help\links.bin" FOR INPUT AS #fh lnks = 0: lnks$ = CHR$(0) DO UNTIL EOF(fh) LINE INPUT #fh, l$ c = INSTR(l$, ","): l1$ = LEFT$(l$, c - 1): l2$ = RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - c) IF a2$ = UCASE$(l1$) THEN IF INSTR(lnks$, CHR$(0) + l2$ + CHR$(0)) = 0 THEN lnks = lnks + 1 IF l2$ = l1$ THEN lnks$ = CHR$(0) + l2$ + lnks$ ELSE lnks$ = lnks$ + l2$ + CHR$(0) END IF END IF END IF LOOP CLOSE #fh IF lnks THEN lnks$ = MID$(lnks$, 2, LEN(lnks$) - 2) lnk$ = lnks$ IF lnks > 1 THEN 'clarify context lnk$ = idef1box$(lnks$, lnks) if lnk$ = "C" then goto ideloop END IF OpenHelpLnk: Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).sx = Help_sx 'update position Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).sy = Help_sy Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).cx = Help_cx Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).cy = Help_cy top = UBOUND(back$) IF Back$(Help_Back_Pos) = lnk$ THEN Help_Back_Pos = Help_Back_Pos - 1: GOTO usenextentry2 IF Help_Back_Pos < top THEN IF Back$(Help_Back_Pos + 1) = lnk$ THEN GOTO usenextentry2 END IF END IF top = top + 1 REDIM _PRESERVE Back(top) AS STRING REDIM _PRESERVE Help_Back(top) AS Help_Back_Type REDIM _PRESERVE Back_Name(top) AS STRING 'Shuffle array upwards after current pos FOR x = top - 1 TO Help_Back_Pos + 1 STEP -1 Back_Name$(x + 1) = Back_Name$(x) Back$(x + 1) = Back$(x) Help_Back(x + 1).sx = Help_Back(x).sx Help_Back(x + 1).sy = Help_Back(x).sy Help_Back(x + 1).cx = Help_Back(x).cx Help_Back(x + 1).cy = Help_Back(x).cy NEXT usenextentry2: Help_Back_Pos = Help_Back_Pos + 1 Back$(Help_Back_Pos) = lnk$ Back_Name$(Help_Back_Pos) = Back2BackName$(lnk$) Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).sx = 1 Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).sy = 1 Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).cx = 1 Help_Back(Help_Back_Pos).cy = 1 Help_sx = 1: Help_sy = 1: Help_cx = 1: Help_cy = 1 a$ = Wiki(lnk$) IF idehelp = 0 THEN IF idesubwindow THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt: GOTO ideloop idesubwindow = idewy \ 2: idewy = idewy - idesubwindow Help_wx1 = 2: Help_wy1 = idewy + 1: Help_wx2 = idewx - 1: Help_wy2 = idewy + idesubwindow - 2: Help_ww = Help_wx2 - Help_wx1 + 1: Help_wh = Help_wy2 - Help_wy1 + 1 WikiParse a$ idehelp = 1 skipdisplay = 0 IdeSystem = 3 'Standard qb45 behaviour. Allows for quick peek at help then ESC. retval = 1: GOTO redraweverything2 END IF WikiParse a$ IdeSystem = 3 'Standard qb45 behaviour. Allows for quick peek at help then ESC. GOTO specialchar END IF 'lnks END IF GOTO specialchar END IF IF KALT AND KB = KEY_LEFT THEN bmkremoved = 0 bmkremove: FOR b = 1 TO IdeBmkN IF IdeBmk(b).y = idecy THEN FOR b2 = b TO IdeBmkN - 1 IdeBmk(b2) = IdeBmk(b2 + 1) NEXT IdeBmkN = IdeBmkN - 1 bmkremoved = 1 ideunsaved = 1 GOTO bmkremove END IF NEXT IF bmkremoved = 0 THEN IdeBmkN = IdeBmkN + 1 IF IdeBmkN > UBOUND(IdeBmk) THEN x = UBOUND(IdeBmk) * 2: REDIM _PRESERVE IdeBmk(x) AS IdeBmkType IdeBmk(IdeBmkN).y = idecy IdeBmk(IdeBmkN).x = idecx IdeBmk(IdeBmkN).reserved = 0: IdeBmk(IdeBmkN).reserved2 = 0 ideunsaved = 1 END IF GOTO specialchar END IF IF KALT AND (KB = KEY_DOWN OR KB = KEY_UP) THEN IF IdeBmkN = 0 THEN idemessagebox "Bookmarks", "No bookmarks exist (Use Alt+Left to create a bookmark)" SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt idealthighlight = 0 LOCATE , , 0: COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT menubar$; GOTO specialchar END IF IF IdeBmkN = 1 THEN IF idecy = IdeBmk(1).y THEN idemessagebox "Bookmarks", "No other bookmarks exist" SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt idealthighlight = 0 LOCATE , , 0: COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT menubar$; GOTO specialchar END IF END IF l = idecy DO IF KB = KEY_DOWN THEN l = l + 1 ELSE l = l - 1 IF l < 1 THEN l = iden IF l > iden THEN l = 1 FOR b = 1 TO IdeBmkN IF IdeBmk(b).y = l THEN EXIT DO NEXT LOOP AddQuickNavHistory idecy idecy = l idecx = IdeBmk(b).x ideselect = 0 GOTO specialchar END IF IF KALT AND KB = KEY_RIGHT THEN '***RESERVED*** GOTO specialchar END IF IF KALT AND KB >= 48 AND KB <= 57 THEN GOTO specialchar ' Steve Edit on 07-04-2014 to add support for ALT-numkey combos to produce ASCII codes IF mCLICK THEN IF mX > 1 AND mX < idewx AND mY > 2 AND mY < (idewy - 5) THEN 'inside text box ideselect = 1 idecx = mX - 1 + idesx - 1 idecy = mY - 2 + idesy - 1 IF idecy > iden THEN idecy = iden ideselect = 1: ideselectx1 = idecx: ideselecty1 = idecy idemouseselect = 1 END IF END IF IF mCLICK2 THEN 'Second mouse button pressed. invokecontextualmenu: IF mX > 1 AND mX < idewx AND mY > 2 AND mY < (idewy - 5) THEN 'inside text box if ideselect = 0 then 'Right click only positions the cursor if no selection is active idecx = mX - 1 + idesx - 1 idecy = mY - 2 + idesy - 1 IF idecy > iden THEN idecy = iden else 'A selection is reported but it may be that the user only clicked the screen. Let's check: IF ideselecty1 = idecy THEN 'single line selected a$ = idegetline(idecy) a2$ = "" sx1 = ideselectx1: sx2 = idecx IF sx2 < sx1 THEN SWAP sx1, sx2 FOR x = sx1 TO sx2 - 1 IF x <= LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = a2$ + MID$(a$, x, 1) ELSE a2$ = a2$ + " " NEXT IF a2$ = "" THEN 'Told ya. ideselect = 0 idecx = mX - 1 + idesx - 1 idecy = mY - 2 + idesy - 1 IF idecy > iden THEN idecy = iden ELSE 'Ok, there is a selection. But we'll override it if the click was outside it IF mX - 1 + idesx - 1 < sx1 OR mX - 1 + idesx - 1 > sx2 THEN ideselect = 0 idecx = mX - 1 + idesx - 1 idecy = mY - 2 + idesy - 1 IF idecy > iden THEN idecy = iden ideshowtext PCOPY 3, 0 END IF IF mY - 2 + idesy - 1 < idecy OR mY - 2 + idesy - 1 > idecy THEN ideselect = 0 idecx = mX - 1 + idesx - 1 idecy = mY - 2 + idesy - 1 IF idecy > iden THEN idecy = iden ideshowtext PCOPY 3, 0 END IF END IF ELSE 'Multiple lines selected 'We'll override the selection if the click was outside it sy1 = ideselecty1 sy2 = idecy IF sy1 > sy2 THEN SWAP sy1, sy2 IF mY - 2 + idesy - 1 < sy1 OR mY - 2 + idesy - 1 > sy2 THEN ideselect = 0 idecx = mX - 1 + idesx - 1 idecy = mY - 2 + idesy - 1 IF idecy > iden THEN idecy = iden ideshowtext PCOPY 3, 0 END IF END IF end if idecontextualmenu = 1 IdeMakeContextualMenu GOTO showmenu END IF END IF IF mCLICK THEN IF mX = idewx THEN IF iden > 1 THEN 'take no action if not slider available y = idevbar(idewx, 3, idewy - 8, idecy, iden) IF y = mY THEN idemouseselect = 2 ideselect = 0 END IF END IF END IF END IF IF mCLICK THEN IF mY = idewy - 5 THEN x = idehbar(2, idewy - 5, idewx - 2, idesx, 608) IF x = mX THEN idemouseselect = 3 ideselect = 0 END IF END IF END IF IF mB AND idemouseselect = 0 THEN IF mX = idewx AND mY > 2 AND mY < idewy - 5 THEN 'inside vbar ideselect = 0 IF mY = 3 THEN KB = KEY_UP: idewait: idembmonitor = 1 IF mY = idewy - 6 THEN KB = KEY_DOWN: idewait: idembmonitor = 1 IF mY > 3 AND mY < (idewy - 6) THEN 'assume not on slider IF iden > 1 THEN 'take no action if not slider available y = idevbar(idewx, 3, idewy - 8, idecy, iden) IF y <> mY THEN IF mY < y THEN KB = KEY_PAGEUP: idewait: idembmonitor = 1 ELSE KB = KEY_PAGEDOWN: idewait: idembmonitor = 1 END IF END IF END IF END IF END IF END IF IF mB AND idemouseselect = 0 THEN IF mY = idewy - 5 AND mX > 1 AND mX < idewx THEN 'inside hbar ideselect = 0 IF mX = 2 THEN KB = KEY_LEFT: idewait: idembmonitor = 1 IF mX = idewx - 1 THEN KB = KEY_RIGHT: idewait: idembmonitor = 1 IF mX > 2 AND mX < idewx - 1 THEN 'assume not on slider x = idehbar(2, idewy - 5, idewx - 2, idesx, 608) IF x <> mX THEN IF mX < x THEN idecx = idecx - 8 IF idecx < 1 THEN idecx = 1 idewait: idembmonitor = 1 ELSE idecx = idecx + 8 idewait: idembmonitor = 1 END IF END IF END IF END IF END IF IF mB AND idemouseselect = 2 THEN 'move vbar scroller (idecy) to appropriate position IF iden > 1 THEN IF mY <= 4 THEN idecy = 1 IF mY >= idewy - 7 THEN idecy = iden IF mY > 4 AND mY < idewy - 7 THEN y = mY p! = y - 3 - 2 + .5 p! = p! / ((idewy - 8) - 4) i = p! * (iden - 1) + 1 idecy = i END IF END IF END IF IF mB AND idemouseselect = 3 THEN 'move hbar scroller (idecx) to appropriate position IF mX <= 3 THEN idesx = 1: idecx = idesx IF mX >= idewx - 2 THEN idesx = 608: idecx = idesx IF mX > 3 AND mX < idewx - 2 THEN x = mX p! = x - 2 - 2 + .5 p! = p! / ((idewx - 2) - 4) i = p! * (608 - 1) + 1 idesx = i idecx = idesx END IF END IF IF mB AND idemouseselect <= 1 THEN IF mX > 1 AND mX < idewx AND mY > 2 AND mY < idewy - 5 THEN 'inside text box IF idemouseselect = 1 THEN idecx = mX - 1 + idesx - 1 idecy = mY - 2 + idesy - 1 IF idecy > iden THEN idecy = iden END IF END IF END IF IF mB THEN IF mX = 1 OR mX = idewx OR mY <= 2 OR mY >= idewy - 5 THEN 'off text window area IF idemouseselect = 1 THEN 'scroll window IF mY >= idewy - 5 THEN idecy = idecy + 1: IF idecy > iden THEN idecy = iden IF mY <= 2 THEN idecy = idecy - 1: IF idecy < 1 THEN idecy = 1 IF mX = 1 THEN idecx = idecx - 1: IF idecx < 1 THEN idecx = 1 IF mX = idewx THEN idecx = idecx + 1 idewait END IF END IF END IF IF KCONTROL AND UCASE$(K$) = "A" THEN 'select all idemselectall: ideselect = 1: ideselectx1 = 1: ideselecty1 = 1 idecy = iden a$ = idegetline(idecy) idecx = LEN(a$) + 1 GOTO specialchar END IF IF K$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(60) THEN 'F2 GOTO idesubsjmp END IF IF KCONTROL AND UCASE$(K$) = "Z" THEN 'undo (CTRL+Z) idemundo: IF ideundopos THEN OPEN tmpdir$ + "undo2.bin" FOR BINARY AS #150 h$ = SPACE$(12): GET #150, , h$: p1 = CVL(MID$(h$, 1, 4)): p2 = CVL(MID$(h$, 5, 4)): plast = CVL(MID$(h$, 9, 4)) 'does something exist to undo? u = 0 IF p2 >= p1 THEN 'linear IF ideundopos > p1 THEN GET #150, ideundopos - 4, upl u = ideundopos - 4 - upl - 4 END IF ELSE 'wrapped IF ideundopos > p1 THEN GET #150, ideundopos - 4, upl u = ideundopos - 4 - upl - 4 END IF IF ideundopos <= p2 THEN IF ideundopos = 13 THEN u = plast ELSE GET #150, ideundopos - 4, upl u = ideundopos - 4 - upl - 4 END IF END IF END IF IF u THEN IF ideundopos = ideundobase THEN 'if not untitled, then we MUST switch to a special state 'warn PCOPY 3, 0 what$ = ideyesnobox("Undo", "Undo through previous program content?") PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt IF what$ = "N" THEN CLOSE #150 GOTO skipundo END IF IF ideunsaved = 1 AND ideprogname <> "" THEN PCOPY 3, 0 r$ = idesavenow PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt IF r$ = "C" THEN CLOSE #150: GOTO skipundo IF r$ = "Y" THEN idesave idepath$ + idepathsep$ + ideprogname$ END IF END IF ideunsaved = 1 ideprogname$ = "" _TITLE "QB64" ideundobase = -1 'release base restriction END IF ideundopos = u 'set new current state 'get backup SEEK #150, u GET #150, , l2& 'should be the same as l& GET #150, , idesx: GET #150, , idesy GET #150, , idecx: GET #150, , idecy GET #150, , ideselect: GET #150, , ideselectx1: GET #150, , ideselecty1 GET #150, , iden GET #150, , idel GET #150, , ideli 'bookmark info [v2] GET #150, , IdeBmkN: REDIM IdeBmk(IdeBmkN + 1) AS IdeBmkType FOR bi = 1 TO IdeBmkN: GET #150, , IdeBmk(bi).y: GET #150, , IdeBmk(bi).x: NEXT GET #150, , x&: idet$ = SPACE$(x&): GET #150, , idet$ idechangemade = 1: idenoundo = 1 END IF 'u skipundo: CLOSE #150 END IF GOTO specialchar END IF IF KCONTROL AND UCASE$(K$) = "Y" THEN 'redo (CTRL+Y) idemredo: IF ideundopos THEN OPEN tmpdir$ + "undo2.bin" FOR BINARY AS #150 h$ = SPACE$(12): GET #150, , h$: p1 = CVL(MID$(h$, 1, 4)): p2 = CVL(MID$(h$, 5, 4)): plast = CVL(MID$(h$, 9, 4)) 'does something exist to redo? u = 0 IF p2 >= p1 THEN 'linear IF ideundopos < p2 THEN GET #150, ideundopos, upl u = ideundopos + 4 + upl + 4 END IF ELSE 'wrapped IF ideundopos >= p1 THEN IF ideundopos = plast THEN u = 13 ELSE GET #150, ideundopos, upl u = ideundopos + 4 + upl + 4 END IF ELSE IF ideundopos < p2 THEN GET #150, ideundopos, upl u = ideundopos + 4 + upl + 4 END IF END IF END IF IF u THEN ideundopos = u 'set new current state 'get backup SEEK #150, u GET #150, , l2& 'should be the same as l& GET #150, , idesx: GET #150, , idesy GET #150, , idecx: GET #150, , idecy GET #150, , ideselect: GET #150, , ideselectx1: GET #150, , ideselecty1 GET #150, , iden GET #150, , idel GET #150, , ideli 'bookmark info [v2] GET #150, , IdeBmkN: REDIM IdeBmk(IdeBmkN + 1) AS IdeBmkType FOR bi = 1 TO IdeBmkN: GET #150, , IdeBmk(bi).y: GET #150, , IdeBmk(bi).x: NEXT GET #150, , x&: idet$ = SPACE$(x&): GET #150, , idet$ idechangemade = 1: idenoundo = 1 END IF 'u CLOSE #150 END IF GOTO specialchar END IF IF ((KSHIFT AND KB = KEY_DELETE) OR (KCONTROL AND UCASE$(K$) = "X")) AND ideselect = 1 THEN 'cut to clipboard idemcut: idechangemade = 1 GOTO copy2clip END IF IF (KB = KEY_DELETE OR KB = 8) AND ideselect = 1 THEN 'delete selection IF ideselecty1 <> idecy OR ideselectx1 <> idecx THEN idechangemade = 1 GOSUB delselect GOTO specialchar ELSE ideselect = 0 END IF END IF IF (KSHIFT AND KB = KEY_INSERT) OR (KCONTROL AND UCASE$(K$) = "V") THEN 'paste from clipboard idempaste: clip$ = _CLIPBOARD$ 'read clipboard IF LEN(clip$) THEN IF ideselect THEN GOSUB delselect IF INSTR(clip$, CHR$(13)) OR INSTR(clip$, CHR$(10)) THEN 'full lines paste idelayoutallow = 2 a$ = clip$ x3 = 1 'scan from position i = 0 'lines counter fullpastenextline: x = INSTR(x3, a$, CHR$(13)) x2 = INSTR(x3, a$, CHR$(10)) IF x = 0 THEN x = x2 IF x2 = 0 THEN x2 = x IF x2 < x THEN SWAP x, x2 IF x2 > x + 1 THEN x2 = x 'if seperated by more than one character, they are seperate line terminators 'x to x2 is the range of the next line terminator (1 or 2 characters) IF x THEN ideinsline idecy + i, converttabs$(MID$(a$, x3, x - x3)) i = i + 1 x3 = x2 + 1 ELSE ideinsline idecy + i, converttabs$(MID$(a$, x3, LEN(a$) - x3 + 1)) i = i + 1 x3 = LEN(a$) + 1 END IF IF x3 <= LEN(a$) GOTO fullpastenextline IF PasteCursorAtEnd THEN 'Place the cursor at the end of the pasted content: idecy = idecy + i - 1 idecx = LEN(idegetline(idecy)) + 1 END IF ELSE 'insert single line paste a$ = idegetline(idecy) IF LEN(a$) < idecx - 1 THEN a$ = a$ + SPACE$(idecx - 1 - LEN(a$)) a$ = LEFT$(a$, idecx - 1) + clip$ + RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - idecx + 1) idesetline idecy, converttabs$(a$) IF PasteCursorAtEnd THEN 'Place the cursor at the end of the pasted content: idecx = idecx + len(clip$) END IF END IF idechangemade = 1 END IF GOTO specialchar END IF IF ((KCTRL AND KB = KEY_INSERT) OR (KCONTROL AND UCASE$(K$) = "C")) AND ideselect = 1 THEN 'copy to clipboard copy2clip: clip$ = "" sy1 = ideselecty1 sy2 = idecy IF sy1 > sy2 THEN SWAP sy1, sy2 sx1 = ideselectx1 sx2 = idecx IF sx1 > sx2 THEN SWAP sx1, sx2 FOR y = sy1 TO sy2 IF y <= iden THEN a$ = idegetline(y) IF sy1 = sy2 THEN 'single line select FOR x = sx1 TO sx2 - 1 IF x <= LEN(a$) THEN clip$ = clip$ + MID$(a$, x, 1) ELSE clip$ = clip$ + " " NEXT ELSE 'multiline select IF idecx = 1 AND y = sy2 AND idecy > sy1 THEN clip$ = clip$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10): GOTO nofinalcopy IF clip$ = "" THEN clip$ = a$ ELSE clip$ = clip$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + a$ nofinalcopy: END IF END IF NEXT IF clip$ <> "" THEN _CLIPBOARD$ = clip$ IF (K$ = CHR$(0) + "S") OR (KSHIFT AND KB = KEY_DELETE) OR (KCONTROL AND UCASE$(K$) = "X") THEN GOSUB delselect GOTO specialchar END IF IF KB = KEY_INSERT THEN 'toggle INSERT mode ideinsert = ideinsert + 1 IF ideinsert = 2 THEN ideinsert = 0 END IF IF KB = KEY_UP THEN IF KCONTROL THEN 'scroll the window, instead of moving the cursor idesy = idesy - 1 if idesy < 1 then idesy = 1 if idecy > idesy + (idewy - 9) then idecy = idesy + (idewy - 9) ELSE GOSUB selectcheck idecy = idecy - 1 IF idecy < 1 THEN idecy = 1 GOTO specialchar END IF END IF IF KB = KEY_DOWN THEN IF KCONTROL THEN 'scroll the window, instead of moving the cursor idesy = idesy + 1 if idesy > iden then idesy = iden if idecy < idesy then idecy = idesy ELSE GOSUB selectcheck idecy = idecy + 1 IF idecy > iden THEN idecy = iden GOTO specialchar END IF END IF IF mWHEEL THEN GOSUB selectcheck 'move relative to top/bottom IF mWHEEL < 0 THEN idecy = idesy IF mWHEEL > 0 THEN idecy = idesy + (idewy - 9) idecy = idecy + mWHEEL * 3 IF idecy < 1 THEN idecy = 1 IF idecy > iden THEN idecy = iden GOTO specialchar END IF IF KB = KEY_LEFT THEN GOSUB selectcheck IF KCONTROL THEN 'move forward to next beginning alphanumeric a$ = idegetline(idecy) IF idecx > LEN(a$) THEN idecx = LEN(a$) + 1 skipping = 1 DO 'move idecx = idecx - 1 'latch onto prev character IF idecx < 1 THEN DO IF idecy = 1 THEN idecx = 1: GOTO specialchar idecy = idecy - 1 a$ = idegetline(idecy) idecx = LEN(a$) LOOP UNTIL LEN(a$) END IF 'check character IF alphanumeric(ASC(a$, idecx)) THEN IF idecx = 1 THEN GOTO specialchar x = idecx: y = idecy skipping = 0 ELSE IF skipping = 0 THEN idecx = x: idecy = y: GOTO specialchar END IF LOOP ELSE idecx = idecx - 1 IF idecx < 1 THEN idecx = 1 END IF GOTO specialchar END IF IF KB = KEY_RIGHT THEN GOSUB selectcheck IF KCONTROL THEN 'move forward to next beginning alphanumeric a$ = idegetline(idecy) skipping = 0 first = 1 DO 'move IF first = 0 THEN idecx = idecx + 1 'latch onto next character IF idecx > LEN(a$) THEN DO IF idecy = iden THEN GOTO specialchar idecy = idecy + 1: idecx = 1 a$ = idegetline(idecy) LOOP UNTIL LEN(a$) skipping = 0 first = 0 END IF 'check character IF alphanumeric(ASC(a$, idecx)) THEN IF first THEN skipping = 1 ELSE IF skipping = 0 THEN GOTO specialchar END IF ELSE skipping = 0 END IF first = 0 LOOP ELSE idecx = idecx + 1 END IF GOTO specialchar END IF IF KCONTROL AND KB = KEY_HOME THEN GOSUB selectcheck idecx = 1 idecy = 1 GOTO specialchar END IF IF KCONTROL AND KB = KEY_END THEN GOSUB selectcheck idecy = iden a$ = idegetline(idecy) idecx = LEN(a$) + 1 GOTO specialchar END IF IF KB = KEY_HOME THEN GOSUB selectcheck IF idecx <> 1 THEN idecx = 1 ELSE a$ = idegetline(idecy) idecx = 1 FOR x = 1 TO LEN(a$) IF ASC(a$, x) <> 32 THEN idecx = x: EXIT FOR NEXT END IF GOTO specialchar END IF IF KB = KEY_END THEN GOSUB selectcheck a$ = idegetline(idecy) idecx = LEN(a$) + 1 GOTO specialchar END IF IF KB = KEY_PAGEUP THEN GOSUB selectcheck idecy = idecy - (idewy - 9) IF idecy < 1 THEN idecy = 1 GOTO specialchar END IF IF KB = KEY_PAGEDOWN THEN GOSUB selectcheck idecy = idecy + (idewy - 9) IF idecy > iden THEN idecy = iden GOTO specialchar END IF GOTO skipgosubs selectcheck: IF IdeSystem = 1 THEN IF KSHIFT AND ideselect = 0 THEN ideselect = 1: ideselectx1 = idecx: ideselecty1 = idecy IF KSHIFT = 0 THEN ideselect = 0 ELSEIF IdeSystem = 2 THEN IF KSHIFT AND idesystem2.issel = 0 THEN idesystem2.issel = -1: idesystem2.sx1 = idesystem2.v1 IF KSHIFT = 0 THEN idesystem2.issel = 0 END IF RETURN delselect: sy1 = ideselecty1 sy2 = idecy IF sy1 > sy2 THEN SWAP sy1, sy2 sx1 = ideselectx1 sx2 = idecx IF sx1 > sx2 THEN SWAP sx1, sx2 nolastlinedel = 0 IF sy1 <> sy2 AND idecx = 1 AND idecy > sy1 THEN sy2 = sy2 - 1: nolastlinedel = 1 'ignore last line of multi-line select? FOR y = sy2 TO sy1 STEP -1 IF sy1 = sy2 AND nolastlinedel = 0 THEN 'single line select a$ = idegetline(y) a2$ = "" IF sx1 <= LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = LEFT$(a$, sx1 - 1) ELSE a2$ = a$ IF sx2 <= LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = a2$ + RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - sx2 + 1) idesetline y, a2$ ELSE 'multiline select IF iden = 1 AND y = 1 THEN idesetline y, "" ELSE idedelline y END IF NEXT idecx = sx1: IF sy1 <> sy2 OR nolastlinedel = 1 THEN idecx = 1 idecy = sy1 ideselect = 0 RETURN skipgosubs: IF K$ = CHR$(13) THEN ideselect = 0 idechangemade = 1 a$ = idegetline(idecy) IF idecx > LEN(a$) THEN ideinsline idecy + 1, "" ELSE idesetline idecy, LEFT$(a$, idecx - 1) ideinsline idecy + 1, RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - idecx + 1) END IF IF idecx = 1 THEN FOR b = 1 TO IdeBmkN IF IdeBmk(b).y = idecy THEN IdeBmk(b).y = IdeBmk(b).y + 1 NEXT END IF idecy = idecy + 1 idecx = 1 GOTO specialchar END IF IF KB = KEY_DELETE THEN idechangemade = 1 a$ = idegetline(idecy) IF idecx <= LEN(a$) THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, idecx - 1) + RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - idecx) idesetline idecy, a$ ELSE a$ = a$ + SPACE$(idecx - LEN(a$) - 1) a$ = a$ + idegetline(idecy + 1) idesetline idecy, a$ idedelline idecy + 1 END IF GOTO specialchar END IF IF K$ = CHR$(8) THEN ideselect = 0 idechangemade = 1 'undocombos IF ideundocombochr <> 8 THEN ideundocombo = 2 ELSE ideundocombo = ideundocombo + 1 IF ideundocombo = 2 THEN idemergeundo = 1 END IF ideundocombochr = 8 a$ = idegetline(idecy) IF idecx = 1 THEN IF idecy > 1 THEN a2$ = idegetline(idecy - 1) idesetline idecy - 1, a2$ + a$ idedelline idecy idecx = LEN(a2$) + 1 idecy = idecy - 1 END IF GOTO specialchar END IF IF idecx > LEN(a$) + 1 THEN idecx = LEN(a$) + 1 ELSE a$ = LEFT$(a$, idecx - 2) + RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - idecx + 1) idesetline idecy, a$ idecx = idecx - 1 END IF GOTO specialchar END IF 'patch#1 IF LEN(K$) <> 1 THEN GOTO specialchar IF K$ = CHR$(9) THEN GOTO ideforceinput IF block_chr(ASC(K$)) THEN GOTO specialchar ideforceinput: IF K$ = CHR$(9) OR (K$ = CHR$(25) AND INSTR(_OS$, "MAC") > 0) THEN IF ideselect AND ideautoindent = 0 THEN 'Block indentation code copied/adapted from block comment/uncomment: IF KSHIFT OR K$ = CHR$(25) THEN IdeBlockDecreaseIndent: BlockIndentLevel = 4 IF ideautoindentsize <> 0 THEN BlockIndentLevel = ideautoindentsize y1 = idecy y2 = ideselecty1 IF y1 = y2 THEN 'single line selected a$ = idegetline(idecy) a2$ = "" sx1 = ideselectx1: sx2 = idecx IF sx2 < sx1 THEN SWAP sx1, sx2 FOR x = sx1 TO sx2 - 1 IF x <= LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = a2$ + MID$(a$, x, 1) ELSE a2$ = a2$ + " " NEXT IF a2$ = "" THEN GOTO SkipBlockIndent END IF END IF IF y1 > y2 THEN SWAP y1, y2 IF idecy > ideselecty1 AND idecx = 1 THEN y2 = y2 - 1 'calculate lhs lhs = 10000000 FOR y = y1 TO y2 a$ = idegetline(y) IF LEN(a$) THEN ta$ = LTRIM$(a$) t = LEN(a$) - LEN(ta$) IF t < lhs THEN lhs = t END IF NEXT 'edit lines 'Unless any of the block lines already starts at the beginning of the line IF lhs > 0 THEN IF lhs < BlockIndentLevel then BlockIndentLevel = lhs FOR y = y1 TO y2 a$ = idegetline(y) IF LEN(a$) THEN a$ = right$(a$, LEN(a$) - BlockIndentLevel) idesetline y, a$ idechangemade = 1 END IF NEXT END IF if (y1 = y2) AND idechangemade then ideselectx1 = ideselectx1 - BlockIndentLevel idecx = idecx - BlockIndentLevel if idecx < 1 then idecx = 1: ideselectx1 = idecx end if PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop ELSE IdeBlockIncreaseIndent: BlockIndentLevel = 4 IF ideautoindentsize <> 0 THEN BlockIndentLevel = ideautoindentsize y1 = idecy y2 = ideselecty1 IF y1 = y2 THEN 'single line selected a$ = idegetline(idecy) a2$ = "" sx1 = ideselectx1: sx2 = idecx IF sx2 < sx1 THEN SWAP sx1, sx2 FOR x = sx1 TO sx2 - 1 IF x <= LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = a2$ + MID$(a$, x, 1) ELSE a2$ = a2$ + " " NEXT IF a2$ = "" THEN GOTO SkipBlockIndent END IF END IF IF y1 > y2 THEN SWAP y1, y2 IF idecy > ideselecty1 AND idecx = 1 THEN y2 = y2 - 1 'calculate lhs lhs = 10000000 FOR y = y1 TO y2 a$ = idegetline(y) IF LEN(a$) THEN ta$ = LTRIM$(a$) t = LEN(a$) - LEN(ta$) IF t < lhs THEN lhs = t END IF NEXT 'edit lines FOR y = y1 TO y2 a$ = idegetline(y) IF LEN(a$) THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, lhs) + SPACE$(BlockIndentLevel) + RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - lhs) idesetline y, a$ idechangemade = 1 END IF NEXT if (y1 = y2) AND idechangemade then ideselectx1 = ideselectx1 + BlockIndentLevel idecx = idecx + BlockIndentLevel end if PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF ELSE SkipBlockIndent: IF KSHIFT = 0 THEN x = 4 IF ideautoindent <> 0 AND ideautoindentsize <> 0 THEN x = ideautoindentsize K$ = SPACE$(x - ((idecx - 1) MOD x)) ELSE K$ = "" END IF END IF END IF IF K$ = CHR$(27) AND NOT AltSpecial THEN GOTO specialchar 'Steve edit 07-04-2014 to stop ESC from printing chr$(27) in the IDE 'standard character IF ideselect THEN GOSUB delselect idechangemade = 1 'undocombos IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN asck = ASC(K$) IF alphanumeric(asck) OR ideundocombochr = asck THEN IF ideundocombochr = 8 THEN ideundocombo = 0 IF ideundocombo = 0 THEN ideundocombo = 2 ELSE ideundocombo = ideundocombo + 1 IF ideundocombo = 2 THEN idemergeundo = 1 END IF END IF ideundocombochr = asck END IF a$ = idegetline(idecy) IF LEN(a$) < idecx - 1 THEN a$ = a$ + SPACE$(idecx - 1 - LEN(a$)) IF ideinsert THEN a2$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - idecx + 1) IF LEN(a2$) THEN a2$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - idecx) a$ = LEFT$(a$, idecx - 1) + K$ + a2$ ELSE a$ = LEFT$(a$, idecx - 1) + K$ + RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - idecx + 1) END IF idesetline idecy, a$ idecx = idecx + LEN(K$) specialchar: IF AltSpecial THEN AltSpecial = 0 ideentermenu = 0 KALT = 0 LOCATE 1, 1: COLOR 0, 7: PRINT menubar$ END IF LOOP '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- startmenu: m = 1 startmenu2: altheld = 1 if IdeSystem = 2 then IdeSystem = 1: GOSUB UpdateSearchBar DO LOCATE 1, 3 FOR i = 1 TO menus IF m = i THEN COLOR 15, 0 ELSE COLOR 15, 7 PRINT " " + LEFT$(menu$(i, 0), 1); IF m = i THEN COLOR 7, 0 ELSE COLOR 0, 7 PRINT RIGHT$(menu$(i, 0), LEN(menu$(i, 0)) - 1) + " "; IF i = menus - 1 THEN LOCATE 1, idewx - LEN(menu$(menus, 0)) - 2 NEXT PCOPY 3, 0 DO lastaltheld = altheld GetInput if oldmx <> mX or oldmy <> mY then IF mY = 1 and idecontextualmenu = 0 THEN 'Check if we're hovering on menu bar lastm = m FOR i = 1 to menus x = CVI(MID$(MenuLocations, i * 2 - 1, 2)) x2 = CVI(MID$(MenuLocations, i * 2 - 1, 2)) + len(menu$(i, 0)) IF mX >= x and mX < x2 THEN m = i if m <> lastm then EXIT DO 'Update the menu bar to reflect the current mouse hover END IF NEXT END IF oldmx = mX: oldmy = mY end if IF iCHANGED = 0 THEN _LIMIT 100 IF KALT THEN altheld = 1 ELSE altheld = 0 IF altheld <> 0 AND lastaltheld = 0 THEN DO: _LIMIT 1000: GetInput: LOOP UNTIL KALT = 0 KB = KEY_ESC END IF IF mCLICK OR mCLICK2 THEN IF mY = 1 THEN FOR i = 1 to menus x = CVI(MID$(MenuLocations, i * 2 - 1, 2)) x2 = CVI(MID$(MenuLocations, i * 2 - 1, 2)) + len(menu$(i, 0)) IF mX >= x and mX < x2 THEN m = i LOCATE 1, 1: COLOR 0, 7: PRINT menubar$; PCOPY 3, 0 GOTO showmenu END IF NEXT END IF 'my=1 KB = KEY_ESC 'exit menu selection END IF LOOP UNTIL KB K$ = UCASE$(K$) FOR i = 1 TO menus a$ = UCASE$(LEFT$(menu$(i, 0), 1)) IF K$ = a$ THEN m = i LOCATE 1, 1: COLOR 0, 7: PRINT menubar$; PCOPY 3, 0 GOTO showmenu END IF NEXT IF KB = KEY_LEFT THEN m = m - 1 IF KB = KEY_RIGHT THEN m = m + 1 IF KB = KEY_ESC THEN LOCATE 1, 1: COLOR 0, 7: PRINT menubar$; GOTO ideloop END IF IF m < 1 THEN m = menus IF m > menus and idecontextualmenu = 0 THEN m = 1 IF KB = KEY_UP OR KB = KEY_DOWN OR KB = KEY_ENTER THEN LOCATE 1, 1: COLOR 0, 7: PRINT menubar$; PCOPY 3, 0 GOTO showmenu END IF 'possible ALT+??? code? IF KB > 0 AND KB <= 255 THEN IF KALT = 0 THEN iCHECKLATER = 1 LOCATE 1, 1: COLOR 0, 7: PRINT menubar$; GOTO ideloop END IF END IF LOOP '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- showmenu: altheld = 1 if IdeSystem = 2 then IdeSystem = 1: GOSUB UpdateSearchBar PCOPY 0, 2 SCREEN , , 1, 0 r = 1 IF idecontextualmenu = 1 THEN idectxmenuX = mX: idectxmenuY = mY: m = idecontextualmenuID IdeMakeEditMenu oldmy = mY: oldmx = mX DO PCOPY 2, 1 if idecontextualmenu = 0 then 'find pos of menu m x = 4: FOR i = 1 TO m - 1: x = x + LEN(menu$(i, 0)) + 2 IF i = menus - 1 THEN x = idewx - LEN(menu$(menus, 0)) - 1 NEXT: xx = x LOCATE 1, xx - 1: COLOR 7, 0: PRINT " " + menu$(m, 0) + " " END IF COLOR 0, 7 'calculate menu width w = 0 FOR i = 1 TO menusize(m) m$ = menu$(m, i) l = LEN(m$) IF INSTR(m$, "#") THEN l = l - 1 IF LEFT$(m$, 1) = "~" THEN l = l - 1 IF LEFT$(m$, 1) = CHR$(7) THEN l = l - 1 IF INSTR(m$, " ") THEN l = l + 2 'min 4 spacing IF l > w THEN w = l NEXT yy = 2 IF idecontextualmenu = 1 THEN actual.idewy = idewy if idesubwindow <> 0 then actual.idewy = idewy + idesubwindow end if xx = idectxmenuX if xx < 3 then xx = 3 yy = idectxmenuY if yy + menusize(m) + 2 > actual.idewy then yy = actual.idewy - 2 - menusize(m) END IF IF xx > idewx - w - 3 THEN xx = idewx - w - 3 ideboxshadow xx - 2, yy, w + 4, menusize(m) + 2 'draw menu items FOR i = 1 TO menusize(m) m$ = menu$(m, i) IF m$ = "-" THEN COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE i + yy, xx - 2: PRINT chr$(195) + STRING$(w + 2, chr$(196)) + chr$(180); ELSEIF left$(m$, 1) = "~" THEN m$ = right$(m$, len(m$) - 1) 'Remove the tilde before printing IF r = i THEN LOCATE i + yy, xx - 1: COLOR 7, 0: PRINT SPACE$(w + 2); LOCATE i + yy, xx h = -1: x = INSTR(m$, "#"): IF x THEN h = x: m$ = LEFT$(m$, x - 1) + RIGHT$(m$, LEN(m$) - x) x = INSTR(m$, " "): IF x THEN m1$ = LEFT$(m$, x - 1): m2$ = RIGHT$(m$, LEN(m$) - x - 1): m$ = m1$ + SPACE$(w - LEN(m1$) - LEN(m2$)) + m2$ FOR x = 1 TO LEN(m$) IF r = i THEN COLOR 8, 0 ELSE COLOR 8, 7 PRINT MID$(m$, x, 1); NEXT ELSE IF r = i THEN LOCATE i + yy, xx - 1: COLOR 7, 0: PRINT SPACE$(w + 2); IF LEFT$(m$, 1) = CHR$(7) THEN LOCATE i + yy, xx - 1 ELSE LOCATE i + yy, xx h = -1: x = INSTR(m$, "#"): IF x THEN h = x: m$ = LEFT$(m$, x - 1) + RIGHT$(m$, LEN(m$) - x) x = INSTR(m$, " "): IF x THEN m1$ = LEFT$(m$, x - 1): m2$ = RIGHT$(m$, LEN(m$) - x - 1): m$ = m1$ + SPACE$(w - LEN(m1$) - LEN(m2$)) + m2$ FOR x = 1 TO LEN(m$) IF x = h THEN IF r = i THEN COLOR 15, 0 ELSE COLOR 15, 7 ELSE IF r = i THEN COLOR 7, 0 ELSE COLOR 0, 7 END IF PRINT MID$(m$, x, 1); NEXT END IF NEXT PCOPY 1, 0 change = 0 DO mousedown = 0: mouseup = 0 GetInput lastaltheld = altheld: IF KALT THEN altheld = 1 ELSE altheld = 0 IF iCHANGED THEN IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN change = 1: mousedown = 1 IF mCLICK2 THEN change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN change = 1: mouseup = 1 IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF mX THEN change = 1 IF mY THEN change = 1 END IF IF mB THEN change = 1 'revert to previous menuwhen alt pressed again IF altheld <> 0 AND lastaltheld = 0 THEN DO: _LIMIT 1000: GetInput: LOOP UNTIL KALT = 0 'wait till alt is released PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0 GOTO startmenu2 END IF _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change s = 0 IF mWHEEL THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0 GOTO ideloop END IF IF mCLICK2 AND idecontextualmenu THEN 'A new right click in the text area repositions the contextual menu IF mX > 1 AND mX < idewx AND mY > 2 AND mY < (idewy - 5) THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0 GOTO invokecontextualmenu ELSE PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0 GOTO ideloop END IF END IF 'mouse selection IF mouseup THEN IF mX >= xx - 2 AND mX < xx - 2 + w + 4 THEN IF mY > yy AND mY <= menusize(m) + yy THEN y = mY - yy IF menu$(m, y) <> "-" THEN s = r END IF END IF END IF IF mX < xx - 2 OR mX >= xx - 2 + w + 4 OR mY > yy + menusize(m) + 1 or (mY < yy and idecontextualmenu) THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0 GOTO ideloop END IF END IF IF not mouseup and not mousedown THEN 'Check if we're hovering on menu options if oldmy <> mY then IF mX >= xx - 2 AND mX < xx - 2 + w + 4 THEN IF mY > yy AND mY <= menusize(m) + yy THEN y = mY - yy IF menu$(m, y) <> "-" THEN r = y END IF END IF ELSE IF mY = 1 THEN GOTO checkmenubarhover END IF oldmy = mY end if if oldmx <> mX then checkmenubarhover: IF mY = 1 and idecontextualmenu = 0 THEN 'Check if we're hovering on menu bar lastm = m FOR i = 1 to menus x = CVI(MID$(MenuLocations, i * 2 - 1, 2)) x2 = CVI(MID$(MenuLocations, i * 2 - 1, 2)) + len(menu$(i, 0)) IF mX >= x and mX < x2 THEN m = i r = 1 EXIT FOR END IF NEXT END IF oldmx = mX end if END IF IF mB THEN 'top row IF mY = 1 THEN idecontextualmenu = 0 lastm = m x = 3 FOR i = 1 TO menus x2 = LEN(menu$(i, 0)) + 2 IF mX >= x AND mX < x + x2 THEN m = i r = 1 IF lastm = m AND mousedown = 1 THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: GOTO ideloop EXIT FOR END IF x = x + x2 IF i = menus - 1 THEN x = idewx - LEN(menu$(menus, 0)) - 2 NEXT END IF 'uses pre-calc xx & w IF mX >= xx - 2 AND mX < xx - 2 + w + 4 THEN IF mY > yy AND mY <= menusize(m) + yy THEN y = mY - yy IF menu$(m, y) <> "-" THEN r = y END IF END IF END IF 'mb IF KB = KEY_LEFT AND idecontextualmenu = 0 THEN m = m - 1: r = 1 IF KB = KEY_RIGHT AND idecontextualmenu = 0 THEN m = m + 1: r = 1 IF m < 1 THEN m = menus IF m > menus AND idecontextualmenu = 0 THEN m = 1 IF KB = KEY_ESC THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0 GOTO ideloop END IF IF KB = KEY_DOWN THEN r = r + 1 IF menu$(m, r) = "-" THEN r = r + 1 IF r > menusize(m) THEN r = 1 END IF IF KB = KEY_UP THEN r = r - 1 IF menu$(m, r) = "-" THEN r = r - 1 IF r < 1 THEN r = menusize(m) END IF 'select? 'with enter IF KB = KEY_ENTER THEN s = r END IF 'with hotkey K$ = UCASE$(K$) FOR r2 = 1 TO menusize(m) x = INSTR(menu$(m, r2), "#") IF x THEN a$ = UCASE$(MID$(menu$(m, r2), x + 1, 1)) IF K$ = a$ THEN s = r2: EXIT FOR END IF NEXT IF s THEN IF KALT THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'set idehl, a shared variable used by various dialogue boxes IF menu$(m, s) = "Comment (add ')" THEN y1 = idecy: y2 = y1 IF ideselect = 1 THEN y1 = ideselecty1 IF idecy > ideselecty1 AND idecx = 1 THEN y2 = y2 - 1 IF y1 > y2 THEN SWAP y1, y2 END IF 'calculate lhs lhs = 10000000 FOR y = y1 TO y2 a$ = idegetline(y) IF LEN(a$) THEN ta$ = LTRIM$(a$) t = LEN(a$) - LEN(ta$) IF t < lhs THEN lhs = t END IF NEXT 'edit lines FOR y = y1 TO y2 a$ = idegetline(y) IF LEN(a$) THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, lhs) + "'" + RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - lhs) idesetline y, a$ idechangemade = 1 END IF NEXT PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "Uncomment (remove ')" THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt y1 = idecy: y2 = y1 IF ideselect = 1 THEN y1 = ideselecty1 IF idecy > ideselecty1 AND idecx = 1 THEN y2 = y2 - 1 IF y1 > y2 THEN SWAP y1, y2 END IF 'edit lines FOR y = y1 TO y2 a$ = idegetline(y) IF LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = LTRIM$(a$) IF LEN(a2$) THEN IF ASC(a2$, 1) = 39 THEN a$ = SPACE$(LEN(a$) - LEN(a2$)) + RIGHT$(a2$, LEN(a2$) - 1) idesetline y, a$ idechangemade = 1 END IF END IF END IF NEXT PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "Increase indent TAB" THEN IF ideselect AND ideautoindent = 0 THEN GOTO IdeBlockIncreaseIndent END IF IF LEFT$(menu$(m, s), 15) = "Decrease indent" THEN IF ideselect AND ideautoindent = 0 THEN GOTO IdeBlockDecreaseIndent END IF IF LEFT$(menu$(m, s), 16) = "~Decrease indent" OR menu$(m, s) = "~Increase indent TAB" THEN IF ideautoindent <> 0 THEN ideerrormessage "Not available when auto indent is active (Options/Code Layout)." PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop ELSE PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Language..." THEN PCOPY 2, 0 retval = idelanguagebox PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Google Android..." THEN PCOPY 2, 0 retval = ideandroidbox 'retval is ignored PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Display..." THEN PCOPY 2, 0 IF idehelp = 0 THEN retval = idedisplaybox IF retval = 1 THEN 'screen dimensions have changed and everything must be redrawn/reapplied WIDTH idewx, idewy + idesubwindow IF idecustomfont THEN _FONT idecustomfonthandle ELSE _FONT 16 END IF skipdisplay = 0 GOTO redraweverything END IF END IF PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "C#olors..." THEN PCOPY 2, 0 retval = idechoosecolorsbox 'retval is ignored PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Advanced..." THEN PCOPY 2, 0 retval = ideadvancedbox 'retval is ignored PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF RIGHT$(menu$(m, s), 19) = "#Swap Mouse Buttons" THEN PCOPY 2, 0 MouseButtonSwapped = NOT MouseButtonSwapped if MouseButtonSwapped then WriteConfigSetting "'[MOUSE SETTINGS]", "SwapMouseButton", "TRUE" menu$(OptionsMenuID, OptionsMenuSwapMouse) = CHR$(7) + "#Swap Mouse Buttons" else WriteConfigSetting "'[MOUSE SETTINGS]", "SwapMouseButton", "FALSE" menu$(OptionsMenuID, OptionsMenuSwapMouse) = "#Swap Mouse Buttons" end if PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF RIGHT$(menu$(m, s), 28) = "Cursor after #pasted content" THEN PCOPY 2, 0 PasteCursorAtEnd = NOT PasteCursorAtEnd if PasteCursorAtEnd then WriteConfigSetting "'[GENERAL SETTINGS]", "PasteCursorAtEnd", "TRUE" menu$(OptionsMenuID, OptionsMenuPasteCursor) = CHR$(7) + "Cursor after #pasted content" else WriteConfigSetting "'[GENERAL SETTINGS]", "PasteCursorAtEnd", "FALSE" menu$(OptionsMenuID, OptionsMenuPasteCursor) = "Cursor after #pasted content" end if PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Code layout..." THEN PCOPY 2, 0 retval = idelayoutbox IF retval THEN idechangemade = 1: idelayoutallow = 2 'recompile if options changed PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "Add/Remove #Bookmark Alt+Left" THEN PCOPY 2, 0 bmkremoved = 0 bmkremoveb: FOR b = 1 TO IdeBmkN IF IdeBmk(b).y = idecy THEN FOR b2 = b TO IdeBmkN - 1 IdeBmk(b2) = IdeBmk(b2 + 1) NEXT IdeBmkN = IdeBmkN - 1 bmkremoved = 1 ideunsaved = 1 GOTO bmkremoveb END IF NEXT IF bmkremoved = 0 THEN IdeBmkN = IdeBmkN + 1 IF IdeBmkN > UBOUND(IdeBmk) THEN x = UBOUND(IdeBmk) * 2: REDIM _PRESERVE IdeBmk(x) AS IdeBmkType IdeBmk(IdeBmkN).y = idecy IdeBmk(IdeBmkN).x = idecx ideunsaved = 1 END IF SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Next Bookmark Alt+Down" OR menu$(m, s) = "#Previous Bookmark Alt+Up" THEN PCOPY 2, 0 IF IdeBmkN = 0 THEN idemessagebox "Bookmarks", "No bookmarks exist (Use Alt+Left to create a bookmark)" PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF IdeBmkN = 1 THEN IF idecy = IdeBmk(1).y THEN idemessagebox "Bookmarks", "No other bookmarks exist" PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF END IF l = idecy z = 0: IF menu$(m, s) = "#Next Bookmark Alt+Down" THEN z = 1 DO IF z = 1 THEN l = l + 1 ELSE l = l - 1 IF l < 1 THEN l = iden IF l > iden THEN l = 1 FOR b = 1 TO IdeBmkN IF IdeBmk(b).y = l THEN EXIT DO NEXT LOOP AddQuickNavHistory idecy idecy = l idecx = IdeBmk(b).x ideselect = 0 SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Go to line..." THEN PCOPY 2, 0 retval = idegotobox 'retval is ignored PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Backup/Undo..." THEN PCOPY 2, 0 retval = idebackupbox 'retval is ignored PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#About..." THEN PCOPY 2, 0 idemessagebox "About", "QB64 Version " + Version$ + " (" + BuildNum$ + ")" PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "ASCII c#hart" THEN PCOPY 2, 0 ideASCIIbox PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt retval = 1 GOTO redraweverything2 GOTO ideloop END IF IF left$(menu$(m, s), 10) = "#Help on '" THEN 'Contextual menu Help PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO contextualhelp END IF IF left$(menu$(m, s), 10) = "#Go to SUB" OR left$(menu$(m, s), 15) = "#Go to FUNCTION" THEN 'Contextual menu Goto PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt AddQuickNavHistory idecy idecy = CVL(MID$(SubFuncLIST(1), 1, 4)) idesy = idecy idecx = 1 idesx = 1 ideselect = 0 GOTO ideloop END IF IF left$(menu$(m, s), 12) = "Go to #label" THEN 'Contextual menu Goto label PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt AddQuickNavHistory idecy idecy = CVL(MID$(SubFuncLIST(ubound(SubFuncLIST)), 1, 4)) idesy = idecy idecx = 1 idesx = 1 ideselect = 0 GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Contents page" THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt lnk$ = "QB64 Help Menu" GOTO OpenHelpLnk END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "Keyword #index" THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt lnk$ = "Keyword Reference - Alphabetical" GOTO OpenHelpLnk END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Keywords by usage" THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt lnk$ = "Keyword Reference - By usage" GOTO OpenHelpLnk END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#View Shift+F1" THEN IF idehelp = 0 THEN IF idesubwindow THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt: GOTO ideloop idesubwindow = idewy \ 2: idewy = idewy - idesubwindow Help_wx1 = 2: Help_wy1 = idewy + 1: Help_wx2 = idewx - 1: Help_wy2 = idewy + idesubwindow - 2: Help_ww = Help_wx2 - Help_wx1 + 1: Help_wh = Help_wy2 - Help_wy1 + 1 idehelp = 1 skipdisplay = 0 IdeSystem = 3 retval = 1: GOTO redraweverything2 END IF GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Update current page" THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt IF idehelp THEN Help_IgnoreCache = 1 a$ = Wiki$(Back$(Help_Back_Pos)) Help_IgnoreCache = 0 WikiParse a$ END IF GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Math" THEN Mathbox PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0 GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "Update all #pages" THEN PCOPY 2, 0 q$ = ideyesnobox("Update Help", "Redownload all cached help content? (~10 min)") PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt IF q$ = "Y" THEN IF idehelp = 0 THEN old_idesubwindow = idesubwindow: old_idewy = idewy idesubwindow = idewy \ 2: idewy = idewy - idesubwindow Help_wx1 = 2: Help_wy1 = idewy + 1: Help_wx2 = idewx - 1: Help_wy2 = idewy + idesubwindow - 2: Help_ww = Help_wx2 - Help_wx1 + 1: Help_wh = Help_wy2 - Help_wy1 + 1 idesubwindow = old_idesubwindow: idewy = old_idewy END IF SCREEN , , 4, 4 COLOR 7, 1 CLS PRINT "Generating list of cached content..." 'Create a list of all files to be recached f$ = CHR$(0) + idezfilelist$("internal/help", 1) + CHR$(0) IF LEN(f$) = 2 THEN f$ = CHR$(0) 'Prepend core pages to list f$ = CHR$(0) + "Keyword_Reference_-_By_usage.txt" + f$ f$ = CHR$(0) + "QB64_Help_Menu.txt" + f$ f$ = CHR$(0) + "QB64_FAQ.txt" + f$ PRINT "Adding core help pages added to list..." 'Download and PARSE alphabetical index to build required F1 help links PRINT "Regenerating keyword list..." Help_Recaching = 1: Help_IgnoreCache = 1 a$ = Wiki$("Keyword Reference - Alphabetical") Help_Recaching = 0: Help_IgnoreCache = 0 WikiParse a$ 'Add all linked pages to download list (if not already in list) fh = FREEFILE OPEN "internal\help\links.bin" FOR INPUT AS #fh DO UNTIL EOF(fh) LINE INPUT #fh, l$ IF LEN(l$) THEN c = INSTR(l$, ","): PageName2$ = RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - c) DO WHILE INSTR(PageName2$, " ") ASC(PageName2$, INSTR(PageName2$, " ")) = 95 LOOP DO WHILE INSTR(PageName2$, "&") i = INSTR(PageName2$, "&") PageName2$ = LEFT$(PageName2$, i - 1) + "%26" + RIGHT$(PageName2$, LEN(PageName2$) - i) LOOP DO WHILE INSTR(PageName2$, "/") i = INSTR(PageName2$, "/") PageName2$ = LEFT$(PageName2$, i - 1) + "%2F" + RIGHT$(PageName2$, LEN(PageName2$) - i) LOOP PageName2$ = PageName2$ + ".txt" IF INSTR(f$, CHR$(0) + PageName2$ + CHR$(0)) = 0 THEN f$ = f$ + PageName2$ + CHR$(0) END IF END IF LOOP CLOSE #fh 'Redownload all listed files IF f$ <> CHR$(0) THEN c = 0 'count files to download FOR x = 2 TO LEN(f$) IF ASC(f$, x) = 0 THEN c = c + 1 NEXT c = c - 1 PRINT "Updating"; c; "help content files: (Press ESC to cancel)" f$ = RIGHT$(f$, LEN(f$) - 1) z$ = CHR$(0) n = 0 DO UNTIL LEN(f$) = 0 x2 = INSTR(f$, z$) f2$ = LEFT$(f$, x2 - 1): f$ = RIGHT$(f$, LEN(f$) - x2) IF RIGHT$(f2$, 4) = ".txt" THEN f2$ = LEFT$(f2$, LEN(f2$) - 4) n = n + 1 PRINT "(" + str2$(n) + "/" + str2$(c) + ") " + f2$ Help_IgnoreCache = 1: Help_Recaching = 1: ignore$ = Wiki(f2$): Help_Recaching = 0: Help_IgnoreCache = 0 END IF GetInput DO WHILE iCHANGED IF K$ = CHR$(27) THEN GOTO stoprecache GetInput LOOP LOOP END IF stoprecache: PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt END IF GOTO ideloop END IF IF LEFT$(menu$(m, s), 8) = "New #SUB" THEN PCOPY 2, 0 idenewsf "SUB" ideselect = 0 PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF LEFT$(menu$(m, s), 13) = "New #FUNCTION" THEN PCOPY 2, 0 idenewsf "FUNCTION" ideselect = 0 PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#SUBs... F2" THEN PCOPY 2, 0 idesubsjmp: r$ = idesubs IF r$ <> "C" THEN ideselect = 0 PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Find... Ctrl+F3" THEN PCOPY 2, 0 idefindjmp: r$ = idefind PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt '... GOTO ideloop END IF IF left$(menu$(m, s), 6) = "Find '" THEN 'Contextual menu Find idefindtext = idecontextualSearch$ IdeAddSearched idefindtext PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO idemf3 END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Change..." THEN PCOPY 2, 0 r$ = idechange PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt IF r$ = "C" OR r$ = "" THEN GOTO ideloop 'assume "V", verify changes IdeAddSearched idefindtext oldcx = idecx: oldcy = idecy found = 0: looped = 0 s$ = idefindtext$ IF idefindcasesens = 0 THEN s$ = UCASE$(s$) start = idecy: y = start startx = idecx: x1 = startx first = 1 idefindnext2: l$ = idegetline(y) IF idefindcasesens = 0 THEN l$ = UCASE$(l$) IF first = 1 THEN first = 0 ELSE x1 = 1 IF idefindbackwards THEN x1 = LEN(l$) - LEN(s$) + 1 END IF END IF IF x1 < 0 THEN x1 = 0 idefindagain2: IF idefindbackwards THEN x = 0 FOR xx = x1 TO 1 STEP -1 IF ASC(l$, xx) = ASC(s$) THEN 'first char xxo = xx - 1 FOR xx2 = xx TO xx + LEN(s$) - 1 IF ASC(l$, xx2) <> ASC(s$, xx2 - xxo) THEN EXIT FOR NEXT IF xx2 = xx + LEN(s$) THEN 'matched! x = xx EXIT FOR END IF END IF 'first char NEXT IF y = start AND looped = 1 AND x <= startx THEN x = 0 ELSE x = INSTR(x1, l$, s$) IF y = start AND looped = 1 AND x >= startx THEN x = 0 END IF IF x THEN IF idefindwholeword THEN whole = 1 IF x > 1 THEN c = ASC(UCASE$(MID$(l$, x - 1, 1))) IF c >= 65 AND c <= 90 THEN whole = 0 IF c >= 48 AND c <= 57 THEN whole = 0 END IF IF x + LEN(s$) <= LEN(l$) THEN c = ASC(UCASE$(MID$(l$, x + LEN(s$), 1))) IF c >= 65 AND c <= 90 THEN whole = 0 IF c >= 48 AND c <= 57 THEN whole = 0 END IF IF whole = 0 THEN x1 = x + 1: IF idefindbackwards THEN x1 = x - 1 x = 0 IF x1 > 0 AND x1 <= LEN(l$) THEN GOTO idefindagain2 END IF END IF END IF IF x THEN ideselect = 1 idecx = x: idecy = y ideselectx1 = x + LEN(s$): ideselecty1 = y found = 1 ideshowtext SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 1: SCREEN , , 3, 0 PCOPY 3, 0 r$ = idechangeit idedeltxt PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt ideselect = 0 IF r$ = "C" THEN idecx = oldcx: idecy = oldcy: GOTO ideloop IF r$ = "Y" THEN l$ = idegetline(idecy) idechangemade = 1 IF LEN(l$) >= ideselectx1 THEN l$ = LEFT$(l$, idecx - 1) + idechangeto$ + RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - ideselectx1 + 1) ELSE l$ = LEFT$(l$, idecx - 1) + idechangeto$ END IF idesetline idecy, l$ IF idefindcasesens = 0 THEN l$ = UCASE$(l$) IF idefindbackwards THEN IF x <= startx AND y = start THEN startx = startx - LEN(s$) + LEN(idechangeto$) 'move startx according to the difference ELSE IF x <= startx AND y = start AND looped = 1 THEN startx = startx - LEN(s$) + LEN(idechangeto$) 'move startx according to the difference x = x + LEN(idechangeto$) - 1 'skip changed portion END IF ELSE '"N" '(no action) END IF IF idefindbackwards THEN x1 = x - 1 ELSE x1 = x + 1 GOTO idefindagain2 END IF IF idefindbackwards THEN y = y - 1 IF y = start - 1 AND looped = 1 THEN GOTO finishedchange END IF IF y < 1 THEN y = iden: looped = 1 GOTO idefindnext2 ELSE y = y + 1 IF y = start + 1 AND looped = 1 THEN GOTO finishedchange END IF IF y > iden THEN y = 1: looped = 1 GOTO idefindnext2 END IF '------------------------------------------------- finishedchange: idecx = oldcx: idecy = oldcy IF found THEN ideshowtext SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 1: SCREEN , , 3, 0 PCOPY 3, 0 idechanged ELSE idenomatch END IF PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF '#Change... IF menu$(m, s) = "Clear search #history..." THEN PCOPY 2, 0 r$ = ideclearhistory$("SEARCH") IF r$ = "Y" THEN fh = FREEFILE OPEN ".\internal\temp\searched.bin" FOR OUTPUT AS #fh: CLOSE #fh idefindtext = "" END IF PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Repeat Last Find (Shift+) F3" THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO idemf3 END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "Cl#ear Del" THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt IF ideselect = 1 THEN idechangemade = 1 GOSUB delselect END IF GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Paste Shift+Ins or Ctrl+V" THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO idempaste END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Copy Ctrl+Ins or Ctrl+C" THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt IF ideselect = 1 THEN GOTO copy2clip GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "Cu#t Shift+Del or Ctrl+X" THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt IF ideselect = 1 THEN K$ = CHR$(0) + "S" 'tricks handler into del after copy GOTO idemcut END IF GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Undo Ctrl+Z" THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO idemundo END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Redo Ctrl+Y" THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO idemredo END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "Select #All Ctrl+A" THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO idemselectall END IF menu$(m, i) = "Select #All Ctrl+A": i = i + 1 IF menu$(m, s) = "#Start F5" THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt UseAndroid 0 GOTO idemrun END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "Modify #COMMAND$..." THEN PCOPY 2, 0 retval = idemodifycommandbox 'retval is ignored PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "Make #Android Project" THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt UseAndroid 1 GOTO idemrun END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "Start (#Detached) Ctrl+F5" THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt UseAndroid 0 GOTO idemdetached END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "Make E#XE Only F11" OR menu$(m, s) = "Make E#xecutable Only F11" THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt UseAndroid 0 GOTO idemexe END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "E#xit" THEN PCOPY 2, 0 quickexit: IF ideunsaved = 1 THEN r$ = idesavenow PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt IF r$ = "C" THEN GOTO ideloop IF r$ = "Y" THEN IF ideprogname = "" THEN ProposedTitle$ = FindProposedTitle$ IF ProposedTitle$ = "" THEN r$ = idesaveas$("untitled" + tempfolderindexstr$ + ".bas") ELSE r$ = idesaveas$(ProposedTitle$ + ".bas") END IF IF r$ = "C" THEN PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt: GOTO ideloop END IF ELSE idesave idepath$ + idepathsep$ + ideprogname$ END IF END IF END IF fh = FREEFILE: OPEN tmpdir$ + "autosave.bin" FOR OUTPUT AS #fh: CLOSE #fh SYSTEM END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#New" THEN PCOPY 2, 0 IF ideunsaved = 1 THEN r$ = idesavenow PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt IF r$ = "C" THEN GOTO ideloop IF r$ = "Y" THEN IF ideprogname = "" THEN ProposedTitle$ = FindProposedTitle$ IF ProposedTitle$ = "" THEN r$ = idesaveas$("untitled" + tempfolderindexstr$ + ".bas") ELSE r$ = idesaveas$(ProposedTitle$ + ".bas") END IF PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt IF r$ = "C" THEN GOTO ideloop ELSE idesave idepath$ + idepathsep$ + ideprogname$ END IF END IF END IF ideunsaved = -1 'new blank text field idet$ = MKL$(0) + MKL$(0): idel = 1: ideli = 1: iden = 1: IdeBmkN = 0 idesx = 1 idesy = 1 idecx = 1 idecy = 1 ideselect = 0 ideprogname$ = "" QuickNavTotal = 0 ModifyCOMMAND$ = "" _TITLE "QB64" idechangemade = 1 ideundobase = 0 'reset GOTO ideloop END IF AttemptToLoadRecent = 0 FOR ml = 1 TO 4 IF LEN(IdeRecentLink(ml, 1)) THEN IF menu$(m, s) = IdeRecentLink(ml, 1) THEN IdeOpenFile$ = IdeRecentLink(ml, 2) AttemptToLoadRecent = -1 GOTO directopen END IF END IF NEXT IF menu$(m, s) = "#Recent..." THEN PCOPY 2, 0 ideshowrecentbox: f$ = iderecentbox IF f$ = "" THEN f$ = "" r$ = ideclearhistory$("FILES") IF r$ = "Y" THEN fh = FREEFILE OPEN ".\internal\temp\recent.bin" FOR OUTPUT AS #fh: CLOSE #fh IdeMakeFileMenu PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop ELSE goto ideshowrecentbox END IF ELSEIF f$ = "" THEN GOSUB CleanUpRecentList GOTO ideshowrecentbox END IF IF LEN(f$) THEN IdeOpenFile$ = f$ AttemptToLoadRecent = -1 GOTO directopen END IF PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "Clear #recent..." THEN PCOPY 2, 0 r$ = ideclearhistory$("FILES") IF r$ = "Y" THEN fh = FREEFILE OPEN ".\internal\temp\recent.bin" FOR OUTPUT AS #fh: CLOSE #fh IdeMakeFileMenu PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Open..." THEN IdeOpenFile$ = "" directopen: PCOPY 2, 0 IF ideunsaved THEN r$ = idesavenow PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt IF r$ = "C" THEN GOTO ideloop IF r$ = "Y" THEN IF ideprogname = "" THEN ProposedTitle$ = FindProposedTitle$ IF ProposedTitle$ = "" THEN r$ = idesaveas$("untitled" + tempfolderindexstr$ + ".bas") ELSE r$ = idesaveas$(ProposedTitle$ + ".bas") END IF IF r$ = "C" THEN GOTO ideloop ELSE idesave idepath$ + idepathsep$ + ideprogname$ END IF PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt END IF '"Y" END IF 'unsaved r$ = ideopen IF r$ <> "C" THEN ideunsaved = -1: idechangemade = 1: idelayoutallow = 2: ideundobase = 0: QuickNavTotal = 0: ModifyCOMMAND$ = "" PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt: GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "#Save" THEN PCOPY 2, 0 IF ideprogname = "" THEN ProposedTitle$ = FindProposedTitle$ IF ProposedTitle$ = "" THEN a$ = idesaveas$("untitled" + tempfolderindexstr$ + ".bas") ELSE a$ = idesaveas$(ProposedTitle$ + ".bas") END IF ELSE idesave idepath$ + idepathsep$ + ideprogname$ END IF PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt: GOTO ideloop END IF IF menu$(m, s) = "Save #As..." THEN PCOPY 2, 0 IF ideprogname = "" THEN ProposedTitle$ = FindProposedTitle$ IF ProposedTitle$ = "" THEN a$ = idesaveas$("untitled" + tempfolderindexstr$ + ".bas") ELSE a$ = idesaveas$(ProposedTitle$ + ".bas") END IF ELSE a$ = idesaveas$(ideprogname$) END IF PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt: GOTO ideloop END IF IF left$(menu$(m, s),1) = "~" THEN 'Ignore disabled items (starting with "~") PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0: idewait4mous: idewait4alt: GOTO ideloop END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0 CLS: PRINT "MENU ITEM [" + menu$(m, s) + "] NOT IMPLEMENTED!": END END IF _LIMIT 100 LOOP '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXIT FUNCTION DrawQuickNav: IF IdeSystem = 1 AND QuickNavTotal > 0 THEN LOCATE 2, 4 COLOR 15, 7 PRINT " " + CHR$(17) + " "; ELSE COLOR 7, 1 LOCATE 2, 4 PRINT STRING$(3, 196); END IF RETURN UpdateSearchBar: LOCATE idewy - 4, idewx - (idesystem2.w + 10) COLOR 7, 1: PRINT chr$(180); COLOR 3, 1: PRINT "Find[" + SPACE$(idesystem2.w + 1) + chr$(18) + "]"; COLOR 7, 1: PRINT chr$(195); a$ = idefindtext tx = 1 IF LEN(a$) > idesystem2.w THEN IF IdeSystem = 2 THEN tx = idesystem2.v1 - idesystem2.w + 1 IF tx < 1 THEN tx = 1 a$ = MID$(a$, tx, idesystem2.w) ELSE a$ = LEFT$(a$, idesystem2.w) END IF END IF sx1 = idesystem2.sx1: sx2 = idesystem2.v1 if sx1 > sx2 then SWAP sx1, sx2 x = x + 2 'apply selection color change if necessary IF idesystem2.issel = 0 or IdeSystem <> 2 THEN COLOR 3, 1 LOCATE idewy - 4, idewx - (idesystem2.w + 8) + 4: PRINT a$; ELSE FOR ColorCHAR = 1 to len(a$) if ColorCHAR + tx - 2 >= sx1 AND ColorCHAR + tx - 2 < sx2 THEN COLOR 1, 3 ELSE COLOR 3, 1 LOCATE idewy - 4, idewx - (idesystem2.w + 8) + 4 - 1 + ColorCHAR PRINT mid$(a$, ColorCHAR, 1); NEXT END IF RETURN CleanUpRecentList: l$ = "": ln = 0 REDIM RecentFilesList(0) AS STRING fh = FREEFILE OPEN ".\internal\temp\recent.bin" FOR BINARY AS #fh: a$ = SPACE$(LOF(fh)): GET #fh, , a$ CLOSE #fh a$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - 2) FoundBrokenLink = 0 DO WHILE LEN(a$) ai = INSTR(a$, CRLF) IF ai THEN f$ = LEFT$(a$, ai - 1): IF ai = LEN(a$) - 1 THEN a$ = "" ELSE a$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - ai - 3) IF _FILEEXISTS(f$) THEN ln = ln + 1 REDIM _PRESERVE RecentFilesList(1 to ln) RecentFilesList(ln) = f$ ELSE FoundBrokenLink = -1 END IF END IF LOOP If not FoundBrokenLink THEN ideerrormessage "All files in the list are accessible." END IF If ln > 0 AND FoundBrokenLink THEN fh = FREEFILE OPEN ".\internal\temp\recent.bin" FOR OUTPUT AS #fh: CLOSE #fh f$ = "" for ln = 1 to ubound(RecentFilesList) f$ = f$ + CRLF + RecentFilesList(ln) + CRLF next fh = FREEFILE OPEN ".\internal\temp\recent.bin" FOR BINARY AS #fh PUT #fh, 1, f$ CLOSE #fh END IF ERASE RecentFilesList IdeMakeFileMenu RETURN END FUNCTION SUB idebox (x, y, w, h) LOCATE y, x: PRINT chr$(218) + STRING$(w - 2, 196) + chr$(191); FOR y2 = y + 1 TO y + h - 2 LOCATE y2, x: PRINT chr$(179) + SPACE$(w - 2) + chr$(179); NEXT LOCATE y + h - 1, x: PRINT chr$(192) + STRING$(w - 2, 196) + chr$(217); END SUB SUB ideboxshadow (x, y, w, h) LOCATE y, x: PRINT chr$(218) + STRING$(w - 2, 196) + chr$(191); FOR y2 = y + 1 TO y + h - 2 LOCATE y2, x: PRINT chr$(179) + SPACE$(w - 2) + chr$(179); NEXT LOCATE y + h - 1, x: PRINT chr$(192) + STRING$(w - 2, 196) + chr$(217); 'shadow COLOR 8, 0 FOR y2 = y + 1 TO y + h - 1 FOR x2 = x + w TO x + w + 1 IF x2 <= idewx AND y2 <= idewy THEN LOCATE y2, x2: PRINT CHR$(SCREEN(y2, x2)); END IF NEXT NEXT y2 = y + h IF y2 <= idewy THEN FOR x2 = x + 2 TO x + w + 1 IF x2 <= idewx THEN LOCATE y2, x2: PRINT CHR$(SCREEN(y2, x2)); END IF NEXT END IF END SUB FUNCTION idechange$ REDIM SearchHistory(0) AS STRING '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- 'built initial search strings IF ideselect THEN IF ideselecty1 = idecy THEN 'single line selected a$ = idegetline(idecy) a2$ = "" sx1 = ideselectx1: sx2 = idecx IF sx2 < sx1 THEN SWAP sx1, sx2 FOR x = sx1 TO sx2 - 1 IF x <= LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = a2$ + MID$(a$, x, 1) ELSE a2$ = a2$ + " " NEXT END IF END IF IF a2$ = "" THEN a2$ = idefindtext END IF 'retrieve search history ln = 0 fh = FREEFILE OPEN ".\internal\temp\searched.bin" FOR BINARY AS #fh: a$ = SPACE$(LOF(fh)): GET #fh, , a$ CLOSE #fh a$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - 2) DO WHILE LEN(a$) ai = INSTR(a$, CRLF) IF ai THEN f$ = LEFT$(a$, ai - 1): IF ai = LEN(a$) - 1 THEN a$ = "" ELSE a$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - ai - 3) ln = ln + 1 REDIM _PRESERVE SearchHistory(1 to ln) SearchHistory(ln) = f$ END IF LOOP ln = 0 i = 0 idepar p, 60, 12, "Change" i = i + 1 PrevFocus = 1 o(i).typ = 1 o(i).y = 2 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Find What") o(i).txt = idenewtxt(a2$) if len(a2$) > 0 then o(i).issel = -1 o(i).sx1 = 0 end if o(i).v1 = LEN(a2$) i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 1 o(i).y = 5 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("Change #To") o(i).txt = idenewtxt(idechangeto) if len(idechangeto) > 0 then o(i).issel = -1 o(i).sx1 = 0 end if o(i).v1 = LEN(idechangeto) i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 4 'check box o(i).y = 8 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Match Upper/Lowercase") o(i).sel = idefindcasesens i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 4 'check box o(i).y = 9 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Whole Word") o(i).sel = idefindwholeword i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 4 'check box o(i).y = 10 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Search Backwards") o(i).sel = idefindbackwards i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 12 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("Find and #Verify" + sep + "#Change All" + sep + "Cancel") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- 'specific post controls IF focus <> PrevFocus THEN 'Always start with TextBox values selected upon getting focus PrevFocus = focus IF focus = 1 or focus = 2 THEN o(focus).v1 = LEN(idetxt(o(focus).txt)) IF o(focus).v1 > 0 THEN o(focus).issel = -1 o(focus).sx1 = 0 END IF END IF IF K$ = CHR$(27) OR (focus = 8 AND info <> 0) THEN idechange$ = "C" EXIT FUNCTION END IF if ubound(SearchHistory) > 0 then IF K$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(72) AND focus = 1 THEN 'Up IF ln < ubound(SearchHistory) THEN ln = ln + 1 END IF idetxt(o(1).txt) = SearchHistory(ln) o(1).issel = -1: o(1).sx1 = 0: o(1).v1 = len(idetxt(o(1).txt)) END IF IF K$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(80) AND focus = 1 THEN 'Down IF ln > 1 THEN ln = ln - 1 ELSE ln = 1 END IF idetxt(o(1).txt) = SearchHistory(ln) o(1).issel = -1: o(1).sx1 = 0: o(1).v1 = len(idetxt(o(1).txt)) END IF end if IF focus = 7 AND info <> 0 THEN 'change all idefindcasesens = o(3).sel idefindwholeword = o(4).sel idefindbackwards = o(5).sel s$ = idetxt(o(1).txt) idefindtext$ = s$ idechangeto$ = idetxt(o(2).txt) IdeAddSearched idefindtext changed = 0 s$ = idefindtext$ IF idefindcasesens = 0 THEN s$ = UCASE$(s$) FOR y = 1 TO iden l$ = idegetline(y) l2$ = "" x1 = 1 idechangeall: IF idefindcasesens = 0 THEN l3$ = UCASE$(l$) ELSE l3$ = l$ x = INSTR(x1, l3$, s$) IF x THEN IF idefindwholeword THEN whole = 1 IF x > 1 THEN c = ASC(UCASE$(MID$(l$, x - 1, 1))) IF c >= 65 AND c <= 90 THEN whole = 0 IF c >= 48 AND c <= 57 THEN whole = 0 END IF IF x + LEN(s$) <= LEN(l$) THEN c = ASC(UCASE$(MID$(l$, x + LEN(s$), 1))) IF c >= 65 AND c <= 90 THEN whole = 0 IF c >= 48 AND c <= 57 THEN whole = 0 END IF IF whole = 0 THEN IF x1 <= LEN(l$) THEN l2$ = l2$ + MID$(l$, x1, x - x1 + 1) x1 = x + 1 GOTO idechangeall END IF x = 0 END IF END IF END IF IF x THEN l2$ = l2$ + MID$(l$, x1, x - x1) + idechangeto$ x1 = x + LEN(s$) IF x1 <= LEN(l$) THEN GOTO idechangeall END IF l2$ = l2$ + MID$(l$, x1, LEN(l$) - x1 + 1) IF l2$ <> l$ THEN idesetline y, l2$: changed = 1 NEXT IF changed = 0 THEN idenomatch ELSE idechanged: idechangemade = 1 EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'change all IF (focus = 6 AND info <> 0) OR K$ = CHR$(13) THEN idefindcasesens = o(3).sel idefindwholeword = o(4).sel idefindbackwards = o(5).sel idefindtext$ = idetxt(o(1).txt) idechangeto$ = idetxt(o(2).txt) idechange$ = "V" EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION SUB idechanged '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 3, 0 PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- i = 0 idepar p, 19, 4, "" i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 4 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("OK") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE p.y + 2, p.x + 3: PRINT "Change Complete"; '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- IF UCASE$(K$) = "Y" THEN altletter$ = "Y" IF UCASE$(K$) = "N" THEN altletter$ = "N" '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- IF K$ = CHR$(27) THEN EXIT SUB END IF IF info THEN EXIT SUB END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END SUB FUNCTION idechangeit$ '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 3, 0 PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- i = 0 w = 45 p.x = 40 - w \ 2 p.y = 21 p.w = w p.h = 2 p.nam = idenewtxt("Change") i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 2 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("#Change" + sep + "#Skip" + sep + "Cancel") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- IF UCASE$(K$) = "C" THEN altletter$ = "C" IF UCASE$(K$) = "S" THEN altletter$ = "S" '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- IF K$ = CHR$(27) THEN idechangeit$ = "C" EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF info THEN IF info = 1 THEN idechangeit$ = "Y" IF info = 2 THEN idechangeit$ = "N" IF info = 3 THEN idechangeit$ = "C" EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION SUB idedelline (i) FOR b = 1 TO IdeBmkN IF IdeBmk(b).y >= i THEN y = IdeBmk(b).y - 1: IF y = 0 THEN y = 1 IdeBmk(b).y = y END IF NEXT idegotoline i textlen = CVL(MID$(idet$, ideli, 4)) idet$ = LEFT$(idet$, ideli - 1) + RIGHT$(idet$, LEN(idet$) - ideli + 1 - 8 - textlen) iden = iden - 1 IF i > iden THEN idegotoline iden '[2013] if last line was removed, move to previous line END SUB SUB idedeltxt idetxtlast = 0 END SUB SUB idedrawobj (o AS idedbotype, f) DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '#1: SINGLE LINE TEXT INPUT BOX IF o.typ = 1 THEN IF o.x = 0 THEN o.x = 2 x = o.par.x + o.x: y = o.par.y + o.y COLOR 0, 7 IF o.nam THEN a$ = idetxt(o.nam) LOCATE y, x: idehPRINT a$ + ":" x = x + idehlen(a$) + 2 END IF IF o.w = 0 THEN x2 = o.par.x + o.par.w - 1: o.w = x2 - x - 3 idebox x, y - 1, o.w + 4, 3 IF o.txt = 0 THEN o.txt = idenewtxt("") a$ = idetxt(o.txt) IF o.v1 > LEN(a$) THEN o.v1 = LEN(a$) 'new cx = o.v1 tx = 1 IF LEN(a$) > o.w THEN IF o.foc = 0 THEN tx = o.v1 - o.w + 1 IF tx < 1 THEN tx = 1 a$ = MID$(a$, tx, o.w) cx = cx - tx + 1 ELSE a$ = LEFT$(a$, o.w) END IF END IF sx1 = o.sx1: sx2 = o.v1 if sx1 > sx2 then SWAP sx1, sx2 x = x + 2 'apply selection color change if necessary IF o.issel = 0 or o.foc <> 0 THEN LOCATE y, x: PRINT a$; ELSE FOR ColorCHAR = 1 to len(a$) if ColorCHAR + tx - 2 >= sx1 AND ColorCHAR + tx - 2 < sx2 THEN COLOR 7, 0 ELSE COLOR 0,7 LOCATE y, x - 1 + ColorCHAR PRINT mid$(a$, ColorCHAR, 1); NEXT END IF IF o.foc = 0 THEN = x + cx: = y f = f + 1 END IF '#1 '#2: VERTICAL SCROLLING SELECTION BOX IF o.typ = 2 THEN IF o.x = 0 THEN o.x = 2 IF o.w = 0 THEN o.w = o.par.w - 2 - o.x IF o.h = 0 THEN o.h = o.par.h - 1 - o.y x = o.par.x + o.x: y = o.par.y + o.y COLOR 0, 7 idebox x, y, o.w + 2, o.h + 2 IF o.nam THEN a$ = idetxt(o.nam) w = o.w + 2 m = w \ 2: IF w AND 1 THEN m = m + 1 LOCATE y, x + m - 1 - ((idehlen(a$) + 2) - 1) \ 2: idehPRINT " " + a$ + " " END IF 'nam 'display list items IF o.sel = 0 THEN o.sel = -1 IF o.txt = 0 THEN o.txt = idenewtxt("") IF o.stx = 0 THEN o.stx = idenewtxt("") IF o.v1 = 0 THEN o.v1 = 1 s = ABS(o.sel) IF s >= o.v1 + o.h THEN o.v1 = s - o.h + 1 IF s < o.v1 THEN o.v1 = s IF o.foc <> 0 AND o.sel > 0 THEN o.sel = -o.sel a$ = idetxt(o.txt) n = 1 y = 1 v1 = o.v1 a3$ = "" FOR i2 = 1 TO LEN(a$) a2$ = MID$(a$, i2, 1) IF a2$ <> sep THEN a3$ = a3$ + a2$ IF a2$ = sep OR i2 = LEN(a$) THEN IF n < v1 THEN 'skip ELSE IF y <= o.h THEN IF o.sel = n THEN COLOR 7, 0 ELSE COLOR 0, 7 IF (o.sel = n OR -o.sel = n) AND o.foc = 0 THEN = o.par.x + o.x + 2: = o.par.y + o.y + y LOCATE o.par.y + o.y + y, o.par.x + o.x + 1 a3$ = " " + a3$ + SPACE$(o.w) a3$ = LEFT$(a3$, o.w) PRINT a3$; 'customization specific for the SUBs list, when there are external procedures: if instr(a3$, chr$(196)+"*") > 0 THEN IF o.sel = n THEN COLOR 8, 0 ELSE COLOR 8, 7 LOCATE o.par.y + o.y + y, o.par.x + o.x + 4 PRINT "*"; end if y = y + 1 END IF END IF n = n + 1 a3$ = "" END IF NEXT o.num = n - 1 tnum = o.num tsel = ABS(o.sel) q = idevbar(o.par.x + o.x + o.w + 1, o.par.y + o.y + 1, o.h, tsel, tnum) f = f + 1 END IF '#2 '#3: ACTION BUTTONS IF o.typ = 3 THEN IF o.x = 0 THEN o.x = 2 IF o.w = 0 THEN o.w = o.par.w - o.x 'spanable width IF o.txt = 0 THEN o.txt = idenewtxt("OK") a$ = idetxt(o.txt) n = 1 c = 0 FOR i2 = 1 TO LEN(a$) a2$ = MID$(a$, i2, 1) IF a2$ = CHR$(0) THEN n = n + 1 ELSE IF a$ <> "#" THEN c = c + 1 END IF NEXT w = o.w c = c + n * 4 'add characters for bracing < > buttons whitespace = w - c spacing = whitespace \ (n + 1) f2 = o.foc + 1 IF f2 < 1 OR f2 > n THEN IF o.dft THEN f2 = o.dft END IF n2 = 1 a3$ = "" LOCATE o.par.y + o.y, o.par.x + o.x x = o.par.x + o.x COLOR 0, 7 FOR i2 = 1 TO LEN(a$) a2$ = MID$(a$, i2, 1) IF a2$ <> CHR$(0) THEN a3$ = a3$ + a2$ IF a2$ = CHR$(0) OR i2 = LEN(a$) THEN PRINT SPACE$(spacing); x = x + spacing IF f2 = n2 THEN COLOR 15, 7 ELSE COLOR 0, 7 PRINT "< "; COLOR 0, 7: idehPRINT a3$ IF f2 = n2 THEN COLOR 15, 7 ELSE COLOR 0, 7 IF n2 = o.foc + 1 THEN = x + 2: = o.par.y + o.y END IF PRINT " >"; COLOR 0, 7 x = x + idehlen(a3$) + 4 a3$ = "" n2 = n2 + 1 END IF NEXT f = f + n END IF '#3 '#4: CHECK BOX IF o.typ = 4 THEN IF o.x = 0 THEN o.x = 2 x = o.par.x + o.x: y = o.par.y + o.y LOCATE y, x COLOR 0, 7 IF o.sel THEN PRINT "[X] "; ELSE PRINT "[ ] "; END IF IF o.nam THEN a$ = idetxt(o.nam) idehPRINT a$ END IF IF o.foc = 0 THEN = x + 1: = y f = f + 1 END IF '#4 END SUB SUB idedrawpar (p AS idedbptype) COLOR 0, 7: ideboxshadow p.x, p.y, p.w + 2, p.h + 2 IF p.nam THEN x = LEN(idetxt(p.nam)) + 2 COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE p.y, p.x + (p.w \ 2) - (x - 1) \ 2: PRINT " " + idetxt(p.nam) + " "; END IF END SUB SUB ideerrormessage (mess$) '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 3, 0 PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- i = 0 idepar p, LEN(mess$) + 4, 4, "" i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 4 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("OK") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE p.y + 2, p.x + 3: PRINT mess$; '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- IF UCASE$(K$) = "Y" THEN altletter$ = "Y" IF UCASE$(K$) = "N" THEN altletter$ = "N" '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- IF K$ = CHR$(27) THEN EXIT SUB END IF IF info THEN EXIT SUB END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END SUB FUNCTION idefileexists$ '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 3, 0 PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- i = 0 'idepar p, 30, 6, "File already exists. Overwrite?" idepar p, 35, 4, "" i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 4 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("#Yes" + sep + "#No") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE p.y + 2, p.x + 3: PRINT "File already exists. Overwrite?"; '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- IF UCASE$(K$) = "Y" THEN altletter$ = "Y" IF UCASE$(K$) = "N" THEN altletter$ = "N" '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- IF K$ = CHR$(27) THEN idefileexists$ = "N" EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF info THEN IF info = 1 THEN idefileexists$ = "Y" ELSE idefileexists$ = "N" EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION FUNCTION idefind$ REDIM SearchHistory(0) AS STRING '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- 'built initial search string IF ideselect THEN IF ideselecty1 = idecy THEN 'single line selected a$ = idegetline(idecy) a2$ = "" sx1 = ideselectx1: sx2 = idecx IF sx2 < sx1 THEN SWAP sx1, sx2 FOR x = sx1 TO sx2 - 1 IF x <= LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = a2$ + MID$(a$, x, 1) ELSE a2$ = a2$ + " " NEXT END IF END IF IF a2$ = "" THEN a2$ = idefindtext END IF 'retrieve search history ln = 0 fh = FREEFILE OPEN ".\internal\temp\searched.bin" FOR BINARY AS #fh: a$ = SPACE$(LOF(fh)): GET #fh, , a$ CLOSE #fh a$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - 2) DO WHILE LEN(a$) ai = INSTR(a$, CRLF) IF ai THEN f$ = LEFT$(a$, ai - 1): IF ai = LEN(a$) - 1 THEN a$ = "" ELSE a$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - ai - 3) ln = ln + 1 REDIM _PRESERVE SearchHistory(1 to ln) SearchHistory(ln) = f$ END IF LOOP ln = 0 i = 0 idepar p, 60, 9, "Find" i = i + 1 PrevFocus = 1 o(i).typ = 1 o(i).y = 2 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Find What") o(i).txt = idenewtxt(a2$) if len(a2$) > 0 then o(i).issel = -1 o(i).sx1 = 0 end if o(i).v1 = LEN(a2$) i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 4 'check box o(i).y = 5 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Match Upper/Lowercase") o(i).sel = idefindcasesens i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 4 'check box o(i).y = 6 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Whole Word") o(i).sel = idefindwholeword i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 4 'check box o(i).y = 7 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Search Backwards") o(i).sel = idefindbackwards i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 9 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("OK" + sep + "#Cancel") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- 'specific post controls IF focus <> PrevFocus THEN 'Always start with TextBox values selected upon getting focus PrevFocus = focus IF focus = 1 THEN o(focus).v1 = LEN(idetxt(o(focus).txt)) IF o(focus).v1 > 0 THEN o(focus).issel = -1 o(focus).sx1 = 0 END IF END IF IF K$ = CHR$(27) OR (focus = 6 AND info <> 0) THEN idefind$ = "C" EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF K$ = CHR$(13) OR (focus = 5 AND info <> 0) THEN idefindcasesens = o(2).sel idefindwholeword = o(3).sel idefindbackwards = o(4).sel s$ = idetxt(o(1).txt) idefindtext$ = s$ IdeAddSearched idefindtext idefindagain EXIT FUNCTION END IF if ubound(SearchHistory) > 0 then IF K$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(72) AND focus = 1 THEN 'Up IF ln < ubound(SearchHistory) THEN ln = ln + 1 END IF idetxt(o(1).txt) = SearchHistory(ln) o(1).issel = -1: o(1).sx1 = 0: o(1).v1 = len(idetxt(o(1).txt)) END IF IF K$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(80) AND focus = 1 THEN 'Down IF ln > 1 THEN ln = ln - 1 ELSE ln = 1 END IF idetxt(o(1).txt) = SearchHistory(ln) o(1).issel = -1: o(1).sx1 = 0: o(1).v1 = len(idetxt(o(1).txt)) END IF end if 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION SUB idefindagain IF idefindinvert THEN IF idefindbackwards = 0 THEN idefindbackwards = 1 ELSE idefindbackwards = 0 END IF s$ = idefindtext$ IF idefindcasesens = 0 THEN s$ = UCASE$(s$) start = idecy y = start idefindnext2: l$ = idegetline(y) IF idefindcasesens = 0 THEN l$ = UCASE$(l$) IF y = start THEN 'retrieve the unscanned portion of this line only IF looped = 1 THEN IF idefindbackwards THEN IF LEN(l$) > idecx THEN l$ = STRING$(idecx, 255) + RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - idecx) ELSE l$ = "" ELSE IF LEN(l$) > idecx THEN l$ = LEFT$(l$, idecx) END IF ELSE IF idefindbackwards THEN IF LEN(l$) > idecx THEN l$ = LEFT$(l$, idecx - 1 + (LEN(s$) - 1)) ELSE IF LEN(l$) > idecx THEN l$ = STRING$(idecx, 255) + RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - idecx) ELSE l$ = "" END IF END IF END IF x1 = 1 IF idefindbackwards THEN x1 = LEN(l$) - LEN(s$) + 1 IF x1 < 0 THEN x1 = 0 END IF idefindagain2: IF idefindbackwards THEN x = 0 FOR xx = x1 TO 1 STEP -1 IF ASC(l$, xx) = ASC(s$) THEN 'first char xxo = xx - 1 FOR xx2 = xx TO xx + LEN(s$) - 1 IF ASC(l$, xx2) <> ASC(s$, xx2 - xxo) THEN EXIT FOR NEXT IF xx2 = xx + LEN(s$) THEN 'matched! x = xx EXIT FOR END IF END IF 'first char NEXT ELSE x = INSTR(x1, l$, s$) END IF IF x THEN IF idefindwholeword THEN whole = 1 IF x > 1 THEN c = ASC(UCASE$(MID$(l$, x - 1, 1))) IF c >= 65 AND c <= 90 THEN whole = 0 IF c >= 48 AND c <= 57 THEN whole = 0 END IF IF x + LEN(s$) <= LEN(l$) THEN c = ASC(UCASE$(MID$(l$, x + LEN(s$), 1))) IF c >= 65 AND c <= 90 THEN whole = 0 IF c >= 48 AND c <= 57 THEN whole = 0 END IF IF whole = 0 THEN x1 = x + 1: IF idefindbackwards THEN x1 = x - 1 x = 0 IF x1 > 0 AND x1 <= LEN(l$) THEN GOTO idefindagain2 END IF END IF END IF IF x THEN ideselect = 1 idecx = x: idecy = y ideselectx1 = x + LEN(s$): ideselecty1 = y IF idefindinvert THEN IF idefindbackwards = 0 THEN idefindbackwards = 1 ELSE idefindbackwards = 0 idefindinvert = 0 END IF EXIT SUB END IF IF idefindbackwards THEN y = y - 1 IF y = start - 1 AND looped = 1 THEN idenomatch IF idefindinvert THEN IF idefindbackwards = 0 THEN idefindbackwards = 1 ELSE idefindbackwards = 0 idefindinvert = 0 END IF EXIT SUB END IF IF y < 1 THEN y = iden: looped = 1 GOTO idefindnext2 ELSE y = y + 1 IF y = start + 1 AND looped = 1 THEN idenomatch IF idefindinvert THEN IF idefindbackwards = 0 THEN idefindbackwards = 1 ELSE idefindbackwards = 0 idefindinvert = 0 END IF EXIT SUB END IF IF y > iden THEN y = 1: looped = 1 GOTO idefindnext2 END IF END SUB FUNCTION idegetline$ (i) IF i <> -1 THEN idegotoline i idegetline$ = MID$(idet$, ideli + 4, CVL(MID$(idet$, ideli, 4))) END FUNCTION SUB idegotoline (i) IF idel = i THEN EXIT SUB IF i < 1 THEN ERROR 5 'scan backwards IF i < idel THEN DO idel = idel - 1 ideli = ideli - CVL(MID$(idet$, ideli - 4, 4)) - 8 LOOP UNTIL idel = i EXIT SUB END IF 'assume scan forwards DO IF idel = iden THEN idet$ = idet$ + MKL$(0) + MKL$(0): iden = iden + 1 'insert blank line at end? idel = idel + 1 ideli = ideli + CVL(MID$(idet$, ideli, 4)) + 8 LOOP UNTIL idel = i END SUB FUNCTION idehbar (x, y, h, i2, n2) i = i2: n = n2 'COLOR 0, 7 'LOCATE y, x: PRINT CHR$(27); 'LOCATE y, x + w - 1: PRINT CHR$(26); 'FOR x2 = x + 1 TO x + w - 2 'LOCATE y, x2: PRINT chr$(176); 'NEXT 'IF w > 3 THEN 'p2! = w - 2 - .00001 'x2 = x + 1 + INT(p2! * p!) 'LOCATE y, x2: PRINT chr$(219); 'END IF 'h is size in characters (inc. arrows) 'draw background & arrows COLOR 0, 7 LOCATE y, x: PRINT CHR$(27); LOCATE y, x + h - 1: PRINT CHR$(26); FOR x2 = x + 1 TO x + h - 2 LOCATE y, x2: PRINT chr$(176); NEXT 'draw slider IF n < 1 THEN n = 1 IF i < 1 THEN i = 1 IF i > n THEN i = n IF h = 2 THEN idehbar = x 'not position for slider exists EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF h = 3 THEN idehbar = x + 1 'dummy value 'no slider EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF h = 4 THEN IF n = 1 THEN idehbar = x + 1 'dummy value 'no slider required for 1 item EXIT FUNCTION ELSE 'show whichever is closer of the two positions p! = (i - 1) / (n - 1) IF p! < .5 THEN x2 = x + 1 ELSE x2 = x + 2 LOCATE y, x2: PRINT chr$(219); idehbar = x2 EXIT FUNCTION END IF END IF IF h > 4 THEN IF n = 1 THEN idehbar = x + h \ 4 'dummy value 'no slider required for 1 item EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF i = 1 THEN x2 = x + 1 LOCATE y, x2: PRINT chr$(219); idehbar = x2 EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF i = n THEN x2 = x + h - 2 LOCATE y, x2: PRINT chr$(219); idehbar = x2 EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'between i=1 and i=n p! = (i - 1) / (n - 1) p! = p! * (h - 4) x2 = x + 2 + INT(p!) LOCATE y, x2: PRINT chr$(219); idehbar = x2 EXIT FUNCTION END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION idehlen (a$) IF INSTR(a$, "#") THEN idehlen = LEN(a$) - 1 ELSE idehlen = LEN(a$) END FUNCTION SUB idehPRINT (a$) COLOR 0, 7 FOR i = 1 TO LEN(a$) c$ = MID$(a$, i, 1) IF c$ = "#" THEN IF idehl THEN COLOR 15, 7 ELSE PRINT c$;: COLOR 0, 7 END IF NEXT END SUB SUB ideinsline (i, text$) 'note: cursor remains on line i FOR b = 1 TO IdeBmkN IF IdeBmk(b).y >= i THEN y = IdeBmk(b).y + 1 IdeBmk(b).y = y END IF NEXT text$ = RTRIM$(text$) IF i = -1 THEN i = idel 'if at end, use idesetline IF i > iden THEN idesetline i, text$ EXIT SUB END IF idegotoline i 'insert line textlen = LEN(text$) idet$ = LEFT$(idet$, ideli - 1) + MKL$(textlen) + text$ + MKL$(textlen) + RIGHT$(idet$, LEN(idet$) - ideli + 1) iden = iden + 1 END SUB SUB idenewsf (sf AS STRING) '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- 'built initial name if word selected IF ideselect THEN IF ideselecty1 = idecy THEN 'single line selected a$ = idegetline(idecy) a2$ = "" sx1 = ideselectx1: sx2 = idecx IF sx2 < sx1 THEN SWAP sx1, sx2 FOR x = sx1 TO sx2 - 1 IF x <= LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = a2$ + MID$(a$, x, 1) ELSE a2$ = a2$ + " " NEXT END IF END IF i = 0 idepar p, 60, 5, "New " + sf$ i = i + 1 PrevFocus = 1 o(i).typ = 1 o(i).y = 2 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Name") o(i).txt = idenewtxt(a2$) if len(a2$) > 0 then o(i).issel = -1 o(i).sx1 = 0 o(i).v1 = LEN(a2$) i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 5 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("OK" + sep + "#Cancel") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- 'specific post controls IF focus <> PrevFocus THEN 'Always start with TextBox values selected upon getting focus PrevFocus = focus IF focus = 1 THEN o(focus).v1 = LEN(idetxt(o(focus).txt)) IF o(focus).v1 > 0 THEN o(focus).issel = -1 o(focus).sx1 = 0 END IF END IF IF K$ = CHR$(27) OR (focus = 3 AND info <> 0) THEN EXIT SUB END IF IF K$ = CHR$(13) OR (focus = 2 AND info <> 0) THEN y = iden y = y + 1: idesetline y, "" y = y + 1: idesetline y, sf$ + " " + idetxt(o(1).txt) idesy = y y = y + 1: idesetline y, "" idecy = y y = y + 1: idesetline y, "END " + sf$ idecx = 1: idesx = 1 idechangemade = 1 EXIT SUB END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END SUB FUNCTION idenewtxt (a$) idetxtlast = idetxtlast + 1 idetxt$(idetxtlast) = a$ idenewtxt = idetxtlast END FUNCTION SUB idenomatch '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 3, 0 PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- i = 0 idepar p, 19, 4, "" i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 4 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("OK") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE p.y + 2, p.x + 3: PRINT "Match not found"; '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- IF UCASE$(K$) = "Y" THEN altletter$ = "Y" IF UCASE$(K$) = "N" THEN altletter$ = "N" '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- IF K$ = CHR$(27) THEN EXIT SUB END IF IF info THEN EXIT SUB END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END SUB FUNCTION ideopen$ STATIC AllFiles '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- path$ = idepath$ filelist$ = idezfilelist$(path$, AllFiles) pathlist$ = idezpathlist$(path$) i = 0 idepar p, 70, idewy + idesubwindow - 7, "Open" i = i + 1 PrevFocus = 1 o(i).typ = 1 o(i).y = 2 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("File #Name") i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 2 o(i).y = 5 o(i).w = 32: o(i).h = idewy + idesubwindow - 14 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Files") o(i).txt = idenewtxt(filelist$): filelist$ = "" i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 2 o(i).x = 37: o(i).y = 5 o(i).w = 31: o(i).h = idewy + idesubwindow - 16 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Paths") o(i).txt = idenewtxt(pathlist$): pathlist$ = "" i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 4 'check box o(i).x = 37 o(i).y = idewy + idesubwindow - 9 o(i).nam = idenewtxt(".BAS Only") IF AllFiles THEN o(i).sel = 0 ELSE o(i).sel = 1 i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = idewy + idesubwindow - 7 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("OK" + sep + "#Cancel") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- IF LEN(IdeOpenFile) THEN f$ = IdeOpenFile: GOTO DirectLoad DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE p.y + 4, p.x + 2: PRINT "Path: "; a$ = path$ w = p.w - 8 IF LEN(a$) > w - 3 THEN a$ = string$(3, 250) + RIGHT$(a$, w - 3) PRINT a$; '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- 'specific post controls IF focus <> PrevFocus THEN 'Always start with TextBox values selected upon getting focus PrevFocus = focus IF focus = 1 THEN o(focus).v1 = LEN(idetxt(o(focus).txt)) IF o(focus).v1 > 0 THEN o(focus).issel = -1 o(focus).sx1 = 0 END IF END IF IF AllFiles = 1 AND o(4).sel <> 0 THEN AllFiles = 0 idetxt(o(2).txt) = idezfilelist$(path$, AllFiles) o(2).sel = -1 GOTO ideopenloop END IF IF AllFiles = 0 AND o(4).sel = 0 THEN AllFiles = 1 idetxt(o(2).txt) = idezfilelist$(path$, AllFiles) o(2).sel = -1 GOTO ideopenloop END IF IF K$ = CHR$(27) OR (focus = 6 AND info <> 0) THEN ideopen$ = "C" EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF idetxt(o(2).stx) <> "" THEN idetxt(o(1).txt) = idetxt(o(2).stx) o(1).v1 = LEN(idetxt(o(1).txt)) END IF IF focus = 3 THEN IF K$ = CHR$(13) OR info = 1 THEN path$ = idezchangepath(path$, idetxt(o(3).stx)) idetxt(o(2).txt) = idezfilelist$(path$, AllFiles) idetxt(o(3).txt) = idezpathlist$(path$) o(2).sel = -1 o(3).sel = 1 IF info = 1 THEN o(3).sel = -1 GOTO ideopenloop END IF END IF 'load file IF K$ = CHR$(13) OR (info = 1 AND focus = 2) OR (focus = 5 AND info <> 0) THEN f$ = idetxt(o(1).txt) 'change path? IF f$ = ".." OR f$ = "." THEN f$ = f$ + idepathsep$ IF RIGHT$(f$, 1) = idepathsep$ THEN path$ = idezgetfilepath$(path$, f$) 'note: path ending with pathsep needn't contain a file idetxt(o(1).txt) = "" idetxt(o(2).txt) = idezfilelist$(path$, AllFiles) o(2).sel = -1 idetxt(o(3).txt) = idezpathlist$(path$) o(3).sel = -1 GOTO ideopenloop END IF 'add .bas if not given IF (LCASE$(RIGHT$(f$, 4)) <> ".bas") AND AllFiles = 0 THEN f$ = f$ + ".bas" DirectLoad: 'check/acquire file path path$ = idezgetfilepath$(path$, f$) 'check file exists ideerror = 2 OPEN path$ + idepathsep$ + f$ FOR INPUT AS #150: CLOSE #150 'load file ideerror = 3 idet$ = MKL$(0) + MKL$(0): idel = 1: ideli = 1: iden = 1: IdeBmkN = 0 idesx = 1 idesy = 1 idecx = 1 idecy = 1 ideselect = 0 lineinput3load path$ + idepathsep$ + f$ idet$ = SPACE$(LEN(lineinput3buffer) * 8) i2 = 1 n = 0 chrtab$ = CHR$(9) space1$ = " ": space2$ = " ": space3$ = " ": space4$ = " " chr7$ = CHR$(7): chr11$ = CHR$(11): chr12$ = CHR$(12): chr28$ = CHR$(28): chr29$ = CHR$(29): chr30$ = CHR$(30): chr31$ = CHR$(31) DO a$ = lineinput3$ l = LEN(a$) IF l THEN asca = ASC(a$) ELSE asca = -1 IF asca <> 13 THEN IF asca <> -1 THEN 'fix tabs ideopenfixtabs: x = INSTR(a$, chrtab$) IF x THEN x2 = (x - 1) MOD 4 IF x2 = 0 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, x - 1) + space4$ + RIGHT$(a$, l - x): l = l + 3: GOTO ideopenfixtabs IF x2 = 1 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, x - 1) + space3$ + RIGHT$(a$, l - x): l = l + 2: GOTO ideopenfixtabs IF x2 = 2 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, x - 1) + space2$ + RIGHT$(a$, l - x): l = l + 1: GOTO ideopenfixtabs IF x2 = 3 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, x - 1) + space1$ + RIGHT$(a$, l - x): GOTO ideopenfixtabs END IF END IF 'asca<>-1 MID$(idet$, i2, l + 8) = MKL$(l) + a$ + MKL$(l): i2 = i2 + l + 8: n = n + 1 END IF LOOP UNTIL asca = 13 lineinput3buffer = "" iden = n: IF n = 0 THEN idet$ = MKL$(0) + MKL$(0): iden = 1 ELSE idet$ = LEFT$(idet$, i2 - 1) ideerror = 1 ideprogname = f$: _TITLE ideprogname + " - QB64" idepath$ = path$ IdeAddRecent idepath$ + idepathsep$ + ideprogname$ IdeImportBookmarks idepath$ + idepathsep$ + ideprogname$ EXIT FUNCTION END IF ideopenloop: 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION SUB idepar (par AS idedbptype, w, h, title$) par.x = (idewx \ 2) - w \ 2 par.y = ((idewy + idesubwindow) \ 2) - h \ 2 par.w = w par.h = h IF LEN(title$) THEN par.nam = idenewtxt(title$) END SUB FUNCTION iderestore$ '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 3, 0 PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- i = 0 'idepar p, 30, 6, "File already exists. Overwrite?" idepar p, 43, 4, "" i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 4 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("#Yes" + sep + "#No") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE p.y + 2, p.x + 3: PRINT "Recover program from auto-saved backup?"; '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- IF UCASE$(K$) = "Y" THEN altletter$ = "Y" IF UCASE$(K$) = "N" THEN altletter$ = "N" '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- IF info THEN IF info = 1 THEN iderestore$ = "Y" ELSE iderestore$ = "N" EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION FUNCTION ideclearhistory$(WhichHistory$) '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 3, 0 PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- i = 0 'idepar p, 30, 6, "File already exists. Overwrite?" idepar p, 48, 4, "" i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 4 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("#Yes" + sep + "#No") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE p.y + 2, p.x + 3 SELECT CASE WhichHistory$ CASE "SEARCH": PRINT "This cannot be undone. Clear search history?"; CASE "FILES": PRINT " This cannot be undone. Clear recent files?"; CASE "INVALID": PRINT " Remove broken links from recent files?"; END SELECT '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- IF UCASE$(K$) = "Y" THEN altletter$ = "Y" IF UCASE$(K$) = "N" THEN altletter$ = "N" '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- IF info THEN IF info = 1 THEN ideclearhistory$ = "Y" ELSE ideclearhistory$ = "N" EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF K$ = CHR$(27) THEN ideclearhistory$ = "N" EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION SUB idesave (f$) OPEN f$ FOR OUTPUT AS #151 FOR i = 1 TO iden a$ = idegetline(i) PRINT #151, a$ NEXT CLOSE #151 IdeSaveBookmarks f$ ideunsaved = 0 END SUB FUNCTION idesaveas$ (programname$) '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- path$ = idepath$ pathlist$ = idezpathlist$(path$) i = 0 idepar p, 48, idewy + idesubwindow - 7, "Save As" i = i + 1 PrevFocus = 1 o(i).typ = 1 o(i).y = 2 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("File #Name") o(i).txt = idenewtxt(programname$) o(i).issel = -1 o(i).sx1 = 0 o(i).v1 = LEN(programname$) 'i = i + 1 'o(i).typ = 2 'o(i).y = 5 'o(i).w = 32: o(i).h = 11 'o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Files") 'o(i).txt = idenewtxt(filelist$): filelist$ = "" i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 2 'o(i).x = 10: o(i).y = 5 o(i).w = 44: o(i).h = idewy + idesubwindow - 14 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Paths") o(i).txt = idenewtxt(pathlist$): pathlist$ = "" i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = idewy + idesubwindow - 7 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("OK" + sep + "#Cancel") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE p.y + 4, p.x + 2: PRINT "Path: "; a$ = path$ w = p.w - 8 IF LEN(a$) > w - 3 THEN a$ = string$(3, 250) + RIGHT$(a$, w - 3) PRINT a$; '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- IF focus <> PrevFocus THEN 'Always start with TextBox values selected upon getting focus PrevFocus = focus IF focus = 1 THEN o(focus).v1 = LEN(idetxt(o(focus).txt)) IF o(focus).v1 > 0 THEN o(focus).issel = -1 o(focus).sx1 = 0 END IF END IF IF K$ = CHR$(27) OR (focus = 4 AND info <> 0) THEN idesaveas$ = "C" EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF focus = 2 THEN IF K$ = CHR$(13) OR info = 1 THEN path$ = idezchangepath(path$, idetxt(o(2).stx)) idetxt(o(2).txt) = idezpathlist$(path$) o(2).sel = 1 IF info = 1 THEN o(2).sel = -1 END IF END IF IF (K$ = CHR$(13) AND focus <> 2) OR (focus = 3 AND info <> 0) THEN f$ = idetxt(o(1).txt) 'change path? IF f$ = ".." OR f$ = "." THEN f$ = f$ + idepathsep$ IF RIGHT$(f$, 1) = idepathsep$ THEN path$ = idezgetfilepath$(path$, f$) 'note: path ending with pathsep needn't contain a file idetxt(o(1).txt) = "" idetxt(o(2).txt) = idezpathlist$(path$) o(2).sel = -1 GOTO idesaveasloop END IF IF FileHasExtension(f$) = 0 THEN f$ = f$ + ".bas" path$ = idezgetfilepath$(path$, f$) ideerror = 3 OPEN path$ + idepathsep$ + f$ FOR BINARY AS #150 ideerror = 1 IF LOF(150) THEN CLOSE #150 a$ = idefileexists IF a$ = "N" THEN idesaveas$ = "C" EXIT FUNCTION 'user didn't agree to overwrite END IF ELSE CLOSE #150 END IF ideprogname$ = f$: _TITLE ideprogname + " - QB64" idesave path$ + idepathsep$ + f$ idepath$ = path$ IdeAddRecent idepath$ + idepathsep$ + ideprogname$ IdeSaveBookmarks idepath$ + idepathsep$ + ideprogname$ EXIT FUNCTION END IF idesaveasloop: 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION FUNCTION idesavenow$ '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 3, 0 PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- i = 0 idepar p, 40, 4, "" i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 4 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("#Yes" + sep + "#No" + sep + "#Cancel") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE p.y + 2, p.x + 4: PRINT "Program is not saved. Save it now?"; '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- IF UCASE$(K$) = "Y" THEN altletter$ = "Y" IF UCASE$(K$) = "N" THEN altletter$ = "N" IF UCASE$(K$) = "C" THEN altletter$ = "C" '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- IF K$ = CHR$(27) THEN idesavenow$ = "C" EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF info THEN IF info = 1 THEN idesavenow$ = "Y" IF info = 2 THEN idesavenow$ = "N" IF info = 3 THEN idesavenow$ = "C" EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION SUB idesetline (i, text$) text$ = RTRIM$(text$) IF i <> -1 THEN idegotoline i textlen = LEN(text$) idet$ = LEFT$(idet$, ideli - 1) + MKL$(textlen) + text$ + MKL$(textlen) + RIGHT$(idet$, LEN(idet$) - ideli + 1 - CVL(MID$(idet$, ideli, 4)) - 8) END SUB SUB ideshowtext _palettecolor 1, IDEBackgroundColor, 0 _palettecolor 6, IDEBackgroundColor2, 0 _palettecolor 11, IDECommentColor, 0 _palettecolor 10, IDEMetaCommandColor, 0 _palettecolor 14, IDEQuoteColor, 0 _palettecolor 13, IDETextColor, 0 cc = -1 IF idecx < idesx THEN idesx = idecx IF idecy < idesy THEN idesy = idecy IF idecx - idesx >= (idewx - 2) THEN idesx = idecx - (idewx - 3) IF idecy - idesy >= (idewy - 8) THEN idesy = idecy - (idewy - 9) sy1 = ideselecty1 sy2 = idecy IF sy1 > sy2 THEN SWAP sy1, sy2 sx1 = ideselectx1 sx2 = idecx IF sx1 > sx2 THEN SWAP sx1, sx2 l = idesy idecy_multilinestart = 0 idecy_multilineend = 0 a$ = idegetline(idecy) IF RIGHT$(a$, 1) = "_" THEN 'Find the beginning of the multiline FOR idecy_i = idecy - 1 TO 1 STEP -1 b$ = idegetline(idecy_i) IF RIGHT$(b$, 1) <> "_" THEN idecy_multilinestart = idecy_i + 1: EXIT FOR NEXT IF idecy_multilinestart = 0 THEN idecy_multilinestart = 1 'Find the end of the multiline FOR idecy_i = idecy + 1 TO iden b$ = idegetline(idecy_i) IF RIGHT$(b$, 1) <> "_" THEN idecy_multilineend = idecy_i: EXIT FOR NEXT IF idecy_multilineend = 0 THEN idecy_multilinestart = iden ELSE IF idecy > 1 THEN b$ = idegetline(idecy - 1) ELSE b$ = "" IF RIGHT$(b$, 1) = "_" THEN idecy_multilineend = idecy 'Find the beginning of the multiline FOR idecy_i = idecy - 1 TO 1 STEP -1 b$ = idegetline(idecy_i) IF RIGHT$(b$, 1) <> "_" THEN idecy_multilinestart = idecy_i + 1: EXIT FOR NEXT IF idecy_multilinestart = 0 THEN idecy_multilinestart = 1 END IF END IF IF idecy > 1 THEN b$ = idegetline(idecy - 1) ELSE b$ = "" FOR y = 0 TO (idewy - 9) LOCATE y + 3, 1 COLOR 7, 1 PRINT CHR$(179); 'clear prev bookmarks from lhs IF l = idefocusline AND idecy <> l THEN COLOR 7, 4 ELSEIF idecy = l OR (l >= idecy_multilinestart AND l <= idecy_multilineend) THEN COLOR 7, 6 ELSE COLOR 7, 1 END IF IF l <= iden THEN a$ = idegetline(l) IF l = idecy THEN IF idecx <= LEN(a$) THEN cc = ASC(a$, idecx) IF cc = 32 THEN IF LTRIM$(LEFT$(a$, idecx)) = "" THEN cc = -1 END IF END IF END IF a2$ = SPACE$(idesx + (idewx - 3)) MID$(a2$, 1) = a$ a2$ = RIGHT$(a2$, (idewx - 2)) ELSE a2$ = SPACE$((idewx - 2)) END IF ' ### STEVE EDIT TO MAKE QUOTES AND COMMENTS STAND OUT WITH MINOR COLOR ADJUSTMENTS ### 'FOR x = 1 TO LEN(a2$) ' PRINT CHR$(ASC(a2$, x)); 'NEXT inquote = 0 comment = 0 metacommand = 0 FOR k = 1 TO idesx 'First check the part of the line that's off screen to the left SELECT CASE MID$(a$, k, 1) CASE CHR$(34) inquote = NOT inquote CASE "'" IF inquote = 0 THEN comment = -1 END SELECT NEXT k FOR m = 1 TO LEN(a2$) 'continue checking, while printing to the screen SELECT CASE MID$(a$, m + idesx - 1, 1) CASE CHR$(34): inquote = NOT inquote CASE "'": IF inquote = 0 THEN comment = -1 END SELECT IF left$(ltrim$(a$),2) = "'$" or left$(ltrim$(a$),1) = "$" THEN metacommand = -1 : comment = 0 COLOR 13 IF comment THEN COLOR 11 ELSEIF metacommand THEN COLOR 10 ELSEIF inquote OR MID$(a2$, m, 1) = CHR$(34) THEN COLOR 14 END IF DO UNTIL l < UBOUND(InValidLine) 'make certain we have enough InValidLine elements to cover us in case someone scrolls QB64 REDIM _PRESERVE InValidLine(UBOUND(InValidLine) + 1000) AS _BIT ' to the end of a program before the IDE has finished LOOP ' verifying the code and growing the array during the IDE passes. If InValidLine(l) and 1 then color 7 LOCATE y + 3, 2 + m - 1 PRINT MID$(a2$, m, 1); NEXT m '### END OF STEVE EDIT 'apply selection color change if necessary IF ideselect THEN IF l >= sy1 AND l <= sy2 THEN IF sy1 = sy2 THEN 'single line select COLOR 1, 7 x2 = idesx FOR x = 2 TO (idewx - 2) IF x2 >= sx1 AND x2 < sx2 THEN a = SCREEN(y + 3, x) IF a = 63 THEN '"?" c = SCREEN(y + 3, x, 1) ELSE c = 1 END IF IF (c AND 15) = 0 THEN 'black background COLOR 0, 7 LOCATE y + 3, x: PRINT "?"; COLOR 1, 7 ELSE LOCATE y + 3, x: PRINT CHR$(a); END IF END IF x2 = x2 + 1 NEXT COLOR 7, 1 ELSE 'multiline select IF idecx = 1 AND l = sy2 AND idecy > sy1 THEN GOTO nofinalselect LOCATE y + 3, 2 COLOR 1, 7 FOR x = 1 TO LEN(a2$) PRINT CHR$(ASC(a2$, x)); NEXT COLOR 7, 1 nofinalselect: END IF END IF END IF l = l + 1 NEXT COLOR 7, 1 FOR b = 1 TO IdeBmkN y = IdeBmk(b).y IF y >= idesy AND y <= idesy + (idewy - 9) THEN LOCATE 3 + y - idesy, 1: PRINT chr$(197); END IF NEXT q = idevbar(idewx, 3, (idewy - 8), idecy, iden) q = idehbar(2, (idewy - 5), (idewx - 2), idesx, 608) 'update cursor pos in status bar COLOR 0, 3 LOCATE idewy + idesubwindow, idewx - 20: PRINT " : "; IF idecx < 100000 THEN LOCATE idewy + idesubwindow, idewx - 9 a$ = LTRIM$(STR$(idecx)) PRINT a$; IF cc <> -1 THEN PRINT "(" + str2$(cc) + ")"; END IF a$ = LTRIM$(STR$(idecy)) LOCATE idewy + idesubwindow, (idewx - 10) - LEN(a$) PRINT a$; SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE idecy - idesy + 3, idecx - idesx + 2: SCREEN , , 3, 0 END SUB FUNCTION idesubs$ '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '------- identify word or character at current cursor position - copied/adapted from FUNCTION ide2: a$ = idegetline(idecy) x = idecx IF x <= LEN(a$) THEN IF alphanumeric(ASC(a$, x)) THEN x1 = x DO WHILE x1 > 1 IF alphanumeric(ASC(a$, x1 - 1)) OR ASC(a$, x1 - 1) = 36 THEN x1 = x1 - 1 ELSE EXIT DO LOOP x2 = x DO WHILE x2 < LEN(a$) IF alphanumeric(ASC(a$, x2 + 1)) OR ASC(a$, x2 + 1) = 36 THEN x2 = x2 + 1 ELSE EXIT DO LOOP a2$ = MID$(a$, x1, x2 - x1 + 1) ELSE a2$ = CHR$(ASC(a$, x)) END IF a2$ = UCASE$(a2$) 'a2$ now holds the word or character at current cursor position if len(a2$) > 1 then do until alphanumeric(asc(right$(a2$, 1))) a2$ = left$(a2$, len(a2$) - 1) 'removes sigil, if any loop end if END IF '-------- init -------- ly$ = MKL$(1) lySorted$ = ly$ CurrentlyViewingWhichSUBFUNC = 1 PreferCurrentCursorSUBFUNC = 0 InsideDECLARE = 0 FoundExternalSUBFUNC = 0 l$ = ideprogname$ IF l$ = "" THEN l$ = "Untitled" + tempfolderindexstr$ lSorted$ = l$ TotalSUBs = 0 SortedSubsFlag = idesortsubs FOR y = 1 TO iden a$ = idegetline(y) a$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(a$)) sf = 0 nca$ = UCASE$(a$) IF LEFT$(nca$, 8) = "DECLARE " and INSTR(nca$, " LIBRARY") > 0 THEN InsideDECLARE = -1 IF LEFT$(nca$, 11) = "END DECLARE" THEN InsideDECLARE = 0 IF LEFT$(nca$, 4) = "SUB " THEN sf = 1: sf$ = "SUB " IF LEFT$(nca$, 9) = "FUNCTION " THEN sf = 2: sf$ = "FUNC " IF sf THEN IF RIGHT$(nca$, 7) = " STATIC" THEN a$ = RTRIM$(LEFT$(a$, LEN(a$) - 7)) END IF ly$ = ly$ + MKL$(y) 'Check if the cursor is currently inside this SUB/FUNCTION to position the 'selection properly in the list. IF idecy >= y AND NOT InsideDECLARE THEN CurrentlyViewingWhichSUBFUNC = (LEN(ly$) / 4) END IF 'End of current SUB/FUNCTION check IF sf = 1 THEN a$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - 4) ELSE a$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - 9) END IF a$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(a$)) x = INSTR(a$, "(") IF x THEN n$ = RTRIM$(LEFT$(a$, x - 1)) args$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - x + 1) ELSE n$ = a$ args$ = "" END IF 'attempt to cleanse n$, just in case there are any comments or other unwanted stuff for CleanseN = 1 to len(n$) select case mid$(n$, CleanseN, 1) case " ", "'", ":" n$ = left$(n$, CleanseN - 1) exit for end select next 'If the user currently has the cursor over a SUB/FUNC name, let's highlight it 'instead of the currently in edition, for a quick link functionality: n2$ = n$ if len(n2$) > 1 then do until alphanumeric(asc(right$(n2$, 1))) n2$ = left$(n$, len(n2$) - 1) 'removes sigil, if any loop end if IF a2$ = UCASE$(n2$) THEN PreferCurrentCursorSUBFUNC = (LEN(ly$) / 4) IF InsideDECLARE = -1 THEN n$ = "*" + n$: FoundExternalSUBFUNC = -1 IF LEN(n$) <= 20 THEN n$ = n$ + SPACE$(20 - LEN(n$)) ELSE n$ = LEFT$(n$, 17) + string$(3, 250) END IF IF LEN(args$) <= (idewx - 41) THEN args$ = args$ + SPACE$((idewx - 41) - LEN(args$)) ELSE args$ = LEFT$(args$, (idewx - 44)) + string$(3, 250) END IF l$ = l$ + sep + chr$(195) + chr$(196) + n$ + " " + sf$ + args$ 'Populate SortedSubsList() TotalSUBs = TotalSUBs + 1 ListItemLength = LEN(n$ + " " + sf$ + args$) REDIM _PRESERVE SortedSubsList(1 to TotalSUBs) as string * 998 REDIM _PRESERVE CaseBkpSubsList(1 to TotalSUBs) as string * 998 CaseBkpSubsList(TotalSUBs) = n$ + " " + sf$ + args$ SortedSubsList(TotalSUBs) = UCASE$(CaseBkpSubsList(TotalSUBs)) MID$(CaseBkpSubsList(TotalSUBs), 992, 6) = MKL$(y) + MKI$(ListItemLength) MID$(SortedSubsList(TotalSUBs), 992, 6) = MKL$(y) + MKI$(ListItemLength) END IF NEXT FOR x = LEN(l$) TO 1 STEP -1 a$ = MID$(l$, x, 1) IF a$ = chr$(195) THEN MID$(l$, x, 1) = chr$(192): EXIT FOR NEXT if TotalSUBs > 1 then DIM m as _MEM m = _MEM(SortedSubsList()) IF INSTR(_OS$, "64BIT") = 0 THEN Sort m 'Steve's sorting routine FOR x = 1 to TotalSUBs ListItemLength = CVI(MID$(SortedSubsList(x), LEN(SortedSubsList(x)) - 2, 2)) lySorted$ = lySorted$ + MID$(SortedSubsList(x), LEN(SortedSubsList(x)) - 6, 4) for RestoreCaseBkp = 1 to TotalSUBs IF MID$(SortedSubsList(x), LEN(SortedSubsList(x)) - 6, 4) = MID$(CaseBkpSubsList(RestoreCaseBkp), LEN(CaseBkpSubsList(RestoreCaseBkp)) - 6, 4) THEN lSorted$ = lSorted$ + sep + chr$(195) + chr$(196) + left$(CaseBkpSubsList(RestoreCaseBkp), ListItemLength) EXIT FOR END IF next NEXT FOR x = LEN(lSorted$) TO 1 STEP -1 a$ = MID$(lSorted$, x, 1) IF a$ = chr$(195) THEN MID$(lSorted$, x, 1) = chr$(192): EXIT FOR NEXT SortedSubsFlag = idesortsubs else SortedSubsFlag = 0 'Override idesortsubs if the current program doesn't have more than 1 subprocedure end if '72,19 i = 0 idepar p, idewx - 8, idewy + idesubwindow - 6, "SUBs" i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 2 o(i).y = 1 '68 o(i).w = idewx - 12: o(i).h = idewy + idesubwindow - 9 o(i).txt = idenewtxt(l$) IF SortedSubsFlag = 0 THEN IF PreferCurrentCursorSUBFUNC <> 0 THEN o(i).sel = PreferCurrentCursorSUBFUNC ELSE o(i).sel = CurrentlyViewingWhichSUBFUNC END IF ELSE idetxt(o(i).txt) = lSorted$ IF PreferCurrentCursorSUBFUNC <> 0 THEN for x = 1 to TotalSUBs if MID$(ly$, PreferCurrentCursorSUBFUNC * 4 - 3, 4) = MID$(SortedSubsList(x), LEN(SortedSubsList(x)) - 6, 4) THEN o(i).sel = x + 1 'The sorted list items array doesn't contain the first line (ideprogname$) EXIT FOR END IF NEXT ELSE for x = 1 to TotalSUBs if MID$(ly$, CurrentlyViewingWhichSUBFUNC * 4 - 3, 4) = MID$(SortedSubsList(x), LEN(SortedSubsList(x)) - 6, 4) THEN o(i).sel = x + 1 'The sorted list items array doesn't contain the first line (ideprogname$) EXIT FOR END IF NEXT END IF END IF o(i).nam = idenewtxt("Program Items") i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = idewy + idesubwindow - 6 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("#Edit" + sep + "#Cancel") o(i).dft = 1 If TotalSUBs > 1 AND INSTR(_OS$, "64BIT") = 0 then i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 4 'check box o(i).x = idewx - 22 o(i).y = idewy + idesubwindow - 6 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Sorted A-Z") o(i).sel = SortedSubsFLAG END IF '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- IF FoundExternalSUBFUNC = -1 THEN COLOR 8, 7: LOCATE idewy + idesubwindow - 3, p.x + 2: PRINT "* external"; END IF '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- IF K$ = CHR$(27) OR (focus = 3 AND info <> 0) THEN idesubs$ = "C" GOSUB SaveSortSettings EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF K$ = CHR$(13) OR (focus = 2 AND info <> 0) OR (info = 1 AND focus = 1) THEN y = o(1).sel IF y < 1 THEN y = -y AddQuickNavHistory idecy if SortedSubsFLAG = 0 THEN idecy = CVL(MID$(ly$, y * 4 - 3, 4)) ELSE idecy = CVL(MID$(lySorted$, y * 4 - 3, 4)) END IF idesy = idecy idecx = 1 idesx = 1 GOSUB SaveSortSettings EXIT FUNCTION END IF if TotalSUBs > 1 THEN if o(3).sel <> SortedSubsFLAG then SortedSubsFLAG = o(3).sel IF SortedSubsFLAG = 0 THEN 'Replace list contents with unsorted version while mantaining current selection. PreviousSelection = -1 IF o(1).sel > 0 THEN TargetSourceLine$ = MID$(lySorted$, o(1).sel * 4 - 3, 4) for x = 1 to TotalSUBs if MID$(ly$, x * 4 - 3, 4) = TargetSourceLine$ then PreviousSelection = x end if next END IF idetxt(o(1).txt) = l$ o(1).sel = PreviousSelection focus = 1 ELSE 'Replace list contents with sorted version while mantaining current selection. PreviousSelection = -1 IF o(1).sel > 0 THEN TargetSourceLine$ = MID$(ly$, o(1).sel * 4 - 3, 4) for x = 1 to TotalSUBs if MID$(lySorted$, x * 4 - 3, 4) = TargetSourceLine$ then PreviousSelection = x end if next END IF idetxt(o(1).txt) = lSorted$ o(1).sel = PreviousSelection focus = 1 END IF end if end if 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP EXIT FUNCTION SaveSortSettings: If TotalSUBs > 1 and idesortsubs <> SortedSubsFLAG THEN idesortsubs = SortedSubsFLAG if idesortsubs then WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_SortSUBs", "TRUE" else WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_SortSUBs", "FALSE" end if END IF RETURN END FUNCTION FUNCTION idelanguagebox '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- 'generate list of available code pages l$ = idecpname(1) FOR x = 2 TO idecpnum l$ = l$ + sep + idecpname(x) NEXT l$ = UCASE$(l$) i = 0 idepar p, idewx - 8, idewy + idesubwindow - 6, "Language" i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 2 o(i).y = 2 o(i).w = idewx - 12: o(i).h = idewy + idesubwindow - 10 o(i).txt = idenewtxt(l$) o(i).sel = 1: IF idecpindex THEN o(i).sel = idecpindex o(i).nam = idenewtxt("Code Pages") i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = idewy + idesubwindow - 6 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("#OK" + sep + "#Cancel") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE p.y + 1, p.x + 2: PRINT "Code-page for ASCII-UNICODE mapping: (Default: CP437)" '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- IF K$ = CHR$(27) OR (focus = 3 AND info <> 0) THEN ' idesubs$ = "C" EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF K$ = CHR$(13) OR (focus = 2 AND info <> 0) OR (info = 1 AND focus = 1) THEN y = o(1).sel IF y < 1 THEN y = -y FOR x = 128 TO 255 u = VAL("&H" + MID$(idecp(y), x * 8 + 1, 8) + "&") IF u = 0 THEN u = 9744 _MAPUNICODE u TO x NEXT 'save changes v% = y: idecpindex = v% WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_CodePage", str$(idecpindex) EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION SUB ideobjupdate (o AS idedbotype, focus, f, focusoffset, kk$, altletter$, mb, mousedown, mouseup, mx, my, info, mw) STATIC SearchTerm$, LastKeybInput as single DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) t = o.typ IF t = 1 THEN 'text field IF mousedown THEN x1 = o.par.x + o.x: y = o.par.y + o.y x2 = x1 IF o.nam THEN x2 = x2 + idehlen(idetxt(o.nam)) + 2 END IF IF my >= y - 1 AND my <= y + 1 THEN IF mx >= x1 AND mx <= x2 + o.w + 3 THEN focus = f 'change cursor location? IF my = y THEN IF mx > x2 + 1 AND mx < x2 + o.w + 2 THEN a$ = idetxt(o.txt) x = mx - x2 - 2 '0-? IF x = o.v1 AND x <> LEN(a$) THEN 'dbl-click text=clear field text a$ = "" idetxt(o.txt) = a$ o.v1 = 0 ELSE IF x <= LEN(a$) THEN o.v1 = x ELSE o.v1 = LEN(a$) o.issel = 0 END IF END IF END IF END IF END IF END IF 'mousedown a$ = idetxt(o.txt) IF focusoffset = 0 THEN IF LEN(kk$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(kk$) IF (KSHIFT AND KB = KEY_INSERT) OR (KCONTROL AND UCASE$(kk$) = "V") THEN 'paste from clipboard clip$ = _CLIPBOARD$ 'read clipboard x = INSTR(clip$, CHR$(13)) IF x THEN clip$ = LEFT$(clip$, x - 1) x = INSTR(clip$, CHR$(10)) IF x THEN clip$ = LEFT$(clip$, x - 1) IF LEN(clip$) THEN IF o.issel THEN sx1 = o.sx1: sx2 = o.v1 if sx1 > sx2 then SWAP sx1, sx2 if sx2 - sx1 > 0 then a$ = left$(a$, sx1) + clip$ + right$(a$, len(a$) - sx2) o.v1 = sx1 IF PasteCursorAtEnd THEN o.v1 = sx1 + LEN(clip$) o.issel = 0 end if ELSE a$ = left$(a$, o.v1) + clip$ + right$(a$, len(a$) - o.v1) IF PasteCursorAtEnd THEN o.v1 = o.v1 + LEN(clip$) END IF END IF k = 255 END IF IF (KCONTROL AND UCASE$(kk$) = "A") THEN 'select all if len(a$) > 0 then o.issel = -1 o.sx1 = 0 o.v1 = len(a$) END IF k = 255 END IF IF ((KCTRL AND KB = KEY_INSERT) OR (KCONTROL AND UCASE$(kk$) = "C")) THEN 'copy to clipboard IF o.issel THEN sx1 = o.sx1: sx2 = o.v1 if sx1 > sx2 then SWAP sx1, sx2 if sx2 - sx1 > 0 then _CLIPBOARD$ = mid$(a$, sx1 + 1, sx2 - sx1) END IF k = 255 END IF IF ((KSHIFT AND KB = KEY_DELETE) OR (KCONTROL AND UCASE$(kk$) = "X")) THEN 'cut to clipboard IF o.issel THEN sx1 = o.sx1: sx2 = o.v1 if sx1 > sx2 then SWAP sx1, sx2 if sx2 - sx1 > 0 then _CLIPBOARD$ = mid$(a$, sx1 + 1, sx2 - sx1) 'delete selection a$ = left$(a$, sx1) + right$(a$, len(a$) - sx2) o.v1 = sx1 o.issel = 0 end if END IF k = 255 END IF IF k = 8 AND o.v1 > 0 THEN if o.issel THEN sx1 = o.sx1: sx2 = o.v1 if sx1 > sx2 then SWAP sx1, sx2 if sx2 - sx1 > 0 then 'delete selection a$ = left$(a$, sx1) + right$(a$, len(a$) - sx2) o.issel = 0 end if else a1$ = LEFT$(a$, o.v1 - 1) IF o.v1 <= LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - o.v1) ELSE a2$ = "" a$ = a1$ + a2$: o.v1 = o.v1 - 1 end if ELSEIF k = 8 and o.issel THEN sx1 = o.sx1: sx2 = o.v1 if sx1 > sx2 then SWAP sx1, sx2 if sx2 - sx1 > 0 then 'delete selection a$ = left$(a$, sx1) + right$(a$, len(a$) - sx2) o.issel = 0 end if END IF IF k <> 8 AND k <> 9 AND k <> 0 AND k <> 10 AND k <> 13 AND k <> 26 AND k <> 255 THEN if o.issel THEN sx1 = o.sx1: sx2 = o.v1 if sx1 > sx2 then SWAP sx1, sx2 if sx2 - sx1 > 0 then 'replace selection a$ = left$(a$, sx1) + right$(a$, len(a$) - sx2) idetxt(o.txt) = a$ o.issel = 0 o.v1 = sx1 end if end if IF o.v1 > 0 THEN a1$ = LEFT$(a$, o.v1) ELSE a1$ = "" IF o.v1 <= LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - o.v1) ELSE a2$ = "" a$ = a1$ + kk$ + a2$: o.v1 = o.v1 + 1 END IF idetxt(o.txt) = a$ END IF IF kk$ = CHR$(0) + "S" THEN 'DEL if o.issel THEN sx1 = o.sx1: sx2 = o.v1 if sx1 > sx2 then SWAP sx1, sx2 if sx2 - sx1 > 0 then 'delete selection a$ = left$(a$, sx1) + right$(a$, len(a$) - sx2) idetxt(o.txt) = a$ o.v1 = sx1 o.issel = 0 end if else IF o.v1 > 0 THEN a1$ = LEFT$(a$, o.v1) ELSE a1$ = "" IF o.v1 < LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - o.v1 - 1) ELSE a2$ = "" a$ = a1$ + a2$ idetxt(o.txt) = a$ end if END IF 'cursor control if kk$ = CHR$(0) + "K" THEN GOSUB selectcheck: o.v1 = o.v1 - 1 IF kk$ = CHR$(0) + "M" THEN GOSUB selectcheck: o.v1 = o.v1 + 1 IF kk$ = CHR$(0) + "G" THEN GOSUB selectcheck: o.v1 = 0 IF kk$ = CHR$(0) + "O" THEN GOSUB selectcheck: o.v1 = LEN(a$) IF o.v1 < 0 THEN o.v1 = 0 IF o.v1 > LEN(a$) THEN o.v1 = LEN(a$) IF o.v1 = o.sx1 then o.issel = 0 END IF 'hot-key focus IF LEN(altletter$) THEN IF o.nam THEN x = INSTR(idetxt(o.nam), "#") IF x THEN IF UCASE$(MID$(idetxt(o.nam), x + 1, 1)) = altletter$ THEN focus = f END IF END IF END IF f = f + 1 END IF '1 IF t = 2 THEN 'list box idetxt(o.stx) = "" IF mousedown THEN x1 = o.par.x + o.x: y1 = o.par.y + o.y x2 = x1 + o.w + 1: y2 = y1 + o.h + 1 IF mx >= x1 AND mx <= x2 AND my >= y1 AND my <= y2 THEN focus = f IF mx > x1 AND mx < x2 AND my > y1 AND my < y2 THEN y = my - y1 - 1 y = y + o.v1 IF o.sel = y THEN info = 1 o.sel = y IF o.sel > o.num THEN o.sel = o.num END IF END IF END IF 'mousedown IF mb THEN IF focusoffset = 0 THEN x1 = o.par.x + o.x: y1 = o.par.y + o.y x2 = x1 + o.w + 1: y2 = y1 + o.h + 1 IF mx >= x1 AND mx <= x2 AND my >= y1 AND my <= y2 THEN IF mx = x2 AND my > y1 + 1 AND my < y2 - 1 THEN tsel = ABS(o.sel) tnum = o.num q = idevbar(x2, y1 + 1, o.h, tsel, tnum) IF my < q THEN kk$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(73) idewait END IF IF my > q THEN kk$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(81) idewait END IF END IF IF mx = x2 AND my = y1 + 1 THEN kk$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(72) idewait END IF IF mx = x2 AND my = y2 - 1 THEN kk$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(80) idewait END IF END IF END IF END IF 'mb IF focusoffset = 0 THEN IF mw THEN 'move to top or bottom IF mw < 0 THEN IF o.sel > o.v1 THEN o.sel = o.v1 ELSE o.sel = o.v1 + o.h - 1 END IF o.sel = o.sel + mw * 3 IF o.sel < 1 THEN o.sel = 1 IF o.sel > o.num THEN o.sel = o.num END IF IF kk$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(72) THEN IF o.sel < 0 THEN o.sel = -o.sel ELSE o.sel = o.sel - 1 IF o.sel < 1 THEN o.sel = 1 END IF END IF IF kk$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(80) THEN IF o.sel < 0 THEN o.sel = -o.sel ELSE o.sel = o.sel + 1 IF o.sel > o.num THEN o.sel = o.num END IF END IF IF kk$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(73) THEN IF o.sel < 0 THEN o.sel = -o.sel END IF o.sel = o.sel - o.h + 1 IF o.sel < 1 THEN o.sel = 1 END IF IF kk$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(81) THEN IF o.sel < 0 THEN o.sel = -o.sel END IF o.sel = o.sel + o.h - 1 IF o.sel > o.num THEN o.sel = o.num END IF IF kk$ = CHR$(0) + "w" THEN o.sel = 1 END IF IF kk$ = CHR$(0) + "u" THEN o.sel = o.num END IF IF LEN(kk$) = 1 THEN ResetKeybTimer = 0 IF TIMER - LastKeybInput > 1 THEN SearchTerm$ = "": ResetKeybTimer = -1 LastKeybInput = TIMER k = ASC(UCASE$(kk$)): IF k < 32 OR k > 126 THEN k = 255 'Populate ListBoxITEMS: a$ = idetxt(o.txt) redim ListBoxITEMS(0) as string if len(a$) > 0 then n = 0: x = 1 do x2 = INSTR(x, a$, sep) if x2 > 0 then n = n + 1 redim _preserve ListBoxITEMS(1 to n) as string ListBoxITEMS(n) = mid$(a$, x, x2 - x) else n = n + 1 redim _preserve ListBoxITEMS(1 to n) as string ListBoxITEMS(n) = right$(a$, len(a$) - x + 1) exit do end if x = x2 + 1 loop end if if k = 255 then if o.sel > 0 then idetxt(o.stx) = ListBoxITEMS(o.sel) goto selected 'Search is not performed if kk$ isn't a printable character else SearchTerm$ = SearchTerm$ + UCASE$(kk$) END IF if len(SearchTerm$) = 2 and left$(SearchTerm$, 1) = right$(SearchTerm$, 1) then 'if the user is pressing the same letter again, we deduce the search 'is only for the initials ResetKeybTimer = -1 SearchTerm$ = ucase$(kk$) end if SearchPass = 1 if not ResetKeybTimer then StartSearch = abs(o.sel) else StartSearch = abs(o.sel) + 1 if StartSearch < 1 or StartSearch > n then StartSearch = 1 retryfind: if SearchPass > 2 then goto selected for findMatch = StartSearch to n validCHARS$ = "" FOR ai = 1 TO LEN(ListBoxITEMS(FindMatch)) aa = ASC(ucase$(ListBoxITEMS(findMatch)), ai) IF aa > 126 OR (k <> 95 AND aa = 95) OR (k <> 42 AND aa = 42) THEN 'ignore ELSE validCHARS$ = validCHARS$ + CHR$(aa) END IF NEXT if findMatch = o.sel then idetxt(o.stx) = ListBoxITEMS(FindMatch) IF left$(validCHARS$, len(SearchTerm$)) = SearchTerm$ THEN o.sel = findMatch GOTO selected end if next findMatch 'No match, try again: StartSearch = 1 SearchPass = SearchPass + 1 goto retryfind selected: END IF END IF 'hot-key focus IF LEN(altletter$) THEN IF o.nam THEN x = INSTR(idetxt(o.nam), "#") IF x THEN IF UCASE$(MID$(idetxt(o.nam), x + 1, 1)) = altletter$ THEN focus = f END IF END IF END IF f = f + 1 END IF '2 IF t = 3 THEN 'buttons (eg. OK, Cancel) 'count buttons & check for hotkey(s) a$ = idetxt(o.txt) n = 1 x = 0 FOR i2 = 1 TO LEN(a$) a2$ = MID$(a$, i2, 1) IF a2$ = CHR$(0) THEN n = n + 1 IF x = 1 THEN IF UCASE$(a2$) = altletter$ THEN focus = f + n - 1 info = n END IF END IF IF a2$ = "#" THEN x = 1 ELSE x = 0 NEXT 'check for mouse click on button(s) IF mousedown THEN IF my = o.par.y + o.y THEN a$ = idetxt(o.txt) n = 1 c = 0 FOR i2 = 1 TO LEN(a$) a2$ = MID$(a$, i2, 1) IF a2$ = CHR$(0) THEN n = n + 1 ELSE IF a$ <> "#" THEN c = c + 1 END IF NEXT w = o.w c = c + n * 4 'add characters for bracing < > buttons whitespace = w - c spacing = whitespace \ (n + 1) 'f2 = o.foc + 1 'IF f2 < 1 OR f2 > n THEN 'IF o.dft THEN f2 = o.dft 'END IF n2 = 1 a3$ = "" 'LOCATE o.par.y + o.y, o.par.x + o.x x = o.par.x + o.x 'COLOR 0, 7 FOR i2 = 1 TO LEN(a$) a2$ = MID$(a$, i2, 1) IF a2$ <> CHR$(0) THEN a3$ = a3$ + a2$ IF a2$ = CHR$(0) OR i2 = LEN(a$) THEN 'PRINT SPACE$(spacing); x = x + spacing 'IF f2 = n2 THEN COLOR 15, 7 ELSE COLOR 0, 7 'PRINT "< "; 'COLOR 0, 7: idehPRINT a3$ 'IF f2 = n2 THEN COLOR 15, 7 ELSE COLOR 0, 7 'IF n2 = o.foc + 1 THEN ' = x + 2: = o.par.y + o.y 'END IF 'PRINT " >"; 'COLOR 0, 7 x2 = idehlen(a3$) + 4 IF mx >= x AND mx < x + x2 THEN info = n2: focus = f + n2 - 1 x = x + x2 a3$ = "" n2 = n2 + 1 END IF NEXT END IF 'my END IF 'mousedown IF focusoffset >= 0 AND focusoffset < n THEN f2 = f + focusoffset IF kk$ = CHR$(13) or kk$ = " " THEN info = focusoffset + 1 END IF END IF f = f + n END IF '3 IF t = 4 THEN 'checkbox IF mousedown THEN y = o.par.y + o.y x1 = o.par.x + o.x: x2 = x1 + 2 IF o.nam THEN x2 = x2 + 1 + idehlen(idetxt(o.nam)) END IF IF my = y THEN IF mx >= x1 AND mx <= x2 THEN focus = f o.sel = o.sel + 1: IF o.sel > 1 THEN o.sel = 0 'toggle END IF END IF END IF 'mousedown IF focusoffset = 0 THEN 'a$ = idetxt(o.txt) 'IF LEN(kk$) = 1 THEN 'k = ASC(kk$) 'IF k = 8 AND o.v1 > 0 THEN 'a1$ = LEFT$(a$, o.v1 - 1) 'IF o.v1 <= LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - o.v1) ELSE a2$ = "" 'a$ = a1$ + a2$: o.v1 = o.v1 - 1 'END IF 'IF k >= 32 AND k <= 126 THEN 'IF o.v1 > 0 THEN a1$ = LEFT$(a$, o.v1) ELSE a1$ = "" 'IF o.v1 <= LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - o.v1) ELSE a2$ = "" 'a$ = a1$ + kk$ + a2$: o.v1 = o.v1 + 1 'END IF 'idetxt(o.txt) = a$ 'END IF 'IF kk$ = CHR$(0) + "S" THEN 'DEL 'IF o.v1 > 0 THEN a1$ = LEFT$(a$, o.v1) ELSE a1$ = "" 'IF o.v1 < LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - o.v1 - 1) ELSE a2$ = "" 'a$ = a1$ + a2$ 'idetxt(o.txt) = a$ 'END IF ''cursor control 'IF kk$ = CHR$(0) + "K" THEN o.v1 = o.v1 - 1 'IF kk$ = CHR$(0) + "M" THEN o.v1 = o.v1 + 1 'IF kk$ = CHR$(0) + "G" THEN o.v1 = 0 'IF kk$ = CHR$(0) + "O" THEN o.v1 = LEN(a$) 'IF o.v1 < 0 THEN o.v1 = 0 'IF o.v1 > LEN(a$) THEN o.v1 = LEN(a$) IF kk$ = CHR$(0) + "H" THEN o.sel = 1 IF kk$ = CHR$(0) + "P" THEN o.sel = 0 IF kk$ = " " THEN o.sel = o.sel + 1: IF o.sel > 1 THEN o.sel = 0 'toggle END IF END IF 'in focus 'hot-key focus IF LEN(altletter$) THEN IF o.nam THEN x = INSTR(idetxt(o.nam), "#") IF x THEN IF UCASE$(MID$(idetxt(o.nam), x + 1, 1)) = altletter$ THEN focus = f END IF END IF END IF f = f + 1 END IF '4 EXIT SUB selectcheck: IF KSHIFT AND o.issel = 0 THEN o.issel = -1: o.sx1 = o.v1 IF KSHIFT = 0 THEN o.issel = 0 RETURN END SUB FUNCTION idevbar (x, y, h, i2, n2) i = i2: n = n2 'h is height in charatcers (inc. arrows) 'draw background & arrows COLOR 0, 7 LOCATE y, x: PRINT CHR$(24); LOCATE y + h - 1, x: PRINT CHR$(25); FOR y2 = y + 1 TO y + h - 2 LOCATE y2, x: PRINT chr$(176); NEXT 'draw slider IF n < 1 THEN n = 1 IF i < 1 THEN i = 1 IF i > n THEN i = n IF h = 2 THEN idevbar = y 'not position for slider exists EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF h = 3 THEN idevbar = y + 1 'dummy value 'no slider EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF h = 4 THEN IF n = 1 THEN idevbar = y + 1 'dummy value 'no slider required for 1 item EXIT FUNCTION ELSE 'show whichever is closer of the two positions p! = (i - 1) / (n - 1) IF p! < .5 THEN y2 = y + 1 ELSE y2 = y + 2 LOCATE y2, x: PRINT chr$(219); idevbar = y2 EXIT FUNCTION END IF END IF IF h > 4 THEN IF n = 1 THEN idevbar = y + h \ 4 'dummy value 'no slider required for 1 item EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF i = 1 THEN y2 = y + 1 LOCATE y2, x: PRINT chr$(219); idevbar = y2 EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF i = n THEN y2 = y + h - 2 LOCATE y2, x: PRINT chr$(219); idevbar = y2 EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'between i=1 and i=n p! = (i - 1) / (n - 1) p! = p! * (h - 4) y2 = y + 2 + INT(p!) LOCATE y2, x: PRINT chr$(219); idevbar = y2 EXIT FUNCTION END IF END FUNCTION SUB idewait _DELAY 0.1 END SUB SUB idewait4alt 'stub END SUB SUB idewait4mous 'stub END SUB FUNCTION idezchangepath$ (path$, newpath$) idezchangepath$ = path$ 'default (for unsuccessful cases) IF os$ = "WIN" THEN 'go back a path IF newpath$ = ".." THEN FOR x = LEN(path$) TO 1 STEP -1 a$ = MID$(path$, x, 1) IF a$ = "\" THEN idezchangepath$ = LEFT$(path$, x - 1) EXIT FOR END IF NEXT EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'change drive IF LEN(newpath$) = 2 AND RIGHT$(newpath$, 1) = ":" THEN idezchangepath$ = newpath$ EXIT FUNCTION END IF idezchangepath$ = path$ + "\" + newpath$ EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF os$ = "LNX" THEN 'go back a path IF newpath$ = ".." THEN FOR x = LEN(path$) TO 1 STEP -1 a$ = MID$(path$, x, 1) IF a$ = "/" THEN idezchangepath$ = LEFT$(path$, x - 1) IF x = 1 THEN idezchangepath$ = "/" 'root path cannot be "" EXIT FOR END IF NEXT EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF path$ = "/" THEN idezchangepath$ = "/" + newpath$ ELSE idezchangepath$ = path$ + "/" + newpath$ EXIT FUNCTION END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION idezfilelist$ (path$, method) 'method0=*.bas, method1=*.* DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) IF os$ = "WIN" THEN OPEN ".\internal\temp\files.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #150: CLOSE #150 IF method = 0 THEN SHELL _HIDE "dir /b /ON /A-D " + QuotedFilename$(path$) + "\*.bas >.\internal\temp\files.txt" IF method = 1 THEN SHELL _HIDE "dir /b /ON /A-D " + QuotedFilename$(path$) + "\*.* >.\internal\temp\files.txt" filelist$ = "" OPEN ".\internal\temp\files.txt" FOR INPUT AS #150 DO UNTIL EOF(150) LINE INPUT #150, a$ IF LEN(a$) THEN 'skip blank entries IF filelist$ = "" THEN filelist$ = a$ ELSE filelist$ = filelist$ + sep + a$ END IF LOOP CLOSE #150 idezfilelist$ = filelist$ EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF os$ = "LNX" THEN filelist$ = "" FOR i = 1 TO 2 - method OPEN "./internal/temp/files.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #150: CLOSE #150 IF method = 0 THEN IF i = 1 THEN SHELL _HIDE "find " + QuotedFilename$(path$) + " -maxdepth 1 -type f -name " + CHR$(34) + "*.bas" + CHR$(34) + " >./internal/temp/files.txt" IF i = 2 THEN SHELL _HIDE "find " + QuotedFilename$(path$) + " -maxdepth 1 -type f -name " + CHR$(34) + "*.BAS" + CHR$(34) + " >./internal/temp/files.txt" END IF IF method = 1 THEN IF i = 1 THEN SHELL _HIDE "find " + QuotedFilename$(path$) + " -maxdepth 1 -type f -name " + CHR$(34) + "*" + CHR$(34) + " >./internal/temp/files.txt" END IF OPEN "./internal/temp/files.txt" FOR INPUT AS #150 DO UNTIL EOF(150) LINE INPUT #150, a$ IF LEN(a$) = 0 THEN EXIT DO FOR x = LEN(a$) TO 1 STEP -1 a2$ = MID$(a$, x, 1) IF a2$ = "/" THEN a$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - x) EXIT FOR END IF NEXT IF filelist$ = "" THEN filelist$ = a$ ELSE filelist$ = filelist$ + sep + a$ LOOP CLOSE #150 NEXT idezfilelist$ = filelist$ EXIT FUNCTION END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION idezgetroot$ 'note: does NOT including a trailing / or \ on the right IF os$ = "WIN" THEN SHELL _HIDE "cd >.\internal\temp\root.txt" OPEN ".\internal\temp\root.txt" FOR INPUT AS #150 LINE INPUT #150, a$ idezgetroot$ = a$ CLOSE #150 EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF os$ = "LNX" THEN SHELL _HIDE "pwd >./internal/temp/root.txt" OPEN "./internal/temp/root.txt" FOR INPUT AS #150 LINE INPUT #150, a$ idezgetroot$ = a$ CLOSE #150 EXIT FUNCTION END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION idezpathlist$ (path$) DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) IF os$ = "WIN" THEN OPEN ".\internal\temp\paths.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #150: CLOSE #150 a$ = "": IF RIGHT$(path$, 1) = ":" THEN a$ = "\" 'use a \ after a drive letter SHELL _HIDE "dir /b /ON /AD " + QuotedFilename$(path$ + a$) + " >.\internal\temp\paths.txt" pathlist$ = "" OPEN ".\internal\temp\paths.txt" FOR INPUT AS #150 DO UNTIL EOF(150) LINE INPUT #150, a$ IF pathlist$ = "" THEN pathlist$ = a$ ELSE pathlist$ = pathlist$ + sep + a$ LOOP CLOSE #150 'count instances of / or \ c = 0 FOR x = 1 TO LEN(path$) b$ = MID$(path$, x, 1) IF b$ = idepathsep$ THEN c = c + 1 NEXT IF c >= 1 THEN IF LEN(pathlist$) THEN pathlist$ = ".." + sep + pathlist$ ELSE pathlist$ = ".." END IF 'add drive paths FOR i = 0 TO 25 IF LEN(pathlist$) THEN pathlist$ = pathlist$ + sep pathlist$ = pathlist$ + CHR$(65 + i) + ":" NEXT idezpathlist$ = pathlist$ EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF os$ = "LNX" THEN pathlist$ = "" OPEN "./internal/temp/paths.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #150: CLOSE #150 SHELL _HIDE "find " + QuotedFilename$(path$) + " -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d >./internal/temp/paths.txt" OPEN "./internal/temp/paths.txt" FOR INPUT AS #150 DO UNTIL EOF(150) LINE INPUT #150, a$ IF LEN(a$) = 0 THEN EXIT DO FOR x = LEN(a$) TO 1 STEP -1 a2$ = MID$(a$, x, 1) IF a2$ = "/" THEN a$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - x) EXIT FOR END IF NEXT IF pathlist$ = "" THEN pathlist$ = a$ ELSE pathlist$ = pathlist$ + sep + a$ LOOP CLOSE #150 IF path$ <> "/" THEN a$ = ".." IF pathlist$ = "" THEN pathlist$ = a$ ELSE pathlist$ = a$ + sep + pathlist$ END IF idezpathlist$ = pathlist$ EXIT FUNCTION END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION ideztakepath$ (f$) 'assume f$ contains a filename with an optional path p$ = "" IF os$ = "WIN" THEN FOR i = LEN(f$) TO 1 STEP -1 a$ = MID$(f$, i, 1) IF a$ = "\" THEN p$ = LEFT$(f$, i - 1) f$ = RIGHT$(f$, LEN(f$) - i) EXIT FOR END IF NEXT ideztakepath$ = p$ EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF os$ = "LNX" THEN FOR i = LEN(f$) TO 1 STEP -1 a$ = MID$(f$, i, 1) IF a$ = "/" THEN p$ = LEFT$(f$, i - 1) f$ = RIGHT$(f$, LEN(f$) - i) EXIT FOR END IF NEXT ideztakepath$ = p$ EXIT FUNCTION END IF END FUNCTION 'file f$ exists, and may contain a path 'return the FULL path (even if it was passed as a relative path) 'f$ is altered to only contain the name of the actual file 'root$ is the path to apply relative paths to FUNCTION idezgetfilepath$ (root$, f$) 'step #1: seperate file's name from its path (if any) p$ = ideztakepath$(f$) 'note: this is a simple seperation of the string 'step #2: if path was undefined, set it to root IF LEN(p$) = 0 THEN p$ = root$ 'step #3: if path is relative, make it relative to root$ IF LEFT$(p$, 1) = "." THEN p$ = root$ + idepathsep$ + p$ 'step #4: attempt a CHDIR to the path to (i) validate its existance ' & (ii) allow listing the paths full name ideerror = 4 'path not found p2$ = p$ IF os$ = "WIN" THEN IF RIGHT$(p2$, 1) = ":" THEN p2$ = p2$ + "\" 'force change to root of drive END IF CHDIR p2$ ideerror = 1 'step #5: get the path's full name (assume success) IF os$ = "WIN" THEN SHELL _HIDE "cd >" + QuotedFilename$(ideroot$) + "\internal\temp\root.txt" OPEN ideroot$ + "\internal\temp\root.txt" FOR INPUT AS #150 LINE INPUT #150, p$ IF RIGHT$(p$, 1) = "\" THEN p$ = LEFT$(p$, LEN(p$) - 1) 'strip trailing \ after root drive path CLOSE #150 END IF IF os$ = "LNX" THEN SHELL _HIDE "pwd >" + QuotedFilename$(ideroot$) + "/internal/temp/root.txt" OPEN ideroot$ + "/internal/temp/root.txt" FOR INPUT AS #150 LINE INPUT #150, p$ CLOSE #150 END IF 'step #6: restore root path (assume success) CHDIR ideroot$ 'important: no validation of f$ necessary idezgetfilepath$ = p$ END FUNCTION SUB initmouse _MOUSESHOW END SUB FUNCTION idelayoutbox '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- i = 0 idepar p, 60, 8, "Code Layout" i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 4 'check box o(i).y = 2 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Auto Spacing & Upper/Lowercase Formatting") o(i).sel = ideautolayout i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 4 'check box o(i).y = 4 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("Auto #Indent -") o(i).sel = ideautoindent a2$ = str2$(ideautoindentsize) i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 1 o(i).x = 20 o(i).y = 4 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Spacing") o(i).txt = idenewtxt(a2$) o(i).v1 = LEN(a2$) i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 4 o(i).y = 6 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("Indent #SUBs and FUNCTIONs") o(i).sel = ideindentsubs i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 8 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("OK" + sep + "#Cancel") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- 'specific post controls IF focus <> PrevFocus THEN 'Always start with TextBox values selected upon getting focus PrevFocus = focus IF focus = 3 THEN o(focus).v1 = LEN(idetxt(o(focus).txt)) IF o(focus).v1 > 0 THEN o(focus).issel = -1 o(focus).sx1 = 0 END IF END IF a$ = idetxt(o(3).txt) IF LEN(a$) > 2 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, 2) '2 character limit FOR i = 1 TO LEN(a$) a = ASC(a$, i) IF i = 2 AND ASC(a$, 1) = 48 THEN a$ = "0": EXIT FOR IF a < 48 OR a > 57 THEN a$ = "": EXIT FOR NEXT IF LEN(a$) THEN a = VAL(a$) IF a > 64 THEN a$ = "64" END IF idetxt(o(3).txt) = a$ IF K$ = CHR$(27) OR (focus = 6 AND info <> 0) THEN EXIT FUNCTION IF K$ = CHR$(13) OR (focus = 5 AND info <> 0) THEN 'save changes v% = o(1).sel: IF v% <> 0 THEN v% = 1 'ideautolayout IF ideautolayout <> v% THEN ideautolayout = v%: idelayoutbox = 1 v% = o(2).sel: IF v% <> 0 THEN v% = 1 'ideautoindent IF ideautoindent <> v% THEN ideautoindent = v%: idelayoutbox = 1 v$ = idetxt(o(3).txt) 'ideautoindentsize IF v$ = "" THEN v$ = "4" v% = VAL(v$) IF v% < 0 OR v% > 64 THEN v% = 4 IF ideautoindentsize <> v% THEN ideautoindentsize = v% IF ideautoindent <> 0 THEN idelayoutbox = 1 END IF v% = o(4).sel: IF v% <> 0 THEN v% = 1 'ideindentsubs IF ideindentsubs <> v% THEN ideindentsubs = v%: idelayoutbox = 1 if ideautolayout then WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_AutoFormat", "TRUE" else WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_AutoFormat", "FALSE" end if if ideautoindent then WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_AutoIndent", "TRUE" else WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_AutoIndent", "FALSE" end if WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_IndentSize", str$(ideautoindentsize) if ideindentsubs then WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_IndentSUBs", "TRUE" else WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_IndentSUBs", "FALSE" end if EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION FUNCTION idebackupbox '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- i = 0 idepar p, 50, 5, "Backup/Undo" a2$ = str2$(idebackupsize) i = i + 1 PrevFocus = 1 o(i).typ = 1 o(i).y = 2 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Undo buffer limit (10-2000MB)") o(i).txt = idenewtxt(a2$) o(i).v1 = LEN(a2$) if o(i).v1 > 0 then o(i).issel = -1 o(i).sx1 = 0 end if i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 5 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("OK" + sep + "#Cancel") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- 'specific post controls IF focus <> PrevFocus THEN 'Always start with TextBox values selected upon getting focus PrevFocus = focus IF focus = 1 THEN o(focus).v1 = LEN(idetxt(o(focus).txt)) IF o(focus).v1 > 0 THEN o(focus).issel = -1 o(focus).sx1 = 0 END IF END IF a$ = idetxt(o(1).txt) IF LEN(a$) > 4 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, 4) '4 character limit FOR i = 1 TO LEN(a$) a = ASC(a$, i) IF i = 2 AND ASC(a$, 1) = 48 THEN a$ = "0": EXIT FOR IF a < 48 OR a > 57 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, i - 1): EXIT FOR NEXT IF focus <> 1 THEN a = VAL(a$) IF a < 10 THEN a$ = "10" IF a > 2000 THEN a$ = "2000" END IF idetxt(o(1).txt) = a$ IF K$ = CHR$(27) OR (focus = 3 AND info <> 0) THEN EXIT FUNCTION IF K$ = CHR$(13) OR (focus = 2 AND info <> 0) THEN 'save changes v$ = idetxt(o(1).txt) 'idebackupsize v& = VAL(v$) IF v& < 10 THEN v& = 10 IF v& > 2000 THEN v& = 2000 IF v& < idebackupsize THEN OPEN tmpdir$ + "undo2.bin" FOR OUTPUT AS #151: CLOSE #151 ideundobase = 0 ideundopos = 0 END IF idebackupsize = v& WriteConfigSetting "'[GENERAL SETTINGS]", "BackupSize", str$(v&) + " 'in MB" idebackupbox = 1 EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION FUNCTION idemodifycommandbox '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- i = 0 idepar p, 65, 5, "Modify COMMAND$" a2$ = ModifyCOMMAND$ if len(a2$) > 0 then a2$ = MID$(a2$, 2) i = i + 1 PrevFocus = 1 o(i).typ = 1 o(i).y = 2 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Enter text for COMMAND$") o(i).txt = idenewtxt(a2$) o(i).v1 = LEN(a2$) if o(i).v1 > 0 then o(i).issel = -1 o(i).sx1 = 0 end if i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 5 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("OK" + sep + "#Cancel") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- 'specific post controls IF focus <> PrevFocus THEN 'Always start with TextBox values selected upon getting focus PrevFocus = focus IF focus = 1 THEN o(focus).v1 = LEN(idetxt(o(focus).txt)) IF o(focus).v1 > 0 THEN o(focus).issel = -1 o(focus).sx1 = 0 END IF END IF IF K$ = CHR$(27) OR (focus = 3 AND info <> 0) THEN EXIT FUNCTION IF K$ = CHR$(13) OR (focus = 2 AND info <> 0) THEN ModifyCOMMAND$ = " " + idetxt(o(1).txt) IF LTRIM$(RTRIM$(ModifyCOMMAND$)) = "" THEN ModifyCOMMAND$ = "" EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION FUNCTION idegotobox STATIC idegotobox_LastLineNum AS LONG '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- i = 0 idepar p, 30, 5, "Go To Line" IF idegotobox_LastLineNum > 0 THEN a2$ = str2$(idegotobox_LastLineNum) ELSE a2$ = "" i = i + 1 PrevFocus = 1 o(i).typ = 1 o(i).y = 2 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Line") o(i).txt = idenewtxt(a2$) o(i).v1 = LEN(a2$) if o(i).v1 > 0 then o(i).issel = -1 o(i).sx1 = 0 end if i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 5 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("OK" + sep + "#Cancel") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- 'specific post controls IF focus <> PrevFocus THEN 'Always start with TextBox values selected upon getting focus PrevFocus = focus IF focus = 1 THEN o(focus).v1 = LEN(idetxt(o(focus).txt)) IF o(focus).v1 > 0 THEN o(focus).issel = -1 o(focus).sx1 = 0 END IF END IF a$ = idetxt(o(1).txt) IF LEN(a$) > 8 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, 8) '8 character limit FOR i = 1 TO LEN(a$) a = ASC(a$, i) IF i = 2 AND ASC(a$, 1) = 48 THEN a$ = "0": EXIT FOR IF a < 48 OR a > 57 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, i - 1): EXIT FOR NEXT IF focus <> 1 THEN a = VAL(a$) IF a < 1 THEN a$ = "1" END IF idetxt(o(1).txt) = a$ IF K$ = CHR$(27) OR (focus = 3 AND info <> 0) THEN EXIT FUNCTION IF K$ = CHR$(13) OR (focus = 2 AND info <> 0) THEN v$ = idetxt(o(1).txt) v& = VAL(v$) IF v& < 1 THEN v& = 1 IF v& > iden THEN v& = iden idegotobox_LastLineNum = v& AddQuickNavHistory idecy idecy = v& ideselect = 0 EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION FUNCTION ideadvancedbox '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- DIM Direct_Text$(100) i = 0 i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 ' 'o(i).y = y o(i).txt = idenewtxt("#OK" + sep + "#Cancel") o(i).dft = 1 y = 2 '2nd blank line i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 4 'check box --- focus=3 o(i).y = y o(i).nam = idenewtxt("Embed C++ debug information into executable") o(i).sel = idedebuginfo y = y + 1: Direct_Text$(y) = " " + CHR$(254) + " Investigate crashes/freezes at C++ (not QB64) code level" y = y + 1: Direct_Text$(y) = " " + CHR$(254) + " Use internal/temp/debug batch file to debug your executable" y = y + 1: Direct_Text$(y) = " " + CHR$(254) + " Increases executable size" y = y + 1: Direct_Text$(y) = " " + CHR$(254) + " Makes public the names of variables in your program's code" y = y + 1: Direct_Text$(y) = " " + CHR$(254) + " QB64 libraries will be purged then rebuilt" y = y + 1: Direct_Text$(y) = " " + CHR$(254) + " This setting also affects command line compilation" y = y + 2 o(1).y = y 'close button '-------- end of init -------- idepar p, 75, y, "Advanced Options" '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- FOR y = 1 TO 100 IF LEN(Direct_Text$(y)) THEN COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE p.y + y, p.x + 1: PRINT Direct_Text$(y) END IF NEXT '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- 'specific post controls IF K$ = CHR$(27) OR (focus = 2 AND info <> 0) THEN EXIT FUNCTION IF K$ = CHR$(13) OR (focus = 1 AND info <> 0) THEN 'close 'save changes 'update idedebuginfo? v% = o(2).sel: IF v% <> 0 THEN v% = 1 IF v% <> idedebuginfo THEN idedebuginfo = v% if idedebuginfo then WriteConfigSetting "'[GENERAL SETTINGS]", "DebugInfo", "TRUE 'INTERNAL VARIABLE USE ONLY!! DO NOT MANUALLY CHANGE!" else WriteConfigSetting "'[GENERAL SETTINGS]", "DebugInfo", "FALSE 'INTERNAL VARIABLE USE ONLY!! DO NOT MANUALLY CHANGE!" end if Include_GDB_Debugging_Info = idedebuginfo IF os$ = "WIN" THEN CHDIR "internal\c" SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c purge_all_precompiled_content_win.bat" CHDIR "..\.." END IF IF os$ = "LNX" THEN CHDIR "./internal/c" IF INSTR(_OS$, "[MACOSX]") THEN SHELL _HIDE "./purge_all_precompiled_content_osx.command" ELSE SHELL _HIDE "./" END IF CHDIR "../.." END IF idechangemade = 1 'force recompilation END IF '... EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION SUB idemessagebox (titlestr$, messagestr$) '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- i = 0 w = LEN(messagestr$) + 2 w2 = LEN(titlestr$) + 4 IF w < w2 THEN w = w2 idepar p, w, 4, titlestr$ i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 4 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("OK") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE p.y + 2, p.x + 2: PRINT messagestr$; '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- 'specific post controls IF K$ = CHR$(27) OR K$ = CHR$(13) OR (focus = 1 AND info <> 0) THEN EXIT SUB 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END SUB FUNCTION ideyesnobox$ (titlestr$, messagestr$) 'returns "Y" or "N" '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 3, 0 PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- i = 0 w = LEN(messagestr$) + 2 w2 = LEN(titlestr$) + 4 IF w < w2 THEN w = w2 idepar p, w, 4, titlestr$ i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 4 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("#Yes" + sep + "#No") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE p.y + 2, p.x + 2: PRINT messagestr$; '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- IF UCASE$(K$) = "Y" THEN altletter$ = "Y" IF UCASE$(K$) = "N" THEN altletter$ = "N" '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- IF K$ = CHR$(27) THEN ideyesnobox$ = "N" EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF info THEN IF info = 1 THEN ideyesnobox$ = "Y" ELSE ideyesnobox$ = "N" EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION 'yes/no box FUNCTION ideandroidbox '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- i = 0 idepar p, 75, 15 - 4 - 4, "Google Android Options" i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 4 'check box o(i).y = 2 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("Enable #Run Menu Commands") o(i).sel = IdeAndroidMenu 'a2$ = IdeAndroidStartScript 'IF a2$ = "" THEN a2$ = "programs\android\start_android.bat" 'i = i + 1 'o(i).typ = 1 'o(i).y = 7 'o(i).nam = idenewtxt(CHR$(34) + "Start Android Project" + CHR$(34) + " Script") 'o(i).txt = idenewtxt(a2$) 'o(i).v1 = LEN(a2$) 'a2$ = IdeAndroidMakeScript 'IF a2$ = "" THEN a2$ = "programs\android\make_android.bat" 'i = i + 1 'o(i).typ = 1 'o(i).y = 11 - 4 'o(i).nam = idenewtxt(CHR$(34) + "Make Android Project Only" + CHR$(34) + " Script") 'o(i).txt = idenewtxt(a2$) 'o(i).v1 = LEN(a2$) i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 15 - 4 - 4 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("OK" + sep + "#Cancel") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- COLOR 8, 7: LOCATE p.y + 3, p.x + 4: PRINT "Projects are created at:"; COLOR 8, 7: LOCATE p.y + 4, p.x + 6: PRINT "qb64\programs\android\"; COLOR 3, 7 PRINT "bas_file_name_without_extension"; COLOR 8, 7: PRINT "\"; ' COLOR 8, 7: LOCATE p.y + 9, p.x + 4: PRINT "Script file is launched from within project's folder"; 'COLOR 8, 7: LOCATE p.y + 13 - 4, p.x + 4: PRINT "Script file is launched from within project's folder"; '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- 'specific post controls a$ = idetxt(o(2).txt) IF LEN(a$) > 256 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, 256) idetxt(o(2).txt) = a$ a$ = idetxt(o(3).txt) IF LEN(a$) > 256 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, 256) idetxt(o(3).txt) = a$ IF K$ = CHR$(27) OR (focus = 3 AND info <> 0) THEN EXIT FUNCTION IF K$ = CHR$(13) OR (focus = 2 AND info <> 0) THEN v% = o(1).sel IF v% < IdeAndroidMenu THEN menusize(5) = menusize(5) - 2 END IF IF v% > IdeAndroidMenu THEN menusize(5) = menusize(5) + 2 END IF if v% then WriteConfigSetting "'[ANDROID MENU]", "IDE_AndroidMenu", "TRUE" ELSE WriteConfigSetting "'[ANDROID MENU]", "IDE_AndroidMenu", "FALSE" end if 'v$ = "" 'IF LEN(v$) > 256 THEN v$ = LEFT$(v$, 256) 'IF LEN(v$) < 256 THEN v$ = v$ + SPACE$(256 - LEN(v$)) 'v3$ = idetxt(o(3 - 1).txt) 'IF LEN(v3$) > 256 THEN v3$ = LEFT$(v3$, 256) 'IF LEN(v3$) < 256 THEN v3$ = v3$ + SPACE$(256 - LEN(v3$)) ' WriteConfigSetting "'[ANDROID MENU]", "IDE_AndroidMakeScript$", v3$ ' WriteConfigSetting "'[ANDROID MENU]", "IDE_AndroidStartScript$", v$ IdeAndroidMenu = o(1).sel 'IdeAndroidStartScript = "" 'idetxt(o(2).txt) 'IdeAndroidMakeScript = idetxt(o(3 - 1).txt) EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION FUNCTION idedisplaybox '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- i = 0 'idepar p, 60, 16, "Display" 'note: manually set window position in case display to set too large by accident p.x = (80 \ 2) - 60 \ 2 p.y = (25 \ 2) - 16 \ 2 p.w = 60 p.h = 18 p.nam = idenewtxt("Display") a2$ = str2$(idewx) i = i + 1 PrevFocus = 1 o(i).typ = 1 o(i).x = 16 o(i).y = 2 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Width") o(i).txt = idenewtxt(a2$) o(i).v1 = LEN(a2$) if o(i).v1 > 0 then o(i).issel = -1 o(i).sx1 = 0 end if a2$ = str2$(idewy + idesubwindow) i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 1 o(i).x = 15 o(i).y = 5 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Height") o(i).txt = idenewtxt(a2$) o(i).v1 = LEN(a2$) i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 4 'check box o(i).y = 8 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("Restore window #position at startup") if IDE_AutoPosition then o(i).sel = 1 i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 4 'check box o(i).y = 10 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("Custom #Font:") o(i).sel = idecustomfont a2$ = idecustomfontfile$ i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 1 o(i).x = 10 o(i).y = 12 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("File #Name") o(i).txt = idenewtxt(a2$) o(i).v1 = LEN(a2$) a2$ = str2$(idecustomfontheight) i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 1 o(i).x = 10 o(i).y = 15 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Row Height (Pixels)") o(i).txt = idenewtxt(a2$) o(i).v1 = LEN(a2$) i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 18 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("OK" + sep + "#Cancel") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE p.y + 2, p.x + 2: PRINT "Window Size -"; COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE p.y + 10, p.x + 29: PRINT " Monospace TTF Font "; '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- 'specific post controls IF focus <> PrevFocus THEN 'Always start with TextBox values selected upon getting focus PrevFocus = focus IF focus = 1 or focus = 2 or focus = 5 or focus = 6 THEN o(focus).v1 = LEN(idetxt(o(focus).txt)) IF o(focus).v1 > 0 THEN o(focus).issel = -1 o(focus).sx1 = 0 END IF END IF a$ = idetxt(o(1).txt) IF LEN(a$) > 3 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, 3) '3 character limit FOR i = 1 TO LEN(a$) a = ASC(a$, i) IF a < 48 OR a > 57 THEN a$ = "": EXIT FOR IF i = 2 AND ASC(a$, 1) = 48 THEN a$ = "0": EXIT FOR NEXT IF focus <> 1 THEN IF LEN(a$) THEN a = VAL(a$) ELSE a = 0 IF a < 80 THEN a$ = "80" END IF idetxt(o(1).txt) = a$ a$ = idetxt(o(2).txt) IF LEN(a$) > 3 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, 3) '3 character limit FOR i = 1 TO LEN(a$) a = ASC(a$, i) IF a < 48 OR a > 57 THEN a$ = "": EXIT FOR IF i = 2 AND ASC(a$, 1) = 48 THEN a$ = "0": EXIT FOR NEXT IF focus <> 2 THEN IF LEN(a$) THEN a = VAL(a$) ELSE a = 0 IF a < 25 THEN a$ = "25" END IF idetxt(o(2).txt) = a$ a$ = idetxt(o(5).txt) IF LEN(a$) > 1024 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, 1024) idetxt(o(5).txt) = a$ a$ = idetxt(o(6).txt) IF LEN(a$) > 2 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, 2) '2 character limit FOR i = 1 TO LEN(a$) a = ASC(a$, i) IF a < 48 OR a > 57 THEN a$ = "": EXIT FOR IF i = 2 AND ASC(a$, 1) = 48 THEN a$ = "0": EXIT FOR NEXT IF focus <> 5 THEN IF LEN(a$) THEN a = VAL(a$) ELSE a = 0 IF a < 8 THEN a$ = "8" END IF idetxt(o(6).txt) = a$ IF K$ = CHR$(27) OR (focus = 8 AND info <> 0) THEN EXIT FUNCTION IF K$ = CHR$(13) OR (focus = 7 AND info <> 0) THEN x = 0 'change to custom font 'get size in v% v$ = idetxt(o(6).txt): IF v$ = "" THEN v$ = "0" v% = VAL(v$) IF v% < 8 THEN v% = 8 IF v% > 99 THEN v% = 99 IF v% <> idecustomfontheight THEN x = 1 IF o(4).sel <> idecustomfont THEN IF o(4).sel = 0 THEN _FONT 16 _FREEFONT idecustomfonthandle ELSE x = 1 END IF END IF v$ = idetxt(o(5).txt): IF v$ <> idecustomfontfile$ THEN x = 1 IF o(4).sel = 1 AND x = 1 THEN oldhandle = idecustomfonthandle idecustomfonthandle = _LOADFONT(v$, v%, "MONOSPACE") IF idecustomfonthandle = -1 THEN 'failed! - revert to default settings o(4).sel = 0: idetxt(o(5).txt) = "c:\windows\fonts\lucon.ttf": idetxt(o(6).txt) = "21": _FONT 16 ELSE _FONT idecustomfonthandle END IF IF idecustomfont = 1 THEN _FREEFONT oldhandle END IF 'save changes v$ = idetxt(o(1).txt): IF v$ = "" THEN v$ = "0" v% = VAL(v$) IF v% < 80 THEN v% = 80 IF v% > 999 THEN v% = 999 IF v% <> idewx THEN idedisplaybox = 1 idewx = v% v$ = idetxt(o(2).txt): IF v$ = "" THEN v$ = "0" v% = VAL(v$) IF v% < 25 THEN v% = 25 IF v% > 999 THEN v% = 999 IF v% <> idewy THEN idedisplaybox = 1 idewy = v% - idesubwindow v% = o(3).sel IF v% <> 0 THEN v% = -1 IDE_AutoPosition = v% v% = o(4).sel IF v% <> 0 THEN v% = 1 idecustomfont = v% v$ = idetxt(o(5).txt) IF LEN(v$) > 1024 THEN v$ = LEFT$(v$, 1024) idecustomfontfile$ = v$ v$ = v$ + SPACE$(1024 - LEN(v$)) v$ = idetxt(o(6).txt): IF v$ = "" THEN v$ = "0" v% = VAL(v$) IF v% < 8 THEN v% = 8 IF v% > 99 THEN v% = 99 idecustomfontheight = v% WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_Width", str$(idewx) WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_Height", str$(idewy) IF idecustomfont THEN WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_CustomFont", "TRUE" ELSE WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_CustomFont", "FALSE" END IF IF IDE_AutoPosition THEN WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_AutoPosition", "TRUE" ELSE WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_AutoPosition", "FALSE" END IF WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_CustomFont$", idecustomfontfile$ WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE DISPLAY SETTINGS]", "IDE_CustomFontSize", str$(idecustomfontheight) EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION FUNCTION idechoosecolorsbox DIM bkpIDECommentColor AS _UNSIGNED LONG, bkpIDEMetaCommandColor AS _UNSIGNED LONG DIM bkpIDEQuoteColor AS _UNSIGNED LONG, bkpIDETextColor AS _UNSIGNED LONG DIM bkpIDEBackgroundColor AS _UNSIGNED LONG DIM bkpIDEBackgroundColor2 AS _UNSIGNED LONG DIM SelectionIndicator$(1 to 6) bkpIDECommentColor = IDECommentColor bkpIDEMetaCommandColor = IDEMetaCommandColor bkpIDEQuoteColor = IDEQuoteColor bkpIDETextColor = IDETextColor bkpIDEBackgroundColor = IDEBackgroundColor bkpIDEBackgroundColor2 = IDEBackgroundColor2 clipBefore$ = _CLIPBOARD$ '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- i = 0 idepar p, 70, 13, "Colors" l$ = CHR$(16) + "Normal Text" l$ = l$ + sep + " Strings" l$ = l$ + sep + " Metacommands" l$ = l$ + sep + " Comments" l$ = l$ + sep + " Background" l$ = l$ + sep + " Current line background" i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 2 o(i).y = 1 o(i).w = 27: o(i).h = 7 o(i).txt = idenewtxt(l$) o(i).sel = 1 SelectedITEM = 1 PrevFocus = 1 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("#Item:") a2$ = str2$(_RED32(IDETextColor)) i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 1 o(i).x = 63 o(i).y = 2 o(i).txt = idenewtxt(a2$) o(i).v1 = LEN(a2$) o(i).issel = -1 o(i).sx1 = 0 a2$ = str2$(_GREEN32(IDETextColor)) i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 1 o(i).x = 63 o(i).y = 5 o(i).txt = idenewtxt(a2$) o(i).v1 = LEN(a2$) o(i).issel = -1 o(i).sx1 = 0 a2$ = str2$(_BLUE32(IDETextColor)) i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 1 o(i).x = 63 o(i).y = 8 o(i).txt = idenewtxt(a2$) o(i).v1 = LEN(a2$) o(i).issel = -1 o(i).sx1 = 0 i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 13 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("#OK" + sep + "Restore #defaults" + sep + "#Cancel") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- _palettecolor 1, IDEBackgroundColor, 0 _palettecolor 6, IDEBackgroundColor2, 0 _palettecolor 11, IDECommentColor, 0 _palettecolor 10, IDEMetaCommandColor, 0 _palettecolor 14, IDEQuoteColor, 0 _palettecolor 13, IDETextColor, 0 LOCATE p.y + 2, p.x + 33: PRINT "R: "; COLOR 4: PRINT STRING$(26, 196); slider$ = CHR$(197) T = VAL(idetxt(o(2).txt)): r = ((T / 255) * 26) IF T = 0 THEN slider$ = CHR$(195) IF T = 255 THEN slider$ = CHR$(180) LOCATE p.y + 2, p.x + 35 + r: PRINT slider$; COLOR 0: LOCATE p.y + 5, p.x + 33: PRINT "G: "; COLOR 2: PRINT STRING$(26, 196); slider$ = CHR$(197) T = VAL(idetxt(o(3).txt)): r = ((T / 255) * 26) IF T = 0 THEN slider$ = CHR$(195) IF T = 255 THEN slider$ = CHR$(180) LOCATE p.y + 5, p.x + 35 + r: PRINT slider$; COLOR 0: LOCATE p.y + 8, p.x + 33: PRINT "B: "; COLOR 9: PRINT STRING$(26, 196); slider$ = CHR$(197) T = VAL(idetxt(o(4).txt)): r = ((T / 255) * 26) IF T = 0 THEN slider$ = CHR$(195) IF T = 255 THEN slider$ = CHR$(180) LOCATE p.y + 8, p.x + 35 + r: PRINT slider$; SELECT CASE SelectedITEM CASE 1: COLOR 13, 1 'Normal text CASE 2: COLOR 14, 1 'Strings CASE 3: COLOR 10, 1 'Metacommands CASE 4: COLOR 11, 1 'Comments CASE 5: COLOR 1, 1 'Background CASE 6: COLOR 6, 6 'Current line background END SELECT LOCATE p.y + 11, p.x + p.w \ 2 - 17: PRINT " Enter new RGB values for the item "; '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt 'Monitor _CLIPBOARD$; If a new RGB value is copied to memory in a format 'like (0, 0, 0) it'll be used for the current item (useful for copying 'from color pickers elsewhere, like clipNow$ = _CLIPBOARD$ IF clipNow$ <> clipBefore$ THEN clipBefore$ = clipNow$ 'Parse new clipboard contents for ###, ###, ### FindComma1 = INSTR(clipNow$, ",") IF FindComma1 > 0 THEN FindComma2 = INSTR(FindComma1 + 1, clipNow$, ",") IF FindComma2 > 0 THEN r$ = "": g$ = "": b$ = "" FOR i = FindComma1 - 1 TO 1 STEP -1 IF ASC(clipNow$, i) >= 48 AND ASC(clipNow$, i) <= 57 THEN r$ = MID$(clipNow$, i, 1) + r$ ELSE EXIT FOR END IF NEXT i FOR i = FindComma1 + 1 TO FindComma2 - 1 IF ASC(clipNow$, i) = 32 OR (ASC(clipNow$, i) >= 48 AND ASC(clipNow$, i) <= 57) THEN g$ = g$ + MID$(clipNow$, i, 1) ELSE EXIT FOR END IF NEXT i FOR i = FindComma2 + 1 TO LEN(clipNow$) IF ASC(clipNow$, i) = 32 OR (ASC(clipNow$, i) >= 48 AND ASC(clipNow$, i) <= 57) THEN b$ = b$ + MID$(clipNow$, i, 1) ELSE EXIT FOR END IF NEXT i idetxt(o(2).txt) = str2$(VAL(r$)) idetxt(o(3).txt) = str2$(VAL(g$)) idetxt(o(4).txt) = str2$(VAL(b$)) change = 1 END IF END IF END IF _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- 'specific post controls IF focus <> PrevFocus THEN 'Always start with RGB values selected upon getting focus PrevFocus = focus IF focus >= 2 AND focus <= 4 THEN o(focus).v1 = LEN(idetxt(o(focus).txt)) IF o(focus).v1 > 0 THEN o(focus).issel = -1 o(focus).sx1 = 0 END IF END IF IF mB AND mY = p.y + 2 AND mX >= p.x + 35 AND mX <= p.x + 35 + 26 THEN newValue = (mX - p.x - 35) * (255 / 26) idetxt(o(2).txt) = str2$(newValue) focus = 2 o(focus).v1 = LEN(idetxt(o(focus).txt)) o(focus).issel = -1 o(focus).sx1 = 0 END IF IF mB AND mY = p.y + 5 AND mX >= p.x + 35 AND mX <= p.x + 35 + 26 THEN newValue = (mX - p.x - 35) * (255 / 26) idetxt(o(3).txt) = str2$(newValue) focus = 3 o(focus).v1 = LEN(idetxt(o(focus).txt)) o(focus).issel = -1 o(focus).sx1 = 0 END IF IF mB AND mY = p.y + 8 AND mX >= p.x + 35 AND mX <= p.x + 35 + 26 THEN newValue = (mX - p.x - 35) * (255 / 26) idetxt(o(4).txt) = str2$(newValue) focus = 4 o(focus).v1 = LEN(idetxt(o(focus).txt)) o(focus).issel = -1 o(focus).sx1 = 0 END IF ChangedWithKeys = 0 IF K$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(72) AND (focus = 2 OR focus = 3 OR focus = 4) THEN 'Up idetxt(o(focus).txt) = str2$(VAL(idetxt(o(focus).txt)) + 1) o(focus).issel = -1: o(focus).sx1 = 0: o(focus).v1 = LEN(idetxt(o(focus).txt)) ChangedWithKeys = -1 END IF IF K$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(80) AND (focus = 2 OR focus = 3 OR focus = 4) THEN 'Down idetxt(o(focus).txt) = str2$(VAL(idetxt(o(focus).txt)) - 1) o(focus).issel = -1: o(focus).sx1 = 0: o(focus).v1 = LEN(idetxt(o(focus).txt)) ChangedWithKeys = -1 END IF IF SelectedITEM <> o(1).sel AND o(1).sel > 0 THEN SelectedITEM = o(1).sel FOR i = 1 to 6: SelectionIndicator$(i) = " ": NEXT i SelectionIndicator$(SelectedITEM) = CHR$(16) i = 0 i = i + 1: l$ = SelectionIndicator$(i) + "Normal Text" i = i + 1: l$ = l$ + sep + SelectionIndicator$(i) + "Strings" i = i + 1: l$ = l$ + sep + SelectionIndicator$(i) + "Metacommands" i = i + 1: l$ = l$ + sep + SelectionIndicator$(i) + "Comments" i = i + 1: l$ = l$ + sep + SelectionIndicator$(i) + "Background" i = i + 1: l$ = l$ + sep + SelectionIndicator$(i) + "Current line background" idetxt(o(1).txt) = l$ ChangeTextBoxes: SELECT CASE SelectedITEM CASE 1: CurrentColor~& = IDETextColor CASE 2: CurrentColor~& = IDEQuoteColor CASE 3: CurrentColor~& = IDEMetaCommandColor CASE 4: CurrentColor~& = IDECommentColor CASE 5: CurrentColor~& = IDEBackgroundColor CASE 6: CurrentColor~& = IDEBackgroundColor2 END SELECT idetxt(o(2).txt) = str2$(_RED32(CurrentColor~&)) idetxt(o(3).txt) = str2$(_GREEN32(CurrentColor~&)) idetxt(o(4).txt) = str2$(_BLUE32(CurrentColor~&)) END IF 'Check RGB values range (0-255) FOR checkRGB = 2 to 4 a$ = idetxt(o(checkRGB).txt) IF LEN(a$) > 3 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, 3) '3 character limit FOR i = 1 TO LEN(a$) a = ASC(a$, i) IF i = 2 AND ASC(a$, 1) = 48 THEN a$ = "0": EXIT FOR IF a < 48 OR a > 57 THEN a$ = "": EXIT FOR NEXT IF LEN(a$) THEN a = VAL(a$) IF a > 255 THEN a$ = "255" IF a < 0 THEN a$ = "0" ELSE IF ChangedWithKeys = -1 THEN a$ = "0" END IF idetxt(o(checkRGB).txt) = a$ NEXT checkRGB CurrentColor~& = _RGB32(VAL(idetxt(o(2).txt)), VAL(idetxt(o(3).txt)), VAL(idetxt(o(4).txt))) SELECT CASE SelectedITEM CASE 1: IDETextColor = CurrentColor~& 'Normal text CASE 2: IDEQuoteColor = CurrentColor~& 'Strings CASE 3: IDEMetaCommandColor = CurrentColor~& 'Metacommands CASE 4: IDECommentColor = CurrentColor~& 'Comments CASE 5: IDEBackgroundColor = CurrentColor~& 'Background CASE 6: IDEBackgroundColor2 = CurrentColor~& 'Current line background END SELECT IF K$ = CHR$(27) OR (focus = 7 AND info <> 0) THEN IDECommentColor = bkpIDECommentColor IDEMetaCommandColor = bkpIDEMetaCommandColor IDEQuoteColor = bkpIDEQuoteColor IDETextColor = bkpIDETextColor IDEBackgroundColor = bkpIDEBackgroundColor IDEBackgroundColor2 = bkpIDEBackgroundColor2 EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF (focus = 6 AND info <> 0) THEN IDECommentColor = _RGB32(85, 255, 255) IDEMetaCommandColor = _RGB32(85, 255, 85) IDEQuoteColor = _RGB32(255, 255, 85) IDETextColor = _RGB32(255, 255, 255) IDEBackgroundColor = _RGB32(0, 0, 170) IDEBackgroundColor2 = _RGB32(0, 0, 128) info = 0 GOTO ChangeTextBoxes END IF IF (focus = 5 AND info <> 0) OR _ (focus = 1 AND K$ = CHR$(13)) OR _ (focus = 2 AND K$ = CHR$(13)) OR _ (focus = 3 AND K$ = CHR$(13)) OR _ (focus = 4 AND K$ = CHR$(13)) OR _ (focus = 5 AND K$ = CHR$(13)) THEN 'save changes FOR i = 1 TO 6 SELECT CASE i CASE 1: CurrentColor~& = IDETextColor: colorid$ = "TextColor" CASE 2: CurrentColor~& = IDEQuoteColor: colorid$ = "QuoteColor" CASE 3: CurrentColor~& = IDEMetaCommandColor: colorid$ = "MetaCommandColor" CASE 4: CurrentColor~& = IDECommentColor: colorid$ = "CommentColor" CASE 5: CurrentColor~& = IDEBackgroundColor: colorid$ = "BackgroundColor" CASE 6: CurrentColor~& = IDEBackgroundColor2: colorid$ = "BackgroundColor2" END SELECT r$ = str2$(_RED32(CurrentColor~&)) g$ = str2$(_GREEN32(CurrentColor~&)) b$ = str2$(_BLUE32(CurrentColor~&)) RGBString$ = "_RGB32(" + r$ + "," + g$ + "," + b$ + ")" WriteConfigSetting "'[IDE COLOR SETTINGS]", colorid$, RGBString$ NEXT i EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION SUB iderestrict417 (p417) x = 0 IF p417 AND 4 THEN x = x + 1 IF p417 AND 8 THEN x = x + 1 IF x > 1 THEN p417 = p417 AND 243 END SUB FUNCTION CTRL2 IF MacOSX THEN IF _KEYDOWN(100309) THEN CTRL2 = 1 IF _KEYDOWN(100310) THEN CTRL2 = 1 END IF END FUNCTION SUB GetInput STATIC ASCvalue$ IF iCHECKLATER THEN iCHECKLATER = 0: EXIT SUB 'Clear/Update immediate return values iCHANGED = 0 KSTATECHANGED = 0 mCLICK = 0: mCLICK2 = 0: mRELEASE = 0: mRELEASE2 = 0 mWHEEL = 0 K$ = "": KB = 0 mOB = mB: mOB2 = mB2 KOALT = KALT: KALTPRESS = 0: KALTRELEASE = 0 'Flush INKEY$ buffer (for good measure) DO: LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = "" 'Keyboard event? k = _KEYHIT 'Steve Edit on 07-04-2014 to add extended ASCII creation with ALT-plus numkeys IF (_KEYDOWN(100307) OR _KEYDOWN(100308)) AND (k >= -57 AND k <= -48) THEN ASCvalue$ = ASCvalue$ + CHR$(-k) END IF IF NOT _KEYDOWN(100307) AND NOT _KEYDOWN(100308) THEN IF LEN(ASCvalue$) THEN KB = VAL(RIGHT$(ASCvalue$, 3)) IF KB > 0 AND KB < 256 THEN K$ = CHR$(KB) k = KB iCHANGED = -1 AltSpecial = -1 END IF ASCvalue$ = "" EXIT SUB END IF END IF 'End of Edit IF k THEN IF k < 0 THEN k = -k: release = 1 'modifiers IF k = KEY_LSHIFT OR k = KEY_RSHIFT THEN IF release = 1 THEN KSHIFT = 0 ELSE KSHIFT = -1 iCHANGED = -1: KSTATECHANGED = -1 END IF IF k = KEY_LALT OR k = KEY_RALT THEN IF release = 1 THEN KALT = 0: KALTRELEASE = -1 ELSE KALT = -1: KALTPRESS = -1 END IF iCHANGED = -1: KSTATECHANGED = -1 END IF IF k = KEY_LCTRL OR k = KEY_RCTRL THEN IF release = 1 THEN KCTRL = 0: KCONTROL = 0 ELSE KCTRL = -1: KCONTROL = -1 iCHANGED = -1: KSTATECHANGED = -1 END IF IF k = KEY_LAPPLE OR k = KEY_RAPPLE THEN IF release = 1 THEN KCONTROL = 0 ELSE KCONTROL = -1 iCHANGED = -1: KSTATECHANGED = -1 END IF 'presses IF release = 0 THEN iCHANGED = -1 IF k <= 255 THEN K$ = CHR$(k) IF k >= 256 AND k <= 65535 AND ((k AND 255) = 0) THEN K$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(k \ 256) KB = k END IF IF iCHANGED THEN EXIT SUB END IF DO WHILE _MOUSEINPUT iCHANGED = 1 if MouseButtonSwapped then mB = _MOUSEBUTTON(2): mB2 = _MOUSEBUTTON(1) else mB = _MOUSEBUTTON(1): mB2 = _MOUSEBUTTON(2) end if mWHEEL = mWHEEL + _MOUSEWHEEL mX = _MOUSEX: mY = _MOUSEY IF mB <> 0 AND mOB = 0 THEN mCLICK = -1: EXIT SUB IF mB2 <> 0 AND mOB2 = 0 THEN mCLICK2 = -1: EXIT SUB IF mB = 0 AND mOB <> 0 THEN mRELEASE = -1: EXIT SUB IF mB2 = 0 AND mOB2 <> 0 THEN mRELEASE2 = -1: EXIT SUB LOOP END SUB SUB Help_ShowText STATIC setup IF setup = 0 AND UBOUND(back$) = 1 THEN setup = 1 a$ = Wiki(Back$(1)) WikiParse a$ END IF REDIM Help_LineLen(Help_wh) COLOR 7, 0 'CLS 'FOR y = Help_wy1 - 1 TO Help_wy2 + 1 ' FOR x = Help_wx1 - 1 TO Help_wx2 + 1 ' LOCATE y, x: PRINT chr$(219); ' NEXT 'NEXT sy = Help_wy1 FOR y = Help_sy TO Help_sy + Help_wh - 1 IF y <= help_h THEN 'PRINT CVL(MID$(Help_Line$, (y - 1) * 4 + 1, 4)), LEN(Help_Txt$) l = CVL(MID$(Help_Line$, (y - 1) * 4 + 1, 4)) x = l x3 = 1 sx = Help_wx1 c = ASC(Help_Txt$, x): col = ASC(Help_Txt$, x + 1) LOCATE sy, sx DO UNTIL c = 13 COLOR col AND 15, col \ 16 IF Help_Select = 2 THEN IF y >= Help_SelY1 AND y <= Help_SelY2 THEN IF x3 >= Help_SelX1 AND x3 <= Help_SelX2 THEN COLOR 0, 7 END IF END IF END IF IF x3 >= Help_sx THEN IF sx <= Help_wx2 THEN PRINT CHR$(c); sx = sx + 1 END IF END IF x3 = x3 + 1: x = x + 4: c = ASC(Help_Txt$, x): col = ASC(Help_Txt$, x + 1) LOOP Help_LineLen(y - Help_sy) = x3 - 1 FOR x4 = 1 TO Help_wx2 - POS(0) + 1 IF col = 0 THEN col = 7 COLOR col AND 15, col \ 16 IF Help_Select = 2 THEN IF y >= Help_SelY1 AND y <= Help_SelY2 THEN IF x3 >= Help_SelX1 AND x3 <= Help_SelX2 THEN COLOR 0, 7 END IF END IF END IF PRINT " "; x3 = x3 + 1 NEXT ELSE sx = Help_wx1 LOCATE sy, sx x3 = Help_sx FOR x4 = 1 TO Help_ww COLOR 7, 0 IF Help_Select = 2 THEN IF y >= Help_SelY1 AND y <= Help_SelY2 THEN IF x3 >= Help_SelX1 AND x3 <= Help_SelX2 THEN COLOR 0, 7 END IF END IF END IF PRINT " "; x3 = x3 + 1 NEXT Help_LineLen(y - Help_sy) = 0 END IF sy = sy + 1 NEXT 'LOCATE Help_cy - Help_sy + Help_wy1, Help_cx - Help_sx + Help_wx1 'COLOR 15, 4 'PRINT CHR$(SCREEN(CSRLIN, POS(0))); 'c = 0 'DO ' old_kcontrol = KCONTROL ' GetInput ' IF KB > 0 THEN c = 1 ' IF mCLICK THEN c = 1 ' IF mWHEEL THEN c = 1 ' IF KCONTROL AND old_kcontrol = 0 THEN c = 0 ' IF mB THEN c = 1 'LOOP UNTIL c END SUB FUNCTION idesearchedbox$ '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- ln = 0 l$ = "" fh = FREEFILE OPEN ".\internal\temp\searched.bin" FOR BINARY AS #fh: a$ = SPACE$(LOF(fh)): GET #fh, , a$ a$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - 2) DO WHILE LEN(a$) ai = INSTR(a$, CRLF) IF ai THEN f$ = LEFT$(a$, ai - 1): IF ai = LEN(a$) - 1 THEN a$ = "" ELSE a$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - ai - 3) IF LEN(l$) THEN l$ = l$ + sep + f$ ELSE l$ = f$ ln = ln + 1 END IF LOOP CLOSE #fh if ln = 0 then l$ = sep end if '72,19 h = idewy + idesubwindow - 9 IF ln < h THEN h = ln IF h < 3 THEN h = 3 i = 0 idepar p, 20, h, "" p.x = idewx - 24 p.y = idewy - 6 - h i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 2 o(i).x = -1: o(i).y = 0 o(i).w = 22: o(i).h = h o(i).txt = idenewtxt(l$) o(i).sel = 1 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("Find") 'i = i + 1 'o(i).typ = 3 'o(i).y = idewy - 6 'o(i).txt = idenewtxt("#OK" + sep + "#Cancel") 'o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- 'quick exit IF mCLICK THEN IF mX < p.x - 1 OR mY < p.y OR mX > p.x + p.w + 2 OR mY > p.y + p.h + 1 THEN idesearchedbox$ = "" EXIT FUNCTION END IF END IF IF K$ = CHR$(27) THEN idesearchedbox$ = "" EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF mCLICK THEN IF mX > p.x - 1 AND mY > p.y AND mX < p.x + p.w + 2 AND mY < p.y + p.h + 1 THEN f$ = idetxt(o(1).stx) idesearchedbox$ = f$ EXIT FUNCTION END IF END IF IF K$ = CHR$(13) OR (info = 1 AND focus = 1) THEN f$ = idetxt(o(1).stx) idesearchedbox$ = f$ EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION SUB IdeImportBookmarks (f2$) IdeBmkN = 0 f$ = CRLF + f2$ + CRLF fh = FREEFILE: OPEN ".\internal\temp\bookmarks.bin" FOR BINARY AS #fh: a$ = SPACE$(LOF(fh)): GET #fh, , a$: CLOSE #fh x = INSTR(UCASE$(a$), UCASE$(f$)) IF x THEN 'retrieve bookmark data l = CVL(MID$(a$, x + LEN(f$), 4)) x1 = x + LEN(f$) + 4 d$ = MID$(a$, x1, l) n = l \ 16 FOR i = 1 TO n by = CVL(MID$(d$, (i - 1) * 16 + 1, 4)) bx = CVL(MID$(d$, (i - 1) * 16 + 1 + 4, 4)) IF by <= iden THEN IdeBmkN = IdeBmkN + 1 IF IdeBmkN > UBOUND(IdeBmk) THEN x = UBOUND(IdeBmk) * 2: REDIM _PRESERVE IdeBmk(x) AS IdeBmkType IdeBmk(IdeBmkN).y = by IdeBmk(IdeBmkN).x = bx IdeBmk(IdeBmkN).reserved = 0: IdeBmk(IdeBmkN).reserved2 = 0 END IF NEXT END IF END SUB SUB IdeSaveBookmarks (f2$) f$ = CRLF + f2$ + CRLF fh = FREEFILE: OPEN ".\internal\temp\bookmarks.bin" FOR BINARY AS #fh: a$ = SPACE$(LOF(fh)): GET #fh, , a$: CLOSE #fh x = INSTR(UCASE$(a$), UCASE$(f$)) IF x THEN 'remove any old bookmark data l = CVL(MID$(a$, x + LEN(f$), 4)) x2 = x + LEN(f$) + 4 + l - 1 a$ = LEFT$(a$, x - 1) + RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - x2) END IF 'add new bookmark data 'build bookmark data d$ = "" FOR i = 1 TO IdeBmkN d$ = d$ + MKL$(IdeBmk(i).y) + MKL$(IdeBmk(i).x) + MKL$(IdeBmk(i).reserved) + MKL$(IdeBmk(i).reserved2) NEXT a$ = f$ + MKL$(LEN(d$)) + d$ + a$ fh = FREEFILE: OPEN ".\internal\temp\bookmarks.bin" FOR OUTPUT AS #fh: CLOSE #fh fh = FREEFILE: OPEN ".\internal\temp\bookmarks.bin" FOR BINARY AS #fh: PUT #fh, , a$: CLOSE #fh END SUB FUNCTION iderecentbox$ '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- l$ = "" fh = FREEFILE OPEN ".\internal\temp\recent.bin" FOR BINARY AS #fh: a$ = SPACE$(LOF(fh)): GET #fh, , a$ a$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - 2) DO WHILE LEN(a$) ai = INSTR(a$, CRLF) IF ai THEN f$ = LEFT$(a$, ai - 1): IF ai = LEN(a$) - 1 THEN a$ = "" ELSE a$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - ai - 3) IF LEN(l$) THEN l$ = l$ + sep + f$ ELSE l$ = f$ END IF LOOP CLOSE #fh '72,19 i = 0 idepar p, idewx - 8, idewy + idesubwindow - 6, "Open" i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 2 o(i).y = 1 '68 o(i).w = idewx - 12: o(i).h = idewy + idesubwindow - 9 o(i).txt = idenewtxt(l$) o(i).sel = 1 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("Recent Programs") i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = idewy + idesubwindow - 6 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("#OK" + sep + "#Cancel" + sep + "Clea#r list" + sep + "#Remove broken links") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- IF K$ = CHR$(27) OR (focus = 3 AND info <> 0) THEN iderecentbox$ = "" EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF (K$ = CHR$(13) AND focus = 1) OR (focus = 2 AND info <> 0) OR (info = 1 AND focus = 1) THEN f$ = idetxt(o(1).stx) iderecentbox$ = f$ EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF (K$ = CHR$(13) AND focus = 4) OR (focus = 4 AND info <> 0) OR (info = 1 AND focus = 4) THEN iderecentbox$ = "" EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF (K$ = CHR$(13) AND focus = 5) OR (focus = 5 AND info <> 0) OR (info = 1 AND focus = 5) THEN iderecentbox$ = "" EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION SUB IdeMakeFileMenu m = 1: i = 0 menu$(m, i) = "File": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "#New": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "#Open...": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "#Save": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "Save #As...": i = i + 1 fh = FREEFILE OPEN ".\internal\temp\recent.bin" FOR BINARY AS #fh: a$ = SPACE$(LOF(fh)): GET #fh, , a$ a$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - 2) FOR r = 1 TO 5 IF r <= 4 THEN IdeRecentLink(r, 1) = "" ai = INSTR(a$, CRLF) IF ai THEN IF r = 1 THEN menu$(m, i) = "-": i = i + 1 f$ = LEFT$(a$, ai - 1): IF ai = LEN(a$) - 1 THEN a$ = "" ELSE a$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - ai - 3) IF r <= 4 THEN IdeRecentLink(r, 2) = f$ IF r = 5 THEN f$ = "#Recent..." IF LEN(f$) > 25 THEN f$ = string$(3, 250) + RIGHT$(f$, 22) IF r <= 4 THEN IdeRecentLink(r, 1) = f$ menu$(m, i) = f$: i = i + 1 END IF NEXT CLOSE #fh IF menu$(m, i - 1) <> "#Recent..." and menu$(m, i - 1) <> "Save #As..." THEN menu$(m, i) = "Clear #recent...": i = i + 1 END IF menu$(m, i) = "-": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "E#xit": i = i + 1 menusize(m) = i - 1 END SUB SUB IdeMakeContextualMenu REDIM SubFuncLIST(0) AS STRING DIM Selection$ m = idecontextualmenuID: i = 0 menu$(m, i) = "Contextual": i = i + 1 'Figure out if the user wants to search for a selected term -- copied from idefind$ IF ideselect THEN IF ideselecty1 = idecy THEN 'single line selected a$ = idegetline(idecy) a2$ = "" sx1 = ideselectx1: sx2 = idecx IF sx2 < sx1 THEN SWAP sx1, sx2 FOR x = sx1 TO sx2 - 1 IF x <= LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = a2$ + MID$(a$, x, 1) ELSE a2$ = a2$ + " " NEXT END IF IF len(a2$) > 0 THEN sela2$ = ucase$(a2$) idecontextualSearch$ = a2$ IF LEN(a2$) > 22 THEN a2$ = LEFT$(a2$, 19) + string$(3, 250) END IF menu$(m, i) = "Find '" + a2$ + "'": i = i + 1 Selection$ = a2$ END IF END IF 'build SUB/FUNCTION list: TotalSF = 0 FOR y = 1 TO iden a$ = idegetline(y) a$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(a$)) sf = 0 nca$ = UCASE$(a$) IF LEFT$(nca$, 4) = "SUB " THEN sf = 1: sf$ = "SUB " IF LEFT$(nca$, 9) = "FUNCTION " THEN sf = 2: sf$ = "FUNC " IF sf THEN IF RIGHT$(nca$, 7) = " STATIC" THEN a$ = RTRIM$(LEFT$(a$, LEN(a$) - 7)) END IF IF sf = 1 THEN a$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - 4) ELSE a$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - 9) END IF a$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(a$)) x = INSTR(a$, "(") IF x THEN n$ = RTRIM$(LEFT$(a$, x - 1)) ELSE n$ = a$ END IF 'attempt to cleanse n$, just in case there are any comments or other unwanted stuff for CleanseN = 1 to len(n$) select case mid$(n$, CleanseN, 1) case " ", "'", ":" n$ = left$(n$, CleanseN - 1) exit for end select next n2$ = n$ if len(n2$) > 1 then do until alphanumeric(asc(right$(n2$, 1))) n2$ = left$(n$, len(n2$) - 1) 'removes sigil, if any loop end if 'Populate SubFuncLIST() TotalSF = TotalSF + 1 REDIM _PRESERVE SubFuncLIST(1 to TotalSF) AS STRING SubFuncLIST(TotalSF) = MKL$(y) + CHR$(sf) + n2$ END IF NEXT 'identify if word or character at current cursor position is in the help system OR a sub/func '(copied/adapted from ide2) a$ = idegetline(idecy) a2$ = "" x = idecx IF x <= LEN(a$) THEN IF alphanumeric(ASC(a$, x)) THEN x1 = x DO WHILE x1 > 1 IF alphanumeric(ASC(a$, x1 - 1)) OR ASC(a$, x1 - 1) = 36 THEN x1 = x1 - 1 ELSE EXIT DO LOOP x2 = x DO WHILE x2 < LEN(a$) IF alphanumeric(ASC(a$, x2 + 1)) OR ASC(a$, x2 + 1) = 36 THEN x2 = x2 + 1 ELSE EXIT DO LOOP a2$ = MID$(a$, x1, x2 - x1 + 1) ELSE a2$ = CHR$(ASC(a$, x)) END IF a2$ = UCASE$(a2$) END IF 'check if cursor is on sub/func/label name if len(Selection$) > 0 then do until alphanumeric(asc(right$(Selection$, 1))) Selection$ = left$(Selection$, len(Selection$) - 1) 'removes sigil, if any loop Selection$ = ltrim$(rtrim$(Selection$)) end if if right$(a2$, 1) = "$" then a3$ = left$(a2$, len(a2$) - 1) else a3$ = a2$ 'creates a new version without $ if len(a3$) > 0 or len(Selection$) > 0 THEN for CheckSF = 1 to TotalSF if a3$ = ucase$(mid$(SubFuncLIST(CheckSF), 6)) or ucase$(Selection$) = ucase$(mid$(SubFuncLIST(CheckSF),6)) then CurrSF$ = FindCurrentSF$(idecy) if len(CurrSF$) = 0 then goto SkipCheckCurrSF do until alphanumeric(asc(right$(CurrSF$, 1))) CurrSF$ = left$(CurrSF$, len(CurrSF$) - 1) 'removes sigil, if any loop CurrSF$ = ucase$(CurrSF$) SkipCheckCurrSF: if asc(SubFuncLIST(CheckSF), 5) = 1 THEN CursorSF$ = "SUB " else CursorSF$ = "FUNCTION " end if CursorSF$ = CursorSF$ + mid$(SubFuncLIST(CheckSF),6) if ucase$(CursorSF$) = CurrSF$ THEN exit for else menu$(m, i) = "#Go to " + CursorSF$: i = i + 1 SubFuncLIST(1) = SubFuncLIST(CheckSF) exit for end if end if next CheckSF v = 0 CurrSF$ = FindCurrentSF$(idecy) if not Error_Happened then v = HashFind(a2$, HASHFLAG_LABEL, ignore, r) CheckThisLabel: if v then LabelLineNumber = Labels(r).SourceLineNumber ThisLabelScope$ = FindCurrentSF$(LabelLineNumber) if ThisLabelScope$ <> CurrSF$ AND v = 2 then v = HashFindCont(ignore, r) goto CheckThisLabel end if if LabelLineNumber > 0 and LabelLineNumber <> idecy then menu$(m, i) = "Go to #label " + rtrim$(Labels(r).cn): i = i + 1 REDIM _PRESERVE SubFuncLIST(1 to ubound(SubFuncLIST) + 1) AS STRING SubFuncLIST(ubound(SubFuncLIST)) = MKL$(Labels(r).SourceLineNumber) end if end if end if if len(a2$) > 0 then 'check if F1 is in help links fh = FREEFILE OPEN "internal\help\links.bin" FOR INPUT AS #fh lnks = 0: lnks$ = CHR$(0) DO UNTIL EOF(fh) LINE INPUT #fh, l$ c = INSTR(l$, ","): l1$ = LEFT$(l$, c - 1): l2$ = RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - c) IF a2$ = UCASE$(l1$) THEN IF INSTR(lnks$, CHR$(0) + l2$ + CHR$(0)) = 0 THEN lnks = lnks + 1 EXIT DO END IF END IF LOOP CLOSE #fh IF lnks THEN IF LEN(l2$) > 15 THEN l2$ = LEFT$(l2$, 12) + string$(3, 250) END IF if instr(l2$, "Parenthesis") = 0 then menu$(m, i) = "#Help on '" + l2$ + "'": i = i + 1 end if END IF end if IF i > 1 THEN menu$(m, i) = "-": i = i + 1 END IF if ideselect then menu$(m, i) = "Cu#t Shift+Del or Ctrl+X": i = i + 1 if ideselect then menu$(m, i) = "#Copy Ctrl+Ins or Ctrl+C": i = i + 1 clip$ = _CLIPBOARD$ 'read clipboard IF LEN(clip$) THEN menu$(m, i) = "#Paste Shift+Ins or Ctrl+V": i = i + 1 if ideselect then menu$(m, i) = "Cl#ear Del": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "Select #All Ctrl+A": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "-": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "#Undo Ctrl+Z": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "#Redo Ctrl+Y": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "-": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "Comment (add ')": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "Uncomment (remove ')": i = i + 1 IF ideselect AND ideautoindent = 0 THEN y1 = idecy y2 = ideselecty1 IF y1 = y2 THEN 'single line selected a$ = idegetline(idecy) a2$ = "" sx1 = ideselectx1: sx2 = idecx IF sx2 < sx1 THEN SWAP sx1, sx2 FOR x = sx1 TO sx2 - 1 IF x <= LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = a2$ + MID$(a$, x, 1) ELSE a2$ = a2$ + " " NEXT IF a2$ <> "" THEN menu$(m, i) = "Increase indent TAB": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "Decrease indent" IF INSTR(_OS$, "WIN") OR INSTR(_OS$, "MAC") THEN menu$(m, i) = menu$(m, i) + " Shift+TAB" i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "-": i = i + 1 END IF ELSE menu$(m, i) = "Increase indent TAB": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "Decrease indent" IF INSTR(_OS$, "WIN") OR INSTR(_OS$, "MAC") THEN menu$(m, i) = menu$(m, i) + " Shift+TAB" i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "-": i = i + 1 END IF else menu$(m, i) = "-": i = i + 1 end if menu$(m, i) = "New #SUB...": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "New #FUNCTION...": i = i + 1 menusize(m) = i - 1 END SUB SUB IdeMakeEditMenu m = ideeditmenuID: i = 0 menu$(m, i) = "Edit": i = i + 1 if ideselect then menu$(m, i) = "Cu#t Shift+Del or Ctrl+X": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "#Copy Ctrl+Ins or Ctrl+C": i = i + 1 else menu$(m, i) = "~Cu#t Shift+Del or Ctrl+X": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "~#Copy Ctrl+Ins or Ctrl+C": i = i + 1 end if clip$ = _CLIPBOARD$ 'read clipboard IF LEN(clip$) THEN menu$(m, i) = "#Paste Shift+Ins or Ctrl+V": i = i + 1 else menu$(m, i) = "~#Paste Shift+Ins or Ctrl+V": i = i + 1 end if if ideselect then menu$(m, i) = "Cl#ear Del": i = i + 1 else menu$(m, i) = "~Cl#ear Del": i = i + 1 end if menu$(m, i) = "Select #All Ctrl+A": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "-": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "#Undo Ctrl+Z": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "#Redo Ctrl+Y": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "-": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "Comment (add ')": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "Uncomment (remove ')": i = i + 1 IF ideselect AND ideautoindent = 0 THEN y1 = idecy y2 = ideselecty1 IF y1 = y2 THEN 'single line selected a$ = idegetline(idecy) a2$ = "" sx1 = ideselectx1: sx2 = idecx IF sx2 < sx1 THEN SWAP sx1, sx2 FOR x = sx1 TO sx2 - 1 IF x <= LEN(a$) THEN a2$ = a2$ + MID$(a$, x, 1) ELSE a2$ = a2$ + " " NEXT IF a2$ = "" THEN menu$(m, i) = "~Increase indent TAB": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "~Decrease indent" IF INSTR(_OS$, "WIN") OR INSTR(_OS$, "MAC") THEN menu$(m, i) = menu$(m, i) + " Shift+TAB" i = i + 1 ELSE menu$(m, i) = "Increase indent TAB": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "Decrease indent" IF INSTR(_OS$, "WIN") OR INSTR(_OS$, "MAC") THEN menu$(m, i) = menu$(m, i) + " Shift+TAB" i = i + 1 END IF ELSE menu$(m, i) = "Increase indent TAB": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "Decrease indent" IF INSTR(_OS$, "WIN") OR INSTR(_OS$, "MAC") THEN menu$(m, i) = menu$(m, i) + " Shift+TAB" i = i + 1 END IF else menu$(m, i) = "~Increase indent TAB": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "~Decrease indent" IF INSTR(_OS$, "WIN") OR INSTR(_OS$, "MAC") THEN menu$(m, i) = menu$(m, i) + " Shift+TAB" i = i + 1 end if menu$(m, i) = "-": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "New #SUB...": i = i + 1 menu$(m, i) = "New #FUNCTION...": i = i + 1 menusize(m) = i - 1 END SUB SUB IdeAddRecent (f2$) f$ = CRLF + f2$ + CRLF fh = FREEFILE OPEN ".\internal\temp\recent.bin" FOR BINARY AS #fh: a$ = SPACE$(LOF(fh)): GET #fh, , a$ x = INSTR(UCASE$(a$), UCASE$(f$)) IF x THEN a$ = f$ + LEFT$(a$, x - 1) + RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - (x + LEN(f$) - 1)) ELSE a$ = f$ + a$ END IF PUT #fh, 1, a$ CLOSE #fh IdeMakeFileMenu END SUB SUB IdeAddSearched (s2$) s$ = CRLF + s2$ + CRLF fh = FREEFILE OPEN ".\internal\temp\searched.bin" FOR BINARY AS #fh: a$ = SPACE$(LOF(fh)): GET #fh, , a$ x = INSTR(UCASE$(a$), UCASE$(s$)) IF x THEN a$ = s$ + LEFT$(a$, x - 1) + RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - (x + LEN(s$) - 1)) ELSE a$ = s$ + a$ END IF PUT #fh, 1, a$ CLOSE #fh END SUB SUB ideASCIIbox 'IF INSTR(_OS$, "WIN") THEN ret% = SHELL("internal\ASCII-Picker.exe") ELSE ret% = SHELL("internal/ASCII-Picker") '(code to fix font and arrow keys also written by Steve) w = _WIDTH: h = _HEIGHT font = _FONT temp = _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32) temp1 = _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32) ws = _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32) SCREEN temp DIM CurrentASC(1 TO 16, 1 TO 16) DIM CurrentOne AS INTEGER CLS , _RGB(0, 0, 170) COLOR , _RGB(0, 0, 170) FOR y = 1 TO 16 FOR x = 1 TO 16 LINE (x * 40, 0)-(x * 40, 480), _RGB32(255, 255, 0) LINE (0, y * 30)-(640, y * 30), _RGB32(255, 255, 0) IF counter THEN _PRINTSTRING (x * 40 - 28, y * 30 - 23), CHR$(counter) counter = counter + 1 NEXT NEXT _DEST temp1 CLS , _RGB(0, 0, 170) COLOR , _RGB(0, 0, 170) counter = 0 FOR y = 1 TO 16 FOR x = 1 TO 16 LINE (x * 40, 0)-(x * 40, 480), _RGB32(255, 255, 0) LINE (0, y * 30)-(640, y * 30), _RGB32(255, 255, 0) text$ = LTRIM$(STR$(counter)) IF counter THEN _PRINTSTRING (x * 40 - 24 - (LEN(text$)) * 4, y * 30 - 23), text$ counter = counter + 1 NEXT NEXT _DEST temp x = 1: y = 1 _PUTIMAGE , temp, ws DO: LOOP WHILE _MOUSEINPUT 'clear the mouse input buffer oldmousex = _MOUSEX: oldmousey = _MOUSEY DO _LIMIT 60 DO: LOOP WHILE _MOUSEINPUT if oldx <> _mousex and oldy <> _mousey then x = _MOUSEX \ 40 + 1 'If mouse moved, where are we now? y = _MOUSEY \ 30 + 1 end if oldx = _mousex: oldy = _mousey num = (y - 1) * 16 + x - 1 IF num = 0 THEN text$ = "" ELSE flashcounter = flashcounter + 1 IF flashcounter > 30 THEN COLOR _RGB32(255, 255, 255), _RGB(0, 0, 170) text$ = CHR$(num) IF LEN(text$) = 1 THEN text$ = " " + text$ + " " ELSE COLOR _RGB32(255, 255, 255), _RGB(0, 0, 170) text$ = RTRIM$(LTRIM$(STR$(num))) END IF END IF IF flashcounter = 60 THEN flashcounter = 1 CLS IF toggle THEN _PUTIMAGE , temp1, temp ELSE _PUTIMAGE , ws, temp _PRINTSTRING (x * 40 - 24 - (LEN(text$)) * 4, y * 30 - 23), text$ LINE (x * 40 - 40, y * 30 - 30)-(x * 40, y * 30), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 150), BF k1 = _KEYHIT MouseClick = 0: MouseExit = 0 if MouseButtonSwapped then mouseclick = _mousebutton(2): mouseexit = _mousebutton(1) else mouseclick = _mousebutton(1): mouseexit = _mousebutton(2) end if SELECT CASE k1 CASE 13: EXIT DO CASE 27 _AUTODISPLAY SCREEN 0: WIDTH w, h: _FONT font: _DEST 0: _DELAY .2 IF _RESIZE THEN donothing = atall EXIT SUB CASE 32: toggle = NOT toggle CASE 18432: y = y - 1 CASE 19200: x = x - 1 CASE 20480: y = y + 1 CASE 19712: x = x + 1 END SELECT IF x < 1 THEN x = 1 IF x > 16 THEN x = 16 IF y < 1 THEN y = 1 IF y > 16 THEN y = 16 _DISPLAY Ex = _EXIT IF Ex THEN _AUTODISPLAY SCREEN 0: WIDTH w, h: _FONT font: _DEST 0: _DELAY .2 IF _RESIZE THEN donothing = atall EXIT FUNCTION END IF IF MouseExit THEN _AUTODISPLAY SCREEN 0: WIDTH w, h: _FONT font: _DEST 0: _DELAY .2 IF _RESIZE THEN donothing = atall EXIT FUNCTION END IF LOOP UNTIL mouseclick ret% = (y - 1) * 16 + x - 1 IF ret% > 0 AND ret% < 255 THEN l = idecy a$ = idegetline(l) l$ = LEFT$(a$, idecx - 1): r$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - idecx + 1) text$ = l$ + CHR$(ret%) + r$ textlen = LEN(text$) l$ = LEFT$(idet$, ideli - 1) m$ = MKL$(textlen) + text$ + MKL$(textlen) r$ = RIGHT$(idet$, LEN(idet$) - ideli - LEN(a$) - 7) idet$ = l$ + m$ + r$ idecx = idecx + 1 END IF _AUTODISPLAY SCREEN 0: WIDTH w, h _FONT font _DEST 0: _DELAY .2 IF _RESIZE THEN donothing = atall END FUNCTION FUNCTION idef1box$ (lnks$, lnks) '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- '-------- init -------- '72,19 i = 0 idepar p, 40, lnks + 3, "F1" i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 2 o(i).y = 1 '68 o(i).w = 36: o(i).h = lnks o(i).txt = idenewtxt(lnks$) o(i).sel = 1 o(i).nam = idenewtxt("Which?") i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = lnks + 3 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("#OK") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- IF K$ = CHR$(13) OR (focus = 2 AND info <> 0) OR (info = 1 AND focus = 1) THEN f$ = idetxt(o(1).stx) idef1box$ = f$ EXIT FUNCTION ELSEIF K$ = CHR$(27) THEN idef1box$ = "C" EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP END FUNCTION SUB Mathbox 'Draw a box '-------- generic dialog box header -------- PCOPY 0, 2 PCOPY 0, 1 SCREEN , , 1, 0 focus = 1 DIM p AS idedbptype DIM o(1 TO 100) AS idedbotype DIM oo AS idedbotype DIM sep AS STRING * 1 sep = CHR$(0) '-------- end of generic dialog box header -------- DoAnother: titlestr$ = " Give me a Math Equation " messagestr$ = "" '-------- init -------- i = 0 w = LEN(messagestr$) + 2 w2 = LEN(titlestr$) + 4 IF w < w2 THEN w = w2 idepar p, w, 4, titlestr$ i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 4 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("OK") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE p.y + 2, p.x + 2: PRINT messagestr$; '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) IF K$ = CHR$(27) THEN EXIT SUB END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 IF K$ > CHR$(31) AND K$ < CHR$(123) THEN messagestr$ = messagestr$ + K$ IF K$ = CHR$(8) THEN messagestr$ = LEFT$(messagestr$, LEN(messagestr$) - 1) f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- 'specific post controls IF K$ = CHR$(27) OR K$ = CHR$(13) OR (focus = 1 AND info <> 0) THEN EXIT DO 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP temp$ = messagestr$ 'Make a back up of our user return titlestr$ = "(H)ex/(D)ec (U)n(C)omment (ESC)ape/(R)edo" ev$ = Evaluate_Expression$(messagestr$) messagestr$ = ev$ '-------- init -------- i = 0 w = LEN(messagestr$) + 2 w2 = LEN(titlestr$) + 4 IF w < w2 THEN w = w2 idepar p, w, 4, titlestr$ i = i + 1 o(i).typ = 3 o(i).y = 4 o(i).txt = idenewtxt("OK") o(i).dft = 1 '-------- end of init -------- '-------- generic init -------- FOR i = 1 TO 100: o(i).par = p: NEXT 'set parent info of objects '-------- end of generic init -------- DO 'main loop '-------- generic display dialog box & objects -------- idedrawpar p f = 1: cx = 0: cy = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100 IF o(i).typ THEN 'prepare object o(i).foc = focus - f 'focus offset o(i).cx = 0: o(i).cy = 0 idedrawobj o(i), f 'display object IF o(i).cx THEN cx = o(i).cx: cy = o(i).cy END IF NEXT i lastfocus = f - 1 '-------- end of generic display dialog box & objects -------- '-------- custom display changes -------- COLOR 0, 7: LOCATE p.y + 2, p.x + 2: PRINT messagestr$; '-------- end of custom display changes -------- 'update visual page and cursor position PCOPY 1, 0 IF cx THEN SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE cy, cx, 1: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- read input -------- change = 0 DO GetInput IF mWHEEL THEN change = 1 IF KB THEN change = 1 IF mCLICK THEN mousedown = 1: change = 1 IF mRELEASE THEN mouseup = 1: change = 1 IF mB THEN change = 1 alt = KALT: IF alt <> oldalt THEN change = 1 oldalt = alt _LIMIT 100 LOOP UNTIL change IF alt THEN idehl = 1 ELSE idehl = 0 'convert "alt+letter" scancode to letter's ASCII character altletter$ = "" IF alt THEN IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN k = ASC(UCASE$(K$)) IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN altletter$ = CHR$(k) END IF END IF SCREEN , , 0, 0: LOCATE , , 0: SCREEN , , 1, 0 '-------- end of read input -------- '-------- generic input response -------- info = 0 IF K$ = "" THEN K$ = CHR$(255) IF KSHIFT = 0 AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus + 1 IF KSHIFT AND K$ = CHR$(9) THEN focus = focus - 1 IF focus < 1 THEN focus = lastfocus IF focus > lastfocus THEN focus = 1 IF K$ = "H" OR K$ = "h" THEN ev$ = "&H" + HEX$(VAL(ev$)) IF K$ = "D" OR K$ = "d" THEN ev$ = STR$(VAL(ev$)) IF K$ = "U" OR K$ = "u" THEN comment = 0 IF K$ = "C" OR K$ = "c" THEN comment = -1 IF K$ = "R" OR K$ = "r" THEN GOTO DoAnother IF K$ = CHR$(27) THEN EXIT SUB IF comment THEN messagestr$ = ev$ + " ' " + temp$ ELSE messagestr$ = ev$ f = 1 FOR i = 1 TO 100 t = o(i).typ IF t THEN focusoffset = focus - f ideobjupdate o(i), focus, f, focusoffset, K$, altletter$, mB, mousedown, mouseup, mX, mY, info, mWHEEL END IF NEXT '-------- end of generic input response -------- 'specific post controls IF K$ = CHR$(27) OR K$ = CHR$(13) OR (focus = 1 AND info <> 0) THEN EXIT DO 'end of custom controls mousedown = 0 mouseup = 0 LOOP IF INSTR(messagestr$, " LINES INSERTED") THEN EXIT SUB l = idecy a$ = idegetline(l) l$ = LEFT$(a$, idecx - 1): r$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - idecx + 1) text$ = l$ + messagestr$ + r$ textlen = LEN(text$) l$ = LEFT$(idet$, ideli - 1) m$ = MKL$(textlen) + text$ + MKL$(textlen) r$ = RIGHT$(idet$, LEN(idet$) - ideli - LEN(a$) - 7) idet$ = l$ + m$ + r$ idecx = idecx + LEN(messagestr$) END SUB SUB Sort (m AS _MEM) 'Provided by Steve McNeill DIM t AS LONG: t = m.TYPE DIM i AS _UNSIGNED LONG DIM ES AS LONG, EC AS LONG IF NOT t AND 65536 THEN EXIT SUB 'We won't work without an array IF t AND 1024 THEN DataType = 10 IF t AND 1 THEN DataType = DataType + 1 IF t AND 2 THEN DataType = DataType + 2 IF t AND 4 THEN IF t AND 128 THEN DataType = DataType + 4 ELSE DataType = 3 IF t AND 8 THEN IF t AND 128 THEN DataType = DataType + 8 ELSE DataType = 5 IF t AND 32 THEN DataType = 6 IF t AND 512 THEN DataType = 7 'Convert our offset data over to something we can work with DIM m1 AS _MEM: m1 = _MEMNEW(8) _MEMPUT m1, m1.OFFSET, m.ELEMENTSIZE: _MEMGET m1, m1.OFFSET, ES 'Element Size _MEMPUT m1, m1.OFFSET, m.SIZE: _MEMGET m1, m1.OFFSET, EC 'Element Count will temporily hold the WHOLE array size _MEMFREE m1 EC = EC / ES - 1 'Now we take the whole element size / the size of the elements and get our actual element count. We subtract 1 so our arrays start at 0 and not 1. 'And work with it! DIM o AS _OFFSET, o1 AS _OFFSET, counter AS _UNSIGNED LONG SELECT CASE DataType CASE 1 'BYTE DIM temp1(-128 TO 127) AS _UNSIGNED LONG DIM t1 AS _BYTE i = 0 DO _MEMGET m, m.OFFSET + i, t1 temp1(t1) = temp1(t1) + 1 i = i + 1 LOOP UNTIL i > EC i1 = -128 DO DO UNTIL temp1(i1) = 0 _MEMPUT m, m.OFFSET + counter, i1 AS _BYTE counter = counter + 1 temp1(i1) = temp1(i1) - 1 IF counter > EC THEN EXIT SUB LOOP i1 = i1 + 1 LOOP UNTIL i1 > 127 CASE 2: 'INTEGER DIM temp2(-32768 TO 32767) AS _UNSIGNED LONG DIM t2 AS INTEGER i = 0 DO _MEMGET m, m.OFFSET + i * 2, t2 temp2(t2) = temp2(t2) + 1 i = i + 1 LOOP UNTIL i > EC i1 = -32768 DO DO UNTIL temp2(i1) = 0 _MEMPUT m, m.OFFSET + counter * 2, i1 AS INTEGER counter = counter + 1 temp2(i1) = temp2(i1) - 1 IF counter > EC THEN EXIT SUB LOOP i1 = i1 + 1 LOOP UNTIL i1 > 32767 CASE 3 'SINGLE DIM T3a AS SINGLE, T3b AS SINGLE gap = EC DO gap = 10 * gap \ 13 IF gap < 1 THEN gap = 1 i = 0 swapped = 0 DO o = m.OFFSET + i * 4 o1 = m.OFFSET + (i + gap) * 4 IF _MEMGET(m, o, SINGLE) > _MEMGET(m, o1, SINGLE) THEN _MEMGET m, o1, T3a _MEMGET m, o, T3b _MEMPUT m, o1, T3b _MEMPUT m, o, T3a swapped = -1 END IF i = i + 1 LOOP UNTIL i + gap > EC LOOP UNTIL gap = 1 AND swapped = 0 CASE 4 'LONG DIM T4a AS LONG, T4b AS LONG gap = EC DO gap = 10 * gap \ 13 IF gap < 1 THEN gap = 1 i = 0 swapped = 0 DO o = m.OFFSET + i * 4 o1 = m.OFFSET + (i + gap) * 4 IF _MEMGET(m, o, LONG) > _MEMGET(m, o1, LONG) THEN _MEMGET m, o1, T4a _MEMGET m, o, T4b _MEMPUT m, o1, T4b _MEMPUT m, o, T4a swapped = -1 END IF i = i + 1 LOOP UNTIL i + gap > EC LOOP UNTIL gap = 1 AND swapped = 0 CASE 5 'DOUBLE DIM T5a AS DOUBLE, T5b AS DOUBLE gap = EC DO gap = 10 * gap \ 13 IF gap < 1 THEN gap = 1 i = 0 swapped = 0 DO o = m.OFFSET + i * 8 o1 = m.OFFSET + (i + gap) * 8 IF _MEMGET(m, o, DOUBLE) > _MEMGET(m, o1, DOUBLE) THEN _MEMGET m, o1, T5a _MEMGET m, o, T5b _MEMPUT m, o1, T5b _MEMPUT m, o, T5a swapped = -1 END IF i = i + 1 LOOP UNTIL i + gap > EC LOOP UNTIL gap = 1 AND swapped = 0 CASE 6 ' _FLOAT DIM T6a AS _FLOAT, T6b AS _FLOAT gap = EC DO gap = 10 * gap \ 13 IF gap < 1 THEN gap = 1 i = 0 swapped = 0 DO o = m.OFFSET + i * 32 o1 = m.OFFSET + (i + gap) * 32 IF _MEMGET(m, o, _FLOAT) > _MEMGET(m, o1, _FLOAT) THEN _MEMGET m, o1, T6a _MEMGET m, o, T6b _MEMPUT m, o1, T6b _MEMPUT m, o, T6a swapped = -1 END IF i = i + 1 LOOP UNTIL i + gap > EC LOOP UNTIL gap = 1 AND swapped = 0 CASE 7 'String DIM T7a AS STRING, T7b AS STRING, T7c AS STRING T7a = SPACE$(ES): T7b = SPACE$(ES): T7c = SPACE$(ES) gap = EC DO gap = INT(gap / 1.247330950103979) IF gap < 1 THEN gap = 1 i = 0 swapped = 0 DO o = m.OFFSET + i * ES o1 = m.OFFSET + (i + gap) * ES _MEMGET m, o, T7a _MEMGET m, o1, T7b IF T7a > T7b THEN T7c = T7b _MEMPUT m, o1, T7a _MEMPUT m, o, T7c swapped = -1 END IF i = i + 1 LOOP UNTIL i + gap > EC LOOP UNTIL gap = 1 AND swapped = false CASE 8 '_INTEGER64 DIM T8a AS _INTEGER64, T8b AS _INTEGER64 gap = EC DO gap = 10 * gap \ 13 IF gap < 1 THEN gap = 1 i = 0 swapped = 0 DO o = m.OFFSET + i * 8 o1 = m.OFFSET + (i + gap) * 8 IF _MEMGET(m, o, _INTEGER64) > _MEMGET(m, o1, _INTEGER64) THEN _MEMGET m, o1, T8a _MEMGET m, o, T8b _MEMPUT m, o1, T8b _MEMPUT m, o, T8a swapped = -1 END IF i = i + 1 LOOP UNTIL i + gap > EC LOOP UNTIL gap = 1 AND swapped = 0 CASE 11: '_UNSIGNED _BYTE DIM temp11(0 TO 255) AS _UNSIGNED LONG DIM t11 AS _UNSIGNED _BYTE i = 0 DO _MEMGET m, m.OFFSET + i, t11 temp11(t11) = temp11(t11) + 1 i = i + 1 LOOP UNTIL i > EC i1 = 0 DO DO UNTIL temp11(i1) = 0 _MEMPUT m, m.OFFSET + counter, i1 AS _UNSIGNED _BYTE counter = counter + 1 temp11(i1) = temp11(i1) - 1 IF counter > EC THEN EXIT SUB LOOP i1 = i1 + 1 LOOP UNTIL i1 > 255 CASE 12 '_UNSIGNED INTEGER DIM temp12(0 TO 65535) AS _UNSIGNED LONG DIM t12 AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER i = 0 DO _MEMGET m, m.OFFSET + i * 2, t12 temp12(t12) = temp12(t12) + 1 i = i + 1 LOOP UNTIL i > EC i1 = 0 DO DO UNTIL temp12(i1) = 0 _MEMPUT m, m.OFFSET + counter * 2, i1 AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER counter = counter + 1 temp12(i1) = temp12(i1) - 1 IF counter > EC THEN EXIT SUB LOOP i1 = i1 + 1 LOOP UNTIL i1 > 65535 CASE 14 '_UNSIGNED LONG DIM T14a AS _UNSIGNED LONG, T14b AS _UNSIGNED LONG gap = EC DO gap = 10 * gap \ 13 IF gap < 1 THEN gap = 1 i = 0 swapped = 0 DO o = m.OFFSET + i * 4 o1 = m.OFFSET + (i + gap) * 4 IF _MEMGET(m, o, _UNSIGNED LONG) > _MEMGET(m, o1, _UNSIGNED LONG) THEN _MEMGET m, o1, T14a _MEMGET m, o, T14b _MEMPUT m, o1, T14b _MEMPUT m, o, T14a swapped = -1 END IF i = i + 1 LOOP UNTIL i + gap > EC LOOP UNTIL gap = 1 AND swapped = 0 CASE 18: '_UNSIGNED _INTEGER64 DIM T18a AS _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64, T18b AS _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64 gap = EC DO gap = 10 * gap \ 13 IF gap < 1 THEN gap = 1 i = 0 swapped = 0 DO o = m.OFFSET + i * 8 o1 = m.OFFSET + (i + gap) * 8 IF _MEMGET(m, o, _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64) > _MEMGET(m, o1, _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64) THEN _MEMGET m, o1, T18a _MEMGET m, o, T18b _MEMPUT m, o1, T18b _MEMPUT m, o, T18a swapped = -1 END IF i = i + 1 LOOP UNTIL i + gap > EC LOOP UNTIL gap = 1 AND swapped = 0 END SELECT END SUB FUNCTION FindProposedTitle$ 'Finds the first occurence of _TITLE to suggest a file name 'when saving for the first time or saving as. FOR find_TITLE = 1 TO iden thisline$ = idegetline(find_TITLE) thisline$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(thisline$)) found_TITLE = INSTR(UCASE$(thisline$), "_TITLE " + CHR$(34)) IF found_TITLE > 0 THEN InQuote%% = 0 FOR check_quotes = 1 to found_TITLE IF MID$(thisline$, check_quotes, 1) = CHR$(34) THEN InQuote%% = NOT InQuote%% NEXT check_quotes IF NOT InQuote%% THEN Find_ClosingQuote = INSTR(found_TITLE + 8, thisline$, CHR$(34)) IF Find_ClosingQuote > 0 THEN TempFound_TITLE$ = MID$(thisline$, found_TITLE + 8, (Find_ClosingQuote - found_TITLE) - 8) END IF EXIT FOR END IF END IF NEXT InvalidChars$ = ":/\?*><|" + CHR$(34) FOR wipe_INVALID = 1 to LEN(TempFound_TITLE$) ThisChar$ = MID$(TempFound_TITLE$, wipe_INVALID, 1) IF INSTR(InvalidChars$, ThisChar$) = 0 THEN Found_TITLE$ = Found_TITLE$ + ThisChar$ END IF NEXT wipe_INVALID FindProposedTitle$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(Found_TITLE$)) END FUNCTION FUNCTION FindCurrentSF$(whichline) 'Get the name of the SUB/FUNCTION whichline is in. sfname$ = "" IF whichline > 0 THEN FOR currSF_CHECK = whichline TO 1 STEP -1 thisline$ = idegetline(currSF_CHECK) thisline$ = ltrim$(RTRIM$(thisline$)) isSF = 0 ncthisline$ = UCASE$(thisline$) IF LEFT$(ncthisline$, 4) = "SUB " THEN isSF = 1 IF LEFT$(ncthisline$, 9) = "FUNCTION " THEN isSF = 2 IF isSF > 0 THEN IF RIGHT$(ncthisline$, 7) = " STATIC" THEN thisline$ = RTRIM$(LEFT$(thisline$, LEN(thisline$) - 7)) END IF thisline$ = RTRIM$(LTRIM$(thisline$)) checkargs = INSTR(thisline$, "(") IF checkargs > 0 THEN sfname$ = RTRIM$(LEFT$(thisline$, checkargs - 1)) ELSE sfname$ = thisline$ END IF 'It could be that SUB or FUNCTION is inside a DECLARE LIBRARY. 'In such case, it must be ignored: InsideDECLARE = 0 FOR declib_CHECK = currSF_CHECK TO 1 STEP -1 thisline$ = idegetline(declib_CHECK) thisline$ = rtrim$(lTRIM$(thisline$)) ncthisline$ = UCASE$(thisline$) IF LEFT$(ncthisline$, 8) = "DECLARE " AND INSTR(ncthisline$, " LIBRARY") > 0 THEN InsideDECLARE = -1: EXIT FOR IF LEFT$(ncthisline$, 11) = "END DECLARE" THEN EXIT FOR NEXT IF InsideDECLARE = -1 THEN sfname$ = "" END IF EXIT FOR END IF NEXT END IF FindCurrentSF$ = sfname$ END FUNCTION SUB AddQuickNavHistory(LineNumber&) IF QuickNavTotal > 0 THEN IF QuickNavHistory(QuickNavTotal) = LineNumber& THEN EXIT SUB END IF QuickNavTotal = QuickNavTotal + 1 REDIM _PRESERVE QuickNavHistory(1 TO QuickNavTotal) AS LONG QuickNavHistory(QuickNavTotal) = LineNumber& END SUB SUB UpdateIdeInfo 'show info message (if any) IF LEN(IdeInfo) THEN IF ASC(IdeInfo, 1) = 0 THEN 'Show progress bar IdeInfo = MID$(IdeInfo, 2) Percentage% = VAL(MID$(IdeInfo, 1, 3)) COLOR 13, 1 LOCATE idewy - 1, 2 PRINT STRING$(((idewx - 2) * Percentage%) / 100, "_"); END IF END IF a$ = IdeInfo IF LEN(a$) > 60 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, 57) + string$(3, 250) IF LEN(a$) < 60 THEN a$ = a$ + SPACE$(60 - LEN(a$)) COLOR 0, 3: LOCATE idewy + idesubwindow, 2 PRINT a$; PCOPY 3, 0 END SUB '$INCLUDE:'wiki\wiki_methods.bas'