CHDIR ".\programs\samples\misc" DEFLNG A-Z SCREEN 13, , 1, 0 _SNDPLAYFILE "ps2battl.mid" shootsound = _SNDOPEN("fireball.wav", "SYNC") 'index,filename(.RAW),width,height DATA 1,ship1,21,27 DATA 2,shot1,10,10 DATA 3,evil1,93,80 DATA 4,land1,320,56 DATA 5,boom1,65,75 DIM SHARED spritedata(1000000) AS _UNSIGNED _BYTE DIM SHARED freespritedata AS LONG DIM SHARED freesprite AS LONG freesprite = 1 TYPE spritetype x AS INTEGER y AS INTEGER index AS LONG 'an index in the spritedata() array index2 AS LONG 'optional secondary index halfx AS INTEGER halfy AS INTEGER END TYPE DIM SHARED s(1 TO 1000) AS spritetype 'load sprites FOR i = 1 TO 5 b$ = " " READ n READ f$: f$ = f$ + ".raw" READ x, y OPEN f$ FOR BINARY AS #1 IF LOF(1) <> x * y THEN SCREEN 0: PRINT "Error loading " + f$: END FOR y2 = y - 1 TO 0 STEP -1 FOR x2 = 0 TO x - 1 GET #1, , b$ PSET (x2, y2), ASC(b$) NEXT NEXT CLOSE #1 GET (0, 0)-(x - 1, y - 1), spritedata(freespritedata) s(freesprite).index = freespritedata freespritedata = freespritedata + x * y + 4 'create shadow FOR y2 = y - 1 TO 0 STEP -1 FOR x2 = 0 TO x - 1 IF POINT(x2, y2) <> 254 THEN PSET (x2, y2), 18 NEXT NEXT GET (0, 0)-(x - 1, y - 1), spritedata(freespritedata) s(freesprite).index2 = freespritedata freespritedata = freespritedata + x * y + 4 s(freesprite).x = x: s(freesprite).y = y s(freesprite).halfx = x \ 2: s(freesprite).halfy = y \ 2 freesprite = freesprite + 1 NEXT TYPE object active AS INTEGER x AS INTEGER y AS INTEGER z AS INTEGER 'height mx AS INTEGER my AS INTEGER sprite AS INTEGER END TYPE 'create objects DIM o(1 TO 1000) AS object 'all game objects DIM SHARED lastobject AS INTEGER lastobject = 1000 'create player i = newobject(o()) o(i).sprite = 1 o(i).z = 50 o(i).active = 20 player = i _MOUSEHIDE 'gameloop DO DO: LOOP WHILE _MOUSEINPUT 'read all available mouse messages until current message 'set player's position o(player).x = _MOUSEX: o(player).y = _MOUSEY 'draw land landy = (landy + 1) MOD 56 FOR i = -1 TO 4 PUT (0, i * 56 + landy), spritedata(s(4).index), _CLIP PSET, 254 NEXT 'draw enemy shadows FOR i = 1 TO lastobject IF o(i).sprite = 3 THEN displayshadow o(i) NEXT 'draw player's shadow displayshadow o(player) 'draw enemies FOR i = 1 TO lastobject IF o(i).sprite = 3 THEN display o(i) move o(i) IF o(i).y - s(o(i).sprite).halfy > 200 THEN o(i).y = -1000 END IF NEXT 'draw bullets FOR i = 1 TO lastobject IF o(i).sprite = 2 THEN display o(i) move o(i) IF offscreen(o(i)) THEN freeobject o(i) xshift = INT(RND * 3) - 1 o(i).mx = o(i).mx + xshift o(i).my = o(i).my - 1 END IF NEXT 'draw player display o(player) 'draw explosion(s) FOR i = 1 TO lastobject IF o(i).sprite = 5 THEN FOR i2 = 1 TO o(i).active rad = i2 * 5: halfrad = rad \ 2 dx = RND * rad - halfrad: dy = RND * rad - halfrad displayat o(i).x + dx, o(i).y + dy, o(i) NEXT move o(i) o(i).active = o(i).active - 1 IF o(i).active = 0 THEN freeobject o(i) END IF NEXT 'hp bar x = 60 y = 185 LINE (x - 1, y)-STEP(20 * 10 + 2, 5), 2, B LINE (x, y - 1)-STEP(20 * 10, 5 + 2), 2, B LINE (x, y)-STEP(20 * 10, 5), 40, BF LINE (x, y)-STEP(o(player).active * 10, 5), 47, BF PCOPY 1, 0 'shoot? IF _MOUSEBUTTON(1) THEN i = newobject(o()) o(i).sprite = 2 o(i).x = o(player).x o(i).y = o(player).y - s(o(player).sprite).halfy o(i).my = -1 _SNDPLAYCOPY shootsound END IF 'bullet->enemy collision FOR i = 1 TO lastobject IF o(i).sprite = 2 THEN 'bullet FOR i2 = 1 TO lastobject IF o(i2).sprite = 3 THEN 'enemy IF collision(o(i), o(i2)) THEN _SNDPLAYCOPY shootsound i3 = newobject(o()) o(i3).sprite = 5 o(i3).my = o(i2).my \ 2 + 1 IF o(i2).active > 1 THEN 'hit (small explosion) o(i2).active = o(i2).active - 1 o(i3).x = o(i).x o(i3).y = o(i).y ELSE 'destroyed (large explosion) o(i3).x = o(i2).x o(i3).y = o(i2).y o(i3).active = 15 freeobject o(i2) 'enemy END IF freeobject o(i) 'bullet EXIT FOR END IF 'collision END IF NEXT END IF NEXT 'ship->enemy collision i = player FOR i2 = 1 TO lastobject IF o(i2).sprite = 3 THEN 'enemy IF collision(o(i), o(i2)) THEN o(i).active = o(i).active - 1 IF o(i).active = 0 THEN END EXIT FOR END IF 'collision END IF NEXT 'add new enemy? addenemy = addenemy + 1 IF addenemy = 50 THEN addenemy = 0 i = newobject(o()) o(i).sprite = 3 o(i).x = RND * 320 o(i).y = RND * -1000 - s(o(i).sprite).halfy o(i).my = 3 + RND * 6 o(i).z = 25 + o(i).my * 8 o(i).active = 15 'hp END IF 'speed limit main loop to 18.2 frames per second DO: nt! = TIMER: LOOP WHILE nt! = lt! lt! = nt! LOOP 'end main loop SUB move (o AS object) o.x = o.x + o.y = o.y + END SUB SUB display (o AS object) PUT (o.x - s(o.sprite).halfx, o.y - s(o.sprite).halfy), spritedata(s(o.sprite).index), _CLIP PSET, 254 END SUB SUB displayat (x AS INTEGER, y AS INTEGER, o AS object) PUT (x - s(o.sprite).halfx, y - s(o.sprite).halfy), spritedata(s(o.sprite).index), _CLIP PSET, 254 END SUB SUB displayshadow (o AS object) PUT (o.x - s(o.sprite).halfx, o.y - s(o.sprite).halfy + o.z), spritedata(s(o.sprite).index2), _CLIP PSET, 254 END SUB FUNCTION newobject (o() AS object) FOR i = 1 TO lastobject IF o(i).active = 0 THEN o(i).active = 1 o(i).mx = 0: o(i).my = 0 o(i).z = 0 newobject = i EXIT FUNCTION END IF NEXT SCREEN 0: PRINT "No more free objects available!": END END FUNCTION FUNCTION offscreen (o AS object) IF o.x + s(o.sprite).halfx < 0 THEN offscreen = 1: EXIT FUNCTION IF o.x - s(o.sprite).halfx > 319 THEN offscreen = 1: EXIT FUNCTION IF o.y + s(o.sprite).halfy < 0 THEN offscreen = 1: EXIT FUNCTION IF o.y - s(o.sprite).halfy > 199 THEN offscreen = 1: EXIT FUNCTION END FUNCTION SUB freeobject (o AS object) = 0 o.sprite = 0 END SUB FUNCTION collision (o1 AS object, o2 AS object) IF o1.y + s(o1.sprite).halfy < o2.y - s(o2.sprite).halfy THEN EXIT FUNCTION IF o2.y + s(o2.sprite).halfy < o1.y - s(o1.sprite).halfy THEN EXIT FUNCTION IF o1.x + s(o1.sprite).halfx < o2.x - s(o2.sprite).halfx THEN EXIT FUNCTION IF o2.x + s(o2.sprite).halfx < o1.x - s(o1.sprite).halfx THEN EXIT FUNCTION collision = 1 END FUNCTION