CLS 'Start of Declarations DIM num AS INTEGER DIM code AS STRING DIM code1 AS INTEGER DIM num1 AS STRING 'End of Declarations start: PRINT "ASCII code ----> ASCII Character & ASCII Character ----> ASCII Code Converter" PRINT PRINT "1) ASCII code ----> ASCII Character" PRINT PRINT "2) ASCII Character ----> ASCII code" PRINT INPUT "Enter your choice"; selection SELECT CASE selection CASE 1 CLS PRINT "ASCII code ----> ASCII Character" PRINT INPUT "Enter ASCII code"; num PRINT code = CHR$(num) PRINT "The ASCII Character is:"; code CASE 2 CLS PRINT "ASCII Character ----> ASCII Code Converter" PRINT INPUT "Enter ASCII Character"; num1 PRINT code1 = ASC(num1) PRINT "The ASCII Code is:"; code1 CASE ELSE PRINT "Invalid Selection" GOTO start END SELECT