DECLARE SUB DrawBackGround (Maps!(), GroundColor!, LevelPos!) DECLARE SUB Fall (Jump$, Dead$) DECLARE SUB coolPrint (CP$, LineNumber!) DECLARE SUB die () DECLARE SUB CheckDead (Dead$) DECLARE SUB BUSCheck (Bus$) DECLARE SUB DrawSquare (X!, Y!, Z!, ColorOfSquare!) DECLARE SUB LoadMap (Level!) DECLARE SUB Move (Movement$, GY!, Jump$) DECLARE SUB DrawShip (ShipColor!) DECLARE SUB Game () DECLARE SUB Menu (ChoiceCounter!, Movement$) DIM SHARED Maps(5, 5, 106) DIM SHARED PX(4) DIM SHARED PY(4) DIM SHARED PZ(4) DIM SHARED LevelPos DIM SHARED Level DIM SHARED Speed DIM SHARED GY DIM SHARED JumpAgain$ DIM SHARED Score SCREEN 12 COLOR 4 PRINT " Canibal Gopher inc. presents " PRINT " Drug Runner 3d demo" PRINT " Demo version 1.00 " PRINT " Copyright Kevin B. Kohler " PRINT " 1998 " PRINT PRINT PRINT " Arrow keys move" PRINT PRINT " Escape quits" PRINT PRINT " Space jumps" PRINT PRINT " " DO LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" CLS SCREEN 12 LOCATE 5, 40 PRINT "Start Game" LOCATE 10, 40 PRINT "Veiw high Scores" LOCATE 15, 40 PRINT "Veiw intro" LOCATE 20, 40 PRINT "quit game" ChoiceCounter = 1 CIRCLE (180, ChoiceCounter * 80 - 10), 20, 1 PAINT (180, ChoiceCounter * 80 - 10), 1 DO Level = 1 Menu ChoiceCounter, Movement$ IF ChoiceCounter = 1 AND Movement$ = CHR$(13) THEN Game SCREEN 9 SCREEN 12 LOCATE 5, 40 PRINT "Start Game" LOCATE 10, 40 PRINT "Veiw high Scores" LOCATE 15, 40 PRINT "Veiw intro" LOCATE 20, 40 PRINT "quit game" ChoiceCounter = 1 CIRCLE (180, ChoiceCounter * 80 - 10), 20, 1 PAINT (180, ChoiceCounter * 80 - 10), 1 END IF LOOP UNTIL (ChoiceCounter = 4 AND Movement$ = CHR$(13)) CLS PRINT " Thank you for playing" PRINT " Drug Runner 3d demo" PRINT " Demo version 1.00 " PRINT " Copyright Kevin B. Kohler " PRINT " 1998 " PRINT PRINT "For more shareware games by cginc go to" PRINT "" PRINT PRINT " if you liked this game feel free to" PRINT " send money to 17 #6 road Leverett MA" PRINT " 01054. help me get to and through College" PRINT " " DO LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(27) END SUB BUSCheck (Bus$) ZCheck = 1 + (INT(LevelPos)) FOR Times = 1 TO 5 X = Times * 128 - 384 IF X - 64 < PX(3) AND X + 64 > PX(3) THEN FOR Times2 = 1 TO 4 Y = Times2 * 24 + 240 - (Times2 * 100) IF Y - 30 < (PY(1) + 10) AND Y + 30 > (PY(1) + 10) THEN IF Maps(Times, Times2, ZCheck) = 1 THEN Bus$ = "y" JumpAgain$ = "y" END IF END IF NEXT Times2 END IF NEXT Times END SUB SUB CheckDead (Dead$) ZCheck = 1 + (INT(LevelPos)) FOR Times = 1 TO 5 X = Times * 128 - 384 IF X - 64 < PX(3) AND X + 64 > PX(3) THEN FOR Times2 = 1 TO 4 Y = Times2 * 24 + 240 - (Times2 * 100) IF Y - 30 < PY(1) AND Y + 60 > PY(1) THEN IF Maps(Times, Times2, ZCheck) = 1 THEN Dead$ = "y" IF Maps(Times, Times2, ZCheck) = 2 THEN Maps(Times, Times2, ZCheck) = 0 Score = Score + 1 END IF END IF NEXT Times2 END IF NEXT Times END SUB SUB coolPrint (CP$, LineNumber) COLOR 2 PALETTE 2, 0 LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT " " LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT CP$ FOR Times = 1 TO 300 FOR Times2 = 1 TO 30 IF POINT(Times, Times2) = 2 THEN CIRCLE (Times * 2 + 50, Times2 * 2 + (LineNumber * 50)), 1, 5 END IF NEXT Times2 NEXT Times END SUB SUB die coolPrint " You have failed in your mission", 1 coolPrint "To suply the world with the finest", 2 coolPrint " quality Drugs", 3 coolPrint " GAME OVER", 4 coolPrint " Press any key to continue", 5 DO LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" END SUB SUB DrawBackGround (Maps(), GroundColor, LevelPos) FOR Times = 1 TO 5 FOR Times2 = 1 TO 4 FOR Times3 = 1 + (INT(LevelPos)) TO 10 + (INT(LevelPos)) IF Maps(Times, Times2, Times3) = 1 THEN IF Times2 = 1 THEN GroundColor = 4 IF Times2 = 2 THEN GroundColor = 0 IF Times2 = 3 THEN GroundColor = 14 IF Times2 = 4 THEN GroundColor = 15 DrawSquare Times, Times2, Times3 - LevelPos, GroundColor END IF IF Maps(Times, Times2, Times3) = 2 THEN DrawSquare Times, Times2, Times3 - LevelPos, 10 END IF NEXT Times3 NEXT Times2 NEXT Times END SUB SUB DrawShip (ShipColor) LINE (PX(1) / PZ(1) + 320, PY(1) / PZ(1) + 240)-(PX(2) / PZ(2) + 320, PY(2) / PZ(2) + 240), ShipColor LINE -(PX(3) / PZ(3) + 320, PY(3) / PZ(3) + 240), ShipColor LINE -(PX(4) / PZ(4) + 320, PY(4) / PZ(4) + 240), ShipColor LINE -(PX(1) / PZ(1) + 320, PY(1) / PZ(1) + 240), ShipColor LINE (PX(1) / PZ(1) + 320, PY(1) / PZ(1) + 240)-(PX(3) / PZ(3) + 320, PY(3) / PZ(3) + 240), ShipColor LINE (PX(4) / PZ(4) + 320, PY(4) / PZ(4) + 240)-(PX(2) / PZ(2) + 320, PY(2) / PZ(2) + 240), ShipColor END SUB SUB DrawSquare (TX, TY, Z, ColorOfSquare) X = TX * 128 - 384 Y = TY * 24 + 240 - (TY * 100) IF Z <= .1 THEN Z = .1 'square 1 LINE ((X - 64) / Z + 320, (Y - 30) / Z + 240)-((X + 64) / Z + 320, (Y - 30) / Z + 240), ColorOfSquare LINE -((X + 64) / Z + 320, (Y + 30) / Z + 240), ColorOfSquare LINE -((X - 64) / Z + 320, (Y + 30) / Z + 240), ColorOfSquare LINE -((X - 64) / Z + 320, (Y - 30) / Z + 240), ColorOfSquare 'Square 2 LINE ((X - 64) / (Z + 1) + 320, (Y - 30) / (Z + 1) + 240)-((X + 64) / (Z + 1) + 320, (Y - 30) / (Z + 1) + 240), ColorOfSquare LINE -((X + 64) / (Z + 1) + 320, (Y + 30) / (Z + 1) + 240), ColorOfSquare LINE -((X - 64) / (Z + 1) + 320, (Y + 30) / (Z + 1) + 240), ColorOfSquare LINE -((X - 64) / (Z + 1) + 320, (Y - 30) / (Z + 1) + 240), ColorOfSquare 'connecting squares LINE ((X - 64) / (Z + 1) + 320, (Y - 30) / (Z + 1) + 240)-((X - 64) / Z + 320, (Y - 30) / Z + 240), ColorOfSquare LINE ((X + 64) / (Z + 1) + 320, (Y - 30) / (Z + 1) + 240)-((X + 64) / Z + 320, (Y - 30) / Z + 240), ColorOfSquare LINE ((X + 64) / (Z + 1) + 320, (Y + 30) / (Z + 1) + 240)-((X + 64) / Z + 320, (Y + 30) / Z + 240), ColorOfSquare LINE ((X - 64) / (Z + 1) + 320, (Y + 30) / (Z + 1) + 240)-((X - 64) / Z + 320, (Y + 30) / Z + 240), ColorOfSquare END SUB SUB Fall (Jump$, Dead$) IF Jump$ = "y" THEN FOR Times = 1 TO 4 PY(Times) = PY(Times) - 10 NEXT Times IF PY(1) < GY - 120 THEN Jump$ = "n" END IF END IF IF Jump$ = "n" THEN BUSCheck Bus$ IF PY(1) < 220 AND Bus$ <> "y" THEN JumpAgain$ = "n" FOR Times = 1 TO 4 PY(Times) = PY(Times) + 10 NEXT Times END IF END IF IF PY(1) >= 220 THEN JumpAgain$ = "y" Dead$ = "y" END IF END SUB SUB Game CLS Score = 0 PX(1) = -40 PY(1) = 30 PZ(1) = 1 PX(2) = 40 PY(2) = 30 PZ(2) = 1 PX(3) = 0 PY(3) = 0 PZ(3) = 1 PX(4) = 0 PY(4) = 30 PZ(4) = 1.25 Start = TIMER Jump$ = "n" LevelPos = 1 Speed = .1 DO FOR Times = 1 TO 5 FOR Times2 = 1 TO 5 FOR Times3 = 1 TO 106 Maps(Times, Times2, Times3) = 0 NEXT Times3 NEXT Times2 NEXT Times LoadMap Level IF LevelPos >= 94 THEN LevelPos = 1 IF LevelPos <= 0 THEN LevelPos = 93 'IF Level = 1 THEN LevelPos = 90 DO StartTurn = TIMER Movement$ = INKEY$ 'DrawBackGround Map(), 0, LevelPos 'DrawShip 0 IF Movement$ <> "" THEN Move Movement$, GY, Jump$ END IF Fall Jump$, Dead$ LevelPos = LevelPos + Speed 'cls 'PSub LINE (0, 0)-(640, 240), 9, BF LINE (0, 240)-(640, 480), 8, BF LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT Score PRINT INT(TIMER - Start) DrawShip 1 DrawBackGround Maps(), 2, LevelPos CheckDead Dead$ DO LOOP UNTIL TIMER - StartTurn > .1 LOOP UNTIL Movement$ = CHR$(27) OR LevelPos >= 90 OR LevelPos <= 0 OR Dead$ = "y" IF LevelPos >= 94 THEN Level = Level + 1 IF LevelPos <= 0 THEN Level = Level - 1 LOOP UNTIL Movement$ = CHR$(27) OR Dead$ = "y" OR Level > 3 Time = TIMER - Start CLS IF Level > 3 THEN CLS coolPrint " You Win!!!!", 1 coolPrint " Press any key to continue", 3 DO LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" DO LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" CLS PRINT "Your score Was - "; Score PRINT "Your Time Was - "; Time DO LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" END IF IF Dead$ = "y" THEN Times = 9.999999999999998# CLS die CLS END IF PRINT Time 'ScoreBoard END SUB SUB LoadMap (Level) Maps(3, 2, 15) = 2 FOR Times = 1 TO 50 X = INT(RND * 5) + 1 Y = INT(RND * 3) + 2 Z = INT(RND * 80) + 11 Maps(X, Y, Z) = 2 NEXT Times IF Level = 1 THEN FOR Times = 1 TO 5 STEP 3 FOR Times2 = 1 TO 95 STEP 3 Maps(Times, 1, Times2) = 1 NEXT Times2 NEXT Times FOR Times = 1 TO 5 STEP 2 FOR Times2 = 1 TO 95 STEP 2 Maps(Times, 1, Times2) = 1 NEXT Times2 NEXT Times FOR Times2 = 1 TO 95 STEP 13 Maps(2, 1, Times2) = 1 NEXT Times2 FOR Times = 1 TO 5 FOR Times2 = 1 TO 95 STEP 10 Maps(Times, 2, Times2) = 1 NEXT Times2 NEXT Times FOR Times = 1 TO 5 STEP 2 FOR Times2 = 20 TO 40 Maps(Times, 2, Times2) = 1 Maps(Times, 1, Times2) = 1 NEXT Times2 FOR Times2 = 30 TO 40 Maps(Times, 3, Times2) = 1 NEXT Times2 NEXT Times FOR Times = 1 TO 5 FOR Times2 = 1 TO 3 Maps(Times, 1, Times2 + 95) = 1 NEXT Times2 NEXT Times FOR Times = 90 TO 100 FOR Times2 = 1 TO 5 Maps(Times2, 1, Times) = 1 NEXT Times2 NEXT Times END IF IF Level = 2 THEN Maps(5, 2, 9) = 1 FOR Times = 1 TO 5 FOR Times2 = 1 TO 100 Maps(Times, 1, Times2) = 1 'maps(times,3,times2)= 1 NEXT NEXT FOR Times = 1 TO 5 FOR Times2 = 10 TO 50 Maps(Times, 3, Times2) = 1 NEXT Times2 NEXT Times FOR Times = 1 TO 5 STEP 2 FOR Times2 = 10 TO 50 STEP 4 Maps(Times, 2, Times2) = 1 'maps (times,3,times2 +2)= 1 NEXT Times2 NEXT Times FOR Times = 2 TO 5 STEP 2 FOR Times2 = 12 TO 50 STEP 4 Maps(Times, 2, Times2) = 1 'maps(times, 3, Times2 + 2) = 1 NEXT Times2 NEXT FOR Times = 55 TO 90 STEP 4 Maps(1, 2, Times) = 1 Maps(2, 3, Times) = 1 Maps(3, 2, Times) = 1 Maps(4, 3, Times) = 1 Maps(5, 2, Times) = 1 NEXT Times FOR Times = 57 TO 90 STEP 4 Maps(1, 3, Times) = 1 Maps(2, 2, Times) = 1 Maps(3, 3, Times) = 1 Maps(4, 2, Times) = 1 Maps(5, 3, Times) = 1 NEXT Times END IF IF Level = 3 THEN FOR Times = 1 TO 10 FOR Times2 = 1 TO 5 Maps(Times2, 1, Times) = 1 NEXT Times2 NEXT Times FOR Times = 10 TO 50 STEP 5 FOR Times2 = 1 TO 5 Maps(Times2, 1, Times + Times2) = 1 Maps(5 - Times2, 2, Times + Times2) = 1 NEXT Times2 NEXT Times FOR Times = 90 TO 100 FOR Times2 = 1 TO 5 Maps(Times2, 1, Times) = 1 NEXT Times2 NEXT Times FOR Times = 50 TO 90 Maps((Times / 5 - INT(Times / 5) * 10), 1, Times) = 1 Maps((Times / 5 - INT(Times / 5) * 10), 3, Times) = 1 NEXT Times END IF END SUB SUB Menu (ChoiceCounter, Movement$) Movement$ = INKEY$ IF LEN(Movement$) >= 2 THEN Movement$ = MID$(Movement$, 2, 1) LOCATE 1, 1 IF Movement$ = "H" THEN PAINT (180, ChoiceCounter * 80 - 10), 0 ChoiceCounter = ChoiceCounter - 1 IF ChoiceCounter = 0 THEN ChoiceCounter = 4 CIRCLE (180, ChoiceCounter * 80 - 10), 20, 1 PAINT (180, ChoiceCounter * 80 - 10), 1 END IF IF Movement$ = "P" THEN PAINT (180, ChoiceCounter * 80 - 10), 0 ChoiceCounter = ChoiceCounter + 1 IF ChoiceCounter = 5 THEN ChoiceCounter = 1 CIRCLE (180, ChoiceCounter * 80 - 10), 20, 1 PAINT (180, ChoiceCounter * 80 - 10), 1 END IF END SUB SUB Move (Movement$, GY, Jump$) IF LEN(Movement$) >= 2 THEN Movement$ = MID$(Movement$, 2, 1) IF Movement$ = "K" AND PX(1) > -320 THEN FOR Times = 1 TO 4 PX(Times) = PX(Times) - 40 NEXT Times END IF IF Movement$ = "M" AND PX(2) < 320 THEN FOR Times = 1 TO 4 PX(Times) = PX(Times) + 40 NEXT Times END IF IF Movement$ = "H" THEN IF Speed <= .9 THEN Speed = Speed + .05 END IF IF Movement$ = "P" THEN IF Speed >= -.9 THEN Speed = Speed - .05 END IF IF Movement$ = " " AND JumpAgain$ <> "n" THEN Jump$ = "y" JumpAgain$ = "n" GY = PY(1) END IF END SUB