Other things to know... ======================= 1. 1 + 1 = 2 2. (a-b)^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2*a*b 3. e = m*c^2 4. ... Ooh, do you mean the game? Reproduction rate ----------------- Three factors determine the reproduction rate of the population: 1. Food The quantity of food is calcualted by this formula: (land food) * agricult. + (length of coast) * (1 + sea proport.) * sailing The minimally demanded quantity of food: 1 unit for every 50 people The possible change in population after the comparison: +-10% 2. Migration If the morale is lower than 100% a part of the population leaves the country. The emigration rate is proportional with the square of the extent of dissatisfaction. Eg. 90% morale -> 10% dissatisfaction -> 1% emmigration 80% morale -> 20% dissatisfaction -> 4% emmigration 70% morale -> 30% dissatisfaction -> 9% emmigration 3. Mortality The incidence of epidemics depends on the population density and the science level of medicine. The exact formula of mortality: (random number) * (population / 250 / land) / (science level of medicine) Morale ------ A country's morale is the average value of the morale of all territories. The local value depends on six factors: 1. Tax More exactly: (1 - tax * 2) 2. Unemployment (I hope this requires no further explanation.) 3. Church bonus More exactly: (1 + churches * 20 / (population of the area)) But maximum: 2.0 (If you have more than one church for every 20 people.) 4. Diplomatic trust More exactly: (0.5 + trust / 2) 5. Possible debts More exactly: (debt / 10 / population) 6. Freedom or occupation More exactly: -10% for occupation The first four factors are always multiplied; in case of debt and/or occupation the fifth and/or sixth factors are deducted. Liberation of allied territories -------------------------------- If you conquer a territory originally owned by your ally, you automatically set it free. In return, you receive a little "thank-you money" that is a random sum between zero and 3 times the number of liberated population. This is usually less than the value of your liberating army (that you lose by this action), but you may hope for a similar favour of your ally. Anyway, a stronger ally can help you better... WARNING! If you conclude an alliance with a country, you may lose (or win) a lot of territory by this rule, so be careful! How to get back "lost" diplomatic trust? ---------------------------------------- If a country makes no negative diplomatic actions, the diplomatic trust improves by 1% every turn. Ways of losing the game ----------------------- 1. The most evident way of defeat is losing all the territory. 2. The most funny way of defeat is losing all the population. 3. The most humiliating way of defeat is being expelled from the country, by a revolution that certainly breaks out as soon as the morale sinks below 33%.