Science and development ======================= There are six main branches of science that influece medieval life: - Agriculture - Industry - Trade - Military - Sailing - Medicine What are the effects of science? -------------------------------- 1. Agriculture - Raises the maximum limit of peasants. - Increases the quantity of produced food. - Makes agriculture more profitable and so increases tax revenues. 2. Industry - Raises the number of workers. - Increases the revenues from productive properties. - Makes industry more profitable and so increases tax revenues. 3. Trade - Raises the number of merchants. - Increases the chance of copying an invention from other empires. - Makes trade more profitable and so increases tax revenues. 4. Military - Strengthens your army and fleet. 5. Sailing - Strengthens your fleet. - Raises the maximum limit of fishermen. - Enhances the effectivity of fishing and so contributes to catering the population. - Makes fishing more profitable and so increases tax revenues. 6. Medicine - Decreases the incidence of epidemics and hereby improves the reproduction rate. WARNING: Too high a reproduction rate can lead to unemployment! How can you develop science? ---------------------------- 1. Spending money on science You can improve your various branches of science separately by paying the costs of scientific experiments. These costs are rather high so the investment may seem inefficient at first sight, but the resulting advanced technologies bring such permanent benefits (without any maintaining costs!) that you get your money back in the long run. Development is not cheap in the beginning but as you reach higher levels it gets even more costly. The only way to make it a bit less expensive is to build more universities. The exact formula of computing the rise in science level: (spent money) / 10000 / ((sc. level) ^ 3) * (1 + univers. * 50 / popul.) The maximum amount of money you can usefully spend on a branch of science in a turn is limited. The limit is: ((science level) ^ 3) * 1000 This means: you can develop your science level in a turn by more than 0.1 only if you have universities. Even so, the rise cannot exceed 0.3 - to prevent stupid results in case of a very low population density. 2. Inventions of scientists If you keep universities, your scientists may invent something without your extra financial assistance as well. Every university means a 1% chance of a new invention in every branches of science. The invention's effect on the science level is a random number that is modified by the proportion of universities. 3. Copying inventions from other empires International trade can help you copy some inventions from other countries. The chance of such a favourable event depends on your diplomatic relationships. War and neutrality make it impossible but trade, friendship and alliance (in this sequence) mean a growing probability. Also the science level of trade influences your ability to copy inventions. The extent of rise in science level is 10% of the difference between the levels of the two concerned countries.