CLS COLOR 10 PRINT " HTML About Page Generator:: William Chamberlain" SLEEP 1 CLS INPUT "Please enter your name (displayed at top of page):"; n$ INPUT "Page will be displayed in what color letters?"; c$ INPUT "Page background color will be:"; b$ INPUT "Please, state a font type:"; w$ INPUT "Please enter your e-mail:"; e$ INPUT "Specify an age:"; a$ INPUT "Please state your favorite food:"; f$ OPEN "c:\" + n$ + ".html" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, "" + n$ + "'s Page" PRINT #1, "

" + n$; "

" PRINT #1, "
" PRINT #1, "Age:" + a$ + "
" PRINT #1, "Fav. Food:" + f$ + "
" PRINT #1, "My Email" PRINT #1, "" CLOSE 1 CLS COLOR 14 PRINT " Page processed, Thank you for using this program." SLEEP 2 PRINT " Page will be found in E:\yourname.html" SLEEP 3 END