CHDIR ".\programs\samples\pete\rectong" DECLARE SUB AdvanceRound () DECLARE SUB SelectRounds () DECLARE SUB ShowControls () DECLARE SUB SelectDifficulty () DECLARE SUB DoAI () DECLARE SUB Player1Miss () DECLARE SUB Player2Miss () DECLARE SUB MoveBall () DECLARE SUB LaunchBall () DECLARE SUB DispStats () DECLARE SUB DrawBall () DECLARE SUB StartGame () DECLARE SUB InitCoord () DECLARE SUB DrawP2 () DECLARE SUB DrawP1 () DECLARE SUB LoadGFX () DECLARE SUB WipeEffect () DECLARE SUB Start2P () DECLARE SUB Start1P () DECLARE SUB ExitGame () DECLARE SUB MeltDown () DECLARE SUB FadePAL255 (fadetype!) DECLARE SUB CenterText (sline!, Text AS STRING) DECLARE SUB LoadPAL (filename AS STRING) DECLARE SUB LoadFullBMP (filename AS STRING) DIM SHARED AIserve DIM SHARED butt(4, 32, 48) DIM SHARED ball(12, 12) DIM SHARED buttdir(1) DIM SHARED balldir(1) DIM SHARED rounds, cround DIM SHARED p1score, p2score DIM SHARED p1(1) DIM SHARED p2(1) DIM SHARED ballcor(1) DIM SHARED players DIM SHARED hasball DIM SHARED difflevel CLS : SCREEN 13: PALETTE: PALETTE 255, 63 + 256 * 63 + 65536 * 63: COLOR 255 LoadGFX DO InitCoord LoadPAL "gfx\title01.pal" LoadFullBMP "gfx\title01.rec" DO: LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = "" menusel = 1 DO cround = 1 SELECT CASE menusel CASE 1 CenterText 2, CHR$(16) + " 1 Player " CenterText 4, " 2 Player " CenterText 6, " Controls " CenterText 8, " Exit Rectong" CASE 2 CenterText 2, " 1 Player " CenterText 4, CHR$(16) + " 2 Player " CenterText 6, " Controls " CenterText 8, " Exit Rectong" CASE 3 CenterText 2, " 1 Player " CenterText 4, " 2 Player " CenterText 6, CHR$(16) + " Controls " CenterText 8, " Exit Rectong" CASE 4 CenterText 2, " 1 Player " CenterText 4, " 2 Player " CenterText 6, " Controls " CenterText 8, CHR$(16) + " Exit Rectong" END SELECT key$ = INKEY$ SELECT CASE key$ CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(72) 'Up IF menusel > 1 THEN menusel = menusel - 1 CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(80) 'Down IF menusel < 4 THEN menusel = menusel + 1 CASE CHR$(13) 'Enter SELECT CASE menusel CASE 1 players = 1: difflevel = 0: SelectDifficulty: IF difflevel = 0 THEN EXIT DO StartGame EXIT DO CASE 2 players = 2: StartGame: EXIT DO CASE 3: ShowControls: EXIT DO CASE 4 ExitGame END SELECT END SELECT LOOP LOOP SUB AdvanceRound cround = cround + 1 IF cround > rounds THEN CLS IF p1score > p2score THEN winner = 1 ELSE winner = 2 IF p1score = p2score THEN winner = -1 IF winner <> -1 THEN CenterText 11, "GAME OVER! Player" + STR$(winner) + " is the winner!" ELSE CenterText 11, "GAME OVER! Both players tied!" END IF CenterText 13, "Press Enter to continue..." DO: LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(13) END IF END SUB SUB CenterText (sline, Text AS STRING) LOCATE sline, 20 - (LEN(Text) / 2) PRINT Text; END SUB SUB DispStats LOCATE 25, 1: COLOR 255 PRINT " 1P:" + LEFT$(STR$(p1score) + " goals ", 8) + SPACE$(4) + "Round:" + STR$(cround) + SPACE$(3) + " 2P:" + LEFT$(STR$(p2score) + " Goals ", 8); LINE (0, 190)-(320, 190), 255 END SUB SUB DoAI SELECT CASE hasball CASE 2 IF p2(1) < AIserve THEN buttdir(1) = 2 IF p2(1) > AIserve THEN buttdir(1) = 1 IF FIX(p2(1)) = FIX(AIserve) THEN buttdir(1) = 0 ballcor(1) = p2(1) + 24 ballcor(0) = 280 EXIT SUB CASE 1 EXIT SUB END SELECT 'THIS LINE DOES PERFECT AI, JUST FOR DEBUGGING: 'p2(1) = ballcor(1) - 6 factor = ABS(ballcor(1) - (p2(1) - 24)) difficulty = FIX(difflevel - (factor / 50)) IF difficulty < 0 THEN difficulty = 0 IF INT(RND * difficulty) = 0 THEN IF FIX(p2(1)) + 24 > ballcor(1) THEN buttdir(1) = 1 IF FIX(p2(1)) + 24 < ballcor(1) THEN buttdir(1) = 2 IF FIX(p2(1)) + 24 = ballcor(1) THEN buttdir(1) = 0 ELSE buttdir(1) = 0 END IF END SUB SUB DrawBall FOR y = 1 TO 12 FOR x = 1 TO 12 colr = ball(x, y) 'IF colr <> 4 THEN PSET (ballcor(0) + x - 6, ballcor(1) + y - 6), colr NEXT x NEXT y LINE (ballcor(0) - 10, ballcor(1) - 13)-(ballcor(0) - 7, ballcor(1) + 15), 0, BF LINE (ballcor(0) + 7, ballcor(1) - 7)-(ballcor(0) + 10, ballcor(1) + 7), 0, BF 'LINE (ballcor(0) - 7, ballcor(1) - 15)-(ballcor(0) + 7, ballcor(1) - 13), 0, BF 'LINE (ballcor(0) - 7, ballcor(1) + 13)-(ballcor(0) + 7, ballcor(1) + 15), 0, BF LINE (ballcor(0) - 10, 0)-(ballcor(0) + 10, ballcor(1) - 7), 0, BF LINE (ballcor(0) - 10, ballcor(1) + 7)-(ballcor(0) + 10, 189), 0, BF END SUB SUB DrawP1 LINE (0, 0)-(32, p1(1)), 0, BF LINE (0, p1(1) + 49)-(32, 189), 0, BF FOR y = 1 TO 48 FOR x = 1 TO 32 colr = butt(p1(0), x, y) 'IF colr <> 4 THEN PSET (x, y + p1(1)), colr NEXT x NEXT y END SUB SUB DrawP2 LINE (288, 0)-(320, p2(1)), 0, BF LINE (288, p2(1) + 49)-(320, 189), 0, BF FOR y = 1 TO 48 FOR x = 1 TO 32 PSET (320 - x, y + p2(1)), butt(p2(0), x, y) NEXT x NEXT y END SUB SUB ExitGame SCREEN 0: WIDTH 80: COLOR 7, 0: CLS PRINT "Rectong v1.0 (c)2005 Mike Chambers" PRINT "E-mail:" PRINT PRINT "Thanks for playing!" END END SUB SUB FadePAL255 (fadetype) SELECT CASE fadetype CASE 1 FOR fader1 = 0 TO 63 PALETTE 255, fader1 + 256 * fader1 + 65536 * fader1 t! = TIMER: DO: LOOP UNTIL TIMER - t! > 0 NEXT fader1 CASE 0 FOR fader1 = 63 TO 0 STEP -1 PALETTE 255, fader1 + 256 * fader1 + 65536 * fader1 t! = TIMER: DO: LOOP UNTIL TIMER - t! > 0 NEXT fader1 END SELECT END SUB SUB InitCoord p1(0) = 1: p2(0) = 1 p1(1) = 68: p2(1) = 68 ballcor(0) = 160: ballcor(1) = 92 buttdir(0) = 0: buttdir(1) = 0 END SUB SUB LaunchBall END SUB SUB LoadFullBMP (filename AS STRING) DEF SEG = &HB800 ff = FREEFILE OPEN filename FOR BINARY AS #ff FOR sposy = 1 TO 200 aget$ = SPACE$(320): GET #ff, , aget$ FOR sposx = 1 TO 320 PSET (sposx, sposy), ASC(MID$(aget$, sposx, 1)) NEXT sposx NEXT sposy CLOSE #ff END SUB SUB LoadGFX FOR loader = 1 TO 4 ff = FREEFILE nm$ = RIGHT$("0" + MID$(STR$(loader), 2), 2) OPEN "gfx\butt" + nm$ + ".rec" FOR BINARY AS #ff FOR loady = 1 TO 48 ain$ = SPACE$(32): GET #ff, , ain$ FOR loadx = 1 TO 32 butt(loader, loadx, loady) = ASC(MID$(ain$, loadx, 1)) NEXT loadx NEXT loady CLOSE #ff NEXT loader OPEN "gfx\ball00.rec" FOR BINARY AS #ff FOR loady = 1 TO 12 ain$ = SPACE$(12): GET #ff, , ain$ FOR loadx = 1 TO 12 ball(loadx, loady) = ASC(MID$(ain$, loadx, 1)) NEXT loadx NEXT loady CLOSE #ff END SUB SUB LoadPAL (filename AS STRING) ff = FREEFILE PALETTE 255, 63 + 256 * 63 + 65536 * 63 OPEN filename FOR BINARY AS #ff S$ = SPACE$(28): GET #ff, , S$ FOR n = 1 TO 255 inpt$ = SPACE$(4) a$ = SPACE$(1) B$ = SPACE$(1) c$ = SPACE$(1) d$ = SPACE$(1) GET #ff, , inpt$ a$ = LEFT$(inpt$, 1) B$ = MID$(inpt$, 2, 1) c$ = MID$(inpt$, 3, 1) rat = (255 / 63) r& = ASC(a$) / rat g& = ASC(B$) / rat B& = ASC(c$) / rat PALETTE n, r& + 256 * g& + 65536 * B& NEXT n CLOSE #ff END SUB SUB MeltDown DO FOR psy = 1 TO 200 FOR psx = 1 TO 320 colr = POINT(psx, psy) LINE (psx, psy + INT(RND * 3))-(psx, psy + INT(RND * 30) + 8), colr NEXT psx LINE (1, psy)-(320, psy), 0 t! = TIMER: DO: LOOP UNTIL TIMER - t! > 0 NEXT psy LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" OR which = 4 END SUB SUB MoveBall IF hasball <> 0 THEN EXIT SUB ballcor(0) = ballcor(0) + balldir(0) ballcor(1) = ballcor(1) + balldir(1) 'Check ball hitting stuff p1top = p1(1) p1bot = p1(1) + 48 p2top = p2(1) p2bot = p2(1) + 48 IF balldir(1) = 0 THEN fact = 1 IF ballcor(0) <= 32 THEN 'if within X range of player 1 butt IF ballcor(1) >= p1top AND ballcor(1) <= p1bot THEN yfactor = ((ballcor(1) - p1top) - 24) IF yfactor <> 0 THEN yfactor = yfactor / 25 ELSE yfactor = 0 IF balldir(1) = 0 THEN fact = 1 balldir(0) = -balldir(0) balldir(1) = yfactor '* fact END IF END IF IF ballcor(0) >= 288 THEN 'if within X range of player 1 butt IF ballcor(1) >= p2top AND ballcor(1) <= p2bot THEN yfactor = ((ballcor(1) - p2top) - 24) IF yfactor <> 0 THEN yfactor = yfactor / 25 ELSE yfactor = 0 balldir(0) = -balldir(0) balldir(1) = yfactor '* balldir(1) END IF END IF 'End ball checking IF ballcor(1) <= 7 THEN ballcor(1) = 7: balldir(1) = -balldir(1) IF ballcor(1) >= 183 THEN ballcor(1) = 183: balldir(1) = -balldir(1) 'Check for player missing ball IF ballcor(0) < 25 THEN Player1Miss 'If player 1 misses the ball IF ballcor(0) > 295 THEN Player2Miss 'If player 2 misses the ball 'End check END SUB SUB Player1Miss AdvanceRound IF cround > rounds THEN CLS : EXIT SUB p2score = p2score + 1 hasball = 2: CLS CenterText 11, "PLAYER 1 MISSED THE BALL!" CenterText 13, "Next round: Player 2 starts." CenterText 14, "Press ENTER when ready." DO: LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(13) InitCoord RANDOMIZE TIMER AIserve = INT(RND * 130) + 5 CLS END SUB SUB Player2Miss AdvanceRound IF cround > rounds THEN CLS : EXIT SUB p1score = p1score + 1 hasball = 1: CLS CenterText 11, "PLAYER 2 MISSED THE BALL!" CenterText 13, "Next round: Player 1 starts." CenterText 14, "Press ENTER when ready." DO: LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(13) InitCoord CLS END SUB SUB SelectDifficulty CLS menusel = 4 CenterText 6, "Select difficulty" CenterText 8, " Too simple!" CenterText 9, " Easy " CenterText 10, " Pretty easy" CenterText 11, " Average " CenterText 12, " Hard " CenterText 13, " Harder " CenterText 14, " Good luck!!" DO key$ = INKEY$ update = 0 SELECT CASE key$ CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(72) 'Up IF menusel > 1 THEN menusel = menusel - 1: update = 1 CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(80) 'Down IF menusel < 7 THEN menusel = menusel + 1: update = 1 CASE CHR$(13) 'Enter SELECT CASE menusel CASE 1: difflevel = 12 CASE 2: difflevel = 11 CASE 3: difflevel = 6 CASE 4: difflevel = 4 CASE 5: difflevel = 3 CASE 6: difflevel = 2 CASE 7: difflevel = 1 END SELECT EXIT SUB CASE CHR$(27) 'Return to main menu EXIT SUB END SELECT LOCATE 6 + menusel, 13: PRINT " "; LOCATE 7 + menusel, 13: PRINT CHR$(16); LOCATE 8 + menusel, 13: PRINT " "; LOOP END SUB SUB SelectRounds CLS menusel = 1 rounds = 3 CenterText 11, " Rounds: 3" CenterText 13, " Let's go!" DO key$ = INKEY$ update = 0 SELECT CASE key$ CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(72) 'Up IF menusel > 1 THEN menusel = menusel - 1: update = 1 CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(80) 'Down IF menusel < 2 THEN menusel = menusel + 1: update = 1 CASE CHR$(13) 'Enter SELECT CASE menusel CASE 1 rounds = rounds + 1 IF rounds = 10 THEN rounds = 1 CenterText 11, " Rounds:" + STR$(rounds) CASE 2 EXIT SUB END SELECT CASE CHR$(27) 'Return to main menu EXIT SUB END SELECT SELECT CASE menusel CASE 1: LOCATE 11, 14: PRINT CHR$(16); : LOCATE 13, 14: PRINT " "; CASE 2: LOCATE 13, 14: PRINT CHR$(16); : LOCATE 11, 14: PRINT " "; END SELECT LOOP END SUB SUB ShowControls CLS CenterText 2, "RECTONG CONTROLS" CenterText 6, "Player 1 controls:" CenterText 7, "A - Move up" CenterText 8, "Z - Move down" CenterText 9, "X - Stop moving" CenterText 10, "S - Serve ball" CenterText 12, "Player 2 controls:" CenterText 13, "Up arrow - Move up" CenterText 14, "Down arrow - Move down" CenterText 15, "End - Stop moving" CenterText 16, "\ - Serve ball" CenterText 20, "Escape exits an active game." CenterText 24, "Press ENTER to continue..." DO: LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(13) CLS END SUB SUB StartGame SelectRounds p1score = 0 p2score = 0 cround = 0 quitgame = 0 hasball = 1 'who starts with the ball WipeEffect LoadPAL "gfx\palette.pal": PALETTE 4, 0: PALETTE 255, 63 + 256 * 63 + 65536 * 63 LaunchBall DO UNTIL quitgame = 1 OR cround > rounds SELECT CASE hasball CASE 1 ballcor(0) = 40 ballcor(1) = p1(1) + 24 CASE 2 ballcor(0) = 280 ballcor(1) = p2(1) + 24 END SELECT SELECT CASE hasball CASE 1 CenterText 2, "Player 1 has the ball!" CenterText 3, "Press S to serve." p1(0) = 4 p2(0) = 1 CASE 2 CenterText 2, "Player 2 has the ball!" IF players = 2 THEN CenterText 3, "Press \ to throw." ELSE CenterText 3, "Get ready, player 1!" END IF p2(0) = 4 p1(0) = 1 CASE ELSE p1(0) = 1 p2(0) = 1 END SELECT DrawP1 DrawP2 IF hasball = 0 THEN DrawBall DispStats skip = skip + 1 IF skip AND 1 THEN WAIT &H3DA, 8: WAIT &H3DA, 8, 8 key$ = INKEY$ SELECT CASE key$ CASE CHR$(27) 'Escape key CenterText 12, "Exit to main menu? (Y/N)" DO SELECT CASE LCASE$(INKEY$) CASE "y" quitgame = 1: EXIT DO CASE "n" EXIT DO END SELECT LOOP CenterText 12, " " CASE "a", "A" 'Up P1 IF buttdir(0) = 0 OR buttdir(0) = 2 THEN buttdir(0) = 1 ELSE buttdir(0) = 0 CASE "z", "Z" 'Down P1 IF buttdir(0) = 0 OR buttdir(0) = 1 THEN buttdir(0) = 2 ELSE buttdir(0) = 0 CASE "x", "X" 'Stops P1 movement buttdir(0) = 0 CASE "s", "S" 'Shoot ball P1 IF hasball = 1 THEN CenterText 2, SPACE$(24): CenterText 3, SPACE$(24) hasball = 0 balldir(0) = 1 balldir(1) = 0 END IF CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(79) 'Stops P2 movement buttdir(1) = 0 CASE "\" 'Shoot ball P2 IF hasball = 2 AND players = 2 THEN CenterText 2, SPACE$(24): CenterText 3, SPACE$(24) hasball = 0 balldir(0) = -1 balldir(1) = 0 END IF CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(72) 'Up P2 IF players = 2 THEN IF buttdir(1) = 0 OR buttdir(1) = 2 THEN buttdir(1) = 1 ELSE buttdir(1) = 0 CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(80) 'Down P2 IF players = 2 THEN IF buttdir(1) = 0 OR buttdir(1) = 1 THEN buttdir(1) = 2 ELSE buttdir(1) = 0 END SELECT IF players = 1 THEN DoAI IF hasball = 2 AND players = 1 AND FIX(AIserve) = FIX(p2(1)) THEN CenterText 2, SPACE$(24): CenterText 3, SPACE$(24) hasball = 0 balldir(0) = -1 balldir(1) = 0 END IF SELECT CASE buttdir(0) CASE 1 IF p1(1) > 1 THEN p1(1) = p1(1) - 1 CASE 2 IF p1(1) < 138 THEN p1(1) = p1(1) + 1 END SELECT SELECT CASE buttdir(1) CASE 1 IF p2(1) > 1 THEN p2(1) = p2(1) - 1 CASE 2 IF p2(1) < 138 THEN p2(1) = p2(1) + 1 END SELECT MoveBall LOOP CLS : EXIT SUB END SUB SUB WipeEffect FOR xeff = 0 TO 160 STEP .01 LINE (160 + xeff, 0)-(160 + xeff, 200), 0 LINE (160 - xeff, 0)-(160 - xeff, 200), 0 't! = TIMER: DO: LOOP UNTIL TIMER - t! > 0 NEXT xeff END SUB