' PQBC Screen Tester '-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ' This program looks big, but it is actually quite small. Run it through a ' decommenter to see how small it is. Anyway, this program tests what screen ' modes your graphics adapter supports. You can find one included with the ' QuickBasic 4.5 examples, but this one is easier to manipulate and more ' effective. This lists all the screen modes your computer supports, instead ' of just a few. The REMs show the variables that can be manipulated. ' This program is free to distribute as long as these first 12 lines of ' comments are NOT removed and/or changed. ' If you have questions/comments/suggestions, contact me at: ' patz2009@yahoo.com REM Variables REM ------------------------ REM works > a supported screen mode REM nogo > error handling variable REM test > the screen mode being tested REM list$ > list of supported modes '-------------------START-OF-PROGRAM--------------------------------- ON ERROR GOTO handler works = 50 ' Later replaced by the first working mode test = 1 ' Activates first mode to test (start at ' 1 to test all screen modes) starttest: IF test = 14 THEN GOTO ender ' Ends since there is no SCREEN 14 IF nogo = 0 THEN SCREEN test ' Core tester - activates a screen mode IF nogo = 0 THEN LET list$ = list$ + "," + STR$(test) ' Creates a list of ' working screen modes. IF nogo = 0 AND works = 50 THEN LET works = test ' Generates a working screen ' mode to display working ' mode numbers. nogo = 0 ' Replaces error handler. test = test + 1 ' Tests a new screen mode. GOTO starttest ' Restarts the test. '----------------Display-working-screen-modes---------------------- ender: SCREEN works ' Uses a working graphics mode. PRINT "Your graphics adapter supports screen" ' Displays your working PRINT "modes 0"; list$; "." ' screen modes. ' NOTE: All graphics adapters support SCREEN 0 END '------------------Error-handling-variable-activater--------------- handler: LET nogo = 1 ' Activates the error handling variable. RESUME NEXT '-----------------------------------------------------------------