CHDIR ".\programs\samples\qb45com\action\assault" 'Assault v2 'By Glenn Powell '( ) '(c) 1999 'General Procedure Definitions DECLARE FUNCTION KeyName$ (k$) DECLARE FUNCTION KeyMark% (k$) DECLARE FUNCTION TPoint% (tx%, ty%, pn%) DECLARE FUNCTION BPoint% (tx%, ty%, pn%) DECLARE FUNCTION TurfHit% (tb%, tx%, ty%) DECLARE FUNCTION TurfBump$ (tx%, ty%, pn%) DECLARE SUB TPset (tx%, ty%, tp%) DECLARE SUB InitGame () DECLARE SUB Title () DECLARE SUB LoadCfg (file$) DECLARE SUB LoadKey (file$) DECLARE SUB InitScr () DECLARE SUB InitGamePal () DECLARE SUB SetBlastPal () DECLARE SUB LoadSprites (file$) DECLARE SUB DrawPlayer (pn%) DECLARE SUB ErasePlayer (pn%) DECLARE SUB DrawSpr (x%, y%, sn%) DECLARE SUB EraseSpr (x%, y%, sn%) DECLARE SUB InitBullet (c%, x%, y%, a#, d%, p%, s%) DECLARE SUB DrawBar () DECLARE SUB DrawHealth (pn%, c%) DECLARE SUB DrawSmallNum (x%, y%, n%, c%) DECLARE SUB LoadLevel (file$) DECLARE SUB BuildLevel () DECLARE SUB FadePal (fr%, fg%, fb%, i%, c1%, c2%) DECLARE SUB DefaultPal () DECLARE SUB Intro () DECLARE SUB Configure () DECLARE SUB Menu (mnum%) DECLARE SUB InitPlayers () DECLARE SUB EarthQuake (x%) DECLARE SUB Damage (pn%, dam%) DECLARE SUB Win (pnum%) DECLARE SUB Configure () DECLARE SUB Main () DECLARE SUB PlayerFall () DECLARE SUB PlayerKey () DECLARE SUB BulletMove () DECLARE SUB DoneTurn () DECLARE SUB Pause () 'Font Procedure Definitions DECLARE SUB Font (text$, xstart%, ystart%, xscale!, yscale!, style%, tclr%) DECLARE SUB LoadFont (file$) 'Audio Procedure Definitions DECLARE FUNCTION DSPRead% () DECLARE FUNCTION SpeakerStatus% () DECLARE FUNCTION DMAStatus% () DECLARE FUNCTION DMADone% () DECLARE FUNCTION DSPReset% () DECLARE SUB MasterVolume (Right%, Left%, GetVol%) DECLARE SUB DSPWrite (byte%) DECLARE FUNCTION ReadDSP% () DECLARE SUB SpeakerState (state%) DECLARE SUB DMAState (state%) DECLARE FUNCTION ReadDAC% () DECLARE SUB DMAPlay (segment&, offset&, length&, freq&) DECLARE SUB GetBlaster (dma%, baseport%, irq%) DECLARE FUNCTION DSPVersion! () DECLARE SUB WAVPlay (file$, freq&) 'Type Definitions TYPE gametype cfgfile AS STRING * 12 keyfile AS STRING * 12 fntfile AS STRING * 12 sprfile AS STRING * 12 END TYPE TYPE packtype ammo AS INTEGER set AS INTEGER END TYPE TYPE bullettype class AS INTEGER xi AS INTEGER yi AS INTEGER x AS INTEGER y AS INTEGER a AS DOUBLE dir AS INTEGER p AS INTEGER tim AS DOUBLE set AS INTEGER END TYPE TYPE teamtype nam AS STRING * 11 act AS INTEGER clr AS INTEGER END TYPE TYPE playertype nam AS STRING * 10 tnum AS INTEGER xi AS INTEGER yi AS INTEGER x AS INTEGER y AS INTEGER a AS DOUBLE bul AS INTEGER dir AS INTEGER health AS INTEGER dam AS INTEGER jump AS INTEGER aj AS SINGLE pj AS INTEGER tim AS DOUBLE glued AS DOUBLE END TYPE TYPE leveltype nam AS STRING * 10 turn AS INTEGER wind AS INTEGER jag AS INTEGER rise AS SINGLE grav AS SINGLE sndb AS STRING * 12 nofly AS INTEGER fire AS INTEGER tim AS DOUBLE quit AS INTEGER END TYPE TYPE paltype r AS INTEGER g AS INTEGER B AS INTEGER END TYPE TYPE polartype r AS SINGLE a AS SINGLE END TYPE TYPE configtype snd AS INTEGER sndb AS INTEGER ammodrop AS SINGLE END TYPE 'Global Variable Definitions COMMON SHARED baseport%, lenport%, channel% CONST pi# = 3.1415, bulletspd% = 2, maxpower% = 150, maxplayers% = 8 CONST menuclr% = 17, maxweapons% = 7, maxsparks% = 60, maxbullets% = 10 CONST playerstep% = 4, playeraim! = .1, playeraimsize% = 20, gunlen% = 3 DIM SHARED player(maxplayers%) AS playertype, level AS leveltype, bullet(1 TO maxbullets%) AS bullettype DIM SHARED turfbuf(32001) AS INTEGER, backbuf(32001) AS INTEGER, playerspr(7 + 8 * 7) AS INTEGER DIM SHARED ammospr(0 TO maxweapons%, 7 + 8 * 7) AS INTEGER, team(maxplayers%) AS teamtype DIM SHARED config AS configtype, playpack(maxplayers%, 1 TO maxweapons%) AS packtype, spark(1 TO maxsparks%) AS polartype DIM SHARED smallnum(9, 2 + 3 * 4) AS INTEGER, barbuf(2561) AS INTEGER, pal(1 TO 3) AS paltype DIM SHARED keycode(1 TO 11 + maxweapons%) AS STRING, keyact(1 TO 11 + maxweapons%) AS STRING DIM SHARED fontbuf(0) AS STRING * 10368, menuitem(10) AS STRING, game AS gametype DIM SHARED gamepal(0 TO 255) AS paltype, defpal(0 TO 255) AS paltype 'Set Game Data Files game.cfgfile = "assault.cfg" game.keyfile = "assault.key" game.fntfile = "assault.fnt" game.sprfile = "assault.spr" 'Initialize Game InitGame InitScr IF config.snd THEN GetBlaster channel%, baseport%, irq% IF DSPReset% THEN SpeakerState 1 MasterVolume config.snd, config.snd, 0 ELSE PRINT "DSP failed to reset." PRINT "Sound disabled." config.snd = 0 END IF END IF Title mainmenu: pal(1).r = 10 pal(1).g = 10 pal(1).B = 10 DefaultPal SetBlastPal FadePal 0, 0, 0, 100, 200, 220 FadePal 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 31 menuitem(0) = "ASSAULT" menuitem(1) = "Play" menuitem(2) = "Play Custom" menuitem(3) = "Configure" menuitem(4) = "Quit" mnum% = 4 Menu mnum% SELECT CASE mnum% CASE 1 menuitem(0) = "ENVIRONMENT" menuitem(1) = "Jungle" menuitem(2) = "Arctic" menuitem(3) = "Plains" menuitem(4) = "Volcano" menuitem(5) = "Moon" mnum% = 5 Menu mnum% SELECT CASE mnum% CASE -1 GOTO mainmenu CASE 1 level.nam = "Jungle" pal(1).r = 20 pal(1).g = 10 pal(1).B = 0 pal(2).r = 10 pal(2).g = 25 pal(2).B = 0 pal(3).r = 20 pal(3).g = 10 pal(3).B = 0 level.jag = 4 level.rise = .8 level.grav = 1 level.sndb = "jungle.wav" CASE 2 level.nam = "Arctic" pal(1).r = 20 pal(1).g = 10 pal(1).B = 20 pal(2).r = 50 pal(2).g = 50 pal(2).B = 60 pal(3).r = 15 pal(3).g = 10 pal(3).B = 0 level.jag = 5 level.rise = .5 level.grav = 1 level.sndb = "arctic.wav" CASE 3 level.nam = "Plains" pal(1).r = 20 pal(1).g = 20 pal(1).B = 20 pal(2).r = 0 pal(2).g = 30 pal(2).B = 0 pal(3).r = 50 pal(3).g = 50 pal(3).B = 40 level.jag = 5 level.rise = .15 level.grav = 1 level.sndb = "plains.wav" CASE 4 level.nam = "Volcano" pal(1).r = 30 pal(1).g = 10 pal(1).B = 0 pal(2).r = 40 pal(2).g = 10 pal(2).B = 0 pal(3).r = 5 pal(3).g = 0 pal(3).B = 0 level.jag = 5 level.rise = .8 level.grav = 1 level.sndb = "volcano.wav" CASE 5 level.nam = "Moon" pal(1).r = 0 pal(1).g = 0 pal(1).B = 0 pal(2).r = 30 pal(2).g = 30 pal(2).B = 30 pal(3).r = 10 pal(3).g = 10 pal(3).B = 10 level.jag = 3 level.rise = .3 level.grav = .3 level.sndb = "moon.wav" END SELECT FadePal 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255 InitGamePal DEF SEG = VARSEG(backbuf(0)) BLOAD "backgrnd\" + RTRIM$(level.nam) + ".bck", 0 DEF SEG BuildLevel Main GOTO mainmenu CASE 2 LINE (0, 30)-(319, 199), 0, BF Font "Custom Level", 160 - (LEN("Custom Level") / 2) * 8, 50, 1, 1, 2, menuclr% + 5 Font "(Enter Cancels)", 160 - (LEN("(Enter Cancels)") / 2) * 8, 65, 1, 1, 2, menuclr% + 5 FOR c% = 0 TO 100 FadePal 0, 0, 0, c%, 0, 31 NEXT c% LOCATE 11, 15 INPUT "", l$ IF l$ = "" THEN GOTO mainmenu pal(1).r = 10 pal(1).g = 10 pal(1).B = 10 FadePal 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255 InitGamePal LoadLevel l$ + ".lvl" Main GOTO mainmenu CASE 3 Configure GOTO mainmenu CASE 4 IF config.snd THEN SpeakerState 0 DMAState 0 END IF SYSTEM CASE ELSE GOTO mainmenu END SELECT 'Various Game Data teaminfo: DATA "None",0 DATA "Red Team",4 DATA "White Team",15 DATA "Blue Team",1 DATA "Yellow Team",14 DATA "Green Team",2 DATA "Brown Team",6 DATA "Purple Team",5 DATA "Black Team",16 'Small Number Data smallnums: DATA 0,1,0 DATA 1,0,1 DATA 1,0,1 DATA 1,0,1 DATA 0,1,0 DATA 0,0,1 DATA 0,1,1 DATA 0,0,1 DATA 0,0,1 DATA 0,0,1 DATA 0,1,0 DATA 1,0,1 DATA 0,0,1 DATA 0,1,0 DATA 1,1,1 DATA 1,1,0 DATA 0,0,1 DATA 0,1,0 DATA 0,0,1 DATA 1,1,0 DATA 1,0,1 DATA 1,0,1 DATA 1,1,1 DATA 0,0,1 DATA 0,0,1 DATA 1,1,1 DATA 1,0,0 DATA 1,1,0 DATA 0,0,1 DATA 1,1,0 DATA 0,1,1 DATA 1,0,0 DATA 1,1,0 DATA 1,0,1 DATA 0,1,1 DATA 1,1,1 DATA 0,0,1 DATA 0,1,0 DATA 0,1,0 DATA 0,1,0 DATA 0,1,0 DATA 1,0,1 DATA 0,1,0 DATA 1,0,1 DATA 0,1,0 DATA 0,1,1 DATA 1,0,1 DATA 1,1,1 DATA 0,0,1 DATA 0,0,1 FUNCTION BPoint% (tx%, ty%, pn%) 'Returns the pixel that should be displayed as background behind any 'sprite at any time in the game. (241 represents a pixel of the background image) 'tx% and ty% are the coordinates. 'pn% is the number of player who is being "looked behind" (1-4) or '0 if it is a bullet sprite and you want to be able to "see" all the players. 'You can also use -1 to not see any players. pp% = 241 IF tx% >= 0 AND tx% <= 319 THEN IF ty% >= 0 AND ty% <= 15 THEN DEF SEG = VARSEG(barbuf(0)) pp% = PEEK(tx% + 320& * ty% + 4) DEF SEG ELSEIF ty% >= 16 AND ty% <= 199 THEN DEF SEG = VARSEG(turfbuf(0)) pp% = PEEK(tx% + 320& * ty% + 4) DEF SEG END IF FOR i% = 1 TO maxplayers% IF player(i%).health > 0 AND pn% <> i% THEN IF tx% >= player(i%).x AND tx% <= player(i%).x + 7 AND ty% >= player(i%).y AND ty% <= player(i%).y + 7 THEN pp% = playerspr((player(i%).dir - 1) * -3.5 + player(i%).dir * (tx% - player(i%).x) + 8 * (ty% - player(i%).y)) IF pp% = -1 THEN pp% = team(player(i%).tnum).clr ELSEIF pp% = -10 THEN IF player(i%).dir = 1 THEN pp% = 25 - INT((tx% - player(i%).x) / 2) ELSE pp% = 25 - INT((7 - (tx% - player(i%).x)) / 2) END IF END IF IF pp% > 0 THEN IF player(i%).glued > 0 THEN pp% = 92 ELSE pp% = 241 END IF FOR ii% = 0 TO gunlen% x% = player(i%).x + 3 + (1 - player(i%).dir) / 2 + COS(player(i%).a) * ii% * player(i%).dir y% = player(i%).y + 4 + SIN(player(i%).a) * ii% IF tx% = x% AND ty% = y% THEN pp% = 25 NEXT ii% END IF END IF NEXT i% IF ty% >= 0 AND ty% <= 199 THEN IF pp% = 241 THEN DEF SEG = VARSEG(backbuf(0)) pp% = PEEK(tx% + 320& * ty%) DEF SEG END IF END IF END IF BPoint% = pp% END FUNCTION SUB BuildLevel 'Builds the level's turf map. 'It uses the LEVEL variable's data to create the map according to the 'environment chosen. (level.jag and level.rise) 'This is for the environment sprites DIM backspr(1 TO 2, 29 + 30 * 29) AS INTEGER 'Loads the environment sprites DEF SEG = &HA000 BLOAD "backgrnd\" + RTRIM$(level.nam) + ".spr", 0 DEF SEG FOR y% = 0 TO 29 FOR x% = 0 TO 29 p% = POINT(x%, y%) backspr(1, x% + 30 * y%) = p% NEXT x% NEXT y% FOR y% = 0 TO 29 FOR x% = 30 TO 59 p% = POINT(x%, y%) backspr(2, x% - 30 + 30 * y%) = p% NEXT x% NEXT y% 'Draws the terrain outline CLS LINE (0, 0)-(319, 199), 240, BF x1% = 0 y1% = RND * 100 + 30 a# = RND * 2 - 1 buildloop: x2% = x1% y2% = y1% x1% = x2% + COS(a#) * level.jag y1% = y2% + SIN(a#) * level.jag LINE (x1%, y1%)-(x2%, y2%), 231 IF y1% <= 30 THEN a# = RND * 1 ELSEIF y1% >= 190 THEN a# = RND * -1 ELSE a# = a# + RND * (level.rise * 2) - level.rise IF a# > 3 * pi# / 4 THEN a# = 3 * pi# / 4 IF a# < 3 * -pi# / 4 THEN a# = 3 * -pi# / 4 END IF IF x1% >= 319 THEN GOTO paintbuild GOTO buildloop 'Paints in the terrain outline paintbuild: PAINT (0, 0), 241, 231 FOR x% = 0 TO 319 FOR y% = 0 TO 199 p% = POINT(x%, y%) IF p% = 240 THEN p% = POINT(x%, y% - 1) + RND * 3 - 1 IF p% < 231 THEN p% = 231 IF p% > 240 THEN p% = 240 PSET (x%, y%), p% END IF NEXT y% NEXT x% 'Places environment sprites FOR i% = 1 TO 5 IF RND < .8 THEN x% = RND * 280 + 20 ly% = 0 FOR y% = 0 TO 199 FOR xx% = x% - 15 TO x% + 15 p% = POINT(xx%, y%) IF p% = 241 THEN IF y% > ly% THEN ly% = y% END IF NEXT xx% NEXT y% x% = x% - 15 y% = ly% - 29 s% = RND + 1 d% = CINT(RND) * 2 - 1 FOR xx% = x% TO x% + 29 FOR yy% = y% TO y% + 29 p% = backspr(s%, (d% + 1) / 2 * 29 + -d% * (xx% - x%) + 30 * (yy% - y%)) bp% = POINT(xx%, yy%) IF bp% = 241 AND p% > 0 THEN PSET (xx%, yy%), p% NEXT yy% NEXT xx% END IF NEXT i% 'Stores in Turf Buffer GET (0, 0)-(319, 199), turfbuf END SUB SUB BulletMove 'Moves any and all bullets that are in action on the playfield. FOR i% = 1 TO maxbullets% 'Explosion '========== 'bullet variables: 'x = x xoordinate 'y = y xoordinate 'a = current flame size (set to 0 at initialization) 'dir = size of final explosion (set this at initialization) 'p = direction of flame growth (set to 1 at initialization) 'set = sparks setting (set at initialization) ' 0 = no sparks ' 1 = sparks ' 2 = sparks and nuclear flash 'tim = flash timer (set to 0 at initialization) IF bullet(i%).class = -1 THEN level.nofly = 0 x% = bullet(i%).x y% = bullet(i%).y IF bullet(i%).p = 1 AND bullet(i%).a = 0 THEN FOR pn% = 1 TO maxplayers% IF player(pn%).health > 0 THEN pd% = SQR((player(pn%).x - x%) ^ 2 + (player(pn%).y - y%) ^ 2) IF pd% < bullet(i%).dir + 3 THEN ph% = bullet(i%).dir * 2 * (1 - pd% / (bullet(i%).dir + 3)) Damage pn%, ph% END IF IF pd% < bullet(i%).dir + 13 THEN ErasePlayer pn% player(pn%).jump = 1 player(pn%).xi = player(pn%).x player(pn%).yi = player(pn%).y IF player(pn%).x - x% <> 0 THEN pa# = ATN((player(pn%).y - y%) / ABS(player(pn%).x - x%)) ELSE pa# = 40 END IF player(pn%).aj = pa# pp% = 40 * (1 - pd% / (bullet(i%).dir + 13)) player(pn%).pj = pp% IF player(pn%).x > x% THEN player(pn%).dir = 1 ELSE player(pn%).dir = -1 END IF player(pn%).tim = TIMER - .1 t# = (TIMER - player(pn%).tim) * bulletspd% player(pn%).x = player(pn%).xi + t# * COS(player(pn%).aj) * player(pn%).pj * player(pn%).dir player(pn%).y = player(pn%).yi + t# * SIN(player(pn%).aj) * player(pn%).pj + 16 * t# ^ 2 DrawPlayer pn% END IF END IF NEXT pn% END IF FOR r! = 0 TO pi# * 2 STEP .05 / (bullet(i%).dir / 10) c% = 220 - (bullet(i%).a / bullet(i%).dir) * 20 + RND * 4 - 2 IF c% < 200 THEN c% = 200 IF c% > 220 THEN c% = 220 IF bullet(i%).p = -1 THEN c% = 241 TPset x% + COS(r!) * bullet(i%).a + 3, y% + SIN(r!) * bullet(i%).a + 3, 241 bp% = c% IF c% = 241 THEN bp% = BPoint%(x% + COS(r!) * bullet(i%).a + 3, y% + SIN(r!) * bullet(i%).a + 3, 0) END IF PSET (x% + COS(r!) * bullet(i%).a + 3, y% + SIN(r!) * bullet(i%).a + 3), bp% NEXT r! bullet(i%).a = bullet(i%).a + .5 * bullet(i%).p IF bullet(i%).p = 1 AND bullet(i%).a >= bullet(i%).dir THEN bullet(i%).p = -1 END IF IF bullet(i%).set = 2 THEN cc% = -1 IF bullet(i%).p = 1 AND bullet(i%).a < 10 THEN cc% = 1 bullet(i%).tim = bullet(i%).tim + cc% IF bullet(i%).tim < 0 THEN bullet(i%).tim = 0 IF bullet(i%).tim > 20 THEN bullet(i%).tim = 20 ci% = 100 - (bullet(i%).tim * 3) IF ci% < 0 THEN ci% = 0 IF ci% > 100 THEN ci% = 100 FadePal gamepal(bullet(i%).tim + 200).r, gamepal(bullet(i%).tim + 200).g, gamepal(bullet(i%).tim + 200).B, ci%, 0, 255 END IF IF bullet(i%).set >= 1 THEN FOR ii% = 1 TO maxsparks% sx% = bullet(i%).x + 3 + spark(ii%).r * COS(spark(ii%).a) sy% = bullet(i%).y + 3 + .3 * (spark(ii%).r * SIN(spark(ii%).a)) PSET (sx%, sy%), BPoint%(sx%, sy%, 0) spark(ii%).r = spark(ii%).r + 2 sx% = bullet(i%).x + 3 + spark(ii%).r * COS(spark(ii%).a) sy% = bullet(i%).y + 3 + .3 * (spark(ii%).r * SIN(spark(ii%).a)) c% = 220 - spark(ii%).r / 3 IF c% < 200 THEN c% = 200 IF bullet(i%).p = -1 AND bullet(i%).a < 0 THEN c% = BPoint%(sx%, sy%, 0) PSET (sx%, sy%), c% NEXT ii% END IF IF bullet(i%).p = -1 AND bullet(i%).a < 0 THEN bullet(i%).class = 0 GOTO nextbul END IF x% = (bullet(i%).dir / 10 - 1) * 3000 + 1000 EarthQuake x% END IF 'Ammo crate on the ground '========== 'bullet variables: 'x = x xoordinate 'y = y xoordinate 'a = null 'dir = ammo amount 'p = null 'set = ammo class 'tim = null IF bullet(i%).class = 100 THEN x% = bullet(i%).x y% = bullet(i%).y FOR ii% = 1 TO maxplayers% pd% = SQR((player(ii%).x - x%) ^ 2 + (player(ii%).y - y%) ^ 2) IF pd% <= 7 THEN EraseSpr x%, y%, 0 bullet(i%).class = 0 playpack(ii%, bullet(i%).set).ammo = playpack(ii%, bullet(i%).set).ammo + bullet(i%).dir InitBullet 101, x%, y%, 0, bullet(i%).dir, 0, bullet(i%).set IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "bounce.wav", 11000 END IF GOTO nextbul END IF NEXT ii% FOR ii% = 1 TO maxbullets% IF i% <> ii% AND bullet(ii%).class = -1 THEN pd% = SQR((bullet(ii%).x - x%) ^ 2 + (bullet(ii%).y - y%) ^ 2) IF pd% <= bullet(ii%).a THEN bullet(i%).class = -1 bullet(i%).a = 0 bullet(i%).dir = 15 bullet(i%).p = 1 bullet(i%).set = 0 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "explode.wav", 11000 END IF GOTO nextbul END IF END IF NEXT ii% DrawSpr x%, y%, 0 END IF 'Ammo crate falling from sky '========== 'bullet variables: 'x = x xoordinate 'y = y xoordinate (should be 0 at initializtion) 'a = null 'dir = ammo amount 'p = null 'set = ammo class 'tim = fall timer (set to TIMER at initializtion) IF bullet(i%).class = -100 THEN level.nofly = 0 x% = bullet(i%).x y% = bullet(i%).y t# = (level.tim - bullet(i%).tim) * bulletspd% EraseSpr x%, y%, 0 y% = bullet(i%).yi + 16 * t# ^ 2 * level.grav IF x% < -7 OR x% > 326 OR y% > 206 THEN bullet(i%).class = 0 GOTO nextbul END IF bullet(i%).y = y% IF TurfHit%(0, x%, y%) THEN bullet(i%).class = 100 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "crash.wav", 11000 END IF GOTO nextbul END IF DrawSpr x%, y%, 0 END IF 'Ammo displayed from ammo crate '========== 'bullet variables: 'xi = initial x xoordinate 'yi = initial y xoordinate 'x = current x xoordinate 'y = current y xoordinate 'a = null 'dir = ammo amount 'p = null 'set = ammo class 'tim = timer (set to 0 at initialization) IF bullet(i%).class = 101 THEN level.nofly = 0 FOR ii% = 1 TO bullet(i%).dir IF bullet(i%).dir = 1 THEN xc% = 0 ELSEIF bullet(i%).dir = 2 THEN xc% = -1 IF ii% = 2 THEN xc% = 1 ELSEIF bullet(i%).dir = 2 THEN xc% = -1 IF ii% = 2 THEN xc% = 0 IF ii% = 3 THEN xc% = 1 END IF x% = bullet(i%).xi + xc% * bullet(i%).a y% = bullet(i%).yi - bullet(i%).a EraseSpr x%, y%, bullet(i%).set NEXT ii% IF level.tim - bullet(i%).tim >= 1 THEN bullet(i%).class = 0 GOTO nextbul END IF bullet(i%).a = bullet(i%).a + .03 FOR ii% = 1 TO bullet(i%).dir IF bullet(i%).dir = 1 THEN xc% = 0 ELSEIF bullet(i%).dir = 2 THEN xc% = -1 IF ii% = 2 THEN xc% = 1 ELSEIF bullet(i%).dir = 2 THEN xc% = -1 IF ii% = 2 THEN xc% = 0 IF ii% = 3 THEN xc% = 1 END IF x% = bullet(i%).xi + xc% * bullet(i%).a y% = bullet(i%).yi - bullet(i%).a DrawSpr x%, y%, bullet(i%).set NEXT ii% END IF 'Basic cannon ball '========== 'bullet variables: 'xi = initial x xoordinate 'yi = initial y xoordinate 'x = current x xoordinate 'y = current y xoordinate 'a = launch angle 'dir = launch direction 'p = launch power 'set = multiple bullets 'tim = fly timer (set to TIMER at initialization) IF bullet(i%).class = 1 THEN level.nofly = 0 x% = bullet(i%).x y% = bullet(i%).y a# = bullet(i%).a p% = bullet(i%).p d% = bullet(i%).dir t# = (level.tim - bullet(i%).tim) * bulletspd% EraseSpr x%, y%, 1 x% = bullet(i%).xi + t# * COS(a#) * p% * d% + level.wind * t# y% = bullet(i%).yi + t# * SIN(a#) * p% + 16 * t# ^ 2 * level.grav IF x% < -7 OR x% > 326 OR y% > 206 THEN bullet(i%).class = 0 GOTO nextbul END IF bullet(i%).x = x% bullet(i%).y = y% IF TurfHit%(1, x%, y%) THEN bullet(i%).class = -1 bullet(i%).a = 0 bullet(i%).dir = (4 - bullet(i%).set) * 3 + 7 bullet(i%).p = 1 bullet(i%).set = 0 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "blast.wav", 11000 END IF GOTO nextbul END IF DrawSpr x%, y%, 1 END IF 'Grenade '========== 'bullet variables: 'xi = initial x xoordinate 'yi = initial y xoordinate 'x = current x xoordinate 'y = current y xoordinate 'a = launch angle 'dir = launch direction 'p = launch power 'set = explosion timer 'tim = fly timer (set to TIMER at initialization) IF bullet(i%).class = 2 THEN level.nofly = 0 x% = bullet(i%).x y% = bullet(i%).y a# = bullet(i%).a p% = bullet(i%).p d% = bullet(i%).dir t# = (level.tim - bullet(i%).tim) * bulletspd% EraseSpr x%, y%, 2 x% = bullet(i%).xi + t# * COS(a#) * p% * d% + level.wind * t# y% = bullet(i%).yi + t# * SIN(a#) * p% + 16 * t# ^ 2 * level.grav IF x% < -7 OR x% > 326 OR y% > 206 THEN bullet(i%).class = 0 GOTO nextbul END IF bump$ = TurfBump$(x%, y%, level.turn) SELECT CASE bump$ CASE "00000000" CASE "11111111" x% = bullet(i%).x y% = bullet(i%).y bullet(i%).xi = bullet(i%).x bullet(i%).yi = bullet(i%).y bullet(i%).tim = TIMER CASE "11100011", "11000001", "10000000", "00000010", "00000001", "00000011", "10000011", "00000111", "10000111", "11001111", "10001111", "11000111", "10000001", "11001111", "11101111", "11000001", "11000011" IF bullet(i%).dir = -1 THEN xc% = t# * COS(a#) * p% * -d% + level.wind * t# bullet(i%).xi = x% - xc% bullet(i%).dir = 1 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "bounce.wav", 11000 END IF END IF CASE "11110001", "11100000", "01000000", "00100000", "00010000", "00110000", "01110000", "00111000", "01111000", "11111100", "01111100", "11111000", "01100000", "11111100", "11111110", "11100000", "11110000" IF bullet(i%).dir = 1 THEN xc% = t# * COS(a#) * p% * -d% + level.wind * t# bullet(i%).xi = x% - xc% bullet(i%).dir = -1 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "bounce.wav", 11000 END IF END IF CASE "00000110", "00001111", "10011111" IF y% > bullet(i%).y THEN bullet(i%).xi = x% bullet(i%).yi = y% bullet(i%).p = p% / 1.5 bullet(i%).dir = 1 bullet(i%).tim = TIMER - .1 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "bounce.wav", 11000 END IF END IF CASE "00011000", "00111100", "01111110" IF y% > bullet(i%).y THEN bullet(i%).xi = x% bullet(i%).yi = y% bullet(i%).p = p% / 1.5 bullet(i%).dir = -1 bullet(i%).tim = TIMER - .1 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "bounce.wav", 11000 END IF END IF CASE ELSE IF y% > bullet(i%).y THEN bullet(i%).xi = x% bullet(i%).yi = y% bullet(i%).p = p% / 1.5 bullet(i%).tim = TIMER - .1 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "bounce.wav", 11000 END IF END IF END SELECT bullet(i%).x = x% bullet(i%).y = y% IF bullet(i%).set <= 0 THEN bullet(i%).class = -1 bullet(i%).a = 0 bullet(i%).dir = 20 bullet(i%).p = 1 bullet(i%).set = 0 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "blast.wav", 7000 END IF GOTO nextbul END IF DrawSpr x%, y%, 2 bullet(i%).set = bullet(i%).set - 15 END IF 'Mine '========== 'bullet variables: 'x = current x xoordinate 'y = current y xoordinate 'a = null 'dir = null 'p = null 'set = trip distance setting 'tim = null IF bullet(i%).class = 3 THEN IF level.tim - bullet(i%).tim < 4 THEN level.nofly = 0 IF level.tim - bullet(i%).tim > 3 THEN x% = bullet(i%).x y% = bullet(i%).y FOR ii% = 1 TO maxplayers% pd% = SQR((player(ii%).x - x%) ^ 2 + (player(ii%).y - y%) ^ 2) IF pd% <= 5 * bullet(i%).set THEN bullet(i%).class = -1 bullet(i%).a = 0 bullet(i%).dir = 15 bullet(i%).p = 1 bullet(i%).y = bullet(i%).y + 3 bullet(i%).set = 0 IF ii% = level.turn THEN = 1 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "explode.wav", 11000 END IF GOTO nextbul END IF NEXT ii% FOR ii% = 1 TO maxbullets% IF i% <> ii% AND bullet(ii%).class = -1 THEN pd% = SQR((bullet(ii%).x - x%) ^ 2 + (bullet(ii%).y - y%) ^ 2) IF pd% <= bullet(ii%).a THEN bullet(i%).class = -1 bullet(i%).a = 0 bullet(i%).dir = 15 bullet(i%).p = 1 bullet(i%).set = 0 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "explode.wav", 11000 END IF GOTO nextbul END IF END IF NEXT ii% END IF DrawSpr bullet(i%).x, bullet(i%).y, 3 END IF 'Gluer '========== 'bullet variables: 'xi = initial x xoordinate 'yi = initial y xoordinate 'x = current x xoordinate 'y = current y xoordinate 'a = launch angle 'dir = launch direction 'p = launch power 'set = multiple bullets 'tim = fly timer (set to TIMER at initialization) IF bullet(i%).class = 4 THEN level.nofly = 0 x% = bullet(i%).x y% = bullet(i%).y a# = bullet(i%).a p% = bullet(i%).p d% = bullet(i%).dir t# = (level.tim - bullet(i%).tim) * bulletspd% EraseSpr x%, y%, 4 x% = bullet(i%).xi + t# * COS(a#) * p% * d% + level.wind * t# y% = bullet(i%).yi + t# * SIN(a#) * p% + 16 * t# ^ 2 * level.grav IF x% < -7 OR x% > 326 OR y% > 206 THEN bullet(i%).class = 0 GOTO nextbul END IF bullet(i%).x = x% bullet(i%).y = y% IF TurfHit%(1, x%, y%) THEN bullet(i%).class = -4 bullet(i%).a = 1 bullet(i%).dir = (5 - bullet(i%).set) * 5 bullet(i%).p = 1 bullet(i%).tim = 0 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "glue.wav", 11000 END IF GOTO nextbul END IF DrawSpr x%, y%, 4 END IF 'Gluer Explosion '========== 'bullet variables: 'x = x xoordinate 'y = y xoordinate 'a = current blob size (set to 1 at initialization) 'dir = size of final blob (set this at initialization) 'p = direction of blob growth (set to 1 at initialization) 'set = null 'tim = blob timer (set to 0 at initialization) IF bullet(i%).class = -4 THEN level.nofly = 0 x% = bullet(i%).x y% = bullet(i%).y a# = bullet(i%).a d% = bullet(i%).dir FOR pn% = 1 TO maxplayers% IF player(pn%).health > 0 THEN pd% = SQR((player(pn%).x - x%) ^ 2 + (player(pn%).y - y%) ^ 2) IF pd% < a# THEN player(pn%).glued = 4 - bullet(i%).set END IF END IF NEXT pn% FOR ap# = .05 TO pi# * 2 STEP .05 xp% = x% + 3 + (a# - bullet(i%).p) * COS(ap#) yp% = y% + 3 + (a# - bullet(i%).p) * SIN(ap#) PSET (xp%, yp%), BPoint%(xp%, yp%, 0) xp% = x% + 3 + a# * COS(ap#) yp% = y% + 3 + a# * SIN(ap#) c% = 92 PSET (xp%, yp%), c% NEXT ap# IF a# = 0 THEN bullet(i%).p = 1 bullet(i%).tim = bullet(i%).tim + 1 IF bullet(i%).tim = 5 THEN bullet(i%).class = 0 PSET (x% + 3, y% + 3), BPoint%(x%, y%, 0) GOTO nextbul END IF END IF IF a# = (5 - bullet(i%).set) * 5 THEN bullet(i%).p = -1 END IF bullet(i%).a = bullet(i%).a + bullet(i%).p END IF 'Cluster bomb '========== 'bullet variables: 'xi = initial x xoordinate 'yi = initial y xoordinate 'x = current x xoordinate 'y = current y xoordinate 'a = launch angle 'dir = launch direction 'p = launch power 'set = # of bombs 'tim = fly timer (set to TIMER at initialization) IF bullet(i%).class = 7 THEN level.nofly = 0 x% = bullet(i%).x y% = bullet(i%).y a# = bullet(i%).a p% = bullet(i%).p d% = bullet(i%).dir t# = (level.tim - bullet(i%).tim) * bulletspd% EraseSpr x%, y%, 7 x% = bullet(i%).xi + t# * COS(a#) * p% * d% + level.wind * t# y% = bullet(i%).yi + t# * SIN(a#) * p% + 16 * t# ^ 2 * level.grav IF x% < -7 OR x% > 326 OR y% > 206 THEN bullet(i%).class = 0 GOTO nextbul END IF bullet(i%).x = x% bullet(i%).y = y% IF TurfHit%(7, x%, y%) OR t# >= 2 THEN bullet(i%).class = -1 bullet(i%).a = 0 bullet(i%).dir = (4 - bullet(i%).set) * 10 bullet(i%).p = 1 IF bullet(i%).set = 1 THEN InitBullet 1, x%, y%, 1.6, -1, 50, bullet(i%).set ELSEIF bullet(i%).set = 2 THEN InitBullet 1, x%, y%, .5, -1, 50, bullet(i%).set InitBullet 1, x%, y%, .5, 1, 50, bullet(i%).set ELSEIF bullet(i%).set = 3 THEN InitBullet 1, x%, y%, .5, -1, 50, bullet(i%).set InitBullet 1, x%, y%, 1.6, -1, 50, bullet(i%).set InitBullet 1, x%, y%, .5, 1, 50, bullet(i%).set END IF bullet(i%).set = 2 bullet(i%).tim = 0 FOR ii% = 1 TO maxsparks% spark(ii%).r = 0 spark(ii%).a = ((2 * pi#) / maxsparks%) * ii% NEXT ii% IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "explode.wav", 11000 END IF GOTO nextbul END IF DrawSpr x%, y%, 7 END IF nextbul: NEXT i% END SUB SUB Configure 'The Configuration SUB. startcfg: menuitem(0) = "CONFIGURE" menuitem(1) = "Players" menuitem(2) = "Starting Pack" menuitem(3) = "Keyboard" menuitem(4) = "Options" menuitem(5) = "Save" mnum% = 5 Menu mnum% SELECT CASE mnum% CASE -1 EXIT SUB CASE 1 GOTO players CASE 2 GOTO startpack CASE 3 GOTO keyboard CASE 4 GOTO options CASE 5 GOTO savecfg END SELECT players: menuitem(0) = "PLAYERS" menuitem(1) = "Health:" + STR$(player(0).health) FOR i% = 1 TO maxplayers% menuitem(i% + 1) = player(i%).nam + ": " + team(player(i%).tnum).nam NEXT i% mnum% = maxplayers% + 1 Menu mnum% SELECT CASE mnum% CASE -1 GOTO startcfg CASE 1 LINE (0, 30)-(319, 199), 0, BF Font menuitem(mnum%), 160 - (LEN(menuitem(mnum%)) / 2) * 8, 50, 1, 1, 2, menuclr% + 5 FOR c% = 0 TO 100 FadePal 0, 0, 0, c%, 0, 31 NEXT c% LOCATE 10, 20 INPUT "", i% IF i% < 1 THEN i% = 1 IF i% > 100 THEN i% = 100 player(0).health = i% FOR c% = 100 TO 0 STEP -1 FadePal 0, 0, 0, c%, 0, 31 NEXT c% GOTO players CASE 2 TO maxplayers% + 1 LINE (0, 30)-(319, 199), 0, BF Font menuitem(mnum%), 160 - (LEN(menuitem(mnum%)) / 2) * 8, 50, 1, 1, 2, menuclr% + 5 Font "New Name", 160 - (LEN("New Name") / 2) * 8, 65, 1, 1, 2, menuclr% + 5 Font "(Enter Makes No Change)", 160 - (LEN("(Enter Makes No Change)") / 2) * 8, 90, 1, 1, 2, menuclr% + 5 FOR c% = 0 TO 100 FadePal 0, 0, 0, c%, 0, 31 NEXT c% LOCATE 11, 15 INPUT "", l$ i% = mnum% - 1 IF l$ <> "" THEN player(i%).nam = l$ END IF FOR c% = 100 TO 0 STEP -1 FadePal 0, 0, 0, c%, 0, 31 NEXT c% menuitem(0) = "TEAM SELECT" menuitem(1) = team(0).nam FOR ii% = 1 TO maxplayers% menuitem(ii% + 1) = team(ii%).nam NEXT ii% mnum% = maxplayers% + 1 Menu mnum% SELECT CASE mnum% CASE -1 GOTO startcfg CASE 1 player(i%).tnum = 0 CASE 2 TO maxplayers% + 1 player(i%).tnum = mnum% - 1 END SELECT GOTO players END SELECT startpack: menuitem(0) = "STARTING PACK" menuitem(1) = "Cannons:" + STR$(playpack(0, 1).ammo) menuitem(2) = "Grenades:" + STR$(playpack(0, 2).ammo) menuitem(3) = "Mines:" + STR$(playpack(0, 3).ammo) menuitem(4) = "Gluers:" + STR$(playpack(0, 4).ammo) menuitem(5) = "Flamers:" + STR$(playpack(0, 5).ammo) menuitem(6) = "Boosters:" + STR$(playpack(0, 6).ammo) menuitem(7) = "Clusters:" + STR$(playpack(0, 7).ammo) mnum% = 7 Menu mnum% SELECT CASE mnum% CASE -1 GOTO startcfg CASE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 LINE (0, 30)-(319, 199), 0, BF Font menuitem(mnum%), 160 - (LEN(menuitem(mnum%)) / 2) * 8, 50, 1, 1, 2, menuclr% + 5 FOR c% = 0 TO 100 FadePal 0, 0, 0, c%, 0, 31 NEXT c% LOCATE 10, 20 INPUT "", i% IF mnum% = 1 THEN IF i% < 0 THEN i% = 0 IF i% > 99 THEN i% = 99 playpack(0, 1).ammo = i% END IF IF mnum% = 2 THEN IF i% < 0 THEN i% = 0 IF i% > 99 THEN i% = 99 playpack(0, 2).ammo = i% END IF IF mnum% = 3 THEN IF i% < 0 THEN i% = 0 IF i% > 99 THEN i% = 99 playpack(0, 3).ammo = i% END IF IF mnum% = 4 THEN IF i% < 0 THEN i% = 0 IF i% > 99 THEN i% = 99 playpack(0, 4).ammo = i% END IF IF mnum% = 5 THEN IF i% < 0 THEN i% = 0 IF i% > 99 THEN i% = 99 playpack(0, 5).ammo = i% END IF IF mnum% = 6 THEN IF i% < 0 THEN i% = 0 IF i% > 99 THEN i% = 99 playpack(0, 6).ammo = i% END IF IF mnum% = 7 THEN IF i% < 0 THEN i% = 0 IF i% > 99 THEN i% = 99 playpack(0, 7).ammo = i% END IF FOR c% = 100 TO 0 STEP -1 FadePal 0, 0, 0, c%, 0, 31 NEXT c% GOTO startpack END SELECT keyboard: menuitem(0) = "KEYBOARD" menuitem(1) = keyact(1) + SPACE$(10 - LEN(keyact(1))) + ": " + KeyName$(keycode(1)) menuitem(2) = keyact(2) + SPACE$(10 - LEN(keyact(2))) + ": " + KeyName$(keycode(2)) menuitem(3) = keyact(3) + SPACE$(10 - LEN(keyact(3))) + ": " + KeyName$(keycode(3)) menuitem(4) = keyact(4) + SPACE$(10 - LEN(keyact(4))) + ": " + KeyName$(keycode(4)) menuitem(5) = keyact(5) + SPACE$(10 - LEN(keyact(5))) + ": " + KeyName$(keycode(5)) menuitem(6) = keyact(6) + SPACE$(10 - LEN(keyact(6))) + ": " + KeyName$(keycode(6)) mnum% = 6 Menu mnum% SELECT CASE mnum% CASE -1 GOTO startcfg CASE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 LINE (0, 30)-(319, 199), 0, BF Font menuitem(mnum%), 160 - (LEN(menuitem(mnum%)) / 2) * 8, 50, 1, 1, 2, menuclr% + 5 Font "Press new key", 160 - (LEN("Press new key") / 2) * 8, 70, 1, 1, 2, menuclr% + 5 FOR c% = 0 TO 100 FadePal 0, 0, 0, c%, 0, 31 NEXT c% DO key$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL key$ = "" DO key$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL key$ <> "" keycheck% = 1 FOR i% = 1 TO 10 + maxweapons% IF i% <> mnum% AND key$ = keycode(i%) THEN keycheck% = 0 NEXT i% IF keycheck% THEN keycode(mnum%) = key$ ELSE Font "Key already assigned", 160 - (LEN("Key already assigned") / 2) * 8, 90, 1, 1, 2, menuclr% + 5 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "buzzer.wav", 11000 DO LOOP UNTIL DMADone% END IF END IF FOR c% = 100 TO 0 STEP -1 FadePal 0, 0, 0, c%, 0, 31 NEXT c% GOTO keyboard END SELECT options: menuitem(0) = "OPTIONS" IF config.ammodrop = 0 THEN ad$ = "Never" IF config.ammodrop = .1 THEN ad$ = "Low" IF config.ammodrop = .2 THEN ad$ = "Medium" IF config.ammodrop = .3 THEN ad$ = "High" menuitem(1) = "Ammo Drops: " + ad$ menuitem(2) = "Sound Volume:" + RTRIM$(STR$(config.snd)) IF config.sndb = 0 THEN ad$ = "Off" IF config.sndb = 1 THEN ad$ = "On" menuitem(3) = "Background Sound: " + ad$ mnum% = 3 Menu mnum% SELECT CASE mnum% CASE -1 GOTO startcfg CASE 1 menuitem(0) = "AMMO DROPS" menuitem(1) = "Never" menuitem(2) = "Low" menuitem(3) = "Medium" menuitem(4) = "High" mnum% = 4 Menu mnum% config.ammodrop = (mnum% - 1) * .1 GOTO options CASE 2 LINE (0, 30)-(319, 199), 0, BF Font menuitem(1), 160 - (LEN(menuitem(1)) / 2) * 8, 50, 1, 1, 2, menuclr% + 5 FOR c% = 0 TO 100 FadePal 0, 0, 0, c%, 0, 31 NEXT c% LOCATE 10, 20 INPUT "", i% IF i% < 0 THEN i% = 0 IF i% > 15 THEN i% = 15 IF config.snd = 0 THEN GetBlaster channel%, baseport%, irq% IF DSPReset% THEN SpeakerState 1 MasterVolume config.snd, config.snd, 0 ELSE PRINT "DSP failed to reset." PRINT "Sound disabled." config.snd = 0 END IF END IF config.snd = i% MasterVolume config.snd, config.snd, 0 FOR c% = 100 TO 0 STEP -1 FadePal 0, 0, 0, c%, 0, 31 NEXT c% GOTO options CASE 3 menuitem(0) = "BACKGROUND SOUND" menuitem(1) = "On" menuitem(2) = "Off" mnum% = 2 Menu mnum% IF mnum% = 1 THEN config.sndb = 1 ELSE config.sndb = 0 END IF GOTO options END SELECT savecfg: KILL game.cfgfile OPEN game.cfgfile FOR OUTPUT AS #1 l$ = "" FOR i% = 1 TO maxplayers% PRINT #1, "player" + STR$(i%) + " " + player(i%).nam l$ = l$ + " " + LTRIM$(STR$(player(i%).tnum)) NEXT i% PRINT #1, "teams" + l$ PRINT #1, "health" + STR$(player(0).health) PRINT #1, "pack.cannon" + STR$(playpack(0, 1).ammo) PRINT #1, "pack.grenade" + STR$(playpack(0, 2).ammo) PRINT #1, "pack.mine" + STR$(playpack(0, 3).ammo) PRINT #1, "pack.gluer" + STR$(playpack(0, 4).ammo) PRINT #1, "pack.flamer" + STR$(playpack(0, 5).ammo) PRINT #1, "pack.booster" + STR$(playpack(0, 6).ammo) PRINT #1, "pack.cluster" + STR$(playpack(0, 7).ammo) PRINT #1, "ammo.drops" + STR$(config.ammodrop) PRINT #1, "sound.volume" + STR$(config.snd) PRINT #1, "sound.back" + STR$(config.sndb) PRINT #1, "/end" CLOSE #1 KILL game.keyfile OPEN game.keyfile FOR RANDOM AS #1 FOR i% = 1 TO 6 PUT #1, i%, keycode(i%) NEXT i% CLOSE #1 END SUB SUB Damage (pn%, dam%) 'Applies damage to players. 'pn% = player number 'dam% = damage amount ErasePlayer pn% player(pn%).health = player(pn%).health - dam% IF player(pn%).health <= 0 THEN player(pn%).health = 0 DrawPlayer pn% player(pn%).dam = 1 END SUB SUB DefaultPal 'Sets the default palette. FOR c% = 0 TO 255 gamepal(c%).r = defpal(c%).r gamepal(c%).g = defpal(c%).g gamepal(c%).B = defpal(c%).B NEXT c% END SUB FUNCTION DMADone% 'Checks if the DMA is done with a WAV. Count% = INP(lenport%) Count2% = INP(lenport%) Count& = CLNG(Count% + 1) * CLNG(Count2% + 1) IF (Count& - 1) >= &HFFFF& THEN junk% = INP(DSPDataAvail%) DMADone% = -1 END IF END FUNCTION SUB DMAPlay (segment&, offset&, length&, freq&) 'Makes the DMA play sounds. length& = length& - 1 page% = 0 memloc& = segment& * 16 + offset& SELECT CASE channel% CASE 0 pgport% = &H87 addport% = &H0 lenport% = &H1 modereg% = &H48 CASE 1 pgport% = &H83 addport% = &H2 lenport% = &H3 modereg% = &H49 CASE 2 pgport% = &H81 addport% = &H4 lenport% = &H5 modereg% = &H4A CASE 3 pgport% = &H82 addport% = &H6 lenport% = &H7 modereg% = &H4B END SELECT OUT &HA, &H4 + channel% OUT &HC, &H0 OUT &HB, modereg% OUT addport%, memloc& AND &HFF OUT addport%, (memloc& AND &HFFFF&) \ &H100 IF (memloc& AND 65536) THEN page% = page% + 1 IF (memloc& AND 131072) THEN page% = page% + 2 IF (memloc& AND 262144) THEN page% = page% + 4 IF (memloc& AND 524288) THEN page% = page% + 8 OUT pgport%, page% OUT lenport%, length& AND &HFF OUT lenport%, (length& AND &HFFFF&) \ &H100 OUT &HA, channel% TimeConst% = 256 - 1000000 \ freq& DSPWrite &H40 DSPWrite TimeConst% DSPWrite &H14 DSPWrite (length& AND &HFF) DSPWrite ((length& AND &HFFFF&) \ &H100) END SUB SUB DMAState (state%) 'Can set the state of the DMA. (1 = on, 0 = off) IF state% THEN DSPWrite &HD4 ELSE DSPWrite &HD0 END IF END SUB SUB DoneTurn 'This SUB occurs at the end of every players turn. 'Displays the turns damage and checks if player is dead. FOR i% = 1 TO maxplayers% IF level.turn = i% AND player(i%).glued > 0 THEN player(i%).glued = player(i%).glued - 1 IF player(i%).dam THEN DrawPlayer i% END IF NEXT i% FOR ii% = 1 TO 5 FOR c% = 0 TO 20 FOR i% = 1 TO maxplayers% IF player(i%).dam = 1 THEN OUT &H3C8, 220 + i% OUT &H3C9, c% * 3 OUT &H3C9, c% * 2 OUT &H3C9, 0 FOR z% = -32000 TO 32000 NEXT z% END IF NEXT i% NEXT c% FOR c% = 20 TO 0 STEP -1 FOR i% = 1 TO maxplayers% IF player(i%).dam = 1 THEN OUT &H3C8, 220 + i% OUT &H3C9, c% * 3 OUT &H3C9, c% * 2 OUT &H3C9, 0 FOR z% = -32000 TO 32000 NEXT z% END IF NEXT i% NEXT c% NEXT ii% FadePal 0, 0, 0, 100, 221, 230 FOR i% = 1 TO maxplayers% IF player(i%).dam THEN player(i%).dam = 0 IF player(i%).health = 0 THEN ErasePlayer i% IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "death.wav", 11000 END IF FOR r! = 0 TO 15 STEP .5 FOR x% = 0 TO 7 FOR y% = 0 TO 7 p% = playerspr(x% + 8 * y%) IF p% <> 0 THEN IF x% <= 3 THEN xc% = x% - 4 ELSE xc% = x% - 3 END IF IF y% <= 3 THEN yc% = y% - 4 ELSE yc% = y% - 3 END IF FOR ii% = 0 TO 5 nr! = (r! - ii%) IF nr! < 0 THEN nr! = 0 IF nr! <= 10 THEN px% = player(i%).x + x% + xc% * nr! py% = player(i%).y + y% + (yc% - 3) * nr! + 16 * (nr! / 10) ^ 2 IF p% = -1 THEN p% = team(player(i%).tnum).clr ELSEIF p% = -10 THEN IF player(i%).dir = 1 THEN p% = 25 - INT(x% / 2) ELSE p% = 25 - INT((7 - x%) / 2) END IF END IF IF ii% > 0 THEN p% = 220 - ii% * 3 IF ii% = 5 THEN p% = BPoint%(px%, py%, 0) PSET (px%, py%), p% END IF NEXT ii% FOR z% = 0 TO 32000 NEXT z% END IF NEXT y% NEXT x% NEXT r! END IF END IF NEXT i% END SUB SUB DrawBar 'Redraws the Infobar for each turn. FOR y% = 0 TO 15 FOR x% = 0 TO 319 p% = TPoint%(x%, y%, 0) IF p% = 241 THEN DEF SEG = VARSEG(backbuf(0)) p% = PEEK(x% + 320 * y%) DEF SEG END IF PSET (x%, y%), p% NEXT x% NEXT y% Font player(level.turn).nam, 8, 4, 1, 1, 3, 24 LINE (109, 3)-(211, 12), team(player(level.turn).tnum).clr, B FOR i% = 4 TO 11 LINE (110, i%)-(210, i%), i% + 12 NEXT i% FOR i% = 4 TO 11 LINE (110, i%)-(110 + player(level.turn).health, i%), 28 - i% + 4 NEXT i% LINE (219, 4)-(281, 7), team(player(level.turn).tnum).clr, B Font LTRIM$(STR$(playpack(level.turn, player(level.turn).bul).ammo)), 288, 4, 1, 1, 3, 24 DrawSpr 308, 1, player(level.turn).bul DrawSmallNum 311, 10, playpack(level.turn, player(level.turn).bul).set, 15 IF level.wind = 0 THEN CIRCLE (250, 11), 2, 78 ELSEIF level.wind > 0 THEN LINE (250 - level.wind / 2, 11)-(250 + level.wind / 2, 11), 78 LINE (250 + level.wind / 2, 11)-(248 + level.wind / 2, 9), 78 LINE (250 + level.wind / 2, 11)-(248 + level.wind / 2, 13), 78 ELSEIF level.wind < 0 THEN LINE (250 - level.wind / 2, 11)-(250 + level.wind / 2, 11), 78 LINE (250 + level.wind / 2, 11)-(252 + level.wind / 2, 9), 78 LINE (250 + level.wind / 2, 11)-(252 + level.wind / 2, 13), 78 END IF LINE (0, 0)-(319, 15), team(player(level.turn).tnum).clr, B GET (0, 0)-(319, 15), barbuf END SUB SUB DrawHealth (pn%, c%) 'Displays a players health. 'pn% = player number 'c% = display color n% = player(pn%).health nn$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$(n%))) x% = player(pn%).x + 3 - LEN(LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$(player(pn%).health)))) * 2 y% = player(pn%).y - 6 FOR i% = 1 TO LEN(nn$) d$ = MID$(nn$, i%, 1) FOR yy% = 0 TO 4 FOR xx% = 0 TO 2 p% = smallnum(VAL(d$), xx% + 3 * yy%) IF p% = 1 THEN IF c% = -1 THEN p% = BPoint%(x% + xx% + (i% - 1) * 4, y% + yy%, pn%) ELSE p% = c% END IF PSET (x% + xx% + (i% - 1) * 4, y% + yy%), p% END IF NEXT xx% NEXT yy% NEXT i% END SUB SUB DrawPlayer (pn%) 'Draws the player's sprite. x% = player(pn%).x y% = player(pn%).y FOR yy% = 0 TO 7 FOR xx% = 0 TO 7 p% = playerspr(xx% + 8 * yy%) IF p% = -1 THEN p% = team(player(pn%).tnum).clr ELSEIF p% = -10 THEN IF player(pn%).dir = 1 THEN p% = 25 - INT(xx% / 2) ELSE p% = 25 - INT((7 - xx%) / 2) END IF END IF IF p% > 0 THEN IF player(pn%).glued > 0 THEN p% = 92 PSET (x% + (player(pn%).dir - 1) * -3.5 + player(pn%).dir * xx%, y% + yy%), p% END IF NEXT xx% NEXT yy% DrawHealth pn%, pn% + 220 FOR i% = 0 TO gunlen% x% = player(pn%).x + 3 + (1 - player(pn%).dir) / 2 + COS(player(pn%).a) * i% * player(pn%).dir y% = player(pn%).y + 4 + SIN(player(pn%).a) * i% PSET (x%, y%), 25 NEXT i% IF level.turn = pn% THEN PSET (player(pn%).x + 3 + COS(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize% * player(pn%).dir, player(pn%).y + 3 + SIN(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize%), 8 PSET (player(pn%).x + 1 + COS(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize% * player(pn%).dir, player(pn%).y + 3 + SIN(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize%), 7 PSET (player(pn%).x + 5 + COS(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize% * player(pn%).dir, player(pn%).y + 3 + SIN(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize%), 7 PSET (player(pn%).x + 3 + COS(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize% * player(pn%).dir, player(pn%).y + 1 + SIN(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize%), 7 PSET (player(pn%).x + 3 + COS(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize% * player(pn%).dir, player(pn%).y + 5 + SIN(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize%), 7 END IF END SUB SUB DrawSmallNum (x%, y%, n%, c%) 'Draws a small number. nn$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$(n%))) FOR i% = 1 TO LEN(nn$) d$ = MID$(nn$, i%, 1) FOR yy% = 0 TO 4 FOR xx% = 0 TO 2 p% = smallnum(VAL(d$), xx% + 3 * yy%) IF p% = 1 THEN PSET (x% + xx% + (i% - 1) * 4, y% + yy%), c% END IF NEXT xx% NEXT yy% NEXT i% END SUB SUB DrawSpr (x%, y%, sn%) 'Draws a sprite such as a bullet. 'x% and y% are coordinates. 'sn% is the sprite number to be drawn. FOR yy% = 0 TO 7 FOR xx% = 0 TO 7 p% = ammospr(sn%, xx% + 8 * yy%) IF p% > 0 THEN PSET (x% + xx%, y% + yy%), p% END IF NEXT xx% NEXT yy% END SUB FUNCTION DSPRead% 'Reads from the DSP. DO LOOP UNTIL INP(baseport% + 14) AND &H80 DSPRead% = INP(baseport% + 10) END FUNCTION FUNCTION DSPReset% 'Resets the DSP. OUT baseport% + 6, 1 FOR Count% = 1 TO 4 junk% = INP(baseport% + 6) NEXT OUT baseport% + 6, 0 IF INP(baseport% + 14) AND &H80 = &H80 AND INP(baseport% + 10) = &HAA THEN DSPReset% = -1 ELSE DSPReset% = 0 END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION DSPVersion! 'Returns the DSP version. DSPWrite &HE1 Temp% = DSPRead% Temp2% = DSPRead% DSPVersion! = VAL(STR$(Temp%) + "." + STR$(Temp2%)) END FUNCTION SUB DSPWrite (byte%) 'Writes to the DSP. DO LOOP WHILE INP(baseport% + 12) AND &H80 OUT baseport% + 12, byte% END SUB SUB EarthQuake (x%) 'Makes the screen shake. FOR i% = 1 TO x% OUT &H3D4, 8 OUT &H3D5, i% NEXT i% OUT &H3D4, 8 OUT &H3D5, 0 END SUB SUB ErasePlayer (pn%) 'Erases the player's sprite. x% = player(pn%).x y% = player(pn%).y FOR yy% = 0 TO 7 FOR xx% = 0 TO 7 p% = playerspr(xx% + 8 * yy%) IF p% <> 0 THEN p% = BPoint%(x% + (player(pn%).dir - 1) * -3.5 + player(pn%).dir * xx%, y% + yy%, pn%) PSET (x% + (player(pn%).dir - 1) * -3.5 + player(pn%).dir * xx%, y% + yy%), p% END IF NEXT xx% NEXT yy% DrawHealth pn%, -1 FOR i% = 0 TO gunlen% x% = player(pn%).x + 3 + (1 - player(pn%).dir) / 2 + COS(player(pn%).a) * i% * player(pn%).dir y% = player(pn%).y + 4 + SIN(player(pn%).a) * i% p% = BPoint%(x%, y%, pn%) PSET (x%, y%), p% NEXT i% PSET (player(pn%).x + 3 + COS(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize% * player(pn%).dir, player(pn%).y + 3 + SIN(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize%), BPoint%(player(pn%).x + 3 + COS(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize% * player(pn%).dir, player(pn%).y + 3 + SIN( _ player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize%, pn%) PSET (player(pn%).x + 1 + COS(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize% * player(pn%).dir, player(pn%).y + 3 + SIN(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize%), BPoint%(player(pn%).x + 1 + COS(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize% * player(pn%).dir, player(pn%).y + 3 + SIN( _ player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize%, pn%) PSET (player(pn%).x + 5 + COS(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize% * player(pn%).dir, player(pn%).y + 3 + SIN(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize%), BPoint%(player(pn%).x + 5 + COS(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize% * player(pn%).dir, player(pn%).y + 3 + SIN( _ player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize%, pn%) PSET (player(pn%).x + 3 + COS(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize% * player(pn%).dir, player(pn%).y + 1 + SIN(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize%), BPoint%(player(pn%).x + 3 + COS(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize% * player(pn%).dir, player(pn%).y + 1 + SIN( _ player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize%, pn%) PSET (player(pn%).x + 3 + COS(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize% * player(pn%).dir, player(pn%).y + 5 + SIN(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize%), BPoint%(player(pn%).x + 3 + COS(player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize% * player(pn%).dir, player(pn%).y + 5 + SIN( _ player(pn%).a) * playeraimsize%, pn%) END SUB SUB EraseSpr (x%, y%, sn%) 'Erases a sprite from the screen. FOR yy% = 0 TO 7 FOR xx% = 0 TO 7 p% = ammospr(sn%, xx% + 8 * yy%) IF p% > 0 THEN p% = BPoint%(x% + xx%, y% + yy%, 0) PSET (x% + xx%, y% + yy%), p% END IF NEXT xx% NEXT yy% END SUB SUB FadePal (fr%, fg%, fb%, i%, c1%, c2%) 'Create the screen's palette as a blend between the current Game Palette 'and a given color. 'fr%, fg%, and fb% are the values for the color to blend with. 'i% is a number from 0 to 100 that sets the amount of true 'Game Palette (so 0 would be 100% blend color and 100 would be 100% Game Palette). 'c1% and c2% set the range of colors to be affected by the blend. FOR c% = c1% TO c2% r% = (gamepal(c%).r / 100) * i% + (fr% / 100) * (100 - i%) g% = (gamepal(c%).g / 100) * i% + (fg% / 100) * (100 - i%) B% = (gamepal(c%).B / 100) * i% + (fb% / 100) * (100 - i%) OUT &H3C8, c% OUT &H3C9, r% OUT &H3C9, g% OUT &H3C9, B% NEXT c% END SUB SUB Font (text$, xstart%, ystart%, xscale!, yscale!, style%, tclr%) 'Draws font to the screen. 'The styles can be seen below, more can be added easily. DEF SEG = VARSEG(fontbuf(0)) FOR h% = 1 TO LEN(text$) fptr% = 81 * (ASC(MID$(text$, h%, 1)) - 1) FOR y% = 0 TO 8 FOR x% = 0 TO 8 col% = PEEK(VARPTR(fontbuf(0)) + fptr% + x% + 9 * y%) IF col% THEN px% = xstart% + x% * xscale! + (h% - 1) * 8 * xscale! py% = ystart% + y% * yscale! SELECT CASE style% CASE 1 LINE (px%, py%)-(px% + xscale! - 1, py% + yscale! - 1), (py% - ystart%) / yscale! + tclr%, BF CASE 2 LINE (px%, py%)-(px% + xscale! - 1, py% + yscale! - 1), (py% - ystart%) / yscale! + tclr%, BF x2% = x% + 1 y2% = y% + 1 col2% = PEEK(VARPTR(fontbuf(0)) + fptr% + x2% + 9 * y2%) IF x2% < 0 OR x2% > 8 OR y2% < 0 OR y2% > 8 THEN col2% = 0 IF col2% = 0 THEN px% = xstart% + x2% * xscale! + (h% - 1) * 8 * xscale! py% = ystart% + y2% * yscale! LINE (px%, py%)-(px% + xscale! - 1, py% + yscale! - 1), (py% - ystart%) / yscale! + tclr% - 4, BF END IF x2% = x% + 2 y2% = y% + 2 col2% = PEEK(VARPTR(fontbuf(0)) + fptr% + x2% + 9 * y2%) IF x2% < 0 OR x2% > 8 OR y2% < 0 OR y2% > 8 THEN col2% = 0 IF col2% = 0 THEN px% = xstart% + x2% * xscale! + (h% - 1) * 8 * xscale! py% = ystart% + y2% * yscale! LINE (px%, py%)-(px% + xscale! - 1, py% + yscale! - 1), (py% - ystart%) / yscale! + tclr% - 8, BF END IF CASE 3 LINE (px%, py%)-(px% + xscale! - 1, py% + yscale! - 1), (py% - ystart%) / yscale! + tclr%, BF FOR yc% = -1 TO 1 FOR xc% = -1 TO 1 x2% = x% + xc% y2% = y% + yc% col2% = PEEK(VARPTR(fontbuf(0)) + fptr% + x2% + 9 * y2%) IF x2% < 0 OR x2% > 8 OR y2% < 0 OR y2% > 8 THEN col2% = 0 IF col2% = 0 THEN px% = xstart% + x2% * xscale! + (h% - 1) * 8 * xscale! py% = ystart% + y2% * yscale! LINE (px%, py%)-(px% + xscale! - 1, py% + yscale! - 1), (py% - ystart%) / yscale! + tclr% - 6, BF END IF NEXT xc% NEXT yc% CASE 4 LINE (px%, py%)-(px% + xscale! - 1, py% + yscale! - 1), (py% - ystart%) / yscale! + tclr% - 6, BF FOR yc% = -1 TO 1 FOR xc% = -1 TO 1 x2% = x% + xc% y2% = y% + yc% col2% = PEEK(VARPTR(fontbuf(0)) + fptr% + x2% + 9 * y2%) IF x2% < 0 OR x2% > 8 OR y2% < 0 OR y2% > 8 THEN col2% = 0 IF col2% = 0 THEN px% = xstart% + x2% * xscale! + (h% - 1) * 8 * xscale! py% = ystart% + y2% * yscale! LINE (px%, py%)-(px% + xscale! - 1, py% + yscale! - 1), 7 - 2 * yscale! - (py% - ystart%) / yscale! + tclr%, BF END IF NEXT xc% NEXT yc% END SELECT END IF py! = py! + yscale! NEXT px! = px! + xscale! py! = ystart% NEXT NEXT h% DEF SEG END SUB SUB GetBlaster (dma%, baseport%, irq%) 'Gets the Sound Blaster information. IF LEN(ENVIRON$("BLASTER")) = 0 THEN PRINT "BLASTER environment variable not set." EXIT SUB END IF FOR length% = 1 TO LEN(ENVIRON$("BLASTER")) SELECT CASE MID$(ENVIRON$("BLASTER"), length%, 1) CASE "A" baseport% = VAL("&H" + MID$(ENVIRON$("BLASTER"), length% + 1, 3)) CASE "I" irq% = VAL(MID$(ENVIRON$("BLASTER"), length% + 1, 1)) CASE "D" dma% = VAL(MID$(ENVIRON$("BLASTER"), length% + 1, 1)) END SELECT NEXT END SUB SUB InitBullet (c%, x%, y%, a#, d%, p%, s%) 'Inititializes a bullet object. 'c% = bullet class 'x% and y% are coordinates 'a# = angle 'd% = direction 'p% = power 's% = setting FOR i% = 1 TO maxbullets% IF bullet(i%).class = 0 THEN bullet(i%).class = c% bullet(i%).xi = x% bullet(i%).yi = y% bullet(i%).x = x% bullet(i%).y = y% bullet(i%).a = a# bullet(i%).dir = d% bullet(i%).p = p% bullet(i%).tim = TIMER - .1 bullet(i%).set = s% EXIT FOR END IF NEXT i% END SUB SUB InitGame 'Initializes the game. RANDOMIZE TIMER LoadCfg game.cfgfile LoadKey game.keyfile RESTORE teaminfo FOR i% = 0 TO maxplayers% READ l$ team(i%).nam = l$ READ x% team(i%).clr = x% NEXT i% END SUB SUB InitGamePal 'Initializes the Game Palette. FOR c% = 221 TO 230 gamepal(c%).r = 62 gamepal(c%).g = 62 gamepal(c%).B = 62 NEXT c% FOR c% = 231 TO 240 gamepal(c%).r = pal(2).r + (c% - 231) * (pal(3).r - pal(2).r) / 10 gamepal(c%).g = pal(2).g + (c% - 231) * (pal(3).g - pal(2).g) / 10 gamepal(c%).B = pal(2).B + (c% - 231) * (pal(3).B - pal(2).B) / 10 NEXT c% gamepal(241).B = pal(1).r gamepal(241).B = pal(1).g gamepal(241).B = pal(1).B SetBlastPal END SUB SUB InitPlayers 'Initializes the players. DIM playeract(1 TO maxplayers%) AS INTEGER player(0).aj = -1.2 player(0).pj = 30 mnum% = 0 FOR i% = 1 TO maxplayers% playeract(i%) = 0 player(i%).health = 0 IF player(i%).tnum > 0 THEN mnum% = mnum% + 1 playeract(mnum%) = i% END IF NEXT i% FOR i% = 1 TO mnum% IF player(playeract(i%)).tnum > 0 THEN x% = 320 / (mnum% + 1) * i% player(playeract(i%)).x = x% FOR y% = 0 TO 200 FOR xx% = x% TO x% + 7 IF TPoint%(xx%, y% + 7, i%) <> 241 THEN GOTO playerland END IF NEXT xx% NEXT y% playerland: player(playeract(i%)).y = y% player(playeract(i%)).a = 0 player(playeract(i%)).bul = 1 player(playeract(i%)).dir = 1 player(playeract(i%)).health = player(0).health player(playeract(i%)).dam = 0 player(playeract(i%)).jump = 0 FOR ii% = 1 TO maxweapons% playpack(playeract(i%), ii%).ammo = playpack(0, ii%).ammo playpack(playeract(i%), ii%).set = playpack(0, ii%).set NEXT ii% END IF NEXT i% END SUB SUB InitScr 'Initializes the screen. SCREEN 13 COLOR 28 FOR c% = 0 TO 255 OUT &H3C7, c% defpal(c%).r = INP(&H3C9) defpal(c%).g = INP(&H3C9) defpal(c%).B = INP(&H3C9) NEXT c% FadePal 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255 LoadSprites game.sprfile LoadFont game.fntfile END SUB FUNCTION KeyMark% (k$) 'Returns the code for the key pressed. ii% = 0 FOR i% = 1 TO 11 + maxweapons% IF k$ = keycode(i%) THEN ii% = i% EXIT FOR END IF NEXT i% KeyMark% = ii% END FUNCTION FUNCTION KeyName$ (k$) 'Returns the common name for the keycode. DIM kn AS STRING * 10 SELECT CASE UCASE$(k$) CASE CHR$(0) + "H" kn = "Up" CASE CHR$(0) + "P" kn = "Down" CASE CHR$(0) + "K" kn = "Left" CASE CHR$(0) + "M" kn = "Right" CASE CHR$(13) kn = "Enter" CASE CHR$(27) kn = "Esc" CASE CHR$(32) kn = "Space" CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(59) kn = "F1" CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(60) kn = "F2" CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(61) kn = "F3" CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(62) kn = "F4" CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(63) kn = "F5" CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(64) kn = "F6" CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(65) kn = "F7" CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(66) kn = "F8" CASE ELSE kn = UCASE$(k$) END SELECT KeyName$ = kn END FUNCTION SUB LoadCfg (file$) 'Loads the Configuration file. OPEN file$ FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS nextline: LINE INPUT #1, l$ IF LCASE$(l$) = "/end" THEN GOTO lastline s1% = INSTR(l$, " ") c1$ = LEFT$(l$, s1% - 1) SELECT CASE LCASE$(c1$) CASE "player" c2$ = MID$(l$, s1% + 1, 1) c3$ = RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - s1% - 2) player(VAL(c2$)).nam = c3$ CASE "teams" c2$ = RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - s1%) player(1).tnum = VAL(MID$(c2$, 1, 1)) player(2).tnum = VAL(MID$(c2$, 3, 1)) player(3).tnum = VAL(MID$(c2$, 5, 1)) player(4).tnum = VAL(MID$(c2$, 7, 1)) player(5).tnum = VAL(MID$(c2$, 9, 1)) player(6).tnum = VAL(MID$(c2$, 11, 1)) player(7).tnum = VAL(MID$(c2$, 13, 1)) player(8).tnum = VAL(MID$(c2$, 15, 1)) CASE "health" c2$ = RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - s1%) player(0).health = VAL(c2$) CASE "pack.cannon" c2$ = RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - s1%) playpack(0, 1).ammo = VAL(c2$) playpack(0, 1).set = 1 CASE "pack.grenade" c2$ = RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - s1%) playpack(0, 2).ammo = VAL(c2$) playpack(0, 2).set = 2 CASE "pack.mine" c2$ = RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - s1%) playpack(0, 3).ammo = VAL(c2$) playpack(0, 3).set = 1 CASE "pack.gluer" c2$ = RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - s1%) playpack(0, 4).ammo = VAL(c2$) playpack(0, 4).set = 1 CASE "pack.flamer" c2$ = RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - s1%) playpack(0, 5).ammo = VAL(c2$) playpack(0, 5).set = 1 CASE "pack.booster" c2$ = RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - s1%) playpack(0, 6).ammo = VAL(c2$) playpack(0, 6).set = 1 CASE "pack.cluster" c2$ = RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - s1%) playpack(0, 7).ammo = VAL(c2$) playpack(0, 7).set = 3 CASE "ammo.drops" c2$ = RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - s1%) config.ammodrop = VAL(c2$) CASE "sound.volume" c2$ = RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - s1%) config.snd = VAL(c2$) CASE "sound.back" c2$ = RIGHT$(l$, 1) config.sndb = VAL(c2$) END SELECT GOTO nextline: lastline: CLOSE #1 END SUB SUB LoadFont (file$) 'Loads the Font file. OPEN file$ FOR BINARY AS #1 IF LOF(1) < 2 THEN NoFile% = 1 END IF IF NoFile% <> 1 THEN GET #1, , fontbuf(0) CLOSE #1 IF NoFile% THEN KILL file$ CLS PRINT "The font data file couldn't be found!" PRINT PRINT "Would you like to create one? (Y/N)" INPUT "> ", Choice$ IF UCASE$(Choice$) = "N" THEN PRINT "The program cannot run without this file!" SYSTEM ELSE PRINT "Hit a key to make the file." PRINT "You will hear a beep if it is working." Pause OPEN file$ FOR BINARY AS #1 COLOR 16 FOR ascii% = 1 TO 128 CLS PRINT CHR$(ascii%) FOR x = 0 TO 8 FOR y = 0 TO 8 pnt$ = CHR$(POINT(x, y)) PUT #1, , pnt$ pnt$ = "" NEXT NEXT NEXT CLOSE #1 OPEN file$ FOR BINARY AS #1 GET #1, , fontbuf(0) CLOSE #1 END IF END IF END SUB SUB LoadKey (file$) 'Loads the Key file. OPEN file$ FOR RANDOM AS #1 FOR i% = 1 TO 6 GET #1, i%, k$ keycode(i%) = k$ NEXT i% keyact(1) = "Walk Left" keyact(2) = "Walk Right" keyact(3) = "Aim Up" keyact(4) = "Aim Down" keyact(5) = "Fire" keyact(6) = "Jump" keyact(7) = "Set 1" keycode(7) = "1" keyact(8) = "Set 2" keycode(8) = "2" keyact(9) = "Set 3" keycode(9) = "3" keyact(10) = "Quit" keycode(10) = CHR$(27) keyact(11) = "Skip Turn" keycode(11) = CHR$(8) keyact(12) = "Cannon" keycode(12) = CHR$(0) + CHR$(&H3B) keyact(13) = "Grenade" keycode(13) = CHR$(0) + CHR$(&H3C) keyact(14) = "Mine" keycode(14) = CHR$(0) + CHR$(&H3D) keyact(15) = "Gluer" keycode(15) = CHR$(0) + CHR$(&H3E) keyact(16) = "Flamer" keycode(16) = CHR$(0) + CHR$(&H3F) keyact(17) = "Booster" keycode(17) = CHR$(0) + CHR$(&H40) keyact(18) = "Cluster" keycode(18) = CHR$(0) + CHR$(&H41) CLOSE #1 END SUB SUB LoadLevel (file$) 'Loads a Level file. OPEN file$ FOR INPUT AS #1 LINE INPUT #1, l$ level.nam = l$ LINE INPUT #1, l$ turffile$ = l$ LINE INPUT #1, l$ backfile$ = l$ LINE INPUT #1, l$ level.grav = VAL(l$) LINE INPUT #1, l$ level.sndb = l$ CLOSE #1 DEF SEG = &HA000 BLOAD turffile$, 0 DEF SEG GET (0, 0)-(319, 199), turfbuf DEF SEG = VARSEG(backbuf(0)) BLOAD "backgrnd\" + backfile$, 0 DEF SEG END SUB SUB LoadSprites (file$) 'Loads the Sprite file. OPEN file$ FOR INPUT AS #1 nextsprite: INPUT #1, n% IF n% = -1 THEN GOTO endsprite FOR y% = 0 TO 7 FOR x% = 0 TO 7 INPUT #1, p% IF n% = 0 THEN playerspr(x% + 8 * y%) = p% ELSEIF n% = 100 THEN ammospr(0, x% + 8 * y%) = p% ELSE ammospr(n%, x% + 8 * y%) = p% END IF NEXT x% NEXT y% GOTO nextsprite endsprite: CLOSE #1 RESTORE smallnums FOR i% = 0 TO 9 FOR y% = 0 TO 4 FOR x% = 0 TO 2 READ p% smallnum(i%, x% + 3 * y%) = p% NEXT x% NEXT y% NEXT i% END SUB SUB Main 'Main game procedure. FOR y% = 0 TO 199 FOR x% = 0 TO 319 DEF SEG = VARSEG(turfbuf(0)) p% = PEEK(x% + 320& * y% + 4) DEF SEG IF p% = 241 THEN DEF SEG = VARSEG(backbuf(0)) p% = PEEK(x% + 320& * y%) DEF SEG END IF PSET (x%, y%), p% NEXT x% NEXT y% InitPlayers FOR i% = 1 TO maxbullets% bullet(i%).class = 0 NEXT i% FOR c% = 0 TO 100 FadePal 0, 0, 0, c%, 0, 255 NEXT c% level.turn = 0 level.wind = RND * 40 - 20 level.quit = 0 newloop: nextcheck: level.turn = level.turn + 1 IF level.turn > maxplayers% THEN level.turn = 1 level.wind = RND * 40 - 20 END IF IF player(level.turn).health = 0 THEN GOTO nextcheck = 0 FOR i% = 1 TO maxplayers% IF player(i%).health > 0 THEN DrawPlayer i% END IF NEXT i% DrawBar IF RND < config.ammodrop THEN x% = RND * 300 + 10 i% = CINT(RND * (maxweapons% - 1)) + 1 ii% = RND * 2 + 1 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "jet.wav", 11000 DO LOOP UNTIL DMADone% END IF InitBullet -100, x%, 0, 0, ii%, 0, i% END IF FOR i% = 1 TO 4 key$ = INKEY$ NEXT i% startloop: IF config.snd AND config.sndb THEN IF DMADone% THEN WAVPlay level.sndb, 11000 END IF END IF level.nofly = 1 PlayerKey level.tim = TIMER PlayerFall BulletMove IF level.quit = 1 THEN EXIT SUB END IF IF level.nofly AND ( OR player(level.turn).health = 0) THEN GOTO nextplayer GOTO startloop nextplayer: DoneTurn y% = 0 FOR i% = 1 TO maxplayers% team(i%).act = 0 FOR ii% = 1 TO maxplayers% IF player(ii%).tnum = i% AND player(ii%).health > 0 THEN team(i%).act = 1 y% = i% END IF NEXT ii% NEXT i% x% = 0 FOR i% = 1 TO maxplayers% x% = x% + team(i%).act NEXT i% IF x% = 1 THEN Win y% EXIT SUB ELSEIF x% = 0 THEN Win 0 EXIT SUB END IF ErasePlayer level.turn GOTO newloop END SUB SUB MasterVolume (Right%, Left%, GetVol%) 'Sets the volume for the Sound Blaster. OUT baseport% + 4, &H22 IF GetVol% THEN Left% = INP(baseport% + 5) \ 16 Right% = INP(baseport% + 5) AND &HF EXIT SUB ELSE OUT baseport% + 5, (Right% + Left% * 16) AND &HFF END IF END SUB SUB Menu (mnum%) 'Creates a menu. 'The menuitem variables (1 up to 10) are strings which are the menu items. 'menuitem(0) is the menu title. 'When Menu is called, mnum% should be the largest number of menuitem that 'is used for that menu. It will return mnum% as the menu item chosen. moff% = 0 CLS Font menuitem(0), 160 - (LEN(menuitem(0)) / 2) * 16, 10, 2, 2, 3, menuclr% + 8 mmax% = mnum% IF mmax% > 7 THEN mmax% = 7 FOR i% = 0 TO 5 LINE (i%, 45 + i%)-(319 - i%, mmax% * 20 + 63 - i%), menuclr% + i%, B NEXT i% i% = 1 FOR c% = 0 TO 100 FadePal 0, 0, 0, c%, 0, 31 NEXT c% drawmenu: LINE (6, 51)-(313, mmax% * 20 + 57), 0, BF FOR ii% = moff% + 1 TO moff% + mmax% c% = menuclr% IF ii% = i% THEN c% = menuclr% + 5 Font menuitem(ii%), 160 - (LEN(menuitem(ii%)) / 2) * 8, (ii% - moff%) * 20 + 40, 1, 1, 1, c% NEXT ii% IF moff% > 0 THEN FOR ii% = 0 TO 5 LINE (300 - (5 - ii%), 60 - ii%)-(300 + (5 - ii%), 60 - ii%), 18 + ii% * 2 NEXT ii% END IF IF moff% + mmax% < mnum% THEN FOR ii% = 0 TO 5 LINE (300 - (5 - ii%), ii% + 190)-(300 + (5 - ii%), ii% + 190), 18 + ii% * 2 NEXT ii% END IF DO key$ = INKEY$ SELECT CASE key$ CASE CHR$(27) IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "menua.wav", 11000 END IF i% = -1 EXIT DO CASE CHR$(0) + "H" i% = i% - 1 IF i% = 0 THEN i% = mnum% moff% = i% - 4 IF moff% + 7 > mnum% THEN moff% = mnum% - 7 IF moff% < 0 THEN moff% = 0 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "menub.wav", 11000 END IF GOTO drawmenu CASE CHR$(0) + "P" i% = i% + 1 IF i% = mnum% + 1 THEN i% = 1 moff% = i% - 4 IF moff% + 7 > mnum% THEN moff% = mnum% - 7 IF moff% < 0 THEN moff% = 0 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "menub.wav", 11000 END IF GOTO drawmenu CASE CHR$(13) IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "menua.wav", 11000 END IF EXIT DO END SELECT IF RND < .00005 THEN x% = RND * 250 + 60 y% = RND * 40 d% = RND * 10 + 10 IF RND < .1 THEN s% = 1 FOR ii% = 1 TO maxsparks% spark(ii%).r = 0 spark(ii%).a = ((2 * pi#) / maxsparks%) * ii% NEXT ii% ELSE s% = 0 END IF FOR ii% = 1 TO maxbullets% IF bullet(ii%).class = 0 THEN bullet(ii%).class = -1 bullet(ii%).x = x% bullet(ii%).y = y% bullet(ii%).a = 0 bullet(ii%).dir = d% bullet(ii%).p = 1 bullet(ii%).set = s% IF config.snd THEN IF RND < .5 THEN WAVPlay "explode.wav", 11000 ELSE WAVPlay "blast.wav", 11000 END IF END IF EXIT FOR END IF NEXT ii% END IF FOR B% = 1 TO maxbullets% IF bullet(B%).class = -1 THEN level.nofly = 0 x% = bullet(B%).x y% = bullet(B%).y c% = 220 - (bullet(B%).a / bullet(B%).dir) * 20 IF bullet(B%).p = -1 THEN c% = 0 FOR r! = 0 TO pi# * 2 STEP .05 p% = POINT(x% + COS(r!) * bullet(B%).a + 3, y% + SIN(r!) * bullet(B%).a + 3) IF p% = 0 OR p% >= 200 THEN PSET (x% + COS(r!) * bullet(B%).a + 3, y% + SIN(r!) * bullet(B%).a + 3), c% END IF NEXT r! bullet(B%).a = bullet(B%).a + .5 * bullet(B%).p IF bullet(B%).p = 1 AND bullet(B%).a >= bullet(B%).dir THEN bullet(B%).p = -1 END IF IF bullet(B%).set = 1 THEN FOR ii% = 1 TO maxsparks% sx% = bullet(B%).x + 3 + spark(ii%).r * COS(spark(ii%).a) sy% = bullet(B%).y + 3 + .3 * (spark(ii%).r * SIN(spark(ii%).a)) p% = POINT(sx%, sy%) IF p% >= 200 THEN PSET (sx%, sy%), 0 END IF spark(ii%).r = spark(ii%).r + 2 sx% = bullet(B%).x + 3 + spark(ii%).r * COS(spark(ii%).a) sy% = bullet(B%).y + 3 + .3 * (spark(ii%).r * SIN(spark(ii%).a)) c% = 220 - spark(ii%).r / 3 IF c% < 200 THEN c% = 200 IF bullet(B%).p = -1 AND bullet(B%).a < 0 THEN c% = 0 p% = POINT(sx%, sy%) IF p% = 0 THEN PSET (sx%, sy%), c% END IF NEXT ii% END IF IF bullet(B%).p = -1 AND bullet(B%).a < 0 THEN bullet(B%).class = 0 END IF END IF NEXT B% LOOP mnum% = i% FOR c% = 100 TO 0 STEP -1 FadePal 0, 0, 0, c%, 0, 31 NEXT c% END SUB SUB Pause 'Pauses the game until enter is pressed. DO key$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL key$ = "" DO key$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL key$ = CHR$(13) DO key$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL key$ = "" END SUB SUB PlayerFall 'Makes a player fall if necessary. FOR pn% = 1 TO maxplayers% IF player(pn%).health > 0 OR player(pn%).dam THEN t# = (level.tim - player(pn%).tim) * bulletspd% x% = player(pn%).x y% = player(pn%).y IF player(pn%).jump > 0 THEN level.nofly = 0 ErasePlayer pn% player(pn%).x = player(pn%).xi + t# * COS(player(pn%).aj) * player(pn%).pj * player(pn%).dir player(pn%).y = player(pn%).yi + t# * SIN(player(pn%).aj) * player(pn%).pj + 16 * t# ^ 2 * level.grav DrawPlayer pn% IF player(pn%).jump = 2 THEN c% = 220 - t# * 20 LINE (player(pn%).x + 1, player(pn%).y + 7)-(player(pn%).x + 6, player(pn%).y + 7), c% IF t# >= 1 THEN player(pn%).jump = 1 END IF END IF IF player(pn%).x < -7 OR player(pn%).x > 320 OR player(pn%).y > 205 THEN IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "fall.wav", 11000 END IF player(pn%).dam = 0 player(pn%).health = 0 END IF bump$ = TurfBump$(x%, y%, -1) 'Uncomment this to help you see where the player is colliding with turf 'IF pn% = level.turn THEN ' LINE (10, 180)-(14, 180), 18 ' IF MID$(bump$, 1, 1) = "1" THEN LINE (10, 180)-(14, 180), 15 ' LINE (16, 180)-(20, 180), 18 ' IF MID$(bump$, 2, 1) = "1" THEN LINE (16, 180)-(20, 180), 15 ' LINE (21, 181)-(21, 184), 18 ' IF MID$(bump$, 3, 1) = "1" THEN LINE (21, 181)-(21, 184), 15 ' LINE (21, 186)-(21, 189), 18 ' IF MID$(bump$, 4, 1) = "1" THEN LINE (21, 186)-(21, 189), 15 ' LINE (16, 190)-(20, 190), 18 ' IF MID$(bump$, 5, 1) = "1" THEN LINE (16, 190)-(20, 190), 15 ' LINE (10, 190)-(14, 190), 18 ' IF MID$(bump$, 6, 1) = "1" THEN LINE (10, 190)-(14, 190), 15 ' LINE (9, 186)-(9, 189), 18 ' IF MID$(bump$, 7, 1) = "1" THEN LINE (9, 186)-(9, 189), 15 ' LINE (9, 181)-(9, 184), 18 ' IF MID$(bump$, 8, 1) = "1" THEN LINE (9, 181)-(9, 184), 15 'END IF SELECT CASE bump$ CASE "00000000" IF player(pn%).jump = 0 THEN player(pn%).tim = level.tim - .2 player(pn%).jump = 1 player(pn%).xi = x% player(pn%).yi = y% player(pn%).pj = 0 t# = (level.tim - player(pn%).tim) * bulletspd% END IF CASE "11100011", "11000001", "10000000", "00000010", "00000001", "00000011", "10000011", "00000111", "10000111", "11001111", "10001111", "11000111", "10000001", "11001111", "11101111", "11000001", "11000011" IF player(pn%).jump > 0 AND player(pn%).dir = -1 THEN xc% = t# * COS(player(pn%).aj) * player(pn%).pj * -player(pn%).dir player(pn%).xi = x% - xc% ErasePlayer pn% player(pn%).dir = 1 DrawPlayer pn% IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "bounce.wav", 11000 END IF END IF CASE "11110001", "11100000", "01000000", "00100000", "00010000", "00110000", "01110000", "00111000", "01111000", "11111100", "01111100", "11111000", "01100000", "11111100", "11111110", "11100000", "11110000" IF player(pn%).jump > 0 AND player(pn%).dir = 1 THEN xc% = t# * COS(player(pn%).aj) * player(pn%).pj * -player(pn%).dir player(pn%).xi = x% - xc% ErasePlayer pn% player(pn%).dir = -1 DrawPlayer pn% IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "bounce.wav", 11000 END IF END IF CASE "11000000", "11100001", "11110011" ' IF player(pn%).jump > 0 THEN ' nt# = 2 * p% * SIN(player(pn%).aj) / (2 * (16 * level.grav)) ' xc% = t# * COS(player(pn%).aj) * player(pn%).pj * player(pn%).dir ' player(pn%).xi = x% - xc% ' IF config.snd THEN ' WAVPlay "bounce.wav", 11000 ' END IF ' END IF 'CASE "11111111", "01111111", "10111111", "00000100", "00000010", "00000110", "00001110", "00011100", "00011110", "00111111", "00011111", "00111110", "00001111", "10011111", "00011000", "00111100", "01111110", "11011111", "11111110" CASE ELSE IF player(pn%).jump > 0 THEN player(pn%).jump = 0 IF 16 * t# ^ 2 * level.grav > 140 THEN Damage pn%, (16 * t# ^ 2 * level.grav - 140) / 2 IF pn% = level.turn THEN = 1 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "crash.wav", 11000 END IF ELSEIF 16 * t# ^ 2 * level.grav > 10 THEN IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "land.wav", 11000 END IF END IF END IF END SELECT END IF NEXT pn% END SUB SUB PlayerKey 'Gets the key that was pressed and processes it. key$ = INKEY$ k% = KeyMark%(key$) SELECT CASE k% CASE 1 IF player(level.turn).glued = 0 THEN IF player(level.turn).jump THEN IF player(level.turn).dir = 1 THEN ErasePlayer level.turn player(level.turn).xi = player(level.turn).xi + 2 * (player(level.turn).x - player(level.turn).xi) player(level.turn).dir = -1 DrawPlayer level.turn END IF ELSE FOR y% = 0 TO playerstep% IF TPoint%(player(level.turn).x - 1, player(level.turn).y + 7 - y%, level.turn) = 241 THEN EXIT FOR NEXT y% IF y% <= playerstep% THEN IF config.snd THEN IF DMADone% AND config.sndb = 0 THEN WAVPlay "crawl.wav", 11000 END IF END IF ErasePlayer level.turn player(level.turn).x = player(level.turn).x - 1 player(level.turn).y = player(level.turn).y - y% player(level.turn).dir = -1 DrawPlayer level.turn END IF END IF END IF CASE 2 IF player(level.turn).glued = 0 THEN IF player(level.turn).jump THEN IF player(level.turn).dir = -1 THEN ErasePlayer level.turn player(level.turn).xi = player(level.turn).xi + 2 * (player(level.turn).x - player(level.turn).xi) player(level.turn).dir = 1 DrawPlayer level.turn END IF ELSE FOR y% = 0 TO playerstep% IF TPoint%(player(level.turn).x + 8, player(level.turn).y + 7 - y%, level.turn) = 241 THEN EXIT FOR NEXT y% IF y% <= playerstep% THEN IF config.snd THEN IF DMADone% AND config.sndb = 0 THEN WAVPlay "crawl.wav", 11000 END IF END IF ErasePlayer level.turn player(level.turn).x = player(level.turn).x + 1 player(level.turn).y = player(level.turn).y - y% player(level.turn).dir = 1 DrawPlayer level.turn END IF END IF END IF CASE 3 IF config.snd THEN IF DMADone% AND config.sndb = 0 THEN WAVPlay "aim.wav", 11000 END IF END IF ErasePlayer level.turn player(level.turn).a = player(level.turn).a - playeraim! IF player(level.turn).a < -pi# / 2 THEN player(level.turn).a = -pi# / 2 DrawPlayer level.turn CASE 4 IF config.snd THEN IF DMADone% AND config.sndb = 0 THEN WAVPlay "aim.wav", 11000 END IF END IF ErasePlayer level.turn player(level.turn).a = player(level.turn).a + playeraim! IF player(level.turn).a > pi# / 2 THEN player(level.turn).a = pi# / 2 DrawPlayer level.turn CASE 5 IF = 0 AND player(level.turn).jump = 0 THEN IF player(level.turn).bul = 1 THEN IF playpack(level.turn, 1).ammo >= playpack(level.turn, 1).set THEN playpack(level.turn, 1).ammo = playpack(level.turn, 1).ammo - playpack(level.turn, 1).set power% = 0 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "power.wav", 11000 END IF DO key$ = INKEY$ IF KeyMark%(key$) = 5 THEN EXIT DO LINE (220 + power%, 5)-(220 + power%, 6), 200 + power% / 3 power% = power% + 1 FOR z& = -32000 TO 32000 NEXT z& IF power% = 60 THEN EXIT DO LOOP LINE (220, 5)-(280, 6), 0, BF power% = maxpower% * (power% / 60) FOR i% = 1 TO playpack(level.turn, 1).set InitBullet 1, player(level.turn).x, player(level.turn).y, player(level.turn).a - ((1 / playpack(level.turn, 1).set - 1) * .05) + ((i% - 1) * .1), player(level.turn).dir, power%, playpack(level.turn, 1).set DrawSpr player(level.turn).x, player(level.turn).y, 1 NEXT i% IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "launch.wav", 11000 END IF = 1 ELSE IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "buzzer.wav", 11000 END IF END IF END IF IF player(level.turn).bul = 2 THEN IF playpack(level.turn, 2).ammo > 0 THEN playpack(level.turn, 2).ammo = playpack(level.turn, 2).ammo - 1 power% = 0 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "power.wav", 11000 END IF DO key$ = INKEY$ IF KeyMark%(key$) = 5 THEN EXIT DO LINE (220 + power%, 5)-(220 + power%, 6), 200 + power% / 3 power% = power% + 1 FOR z& = -32000 TO 32000 NEXT z& IF power% = 60 THEN EXIT DO LOOP LINE (220, 5)-(280, 6), 0, BF power% = maxpower% * (power% / 60) InitBullet 2, player(level.turn).x, player(level.turn).y, player(level.turn).a, player(level.turn).dir, power%, playpack(level.turn, 2).set * 2500 DrawSpr player(level.turn).x, player(level.turn).y, 2 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "launch.wav", 11000 END IF = 1 ELSE IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "buzzer.wav", 11000 END IF END IF END IF IF player(level.turn).bul = 3 THEN IF playpack(level.turn, 3).ammo > 0 THEN playpack(level.turn, 3).ammo = playpack(level.turn, 3).ammo - 1 InitBullet 3, player(level.turn).x, player(level.turn).y, 0, 0, 0, playpack(level.turn, 3).set DrawSpr player(level.turn).x, player(level.turn).y, 3 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "mine.wav", 11000 END IF = 1 ELSE IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "buzzer.wav", 11000 END IF END IF END IF IF player(level.turn).bul = 4 THEN IF playpack(level.turn, 4).ammo >= playpack(level.turn, 4).set THEN playpack(level.turn, 4).ammo = playpack(level.turn, 4).ammo - playpack(level.turn, 4).set power% = 0 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "power.wav", 11000 END IF DO key$ = INKEY$ IF KeyMark%(key$) = 5 THEN EXIT DO LINE (220 + power%, 5)-(220 + power%, 6), 200 + power% / 3 power% = power% + 1 FOR z& = -32000 TO 32000 NEXT z& IF power% = 60 THEN EXIT DO LOOP LINE (220, 5)-(280, 6), 0, BF power% = maxpower% * (power% / 60) FOR i% = 1 TO playpack(level.turn, 4).set InitBullet 4, player(level.turn).x, player(level.turn).y, player(level.turn).a - ((1 / playpack(level.turn, 4).set - 1) * .05) + ((i% - 1) * .1), player(level.turn).dir, power%, playpack(level.turn, 4).set DrawSpr player(level.turn).x, player(level.turn).y, 4 NEXT i% IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "launch.wav", 11000 END IF = 1 ELSE IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "buzzer.wav", 11000 END IF END IF END IF IF player(level.turn).bul = 5 THEN IF playpack(level.turn, 5).ammo > 0 THEN playpack(level.turn, 5).ammo = playpack(level.turn, 5).ammo - 1 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "flamer.wav", 11000 END IF FOR i% = 1 TO 20 FOR a# = -.5 * (4 - playpack(level.turn, 5).set) TO .5 * (4 - playpack(level.turn, 5).set) STEP .05 FOR r! = 0 TO 1 STEP .01 * (4 - playpack(level.turn, 5).set) rr! = r! * 15 * playpack(level.turn, 5).set * (1 - ABS(a# / (.5 * (4 - playpack(level.turn, 5).set)))) c% = (1 - r! / 1) * 16 + 202 + RND * 4 - 2 IF i% = 20 THEN c% = 241 fx% = player(level.turn).x - 1 + 4 * (player(level.turn).dir + 1) + COS(a#) * rr! * player(level.turn).dir fy% = player(level.turn).y + 4 + SIN(a#) * rr! TPset fx%, fy%, 241 IF c% = 241 THEN c% = BPoint%(fx%, fy%, 0) END IF PSET (fx%, fy%), c% NEXT r! NEXT a# NEXT i% FOR pn% = 1 TO maxplayers% IF player(pn%).health > 0 AND pn% <> level.turn THEN IF ABS(player(pn%).y - player(level.turn).y) <= 7 THEN IF player(level.turn).dir * (player(pn%).x - player(level.turn).x) > 0 AND player(level.turn).dir * (player(pn%).x - player(level.turn).x) <= playpack(level.turn, 5).set * 15 THEN ph% = 5000 * (1 / (player(level.turn).dir * (player(pn%).x - player(level.turn).x)) ^ 2) IF ph% > 50 THEN ph% = 50 Damage pn%, ph% END IF END IF END IF NEXT pn% = 1 level.nofly = 0 ELSE IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "buzzer.wav", 11000 END IF END IF END IF IF player(level.turn).bul = 7 THEN IF playpack(level.turn, 7).ammo > 0 THEN playpack(level.turn, 7).ammo = playpack(level.turn, 7).ammo - 1 power% = 0 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "power.wav", 11000 END IF DO key$ = INKEY$ IF KeyMark%(key$) = 5 THEN EXIT DO LINE (220 + power%, 5)-(220 + power%, 6), 200 + power% / 3 power% = power% + 1 FOR z& = -32000 TO 32000 NEXT z& IF power% = 60 THEN EXIT DO LOOP LINE (220, 5)-(280, 6), 0, BF power% = maxpower% * (power% / 60) InitBullet 7, player(level.turn).x, player(level.turn).y, player(level.turn).a, player(level.turn).dir, power%, playpack(level.turn, 7).set DrawSpr player(level.turn).x, player(level.turn).y, 7 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "launch.wav", 11000 END IF = 1 ELSE IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "buzzer.wav", 11000 END IF END IF END IF DrawBar END IF CASE 6 IF player(level.turn).glued = 0 THEN IF player(level.turn).jump > 0 THEN IF player(level.turn).bul = 6 THEN IF playpack(level.turn, 6).ammo > 0 THEN player(level.turn).jump = 2 playpack(level.turn, 6).ammo = playpack(level.turn, 6).ammo - 1 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "booster.wav", 11000 END IF DrawBar ELSE IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "buzzer.wav", 11000 END IF GOTO nojump END IF ELSE GOTO nojump END IF ELSE player(level.turn).jump = 1 IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "jump.wav", 11000 END IF END IF player(level.turn).xi = player(level.turn).x player(level.turn).yi = player(level.turn).y player(level.turn).aj = player(0).aj player(level.turn).pj = player(0).pj player(level.turn).tim = TIMER - .1 t# = (TIMER - player(level.turn).tim) * bulletspd% ErasePlayer level.turn player(level.turn).x = player(level.turn).xi + t# * COS(player(level.turn).aj) * player(level.turn).pj * player(level.turn).dir player(level.turn).y = player(level.turn).yi + t# * SIN(player(level.turn).aj) * player(level.turn).pj + 16 * t# ^ 2 DrawPlayer level.turn nojump: END IF CASE 7, 8, 9 playpack(level.turn, player(level.turn).bul).set = k% - 6 DrawBar IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "menua.wav", 11000 END IF CASE 10 level.quit = 1 CASE 11 = 1 CASE 12 TO 11 + maxweapons% player(level.turn).bul = k% - 11 DrawBar IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "menub.wav", 11000 END IF END SELECT END SUB SUB SetBlastPal 'Sets the fire palette. FOR c% = 200 TO 220 s% = (210 - c%) / 10 * pal(1).r IF s% < 0 THEN s% = 0 rr% = (c% - 200) * 124 / 20 + s% IF rr% < 0 THEN rr% = 0 IF rr% > 62 THEN rr% = 62 gamepal(c%).r = rr% s% = (210 - c%) / 10 * pal(1).g IF s% < 0 THEN s% = 0 gg% = (c% - 200) * 60 / 20 + s% IF gg% < 0 THEN gg% = 0 IF gg% > 62 THEN gg% = 62 gamepal(c%).g = gg% s% = (210 - c%) / 10 * pal(1).B IF s% < 0 THEN s% = 0 bb% = -40 + (c% - 200) * 80 / 20 + s% IF bb% < 0 THEN bb% = 0 IF bb% > 62 THEN bb% = 62 gamepal(c%).B = bb% NEXT c% END SUB SUB SpeakerState (state%) 'Sets the state of the speakers. (1 = on, 0 = off) IF state% THEN DSPWrite &HD1 ELSE DSPWrite &HD3 END IF END SUB SUB Title 'Displays the title screen. DIM s AS STRING * 1 OPEN "title.pal" FOR BINARY AS #1 FOR i% = 0 TO 255 GET #1, , s r% = ASC(s) GET #1, , s g% = ASC(s) GET #1, , s B% = ASC(s) gamepal(i%).r = r% gamepal(i%).g = g% gamepal(i%).B = B% NEXT i% CLOSE #1 PALETTE 0, 0 IF config.snd > 0 THEN WAVPlay "title1.wav", 11000 END IF DEF SEG = &HA000 BLOAD "title.img", 0 DEF SEG FOR i% = 0 TO 100 key$ = INKEY$ IF key$ = CHR$(13) THEN GOTO donetitle1 FadePal 0, 0, 0, i%, 0, 255 FOR z% = -32000 TO 32000 FOR zz% = 0 TO 3 NEXT zz% NEXT z% NEXT i% donetitle1: IF config.snd > 0 THEN WAVPlay "title2.wav", 11000 END IF FOR i% = 0 TO 100 key$ = INKEY$ IF key$ = CHR$(13) THEN GOTO donetitle2 c% = RND * 100 FadePal 40, 50, 60, c%, 0, 255 NEXT i% FadePal 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 255 Pause donetitle2: END SUB FUNCTION TPoint% (tx%, ty%, pn%) 'Returns the pixel on the turf map to see if a collision occured. '(241 represents a pixel of sky) 'tx% and ty% are the coordinates. 'pn% is the number of player who is being "looked behind" (1-4) or '0 if it is a bullet sprite and you want to be able to "see" all the players. 'You can also use -1 to not see any players. pp% = 241 IF tx% >= 0 AND tx% <= 319 AND ty% >= 0 AND ty% <= 199 THEN DEF SEG = VARSEG(turfbuf(0)) pp% = PEEK(tx% + 320& * ty% + 4) DEF SEG FOR i% = 1 TO maxplayers% IF player(i%).health > 0 AND pn% <> i% AND pn% <> -1 THEN IF tx% >= player(i%).x AND tx% <= player(i%).x + 7 AND ty% >= player(i%).y AND ty% <= player(i%).y + 7 THEN pp% = playerspr((player(i%).dir - 1) * -3.5 + player(i%).dir * (tx% - player(i%).x) + 8 * (ty% - player(i%).y)) IF pp% = -1 THEN pp% = team(player(i%).tnum).clr ELSEIF pp% = -10 THEN IF player(i%).dir = 1 THEN pp% = 25 - INT((tx% - player(i%).x) / 2) ELSE pp% = 25 - INT((7 - (tx% - player(i%).x)) / 2) END IF END IF IF pp% > 0 THEN IF player(i%).glued > 0 THEN pp% = 92 ELSE pp% = 241 END IF FOR ii% = 0 TO gunlen% x% = player(i%).x + 3 + (1 - player(i%).dir) / 2 + COS(player(i%).a) * ii% * player(i%).dir y% = player(i%).y + 4 + SIN(player(i%).a) * ii% IF tx% = x% AND ty% = y% THEN pp% = 25 NEXT ii% END IF END IF NEXT i% END IF TPoint% = pp% END FUNCTION SUB TPset (tx%, ty%, tp%) 'PSETs to the turf map. IF tx% >= 0 AND tx% <= 319 AND ty% >= 0 AND ty% <= 199 THEN DEF SEG = VARSEG(turfbuf(0)) POKE tx% + 320& * ty% + 4, tp% DEF SEG END IF END SUB FUNCTION TurfBump$ (tx%, ty%, pn%) 'Checks collision with turf map and bounces the sprite accordingly. 'tx% and ty% are the coordinates of the sprite. 'pn% is the number of player who is being "looked behind" (1-4) or '0 if it is a bullet sprite and you want to be able to "see" all the players. 'You can also use -1 to not see any players. bstr$ = "00000000" FOR cy% = ty% + 1 TO ty% + 3 IF TPoint%(tx%, cy%, pn%) <> 241 THEN MID$(bstr$, 8) = "1" END IF NEXT cy% FOR cy% = ty% + 4 TO ty% + 6 IF TPoint%(tx%, cy%, pn%) <> 241 THEN MID$(bstr$, 7) = "1" END IF NEXT cy% FOR cy% = ty% + 1 TO ty% + 3 IF TPoint%(tx% + 7, cy%, pn%) <> 241 THEN MID$(bstr$, 3) = "1" END IF NEXT cy% FOR cy% = ty% + 4 TO ty% + 6 IF TPoint%(tx% + 7, cy%, pn%) <> 241 THEN MID$(bstr$, 4) = "1" END IF NEXT cy% FOR cx% = tx% TO tx% + 3 IF TPoint%(cx%, ty%, pn%) <> 241 THEN MID$(bstr$, 1) = "1" END IF NEXT cx% FOR cx% = tx% + 4 TO tx% + 7 IF TPoint%(cx%, ty%, pn%) <> 241 THEN MID$(bstr$, 2) = "1" END IF NEXT cx% FOR cx% = tx% TO tx% + 3 IF TPoint%(cx%, ty% + 7, pn%) <> 241 THEN MID$(bstr$, 6) = "1" END IF NEXT cx% FOR cx% = tx% + 4 TO tx% + 7 IF TPoint%(cx%, ty% + 7, pn%) <> 241 THEN MID$(bstr$, 5) = "1" END IF NEXT cx% TurfBump$ = bstr$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION TurfHit% (tb%, tx%, ty%) 'Checks collision with turf map of a sprite. 'tb% is the sprite number. 'tx% and ty% are the coordinates of the sprite. hit% = 0 FOR cx% = tx% TO tx% + 7 FOR cy% = ty% TO ty% + 7 cp% = ammospr(tb%, cx% - tx% + 8 * (cy% - ty%)) IF cp% <> 0 THEN IF TPoint%(cx%, cy%, level.turn) <> 241 THEN hit% = 1 GOTO donehit END IF END IF NEXT cy% NEXT cx% donehit: TurfHit% = hit% END FUNCTION SUB WAVPlay (file$, freq&) 'Plays a WAV file. 'file$ = WAV file in "/sound/" subdirectory 'freq& = frequency to be played at (normal = 11000) DIM WavBuffer(1 TO 1) AS STRING * 32767 OPEN "sound\" + file$ FOR BINARY AS #1 DO GET #1, 44, WavBuffer(1) length& = LOF(1) - 44 IF length& > 32767 THEN length& = 32767 DMAPlay VARSEG(WavBuffer(1)), VARPTR(WavBuffer(1)), length&, freq& LOOP UNTIL EOF(1) CLOSE #1 END SUB SUB Win (pnum%) 'Displays winning screen. 'pnum% = team number that won. (Can be 0 if everyone died) IF pnum% = 0 THEN l$ = "Nobody wins!" IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "lose.wav", 11000 END IF c% = 23 ELSE l$ = RTRIM$(team(pnum%).nam) + " wins!" IF config.snd THEN WAVPlay "win.wav", 11000 END IF c% = team(pnum%).clr END IF LINE (30, 90)-(290, 110), c%, B Font l$, 160 - LEN(l$) * 4, 95, 1, 1, 3, 24 Pause FOR c% = 100 TO 0 STEP -1 FadePal 0, 0, 0, c%, 0, 255 NEXT c% END SUB