Vector Warriors>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Discriptions of Moves and Body Part Rankings +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ SFB2 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Some Notes: Blocking Holding down Block has no effect, you must press it as you are attacked Timing is critical. Blocking has less effect against Special Moves and little to no effect against Supers. Special Moves: Most Special Moves can be done in the air and/or while low (after you crouch). Normal Moves: +-----------------+ |Key(s) to press | |Move Discription | +-----------------+ 4 Move Left 6 Move Right 7 or 8 or 9 Various Jumps R Block 5 or 2 Crouch Note: Many Special Moves can be while low. Q (Punch) Jab W (Punch) Strong 5, W (Punch) Uppercut A (Kick) Short S (Kick) Roundhouse 5, S (Kick) Sweep S While In Air (Kick) Fly-Kick A, A, A (Kick) Three Hit Combo (If All Kicks Connect) +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Special Moves: These moves are determined by the Type of Hands/Feet your fighter has. "Manipulator" Means the move can manipulate the opponent. Into a stage trap for example. +----------------+ |Body Part Type | |Key(s) to Press | |Name | |Pros | |Cons | +----------------+ Hand Type 1 E, Q Fire Ball Charges quick and don't take too much to throw Not very powerful Hand Type 1 E, W Twin Mini Fire Balls Great at close range Hard to aim Feet Type 1 E, A Plant Kick Very powerful kick Drains the user quite a bit Feet Type 1 E, S Nee Bash Deals much pain Must be at correct range Note: Duration is determined by the victim's stun duration. -----------------+ Hand Type 2 E, Q Power Jab Powerful jab into the opponent's gut. Very close range Hand Type 2 E, W Hammer Punch Good KO move, floors opponent Very close range Feet Type 2 E, A Axe Kick Multiple hits No Cons Feet Type 2 E, S Lightning Kick Blast Multiple hits, Manipulator Drains the user a lot -----------------+ Hand Type 3 E, Q Neck Jab Great with Razor arms, massive damage Must be at correct range Hand Type 3 E, W Thrust Slam Manipulator No Cons Feet Type 3 E, A Stunning Gut Stab Good set-up move No Cons Feet Type 3 E, S 6-Slip Manipulator, Drains user very little Must be semi-close to be effective -----------------+ Hand Type 4 E, Q Ball Lightning More powerful then Fire, Low connect's can floor opponent Must charge, drains more then Fire Hand Type 4 E, W Rising Dragon Very powerful Close range, drains user a lot Feet Type 4 E, A Thrust Kick Fast Hard to connect Feet Type 4 E, S Skip Kick Great for getting in close range No Cons -----------------+ Hand Type 5 E, Q Triple Sheroken Fast, Don't drain user at all Hard to connect, little damage unless close range Hand Type 5 E, W Stun Knuckle Great set-up move No Cons Feet Type 5 E, A Slasher Strike Long range, User can connect two or more times before opponent falls Can drain user fast Feet Type 5 E, S Upper Assault Very powerful Close range, drains user a lot +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Super Moves: These moves are determined by the Type of Body your fighter has, and can be done only when your Rage Bar is at it's maximum. Press D to do the Super. +----------------+ |Body Part Type | |Name | |Discription | |Flags/Notes | +----------------+ -----------------+ Body Type 1 Vex of Evil - Curses opponent with a health draining spell which last until their Rage peaks. Also reduces their Rage to 75% of what it was. Temporary -----------------+ Body Type 2 Energy Blast - A much more powerful version of Ball Lightning. Instant, Projectile, Manipulator -----------------+ Body Type 3 Spear Kick - Stabs opponent through. Instant -----------------+ Body Type 4 Health Up - Increases the Health of the user. How much is determined by the users awareness level. Instant -----------------+ Body Type 5 Razer Arms - Gives your arms an extra edge making all punches more Health draining. Temporary -----------------+ Body Type 6 Neck Snapper - If in range, opponent's neck is snapped by the fighter's feet. Often fatal. Instant -----------------+ Body Type 7 Swizz Punches - Quickly drains opponent's Awareness with a barrage of fast punches. Instant -----------------+ Body Type 8 Upper Bust - Blast's the opponent "to da moon!" Instant +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Body Part Rankings: The H and A -Modifiers: Mainly they are multipliers to the Health and Awareness damage done when the body part is used to hit an opponent. These also modify other effects as well, such as how far an opponent is knocked etc. Altitude and Distance refer to Jumping. -----------------+ Head Type 1 Starting Awareness: 50% Awareness Recharge: 2 Rage Growth: 4 -----------------+ Head Type 2 Starting Awareness: 40% Awareness Recharge: 3 Rage Growth: 3 -----------------+ Head Type 3 Starting Awareness: 30% Awareness Recharge: 4 Rage Growth: 2 -----------------+ Head Type 4 Starting Awareness: 60% Awareness Recharge: 1 Rage Growth: 5 -----------------+ Head Type 5 Starting Awareness: 20% Awareness Recharge: 5 Rage Growth: 1 ------------------------------+ Arms Type 1 H-Modifier: 0 A-Modifier: 5 -----------------+ Arms Type 2 H-Modifier: 2 A-Modifier: 3 -----------------+ Arms Type 3 H-Modifier: 3 A-Modifier: 2 -----------------+ Arms Type 4 H-Modifier: 1 A-Modifier: 4 -----------------+ Arms Type 5 H-Modifier: 4 A-Modifier: 1 ------------------------------+ Legs Type 1 H-Modifier: 0 A-Modifier: 5 Altitude: 7 Distance: 16 -----------------+ Legs Type 2 H-Modifier: 2 A-Modifier: 3 Altitude: 10 Distance: 14 -----------------+ Legs Type 3 H-Modifier: 3 A-Modifier: 2 Altitude: 8 Distance: 12 -----------------+ Legs Type 4 H-Modifier: 3 A-Modifier: 1 Altitude: 14 Distance: 10 -----------------+ Legs Type 5 H-Modifier: 2 A-Modifier: 2 Altitude: 9 Distance: 25 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ -End of File