The [$SCREENHIDE]($SCREENHIDE) [Metacommand](Metacommand) can be used to hide the main program window throughout a program. ## Syntax > [$SCREENHIDE]($SCREENHIDE) * $SCREENHIDE may be used at the start of a program to hide the main program window when using a [$CONSOLE]($CONSOLE) window. * The [_SCREENHIDE](_SCREENHIDE) statement must be used before [_SCREENSHOW](_SCREENSHOW) can be used in sections of a program. * **QB64 [Metacommand](Metacommand)s cannot be commented out with [apostrophe](apostrophe) or [REM](REM)**. ## Example(s) Hiding a program when displaying a message box in Windows. ```vb $SCREENHIDE DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "user32" FUNCTION MessageBoxA& (BYVAL hWnd%&, BYVAL lpText%&, BYVAL lpCaption%&, BYVAL uType~&) END DECLARE DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "kernel32" SUB ExitProcess (BYVAL uExitCode~&) END DECLARE DIM s0 AS STRING DIM s1 AS STRING s0 = "Text" + CHR$(0) s1 = "Caption" + CHR$(0) ExitProcess MessageBoxA(0, _OFFSET(s0), _OFFSET(s1), 0) ``` ## See Also * [$CONSOLE]($CONSOLE), [$SCREENSHOW]($SCREENSHOW) * [_SCREENHIDE](_SCREENHIDE), [_SCREENSHOW](_SCREENSHOW) * [_CONSOLE](_CONSOLE)