The [$VERSIONINFO]($VERSIONINFO) [Metacommand](Metacommand) adds text metadata to the resulting executable for identification purposes across the OS. Windows-only. ## Syntax > [$VERSIONINFO]($VERSIONINFO):key=value ## Parameter(s) * Text *keys* can be: **Comments, CompanyName, FileDescription, FileVersion, InternalName, LegalCopyright, LegalTrademarks, OriginalFilename, ProductName, ProductVersion, Web** * Numeric keys can be:**FILEVERSION#** and **PRODUCTVERSION#** ## Description * Text and numerical values are string literals without quotes entered by programmer. **No variables are accepted.** (variable names would be interpreted as literals). * Numeric key=*value* must be 4 comma-separated numerical text values entered by programmer which usually stand for major, minor, revision and build numbers). * A manifest file is automatically embedded into the resulting .exe file so that Common Controls v6.0 gets linked at runtime, if required. * [Keywords currently not supported](Keywords-currently-not-supported-by-QB64). ## Availability * Build 20170429/52 and up. ## Example(s) Adding metadata to a Windows exe compiled with QB64: ```vb $VERSIONINFO:CompanyName=Your company name goes here $VERSIONINFO:FILEVERSION#=1,0,0,0 $VERSIONINFO:PRODUCTVERSION#=1,0,0,0 ``` ## See Also * [$EXEICON]($EXEICON) * [_ICON](_ICON) * [VERSIONINFO resource (MSDN)](