The [EXP](EXP) math function calculates the exponential function (**e** raised to the power of a numericExpression). ## Syntax > result = [EXP](EXP)(numericExpression) ## Description * **e** is defined as the base of natural logarithms or as the limit of (1 + 1 / n) ^ n, as n goes to infinity. * The numericExpression must be less than or equal to **88.02969** or an [ERROR Codes](ERROR-Codes) will occur. * Value returned is **e** to the exponent parameter (**e = 2.718282** approximately). * Values returned are [SINGLE](SINGLE) by default but will return [DOUBLE](DOUBLE) precision if the result is a variable of type [DOUBLE](DOUBLE). * Positive exponent values indicate the number of times to multiply **e** by itself. * Negative exponent values indicate the number of times to divide by **e**. Example: e-3 = 1 / e3 = 1 / (e * e * e) ## See Also *[LOG](LOG) *[Mathematical Operations](Mathematical-Operations)