The [FIELD](FIELD) statement creates a [STRING](STRING) type definition for a [RANDOM](RANDOM)-access file buffer. ## Syntax > [FIELD](FIELD) [#]fileNumber&, fieldWidth1% AS variable1$[, fieldWidthN% AS variableN$] ## Description * fileNumber% is a file number used in the [OPEN](OPEN) statement or a value from the [FREEFILE](FREEFILE) function. * Combined size of the fieldWidth% parameters **must not exceed the [LEN](LEN) = recordsize in the [RANDOM](RANDOM) [OPEN](OPEN) statement** or a [ERROR Codes](ERROR-Codes) will occur. * Variables are limited to [STRING](STRING) types. Use [TYPE](TYPE) instead of FIELD if you want to use numerical values. * Once a [FIELD](FIELD) is defined in a statement, [GET](GET) can read and [PUT](PUT) can write data without placeholders or variables. * [LSET](LSET), [RSET](RSET), [PRINT (file statement)](PRINT-(file-statement)), [PRINT USING (file statement)](PRINT-USING-(file-statement)), and [WRITE (file statement)](WRITE-(file-statement)) can be used to place characters in the file buffer before a [PUT](PUT). * All field definitions for a file are removed when the file is [CLOSE](CLOSE) or [RESET](RESET) and all strings are set to null (""). * **Do not re-assign a field defined variable value or use it in an [INPUT](INPUT) statement if you want the variable to remain a field**. ## Example(s) Comparing a [TYPE](TYPE) definition with a FIELD [STRING](STRING) definition. Demo using a [TYPE](TYPE) definition to create a file: ```vb TYPE ClientType CName AS STRING * 30 '30 bytes Address AS STRING * 30 '30 bytes City AS STRING * 15 '15 bytes State AS STRING * 2 ' 2 bytes Zip AS STRING * 5 ' 5 bytes END TYPE ' total size = 82 bytes DIM Client AS ClientType RecordLEN = LEN(Client) 'find the size of each TYPE record OPEN "ADDRESS.DAT" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN = RecordLEN RESTORE ClientData 'restore to start of DATA record = 0 DO READ CName$, Address$, City$, State$, Zip$ 'read DATA IF CName$ = "END" THEN EXIT DO record = record + 1 'increment record number Client.CName = CName$ Client.Address = Address$ Client.City = City$ Client.State = State$ Client.Zip = Zip$ PUT #1, record, Client 'PUT by record number LOOP CLOSE #1 END ClientData: DATA "Bob White","104 Birdland Rd.","Bellview","PA","15236" DATA "Ward Cleaver","123 W. Beaver St.","Beaver","PA","15255" DATA "Elmer Fudd","45 Wabbit St.","Bethel Park","PA","15022" DATA "Wyley Coyote","33 Roadrunner Ave.","Clairton","PA","15122" DATA "Jim Morrison","19 Doorway Dr.","Belleview","PA","15236" DATA "END",0,0,0,0 ``` Demo using the FIELD statement to read the file: ```vb CONST NM = 30, AD = 30, CT = 15, ST = 2, ZC = 5 ' Define field and record lengths with constants. CONST RLEN = NM + AD + CY + ST + ZC ' OPEN "ADDRESS.DAT" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN = RLEN FIELD #1, NM AS CName$, AD AS Address$, CY AS City$, ST AS State$, ZC AS Zip$ FIELD #1, RLEN AS Clist$ 'define entire record GET #1, 1 'GET does not need a variable to read FIELD records! 'Read file for zip codes from 15230 to 15239 . DO WHILE NOT EOF(1) ZipCheck$ = Zip$ 'read zip codes IF (ZipCheck$ >= "15230" AND ZipCheck$ <= "15239") THEN Info$ = Clist$ PRINT LEFT$(Info$, 30) 'read name string PRINT MID$(Info$, 31, 30) 'read address string PRINT RIGHT$(Info$, 17) 'read city, state and zip code PRINT END IF GET #1 'simply GET reads each FIELD record after first LOOP CLOSE #1 END ``` ## See Also * [OPEN](OPEN), [TYPE](TYPE) * [GET](GET), [PUT](PUT) * [LSET](LSET), [RSET](RSET)