The [_PRINTMODE (function)](_PRINTMODE-(function)) function returns the current [_PRINTMODE](_PRINTMODE) status as a numerical value from 1 to 3 in graphic screen modes. ## Syntax > currentPrintMode = [_PRINTMODE (function)](_PRINTMODE-(function))[(imageHandle&)] ## Parameter(s) * If no imageHandle& is given, the current [_DEST](_DEST) [SCREEN](SCREEN) page or image is assumed. ## Description * Returns a status value from 1 to 3 designating the current mode setting: * **1**: mode is _KEEPBACKGROUND * **2**: mode is _ONLYBACKGROUND * **3**: mode is _FILLBACKGROUND **(default)** * **The [_PRINTMODE](_PRINTMODE) statement and function can only be used in graphic screen modes, not SCREEN 0** ## See Also * [_PRINTMODE](_PRINTMODE) * [_LOADFONT](_LOADFONT) * [_NEWIMAGE](_NEWIMAGE) * [_PRINTSTRING](_PRINTSTRING)