**SINGLE** variables are 4 byte floating decimal point numerical values up to seven digits in length. ## Syntax > [DIM](DIM) *variable* AS SINGLE ## Description * Values can range up to 7 digits. Decimal point accuracy depends on whole value places taken. * Single is the **default variable type** assigned to undefined variables without a type suffix. * Variable suffix type designation is **!**. Suffix can also be placed after a literal numerical value by user or automatically by the IDE. * Values returned may be expressed using exponential or [scientific notation](scientific-notation) using **E** for SINGLE or **D** for DOUBLE precision. * Floating decimal point numerical values cannot be [_UNSIGNED](_UNSIGNED)! * Values can be converted to 4 byte [ASCII](ASCII) string values using [_MKS$](_MKS$) and back with [_CVS](_CVS). * **Warning: QBasic keyword names cannot be used as numerical variable names with or without the type suffix!** ## See Also * [DIM](DIM), [DEFSNG](DEFSNG) * [MKS$](MKS$), [CVS](CVS) * [DOUBLE](DOUBLE), [_FLOAT](_FLOAT) * [LEN](LEN) * [Variable Types](Variable-Types)