The [_ASIN](_ASIN) function returns the angle measured in radians based on an input [SIN](SIN)e value ranging from -1 to 1. ## Syntax > radian_angle! = [_ASIN](_ASIN)(sine_value!) ## Description * The sine_value! must be measured >= -1 and <= 1, or else it will generate a return value of **-1.#IND**, which is basically QB64's way of telling us that the number doesn't exist. * ARCSINE is the inverse function of [SIN](SIN)e, and turns a [SIN](SIN)e value back into an angle. * Note: Due to rounding with floating point math, the [_ASIN](_ASIN) may not always give a perfect match for the [SIN](SIN) angle which generated this. You can reduce the number of rounding errors by increasing the precision of your calculations by using [DOUBLE](DOUBLE) or [_FLOAT](_FLOAT) precision variables instead of [SINGLE](SINGLE). ## Availability * Version 1.000 and up. ## Example(s) Converting a radian angle to its SINe and using that value to find the angle in degrees again using _ASIN: ```vb DEFDBL A-Z INPUT "Give me an Angle (in Degrees) => "; Angle PRINT C = SIN(_D2R(Angle)) '_D2R is the command to convert Degrees to Radians, which is what SIN expects PRINT "The SINE of the Angle is: "; C A = _ASIN(C) PRINT "The ASIN of "; C; " is: "; A PRINT "Notice, A is the Angle in Radians. If we convert it to degrees, the value is "; _R2D(A) ``` ```text Give me an Angle (in Degrees) => ? 60 The SINE of the Angle is: .8660254037844386 The ACOS of .8660254037844386 is: 1.047197551196598 Notice, A is the Angle in Radians. If we convert it to degrees, we discover the value is 60 ``` ## See Also * [_D2G](_D2G) (degree to gradient, [_D2R](_D2R) (degree to radian) * [_G2D](_G2D) (gradient to degree), [_G2R](_G2R) (gradient to degree * [_R2D](_R2D) (radian to degree), [_R2G](_R2G) (radian to gradient * [COS](COS) (cosine), [SIN](SIN) (sine), [TAN](TAN) (tangent) * [_ACOS](_ACOS) (arc cosine), [ATN](ATN) (arc tangent) * [_ACOSH](_ACOSH) (arc hyperbolic cosine), [_ASINH](_ASINH) (arc hyperbolic sine), [_ATANH](_ATANH) (arc hyperbolic tangent) * [_ATAN2](_ATAN2) (Compute arc tangent with two parameters) * [_HYPOT](_HYPOT) (hypotenuse) *[Mathematical Operations](Mathematical-Operations)