The [_COPYPALETTE](_COPYPALETTE) statement copies the color palette intensities from one 4 or 8 BPP image to another image or a [_NEWIMAGE](_NEWIMAGE) screen page using 256 or less colors. ## Syntax > [_COPYPALETTE](_COPYPALETTE) [sourceImageHandle&[, destinationImageHandle&]] ## Description * Palette Intensity settings are **not** used by 24/32 bit images. Use only with 4 or 8 BPP images. * [_PIXELSIZE](_PIXELSIZE) function returns 1 to indicate that _COPYPALETTE can be used. 4 indicates 24/32 bit images. * If sourceImageHandle& is omitted, it is assumed to be the current read page. * If destinationImageHandle& is omitted, it is assumed to be the current write page. * If either of the images specified by sourceImageHandle& or destinationImageHandle& do not use a palette, an [ERROR Codes](ERROR-Codes) error is returned. * If either sourceImageHandle& or destinationImageHandle& is an invalid handle, an [ERROR Codes](ERROR-Codes) error is returned. * When loading 4 or 8 BPP image files, it is necessary to adopt the color palette of the image or it may not have the correct colors! ## Example(s) * See the example in [SAVEIMAGE](SAVEIMAGE). ## See Also * [_LOADIMAGE](_LOADIMAGE) * [_PIXELSIZE](_PIXELSIZE) * [_PALETTECOLOR](_PALETTECOLOR), [_PALETTECOLOR (function)](_PALETTECOLOR-(function)) * [PALETTE](PALETTE), [Images](Images)