The [_CV](_CV) function is used to convert [_MK$](_MK$), [ASCII](ASCII), [STRING](STRING) values to numerical values. ## Syntax > result = [_CV](_CV)(numericalType, MKstringValue$) ## Parameter(s) * numericalType is any number type: [INTEGER](INTEGER), [LONG](LONG), [SINGLE](SINGLE), [DOUBLE](DOUBLE), [_INTEGER64](_INTEGER64), [_FLOAT](_FLOAT), [_BYTE](_BYTE) or [_OFFSET](_OFFSET). * Integer, Long, Byte and Bit values can be signed or [_UNSIGNED](_UNSIGNED). * The MKstringvalue$ parameter must be a string value generated by [_MK$](_MK$) ## Description * The MKstringvalue$ value type must match the numerical type parameter used. * [_MK$](_MK$) [STRING](STRING) values consist of [ASCII](ASCII) characters in the same byte length as the number value type. ## Example(s) Using the _MK$ and _CV functions: ```vb DIM i64 AS _INTEGER64 DIM i64str AS STRING i64 = 2 ^ 61 i64str = _MK$(_INTEGER64, i64) PRINT "I64:"; i64 PRINT "_MK$: "; i64str i64 = _CV(_INTEGER64, i64str) PRINT "_CV:"; i64 ``` ```text I64: 2305843009213693952 _MK$: _CV: 2305843009213693952 ``` > The _MK$ string result may not print anything to the screen, as in the example above, unless [_CONTROLCHR](_CONTROLCHR) is set to OFF. ## See Also * [_MK$](_MK$) (QB64 string conversion function) * [MKI$](MKI$), [CVI](CVI), [INTEGER](INTEGER) * [MKL$](MKL$), [CVL](CVL), [LONG](LONG) * [MKS$](MKS$), [CVS](CVS), [SINGLE](SINGLE) * [MKD$](MKD$), [CVD](CVD), [DOUBLE](DOUBLE) * [MKSMBF$](MKSMBF$), [CVSMBF](CVSMBF) (Microsoft Binary Format) * [MKDMBF$](MKDMBF$), [CVDMBF](CVDMBF) (Microsoft Binary Format) * [PDS (7.1) Procedures](PDS-(7.1)-Procedures) * [_CONTROLCHR](_CONTROLCHR)