The **_DEVICEINPUT** function returns the device number when a controller device button, wheel or axis event occurs. ## Syntax > device% = [_DEVICEINPUT](_DEVICEINPUT) > device_active% = [_DEVICEINPUT](_DEVICEINPUT)(device_number%) ## Parameter(s) * Use the _DEVICEINPUT device% [INTEGER](INTEGER) returned to find the number of the controller device being used. * A literal specific device_number% parameter can be used to return -1 if active or 0 if inactive. EX: **WHILE _DEVICEINPUT(2)** ## Description * Use [_DEVICES](_DEVICES) to find the number of controller devices available BEFORE using this function. * [_DEVICE$](_DEVICE$) can be used to list the device names and control types using valid [_DEVICES](_DEVICES) numbers. * When a device button is pressed or a scroll wheel or axis is moved, the device number will be returned. * Devices are numbered as 1 for keyboard and 2 for mouse. Other controller devices will be numbered 3 or higher if installed. * [_LASTBUTTON](_LASTBUTTON), [_LASTAXIS](_LASTAXIS), or [_LASTWHEEL](_LASTWHEEL) will indicate the number of functions available with the specified *device* number. * User input events can be monitored reading valid numbered [_AXIS](_AXIS), [_BUTTON](_BUTTON), [_BUTTONCHANGE](_BUTTONCHANGE) or [_WHEEL](_WHEEL) functions. * *Note:* [ON...GOSUB](ON...GOSUB) keyboard, mouse, gamecontrol can be used to control the devices 1,2 and 3, etc. ## Example(s) Checking device controller interfaces and finding out what devices are being used. ```vb FOR i = 1 TO _DEVICES PRINT STR$(i) + ") " + _DEVICE$(i) PRINT "Button:"; _LASTBUTTON(i); ",Axis:"; _LASTAXIS(i); ",Wheel:"; _LASTWHEEL(i) NEXT PRINT DO x = _DEVICEINPUT IF x THEN PRINT "Device ="; x; LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(27) 'escape key exit END ``` ```text [KEYBOARD][BUTTON] Buttons: 512 Axis: 0 Wheels: 0 [MOUSE][BUTTON][AXIS][WHEEL] Buttons: 3 Axis: 2 Wheels: 3 [CONTROLLER][NAME][Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Pro (USB)](NAME][Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Pro (USB))[BUTTON][AXIS] Buttons: 9 Axis: 6 Wheels: 0 Device = 2 Device = 2 ``` > *Note:* Mouse events must be within the program screen area. Keyboard presses are registered only when program is in focus. Why does a mouse have 3 wheels? Relative x and y movements can be read using the first 2 [_WHEEL](_WHEEL) reads. ```vb ignore = _MOUSEMOVEMENTX 'dummy call to put mouse into relative movement mode PRINT "Move your mouse and/or your mouse wheel (ESC to exit)" d = _DEVICES ' always read number of devices to enable device input DO: _LIMIT 30 'main loop DO WHILE _DEVICEINPUT(2) 'loop only runs during a device 2 mouse event PRINT _WHEEL(1), _WHEEL(2), _WHEEL(3) LOOP LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(27) ``` > *Explanation:* Referencing the [_MOUSEMOVEMENTX](_MOUSEMOVEMENTX) function hides the mouse and sets the mouse to a relative movement mode which can be read by [_WHEEL](_WHEEL). [_DEVICEINPUT](_DEVICEINPUT)(2) returns -1 (true) only when the mouse is moved, scrolled or clicked. Using [ON...GOSUB](ON...GOSUB) with the [_DEVICEINPUT](_DEVICEINPUT) number to add keyboard, mouse and game controller event procedures. ```vb n = _DEVICES 'required when reading devices PRINT "Number of devices found ="; n FOR i = 1 TO n PRINT i; _DEVICE$(i) ' 1 = keyboard, 2 = mouse, 3 = other controller, etc. NEXT PRINT DO: device = _DEVICEINPUT ON device GOSUB keyboard, mouse, controller 'must be inside program loop LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(27) END keyboard: PRINT device; "Keyboard"; RETURN mouse: PRINT device; "Mouse "; RETURN controller: PRINT device; "Game control "; RETURN ``` > *Note:* [ON...GOSUB](ON...GOSUB) and [ON...GOTO](ON...GOTO) events require numerical values to match the order of line labels listed in the event used inside loops. ## See Also * [_DEVICES](_DEVICES), [_DEVICE$](_DEVICE$) * [_LASTBUTTON](_LASTBUTTON), [_LASTAXIS](_LASTAXIS), [_LASTWHEEL](_LASTWHEEL) * [_BUTTON](_BUTTON), [_AXIS](_AXIS), [_WHEEL](_WHEEL) * [STRIG](STRIG), [STICK](STICK) * [ON...GOSUB](ON...GOSUB) (numerical events) * [Controller Devices](Controller-Devices)