The [_ECHO](_ECHO) statement allows outputting text to a [$CONSOLE]($CONSOLE) window without having to alternate between [_DEST](_DEST) pages. ## Syntax > [_ECHO](_ECHO) {*"text to output"* | textVariable$} ## Description * [_ECHO](_ECHO) is a shorthand to saving current [_DEST](_DEST), switching to [_DEST](_DEST) [_CONSOLE](_CONSOLE), [PRINT](PRINT)ing, then switching back to the previous [_DEST](_DEST). * To output numbers, use the [STR$](STR$) function. ## Availability * Version 1.3 and up. ## Example(s) ```vb $CONSOLE PRINT "this will show in the main window" _ECHO "this will show in the console" ``` ## See Also * [_DEST](_DEST) * [$CONSOLE]($CONSOLE), [_CONSOLE](_CONSOLE) * [STR$](STR$)