#!/bin/bash #QB64 Installer -- Shell Script -- Matt Kilgore 2013 #Version 4 -- April 4, 2013 #Compiles: # GL : .978 # SDL: .954 #This checks the currently installed packages for the one's QB64 needs #And runs the package manager to install them if that is the case pkg_install() { #Search packages_to_install= for pkg in $pkg_list; do if [ -z "$(echo "$installed_packages" | grep $pkg)" ]; then packages_to_install="$packages_to_install $pkg" fi done if [ -n "$packages_to_install" ]; then echo "Installing required packages. If Prompted to, please enter your password" $installer_command $packages_to_install fi } #Set this to 1 to make it download everything DOWNLOAD= #Set this to 1 to compile SDL instead (Only works if DOWNLOAD=1) SDL= if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "1" ]; then #Various URL's for downloads QB64_URL="http://www.qb64.net/qb64v0978-lnx.tar.gz" QB64_SDL_URL="http://www.qb64.net/qb64v0954-lnx.tar.gz" QB64_ICON_URL="http://www.qb64.net/qb64icon32.png" #Name for download QB64 QB64_ZIP_NAME=qb64.tar.gz #Will be downloaded to current directory QB64_ICON_PATH="." GET_WGET="wget" else GET_WGET= #Path to Icon #Relative Path to icon -- Don't include beginning or trailing '/' QB64_ICON_PATH="internal/source" fi #Name of the Icon picture QB64_ICON_NAME="qb64icon32.png" DISTRO= if [ -f ./qb64 ] && [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "1" ]; then echo "Removing old QB64 files in preperation for installing new version..." rm ./qb64 rm -fr ./internal echo "Done. Installing QB64 now." fi lsb_command=`which lsb_release 2> /dev/null` if [ -z "$lsb_command" ]; then lsb_command=`which lsb_release 2> /dev/null` fi #Outputs from lsb_command: #Arch Linux = arch #Debian = debian #Fedora = Fedora #KUbuntu = ubuntu #LUbuntu = ubuntu #Linux Mint = linuxmint #Ubuntu = ubuntu #Slackware = slackware #XUbuntu = ubuntu #Zorin = Zorin if [ -n "$lsb_command" ]; then DISTRO=`$lsb_command -si | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` elif [ -e /etc/arch-release ]; then DISTRO=arch elif [ -e /etc/debian_version ] || [ -e /etc/debian_release ]; then DISTRO=debian elif [ -e /etc/fedora-release ]; then DISTRO=fedora elif [ -e /etc/redhat-release ]; then DISTRO=redhat elif [ -e /etc/centos-release ]; then DISTRO=centos fi #Find and install packages if [ "$DISTRO" == "arch" ]; then echo "ArchLinux detected." if [ "$SDL" == "1" ]; then pkg_list="gcc sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_net sdl_ttf $GET_WGET" else pkg_list="gcc $GET_WGET" fi installed_packages=`pacman -Q` installer_command="sudo pacman -S " pkg_install elif [ "$DISTRO" == "linuxmint" ] || [ "$DISTRO" == "ubuntu" ] || [ "$DISTRO" == "debian" ] || [ "$DISTRO" == "zorin" ]; then echo "Debian based distro detected." if [ "$SDL" == "1" ]; then pkg_list="g++ libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsdl-net1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libsdl1.2-dev $GET_WGET" else pkg_list="g++ mesa-common-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libasound2-dev $GET_WGET" fi installed_packages=`dpkg -l` installer_command="sudo apt-get -y install " pkg_install elif [ "$DISTRO" == "fedora" ] || [ "$DISTRO" == "redhat" ] || [ "$DISTRO" == "centos" ]; then echo "Fedora/Redhat based distro detected." if [ "$SDL" == "1" ]; then pkg_list="gcc-c++ SDL-devel SDL_image-devel SDL_mixer-devel SDL_net-devel SDL_ttf-devel $GET_WGET" else pkg_list="gcc-c++ mesa-libGLU-devel alsa-lib-devel $GET_WGET" fi installed_packages=`yum list installed` installer_command="sudo yum install " pkg_install elif [ -z "$DISTRO" ]; then echo "Unable to detect distro, skipping package installation" echo "Please be aware that for QB64 to compile, you will need the following installed:" echo " OpenGL developement libraries" echo " ALSA development libraries" echo " GNU C++ Compiler (g++)" fi if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "1" ]; then echo "Downloading QB64..." if [ "$SDL" == "1" ]; then wget $QB64_SDL_URL -O $QB64_ZIP_NAME else wget $QB64_URL -O $QB64_ZIP_NAME fi if [ ! -f $QB64_ICON_NAME ]; then echo "Grabbing QB64 Icon..." wget $QB64_ICON_URL fi echo "Uncompressing to directory..." #strip-components=1 removes the leading ./qb64 directory from the archive tar --strip-components=1 -zxvf $QB64_ZIP_NAME >/dev/null fi echo "Compiling and installing QB64..." if [ "$SDL" == "1" ]; then ### SDL Installation process cp ./internal/source/* ./internal/temp/ cd ./internal/c g++ -c -w -Wall libqbx.cpp -o libqbx_lnx.o `sdl-config --cflags` g++ -w libqbx_lnx.o qbx.cpp `sdl-config --cflags --libs` -lSDL_mixer -lSDL_ttf -lSDL_net -lSDL_image -lX11 -o ../../qb64 cd ../.. else ### GL installation process find . -name "*.sh" -exec chmod +x {} \; find . -type f -iname "*.a" -exec rm -f {} \; find . -type f -iname "*.o" -exec rm -f {} \; rm ./internal/temp/* echo "Building library 'LibQB'" cd internal/c/libqb/os/lnx rm -f libqb_setup.o ./setup_build.sh cd ../../../../.. echo "Building library 'FreeType'" cd internal/c/parts/video/font/ttf/os/lnx rm -f src.o ./setup_build.sh cd ../../../../../../../.. echo "Building library 'Core:FreeGLUT'" cd internal/c/parts/core/os/lnx rm -f src.a ./setup_build.sh cd ../../../../../.. echo "Building 'QB64'" cp -r ./internal/source/* ./internal/temp/ cd internal/c g++ -w qbx.cpp libqb/os/lnx/libqb_setup.o parts/video/font/ttf/os/lnx/src.o parts/core/os/lnx/src.a -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lpthread -ldl -lrt -D FREEGLUT_STATIC -o ../../qb64 cd ../.. fi if [ -e "./qb64" ]; then echo "Done compiling!!" echo "Creating ./run_qb64.sh script..." _pwd=`pwd` echo "#!/bin/sh" > ./run_qb64.sh echo "cd $_pwd" >> ./run_qb64.sh echo "./qb64 &" >> ./run_qb64.sh chmod +x ./run_qb64.sh #chmod -R 777 ./ echo "Adding QB64 menu entry..." cat > ~/.local/share/applications/qb64.desktop <