mtri3_usegrad3:; if(final == 1){ if(no_edge_overlap) y2 = y2 - 1; } //not on screen? if(y1 >= dheight){ return; } if(y2 < 0){ if(final) return; //jump to y2's position //note; original point locations are referenced because they are unmodified & represent the true distance of the run y = y2 - y1; p1 = g1->p1; p2 = g1->p2; d = g1->y2 - g1->y1; if(d){ i64 = p2->tx - p1->tx; g1->tx += i64 * y / d; i64 = p2->ty - p1->ty; g1->ty += i64 * y / d; i64 = p2->x - p1->x; g1->x += i64 * y / d; p1 = g2->p1; p2 = g2->p2; } d = g2->y2 - g2->y1; if(d){ i64 = p2->tx - p1->tx; g2->tx += i64 * y / d; i64 = p2->ty - p1->ty; g2->ty += i64 * y / d; i64 = p2->x - p1->x; g2->x += i64 * y / d; } goto mtri3_final; } //clip top if(y1 < 0){ //note; original point locations are referenced because they are unmodified & represent the true distance of the run y = -y1; p1 = g1->p1; p2 = g1->p2; d = g1->y2 - g1->y1; if(d){ i64 = p2->tx - p1->tx; g1->tx += i64 * y / d; i64 = p2->ty - p1->ty; g1->ty += i64 * y / d; i64 = p2->x - p1->x; g1->x += i64 * y / d; p1 = g2->p1; p2 = g2->p2; } d = g2->y2 - g2->y1; if(d){ i64 = p2->tx - p1->tx; g2->tx += i64 * y / d; i64 = p2->ty - p1->ty; g2->ty += i64 * y / d; i64 = p2->x - p1->x; g2->x += i64 * y / d; } y1 = 0; } if(y2 >= dheight){ //clip bottom y2 = dheight - 1; } //move indexed variable values into direct variables for faster referencing within 2nd bottleneck g1x = g1->x; g2x = g2->x; g1tx = g1->tx; g2tx = g2->tx; g1ty = g1->ty; g2ty = g2->ty; g1xi = g1->xi; g2xi = g2->xi; g1txi = g1->txi; g2txi = g2->txi; g1tyi = g1->tyi; g2tyi = g2->tyi; //2nd bottleneck for(y=y1;y<=y2;y++){ if(g1x < 0) x1 = (g1x - 65535) / 65536;else x1 = g1x / 65536; //int-style rounding of fixed-point value if(g2x < 0) x2 = (g2x - 65535) / 65536;else x2 = g2x / 65536; if(x1 >= dwidth | x2 < 0) goto mtri3_donerow; //crop if(entirely offscreen tx = g1tx; ty = g1ty; //calculate gradients if they might be required if(x1 != x2){ d = g2x - g1x; i64 = g2tx - g1tx; txi = (i64 << 16) / d; i64 = g2ty - g1ty; tyi = (i64 << 16) / d; }else{ txi = 0; tyi = 0; } //calculate pixel offsets from ideals loff = ((g1x & 65535) - 32768); //note; works for positive & negative values roff = ((g2x & 65535) - 32768); if(roff < 0){ //not enough of rhs pixel exists to use if(x2 < dwidth & no_edge_overlap == 0){ //onscreen check //draw rhs pixel as is //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< *(dst_offset+(y*dwidth+x2))=src_offset[(g2ty>>16)*swidth+(g2tx>>16)]; //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< } //move left one position x2--; if(x1 > x2 | x2 < 0) goto mtri3_donerow; //no more to do }else{ if(no_edge_overlap){ x2 = x2 - 1; if(x1 > x2 | x2 < 0) goto mtri3_donerow; //no more to do } } if(loff > 0){ //draw lhs pixel as is if(x1 >= 0){ //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< *(dst_offset+(y*dwidth+x1))=src_offset[(ty>>16)*swidth+(tx>>16)]; //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< } //skip to next x location, effectively reducing steps by 1 x1++; if(x1 > x2) goto mtri3_donerow; loff = -(65536 - loff); //adjust alignment to jump to next ideal offset } //align to loff i64 = -loff; tx += (i64 * txi) / 65536; ty += (i64 * tyi) / 65536; if(x1 < 0){ //clip left d = g2x - g1x; i64 = g2tx - g1tx; tx += ((i64 << 16) * -x1) / d; i64 = g2ty - g1ty; ty += ((i64 << 16) * -x1) / d; if(x1 < 0) x1 = 0; } if(x2 >= dwidth){ x2 = dwidth - 1; //clip right } //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< pixel_offset=dst_offset+(y*dwidth+x1); //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< //bottleneck for(x=x1;x<=x2;x++){ //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< *(pixel_offset++)=src_offset[(ty>>16)*swidth+(tx>>16)]; //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< tx += txi; ty += tyi; } mtri3_donerow:; if(y != y2){ g1x += g1xi; g1tx += g1txi; g1ty += g1tyi; g2x += g2xi; g2tx += g2txi; g2ty += g2tyi; } } if(final == 0){ //update indexed variable values with direct variable values which have changed & may be required g1->x = g1x; g2->x = g2x; g1->tx = g1tx; g2->tx = g2tx; g1->ty = g1ty; g2->ty = g2ty; mtri3_final:; if(y2 < dheight - 1){ //no point continuing if(offscreen! if(g1->y2 < g2->y2) g1 = g3;else g2 = g3; //avoid doing the same row twice y1 = g3->y1 + 1; y2 = g3->y2; g1->x += g1->xi; g1->tx += g1->txi; g1->ty += g1->tyi; g2->x += g2->xi; g2->tx += g2->txi; g2->ty += g2->tyi; final = 1; goto mtri3_usegrad3; } } return;