The '''apostrophe''' allows explanatory comments, or remarks, to be inserted in a program. These may be included anywhere in the source code and extend to the end of the line. Comments are ignored when the program is run. {{PageSyntax}} :: [[apostrophe|']] this is a comment :: [[REM]] this is also a comment {{PageDescription}} * [[REM]] can also be used to insert comments but may only be used as the last, or only, statement on a line. * QBasic [[metacommand]]s like [[$INCLUDE]] must be included in a comment using either [[REM]] or [[apostrophe|']]. * [[Apostrophe]] comments, unavailable in earlier dialects of the BASIC language, are now generally favored over [[REM]] statements for their greater flexibility. * Comments are also useful for disabling code for program testing and debugging purposes. {{PageExamples}} {{CodeStart}} COLOR 11: PRINT "Print this...." ' PRINT "Don't print this program comment!" {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} {{text|Print this....|aqua}} {{OutputEnd}} {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[REM]] * [[$DYNAMIC]], [[$STATIC]], [[$INCLUDE]] {{PageNavigation}}