[[CLOSE]] closes an open file or port using the number(s) assigned in an [[OPEN]] statement. {{PageSyntax}} : [[CLOSE]] [{{Parameter|fileNumber}}[, ...]] {{PageParameters}} * {{Parameter|fileNumber}} indicates the file or list of file numbers to close. When not specified, all open files are closed. {{PageDescription}} * A file must be closed when changing to another file mode. * [[CLOSE]] files when they are no longer needed, in order to save memory. * Files cannot be opened in the same [[OPEN]] mode using another number until the first one is closed. * Use holding variables for each file number returned by [[FREEFILE]] so that the file reference is known. * Will not return an error if a filenumber is already closed or was never opened. It does not verify that a file was closed. * [[CLEAR]] can be used to close all open files. * [[CLOSE]] can also be used to close an open TCP/IP connection using a handle returned by '''QB64'''. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[OPEN]], [[OPEN COM]] * [[_OPENCLIENT]], [[_OPENHOST]] * [[_OPENCONNECTION]] * [[_SNDCLOSE]] {{PageNavigation}}