#REDIRECT [[OPEN#File_Access_Modes]] [[FOR (file statement)|FOR]] is used in a [[OPEN]] statement to indicate the file mode with which to open a file. {{PageSyntax}} : [[OPEN]] ... [[FOR (file statement)|FOR]] {APPEND|BINARY|INPUT|OUTPUT|RANDOM} {{PageDescription}} * If [[FOR (file statement)|FOR]] isn't used in an [[OPEN]] statement, the default file mode {{KW|RANDOM}} is used. ** {{KW|APPEND}} - Keeps the information of the file intact while you can insert information at the end of it, writing permission only. ** {{KW|BINARY}} - Opens the file in binary mode, use this with binary files. ** {{KW|INPUT (file mode)|INPUT}} - Opens the file for viewing only. ** {{KW|OUTPUT}} - The entire contents of the file is erased while you can put new information inside it, writing permission only. ** {{KW|RANDOM}} - The default, you can get/put records defined by a record length (the variables type or LEN=length). {{PageExamples}} '''Warning:''' Make sure you don't have a file named test.tst before you run this or it will be overwritten. {{CodeStart}} {{Cl|CLS}} {{Cl|OPEN}} "test.tst" {{Cl|FOR (file statement)|FOR}} {{Cl|OUTPUT}} {{Cl|AS}} #1 {{Cl|PRINT (file statement)|PRINT}} #1, "If test.tst didn't exist:" {{Cl|PRINT (file statement)|PRINT}} #1, "A new file was created named test.tst and then deleted." {{Cl|PRINT (file statement)|PRINT}} #1, "If test.tst did exist:" {{Cl|PRINT (file statement)|PRINT}} #1, "It was overwritten with this and deleted." {{Cl|CLOSE}} #1 {{Cl|OPEN}} "test.tst" {{Cl|FOR (file statement)|FOR}} {{Cl|INPUT (file mode)|INPUT}} {{Cl|AS}} #1 {{Cl|DO}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} {{Cl|EOF}}(1) {{Cl|INPUT (file statement)|INPUT}} #1, a$ {{Cl|PRINT}} a$ {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|CLOSE}} #1 {{Cl|KILL}} "test.tst" {{Cl|END}} {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} If test.tst didn't exist: A new file was created named test.tst and then deleted. If test.tst did exist: It was overwritten with this and deleted. {{OutputEnd}} {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[OPEN]] {{PageNavigation}}