The {{KW|WAIT}} statement waits until the value read from an I/O port has certain bits set. {{PageSyntax}} :{{KW|WAIT}} {{Parameter|port%}}, {{Parameter|andMask%}}[, {{Parameter|xorMask%}}] {{PageDescription}} * The {{KW|WAIT}} statement reads a value from {{Parameter|port%}} using {{KW|INP}}. * If {{Parameter|xorMask%}} is specified, the value is {{KW|XOR}}'d with {{Parameter|xorMask%}}. It has the effect of "toggle these bits". * The value is then {{KW|AND}}'d with {{Parameter|andMask%}}. It has the effect of "check if these bits are set". * If the final value is non-zero, {{KW|WAIT}} returns. Otherwise, another value is read from {{Parameter|port%}} and checked again. * The {{KW|WAIT}} statement returns immediately if {{Parameter|port%}} is not supported. {{PageExamples}} :Waiting for vertical retrace {{CodeStart}}' Either statement can be used to try to reduce screen flickering. ' If both statements are used, try changing the order. WAIT &H3DA, 8 ' finishes whenever the screen isn't being written to WAIT &H3DA, 8, 8 ' finishes whenever the screen is being written to {{CodeEnd}} {{PageSeeAlso}} * {{KW|INP}}, {{KW|OUT}} * [[Scancodes]] {{PageNavigation}}