{{DISPLAYTITLE:_DISPLAYORDER}} The [[_DISPLAYORDER]] statement defines the order to render software, hardware and custom-OpenGL-code. {{PageSyntax}} : [[_DISPLAYORDER]] [{_SOFTWARE|_HARDWARE|_HARDWARE1|_GLRENDER}][, ...][, ...][, ...][, ...] {{PageParameters}} * _SOFTWARE refers to software created surfaces or [[SCREEN]]s. * _HARDWARE and _HARDWARE1 refer to surfaces created by OpenGL hardware acceleration. * _GLRENDER refers to OpenGL code rendering order {{PageDescription}} * The default on program start is: _DISPLAYORDER _SOFTWARE, _HARDWARE, _GLRENDER, _HARDWARE1 * Any content or combination order is allowed, except listing the same content twice consecutively. * Simply using [[_DISPLAYORDER]] _HARDWARE will render hardware surfaces only. * Use an [[underscore]] to continue a code line on a new text row in the IDE. * After _DISPLAYORDER has been used, it must be used to make any changes, even to default. {{PageErrors}} * If a rendering content is not listed it will not be rendered except when using the startup default. * Rendering the same content twice consecutively in a combination is not allowed. ==Availability== * '''Version 1.000 and up.''' {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[_DISPLAY]] * [[_PUTIMAGE]] * [[_LOADIMAGE]] * [[_COPYIMAGE]] * [[Hardware images]] {{PageNavigation}}