The ''CLEAR''' statement clears all variable and array element values in a program. It does not affect constant values! ''Syntax:'' CLEAR [, ''stacksize&'' , ''stackspace&''] {{PageDescription}} * Optional ''stacksize'' parameter was not required as Qbasic managed that. '''All three parameters are ignored by QB64!''' * The ''stackspace'' parameter sets the stack space to be added to the stack. Two commas kept Qbasic compatible with BASICA. * Normally used to clear all program variable and [[Arrays|array]] values where numerical values become zero and string values become null. * It does not clear [[CONST|constant]] values. * Closes all opened files also. * [[$DYNAMIC]] arrays will need to be [[REDIM|re-dimensioned]] or an [[ERROR Codes|error]] will occur when referenced because the array is removed. ''Example:'' Using CLEAR to clear array elements. {{CodeStart}} '' '' {{Cl|CLS}} {{Cl|DIM}} array(10) 'create a {{Cl|$STATIC}} array array(5) = 23 {{Cl|PRINT}} array(5) {{Cl|CLEAR}} {{Cl|PRINT}} array(5) '' '' {{CodeEnd}} :''Note:'' If you change DIM to REDIM a "Subscript out of range" error will occur because a [[$DYNAMIC]] array is removed by CLEAR. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[ERASE]] * [[REDIM]] * [[Arrays]] {{PageNavigation}}