The '''_CONTROLCHR''' metacommand can be used to turn OFF control character attributes and allow them to be printed. {{PageSyntax}} ::: '''_CONTROLCHR''' {'''OFF'''|ON} {{Parameters}} * Keyword must be used with '''OFF''' or '''ON'''(default) if previously turned OFF. ''Usage:'' * The [[OFF]] statement allows control characters 0 to 31 to be printed or used as normal text characters. * The default [[ON]] statement allows control characters to be used as control commands. Some characters will not print. * If the command is never used in a QB64 program, control characters may format text or not print. * '''Note:''' File prints may be affected also when using Carriage Return or Line Feed/Form Feed formatting! ''Example:'' Printing the 255 [[ASCII]] characters in [[SCREEN]] 0 with 32 colors. {{CodeStart}} '' '' {{Cl|DIM}} i {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|_UNSIGNED}} {{Cl|_BYTE}} {{Cl|WIDTH}} 40, 25 {{Cl|CLS}} {{Cl|_CONTROLCHR}} OFF i = 0 DO {{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|CHR$}}(i); i = i + 1 {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} (i {{Cl|AND (boolean)|AND}} {{Cl|&H}}F) = 0 {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|WHILE}} i {{Cl|LOCATE}} 1, 20 DO {{Cl|COLOR}} i {{Cl|AND (boolean)|AND}} {{Cl|&H}}F {{Cl|OR (boolean)|OR}} (i {{Cl|AND (boolean)|AND}} {{Cl|&H}}80) \ {{Cl|&H}}8, (i {{Cl|AND (boolean)|AND}} {{Cl|&H}}70) \ {{Cl|&H}}10 {{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|CHR$}}(i); i = i + 1 {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} (i {{Cl|AND (boolean)|AND}} {{Cl|&H}}F) = 0 {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|LOCATE}} 1 + i \ {{Cl|&H}}10, 20 {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|WHILE}} i {{Cl|END}} '' '' {{CodeEnd}} ''See also:'' * [[CHR$]], [[ASC]] * [[INKEY$]], [[_KEYHIT]] * [[ASCII]] {{text|(codes)}} {{PageNavigation}}