The [DATE$](DATE$) function returns the current computer date as a string in the format "mm-dd-yyyy". ## Syntax > today$ = [DATE$](DATE$) ## Description * Returns the current computer date in the format "mm-dd-yyyy" (e.g., "12-25-2009"). ## Example(s) Displaying the weekday and current date. ```vb PRINT DATE$ month$ = LEFT$(DATE$, 2): M = VAL(month$) day$ = MID$(DATE$, 4, 2): D = VAL(day$) day$ = STR$(D) ' eliminate any leading zeros year$ = RIGHT$(DATE$, 4): Y = VAL(year$) SELECT CASE M CASE 1: Moon$ = "January" CASE 2: Moon$ = "February" CASE 3: Moon$ = "March" CASE 4: Moon$ = "April" CASE 5: Moon$ = "May" CASE 6: Moon$ = "June" CASE 7: Moon$ = "July" CASE 8: Moon$ = "August" CASE 9: Moon$ = "September" CASE 10: Moon$ = "October" CASE 11: Moon$ = "November" CASE 12: Moon$ = "December" END SELECT PRINT "Today is " + WeekDay$(M, D, Y) + ", " + Moon$ + day$ + ", " + year$ + SPACE$(10) DEFINT A-Z FUNCTION WeekDay$ (M, D, Y) IF M < 3 THEN M = M + 12: Y = Y - 1 'add 12 to Jan - Feb month, -1 year C = Y \ 100: Y = Y MOD 100 'split century and year number S1 = (C \ 4) - (2 * C) - 1 'century leap S2 = (5 * Y) \ 4 '4 year leap S3 = 26 * (M + 1) \ 10 'days in months WkDay = (S1 + S2 + S3 + D) MOD 7 'weekday total remainder IF WkDay < 0 THEN WkDay = WkDay + 7 'Adjust negative results to 0 to 6 SELECT CASE WkDay CASE 0: day$ = "Sunday" CASE 1: day$ = "Monday" CASE 2: day$ = "Tuesday" CASE 3: day$ = "Wednesday" CASE 4: day$ = "Thursday" CASE 5: day$ = "Friday" CASE 6: day$ = "Saturday" END SELECT WeekDay$ = day$ END FUNCTION ``` ```text 06-02-2010 Today is Wednesday, June 2, 2010 ``` ## See Also * [TIME$](TIME$) * [VAL](VAL), [STR$](STR$), [MID$](MID$), [LEFT$](LEFT$), [IF...THEN](IF...THEN)