[INTEGER](INTEGER) is a 2-byte number type definition that can hold whole numerical values. ## Syntax > [DIM](DIM) *variable* AS [INTEGER](INTEGER) * Integers do not use decimal point values but will round those off to the nearest even whole number. * QBasic integer values can range from -32768 to 32767 without an "overflow" error. * For larger integer values use the [LONG](LONG) integer type. * **QB64** [INTEGER](INTEGER) values greater than 32767 become negative signed values instead of throwing an "overflow" error, as the top bit designates a negative value. See example 1 below. * **QB64** [_UNSIGNED](_UNSIGNED) integers can range from 0 to 65535. * **QB64** _UNSIGNED [_INTEGER64](_INTEGER64) values range from 0 to 18446744073709551615 * Many graphic programs require [INTEGER](INTEGER) arrays. * Variable type suffix is % or ~% for [_UNSIGNED](_UNSIGNED). Suffix can also be placed after a literal or hexadecimal numerical value. * [LONG](LONG) integers use the **&** suffix and [_INTEGER64](_INTEGER64) use the **&&** suffix. * Values can be converted to 2 byte [ASCII](ASCII) string values using [MKI$](MKI$) and back with [CVI](CVI). * **When a variable has not been defined or has no type suffix, the value defaults to [SINGLE](SINGLE).** * **Warning: QBasic keyword names cannot be used as numerical variable names with or without the type suffix.** ## Example(s) QBasic signed integers were limited from -32768 to 32767, but could not exceed 32767 or it would error: ```vb DO: _LIMIT 2000 i% = i% + 1 PRINT i% LOOP UNTIL i% = 0 ``` > *Explanation:* In **QB64** the count will go to 32767, then count up from -32768 to 0 before repeating the process without error. When a signed **QB64** INTEGER value exceeds 32767, the value may become a negative value: ```vb i% = 38000 PRINT i% ``` ```text -27536 ``` > *Explanation:* Use an [_UNSIGNED](_UNSIGNED) INTEGER or a ~% variable type suffix for only positive integer values up to 65535. In **QB64** [_UNSIGNED](_UNSIGNED) INTEGER values greater than 65535 cycle over again from zero: ```vb i~% = 70000 PRINT i~% ``` ```text 4464 ``` > *Explanation:* In QB64 an unsigned integer value of 65536 would be 0 with values increasing by the value minus 65536. ## See Also * [DIM](DIM), [DEFINT](DEFINT) * [LONG](LONG), [_INTEGER64](_INTEGER64) * [LEN](LEN), [MKI$](MKI$), [CVI](CVI) * [_DEFINE](_DEFINE), [_UNSIGNED](_UNSIGNED) * [Variable Types](Variable-Types) * [&B](&B) (binary), [&O](&O) (octal), [&H](&H) (hexadecimal) * [\](\), [MOD](MOD) (Integer remainder division)